FOTW May 12, 2018

Showing 13 comments
  • flutemaker

    Many flies (Diptera- two wings) mimic bees. All bees have 4 wings. Hymenoptera. Thorax and abdomen connected by a constricted “waist”.

  • Laura2fly

    Reindeer circles
    A possible Technique used by farmers may be related to circular movements??
    (Pg 16)

  • Laura2fly

    (Pg 16 bottom left of page)

  • Caroline5765

    Thank you for the uploads each week gentlemen. The topics you discuss are always diverse and of interest in consideration.

  • KittyMac

    I had to turn off my fan and my air filter fan and raise the volume to max, yet still had to strain to hear today’s FOTW. After all these years, why are there still audio problems?! :(

  • Kane1331

    We beat gravity in 54 Siemens has invested large amounts of money off world. Its best to keep an open mind. They are admitting they have lost trillions. That doesn’t even scratch the surface for the illegal drug money. Admitted child rings pay offs for mercenary work plus all other illegal ways of getting money. Look to colonel Albright testimony after Vietnam and the tons of cocaine caught in cia control at Mena airport. We are talking way more than 21 trillion that’s nothing.

  • Kane1331

    To to mars moon space tv there are tons of photos taken by the rover that show people moving and being on the surface of m ars . Not just a few a large amount of evidence has already been given to us there for all the world to see.

  • Linefeed

    I love hearing those chirping birds in the background :)

  • sean leech

    Thank you S0 , once again a great discussion. Ben handled the last dark topic very well and deserves praise for showing that he too is well aware of what is going on in this world. KittyMac , I found the sound level normal even though I have poor hearing which I blame on over 40 years working in a noisy environment .

  • John Mallary

    My God!
    So an old, ridiculously rich person, transfused with the blood of a very young person, such as an infant, could then be surgically connected to a very young person’s, an infant’s (Or several at once.), circulatory system, in such a way as to parasitically usurp the child’s share of (I presume) transient placental stem cells in their blood?

    The ones that we need to heal ourselves by using them and the compounds they excrete, over the course of our lives? Leaving a short lived and miserable little shell of a baby, to die… That’s pretty sickening.

    My God. It’s like a really disturbing vampire movie. It’s hard to believe there are people willing to stand for that sort of thing for mere money.
    You’d have to be a sociopath with a PhD.
    I doubt that even Mark Dexter would stoop that low.

    On a lighter note.
    As for the area 51 type stuff… Yeah, there’s probably some mindblowing shit goin on these days. But if we are learning advanced tech and science from a crashed space ship? I’d say the GCR shower cap is a reality…

    As for Ben’s red spots… If they’re on the leaves, it’s probably a fungal disease called cherry leaf spot. It is probably nectar glands tho. Get a loupe and take a look. I’m sure there’s macro images of both online.


  • stormsend

    You said you believed it’s possible that we have developed some kind of propulsion that circumvents gravity. We still have the radiation problem that keeps us in low earth orbit. But what if the propulsion system itself produces a strong magnetic field in use. Sort of like flying in a bubble of protection. Just a thought.

  • David Droescher

    Over Yonder Hill “stems” the Fountain of Youth.

  • Dipole17

    Did the helicopter really fly in the vacuum chamber? It had a tether on it and I didn’t see any pressure gauge verifying the vacuum it was in. Of course, Nasa tells the truth. Not. Many videos on Youtube showing a propeller will not lift object without atmosphere. Rockets won’t even propel in vacuum…LMAO! FACT!

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