FOTW January 11, 2020

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  • Kane1331

    Gaylin Windsor makes some good points glad you mentioned his work. Love your show!

  • Billy Rogers

    I believe that if anywhere else that life is in the universe it is absolutely by the same righteous God that made our souls to know his love and power and to give his self as a friend on a scourge bloody cross AD2020

  • Billy Rogers

    Maybe it’s a case of simple division Ben,We know the Truth is by the Holy Spirit of God and anything else is a lie so we must choose what side we will stand on and let all judgment be to God

  • Kane1331

    Those ancient civilizations were always in contact with each other. Tartaria was a worldwide civilization. You need to read anatomy fomenkos new chronology or go to new earth channel. The chronology of history is false. Scagalia made most of the stories up. He was working for the church and had a definite agenda. Newton for one along with many scientists and historians say or said our history is a lie. Rome was never a huge single empire. What is attributed to him was done by the phoenicians and etruscans. There were 3 Roman empires. Rome was never the center of anything. When rome was supposedly a great empire they were under the rule of an african king. We had black European kings and nobility and caucasian African kings the evidence is overwhelming. What we think of as the holy land was in Russia. History fiction or science. 7 volumes and editions with references. The architecture speaks for itself. The same architecture worldwide.

  • Deriv

    I think it may be a case of phytoremediation, given that Chernobyl is a less lush of an environment than Fukushima. Plants may be better at cleaning up our mistakes than we previously thought.

  • blackhole

    so young so stupid .. history baby.. duh

  • Pi_Seas

    When Fukashima reactor #4 melted, the radiation that sunk into the water mostly flowed Eastward toward the Pacific West coast for a few years visible as level 4 on the radiation hazard map so it makes sense that radiation levels are low around the original site. Tens of thousands of dead whales have washed up on the PNW coast with strange sores that look like radiation burns since 2011, until last year they started coming back, maybe because CERN took a break from disrupting Earth’s global electric circuit in 2019. Yellowstone has already erupted in Jan 2020 for the 80th time since 2018 which is also when 20,000 satellites started orbiting Earth’s lower atmosphere & we’ve got summer season disturbances in January so it may be a volcanic & seismic summer.

  • powellbound

    Great PC guys! I have not listened in a while and now I want to go back and listen to the past PCs.

  • Dixie

    Feeling better about you, Ben. I have had questions and have been watching, listening liking what you have been doing, seeing validity and yet realizing that you had to have been given info, permission for releasing what you have, it had made me a bit suspicious, cautious. Thus, I liked hearing you speak so honestly here today. I am new relatively here, but have tried to go back and read, listen to a couple of years of Fly on the Wall and Deeper Look to try and understand content, history of your site. Thanks for what you are doing. I wish you all well.

  • Pi_Seas

    Deriv, I agree. We may need to apply larger amounts of icrobiomes that can deconstruct petrochemicals back into their constituent parts so the remainders become enzymes and that neutralizes the system back into homeostasis. This has proven to work in the past in Hawaii which recovered the land mass to pristine state with lush growth in a very short time.

  • Caroline5765

    Happy belated Birthday Kat! Thank you for the upload and interesting topics. I always enjoy this on the weekend. It changes the pace a bit.

  • Curtis loew

    Hmm….Not sure that Id trust the HBO take on the radioactive damage from Chernobyl.
    Certainly science will eventually come up with a method of using Nuclear reaction safely…..but we haven’t yet.
    The HBO show dramatises and sanitises the whole event…the data from Fukoshima are just part of the ‘propaganda’ to ease the worlds population that its not as bad as people make out…There are some other documentaries on Chernobyl which portray an entirely different set of consequences!
    The flourishing life around Fukoshima…flora and fauna…well sure…but i wonder if anyone has actually studied this life for mutations…?
    Also the comment that the radioactive waste pouring into the sea will barely meet a fish…Cmon!

    Imagine a tent full of people…If someone farts…every one is affected…radioactive contaminants in the biosphere is a bit similar…it doesn’t just ‘go out of the environment’…I know we are bombarded from space, from the sun and probably the increasing background levels…but lets not dismiss the possible catastrophic effects of this technology…

  • Charles

    One big thing I think you guys have missed in this incredibly informative and brilliant discussion ..

    I have noticed that many works of fiction, ESPECIALLY science fiction and fantasy genres, that are ‘organic’ as in not pandering to or created for some agenda. They are very prophetic. Check out 1950s sci-fi and old movies. Its everywhere.
    It strikes me as very likely to be memories from past incarnations. If you really want to go down a rabbit hole, open you mind to some wild possibilities and read books made from the Edgar Cayce readings. Lots of people like to dismiss his tens of thousands of readings as woo woo, but they are amazingly consistent on the subjects addressed, even when relevant readings were years or decades apart. Many of the technologies described in those readings did not even exist when the readings were done, or even when the books about those readings were written. Same goes for archeological discoveries.

  • mytechtoday

    When you guys were discussing the idea that “aliens” are here to help us:

    It’s possible that the “aliens” are here to witness how our world deals with the micro-nova. By all accounts, this micro-nova theory should mean that it occurs to inhabited planets throughout the galaxy, with each wave hit.

  • Curtis loew

    Thanks for the show gentlemen. Very thought provoking.
    However if you believe in virtuous CEO’s
    Agenda 2030 (once Agenda 21) Its a bit like HAARP, in that its all over Youtube and there are a 100 different and provable perspectives.
    But if you believe in virtuous CEO’s and scientists working toward the good of humankind….then there is a great story about pigs with wings you should read up on…
    The GMO industry seeks to be the only source of food seeds, they work hand in hand with the herbicide industry…which poisons us (supporting the medical industry). The vaccine industry wants to own the immune systems of all people, the medical industry enjoys the exponential increase in disease from poor quality food, chemical exposure and also failure of human ‘natural’ immunity to disease..There is the industry that markets flouride…then theres emerging industry that seeks to bake our tissues in microwave radiation…anywhere on the earths surface…theres another one that wants to connect our brains to computers…(Imagine…the backward step that that is!)
    If you dont believe that we are being intentionally farmed, manipulated and experimented on….then you need to step back and look at whats really going on…!

  • OliC

    Oh god, I love you guys, but quit with your comments on Boris Johnson and the UK election until you actually figure out how it works. There was no “80% landslide” – far more people voted AGAINST him than for him. You’re great with the science, but you clearly have no idea about the UK electoral system.

    Note: I’m not pro-Johnson or anti-Johnson, but this is just ridiculous.

  • sativarg

    RE: Galactic Magnetic Fields & Electric Current Sheet
    Today i see a form like a jelly fish while Ben Davidson describes the galactic current sheet. In the double wall structure I see the nearly transparent skin of the various structures of a jelly. I may not see the tentacles of our familiar fellow Earth lings but I can see many other features of the form reflected in the macro of our micro… see? Not the least of which features would be life functions and cycles that work to sustain the form.

    Now I see a sea of life all around Sol where in he lives as an integral part… But as we observe our grand Universal Sea is more like a body filled with diverse forms and structures. Perhaps there is, just above ours, a level of perception where the Body of God can be seen?

    Thank you Mr Davidson for the enlightenment and hard work of gathering together the best of observations into a sweet coherence within my own limited perspective.

  • Zurgla

    Great discussion about the awakening process. If there is some force that want us to wake up I think it gave us Internet as a part of it.

    I guess you have read the article about the disappearing stars ?

    The scientists are surprised about it and claim it should not be happening. However, I´m wondering how well it can fit into plasma science. Could it be so that these stars have gone from arc or glow mode down to dark mode due to a deep downtrend in surrounding plasma density? By the way, this is what Rolf Witzsche is stating can happen with stars including the Sun, or at least from arc- to glow mode. He base his hypothesis on the findings of the plasma scientist David Lapoint. I´ve not been around here for so long, only about a year and a half, but I have not heard any comments at all from the S0 team about Witzsche´s theories regarding the Sun and the ice ages, as well as Lapoint´s work. What I understand, Lapoint even worked for Anthony Perrat in Los Alamos. It would be great to hear some thought and opinions about the above in a future FOTW.

  • Deriv

    I’ve felt similar about 23 and me, along with various other genetic ancestry testing. I originally greatly regretted doing it as my genetic information is likely getting sold all over the place, the possibility of them finding an ‘undesirable’ gene and creating a virus to wipe those who have it out, which I know you guys have talked about before. Nowadays I’m beginning to think this was a massive undertaking to maybe see which of us are worth saving, because as you say, if there really is a guiding hand of some sort they will not leave this sort of thing up to chance. It could very well be both with the ‘middle men’ selling our information but the ‘watchers’ having a whole other game plan up their sleeve. Can’t have all the smart ones with critical thinking skills and an ability to approach a problem with abstract solutions, just simply die in a random cave. I also don’t think they would put all their eggs in one basket so to speak, so when things really start to get bad we may be thrust underground and scattered among the Earth’s ‘solar shelters’.

  • Sunny Bono

    What if the open border policy of the Dems and their obvious shrill hatred of Trump was a reaction to his completely disrupting some secret plan wherein, they allow millions up, into N. America to basically depopulate the areas that will be better off during glacial conditions…because they all plan to head there. He’s thrown a massive monkey wrench in something big of there’s. That much, at least, seems obvious. I suspect any reelection of his will see them try an assassination.

  • Sunny Bono

    Btw, check out the movie “Cloud Atlas” sometime.

  • Mrs. Altmann

    B”H Ben, THANK YOU very much for 1. saying that the various poisonings (GMO, glyphosate, SRM etc.) are NOT deliberate population reducers and 2. that SRM is a CALCULATED RISK. It is refreshing to hear the REAL story of what people in leadership are CONSCIOUSLY aiming to do.

    Sometimes I have mentioned on various sites that these things are being done in obedience to the sentiment of Georgia Guidestones as a way to covertly put ninety-five percent of humanity on the fast track to death. But what I mean is akin to what you are saying, it’s just that the words of the Georgia Guidestones, even though most people don’t know about them, actually are having a SUBLIMINAL effect on all people, and we are all subconsciously taking the easy road out and ignoring the 95 percent of people we can’t imagine how we could possibly help… as someone whose goals and ideals have been repeatedly co-opted by ‘the system’, not due to the system but to my own miserable limitations when brought face-to-face with it, I know well how my own undertow of addiction to comfort and short-term planning can wind me up in very greedy and foolish decisions, so all those people who have labored for and found what looks to them like solutions for all humanity, due to their own individual undertow of the need for rest, and comfort, and a sense of power, and for things to be secure for them in the short run, do not persevere to find increasingly better and safer alternatives to technological solutions to the ills of humanity (and here I would include vaccines) and mosquitoes (i.e. activists who have identified the dangers of these technological hacks that prove not only imperfect but catastrophically dangerous) have to sting and bother them to wake them up and get them to look further. I don’t think Bill Gates is TRYING to wipe out most of humanity. I think he has a degree of unintended complacency, even though he strives to think hard, work hard, and constantly think up new and better solutions, and donate large sums of money to programs he thinks will work.

    Just as we don’t notice when plaster powder has gotten all over the back of our garments, say, when we’ve been in a dusty old basement foyer and brushed against a wall there, and we need someone else to tell us to brush off the back of the coat, every single tech-ambitioun leaaer, or idealistic social climber, needs others to tell them where they are wrong. We all need to develop eyes in the back of our heads and 360 degree vision, to see our own personality flaws and the flaws of solutions we have presented, not as a pattern of ‘kicking ourselves’ and becoming masochists, but because we are in a time of challenge and our minds and perceptions must constantly be on the move to outsmart a world that is changing at an exponentially increasing speed. We all started having ‘Future Shock’ thirty-five years ago at least, and we always need others wh oare more alert than we are to point out to us where we are ‘all wet’.

    The Georgia Guidestones and statements by Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, and Prince Philip about the desirability of wiping our the masses to make life better for the few in power, are there as a subliminal text to keep programming us to close our eyes and just let it happen. I am not sure those three polltical individuals ever meant to say what they did or understood the implications of those statements. I think that power, and the lust for power, are spirits, and scripts, that take over people’s minds, and that they were not really in control of their minds any more when they said these things, and that scripts in people’s minds such as the ‘no more than 500 million people may be on this planet at one time’ are actually running their brains subliminally, it’s just that each one of them sees himself as one of those destined and entitled to survive, and, indeed more important than others because he has striven for leadership and achieved a position of responsibilty for the masses. It causes me no end of horror to realize that such philosophy is engraved in stone, in all the major languages, in a Stonehenge-like (and I believe Stonehnage to have holiness, even if of an age not remembered) arrangement, for the stones, and, yet, I think that those who made it up ALSO were trying to plan for the benefit of humanity. Everyone is, to some degree, taken over by the dark side, the tendency to put personal security and comfort over the well-being of the masses. (We really need to do a Sunshine Program on ourselves, every one.)

    I like to spend time at SO’s because I see less of that tendency. It gives me something to look up to, to aspire to, an idea of really trying wth PERSEVERANCE, to see what is going on, and emphasize not only the scientifically effective alternatives, but those that are fair and just, and to roll that out to as many people as possible, especially those who will be able to roll what they have gained at SO’s out to their own very numberous social circles. It helps to haer from younger people who are thinking hard about everything and are not bound by the constricting, now-irrelevant standards of propriety that have run some of us oldies into repetitive bondage situations.

    We eyes need to develop, figuratively, eyes in the back of our heads and a 360 degree view of our thought, speech, and deed, and to know our own back sides very well, and always compensate for our own back sides, regarding the well-being of those whom we affect, and ‘de-claw’ our own limitations so that we don’t accidentally harm others by inadequate or inaccurate knowledge and/or tendencies to put self first, that we might not be aware of, that could deceive or disadvantage others. I think we all have to see various ways in which we have made the same kinds of mistakes that Bill Gates, Monsanto, Merck, Raytheon and other poisoners of our internal and external environments have done, and compensate all the time. ‘Know thyself’ is the name of the game, and it is a 24/7 job and a 360 degree vision job, and if everybody employed maximum unrelenting perseverance with that job, there would be no need for these mega-rulers of our world to control us, and we could truly stand, as visions such as that of the Hopi foresee, as whole individuals in equality and good will, and look together in the same direction, which his a greater closeness than when people gaze at each other (this is a paraphrase of a quote that Anne Morrow Lindbergh takes from an older famous author in ‘Gift From the Sea’) and see, at the same time and with narmonious hearts the ‘face of the Creator written across the Sky’,,, at the appointed time.

    To me this is the thing to strive for, not finite or simplistic goals such as the end of SRM, or the end of untested mandatory toxic vaccines, or the end of whatever other oppression we can think of… just, the shouldering by each person of his/her own burden, and establishment of equanimity of each of us with each other human being. If we can do this, there will be no need for numbers of humans to drop, because we will naturally stop needing so many reasources, taking so much space, or giving off so much waste. We will be nourished by nothing other than each other’s emanations, and even this idea that Mr. MavStar and some SWedish scientists are so afraid of, that we are going to have to become cannibals when the weather gets too cold, will become totally passe and irrelevant, for we will find sufficient nurturance from each other’s mere presences and influences, and there will no longer be a drive to be bigger or better than the next person yet with natural varialbiity maintained, and no tendency to homogeneity, which is not conducive to survival, nor is it pleasant or ibterestubg, We can have 8 plus billion individuals survive, when we learn to derive nurturance in ways that do not diadvantage the 8 plus billion other people, just we have to be completely honest with ourselves in order to get that smart.

    I would rather be eight billion Lilliputians than 500 million five foot five humans weighing one hundred thirty pounds at an average. Then no soul, personality, or snowflake pattern will go missing, and this preservation of diversity is akin to what happened with Noah’s Ark, that species of animals were preserved not in quantity, but in full range. As personalities are so widely diverse, in the sense of ‘who’ we are, every single person is so unique that not one can afford to be missed, so, we might have to shrink a lot to avoid burdening the biosphere, which addresses the scientific premise on which the text of the Georgia Guidestones seems to be based, a theory that only a certain amount of mass of human living matter can live on this planet sustainably.

    This means not only dimunition in size, but also in ego. That would take care of ‘global warming’. When an angry person walks into the room, one feels the atmosphere heat up and can also get very hot and angry, even if it has not been revealed what that person is angry about, so we will all survive better once we have learned to sublimate our own egos and angers into fuel that keeps us achieving, thus having less need for caloric intake, and less output of arrogant or angry vibes. Then we will have room for everybody, and ninety-five percent don’t have to die because someone told them to expect bikini weather instead of the ice age that is now due. We won’t be afraid to see and admit the truth, that the Millennium is coming, and the whole paradigm is about to change.

  • Mrs. Altmann

    B”H I read yesterday that gold is formed close to earth’s surface, and when prospectors find a lode of it, at least eighty percent of the gold has already evaporated into the atmosphere, and above! That means, to me, that any extraterrestrials who want gold just have to wait until the time it gets formed and most of it will come out of our atmosphere as vapor! I have to find out where I read that. Anyhow, if extraterrestrials are not hanging around, if at the time of cataclysm gold will be formed, we can trust that eighty percent of it will ascend as vapor to where the magnetosphere was hanging out before the cataclysm, and protect us from cosmic radiation. In other words, the earth is made to protect its creatures wehn cataclysm time comes.

  • MPrejean

    Since we are going there; I believe this is a test, to see how we react to the Monster under the bed, to learn about our soul and look at the side of the fence we landed on. There are two sides and we are very divided. Truth or lies, love or hate, asleep or awake. Darkness or light. Know where your heart stands. This a very exciting time to live, things are changing. Earth is cleansing. I kno I am protected. I think you are too..
    I feel a struggle a Fight between Darkness and Light. Darkness pulls at me, brings me there, I have to focus. There’s definitely been a shift in energy lately. Fires, weather, shootings, Virginia, impeachment people are reacting to earths magnetic shift, vibe, cosmic rays, solar Ray’s. I feel a shift, see it. Stay in the Light, Always Protect your Soul, Spirit, Smile Big in Love. Reiki for our Earth. In the end the Light Will Win. Cleansing Time.
    I now feel the need to arm myself, I do live among gators and snakes, so we all carry. But now I have begun carrying in my vehicle and on person. I feel danger, scared of people. I feel the need to prepare to live off grid, I am ready. I just found leather gloves at Walmart cheap, there’s going to be a lot of glass to clean up after, and you cant get cut. I’m like Erma Bombeck, sliding into the grave whoo hoo what a ride. Houseboat Grandma here on S. Louisiana bayou. 💋💋💋🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️

  • sgj

    Ben, You are right: you sound like nut-jobs. If there is anything that will destroy your credibility in the sciences, the last half-hour of this recording will do it.

  • S0

    I like how I can literally destroy every field of science I touch and you think I’m out of my fucking mind on this one. Nice betting there.

  • S0

    You are confusing middle management with upper management.

  • S0

    I hear this from the scientists I destroy on the regular… nice company.

  • Bigpicguy

    It’s conditioning, wether it be from experimental testing from power hungry individuals or a collective group of middle managers, they only give us the information they want us to have in order to control. If they don’t allow everyone to be involved at the end of this cycle, they know the human race won’t have a chance. Only makes sense for the truth to come out with such little time left. I just hope we don’t create or haven’t created something that upsets the boss

  • amommamust

    I grew up being taught how to run to the basement and duck under desks at school in case of tornadoes or nuclear bombs. Now, nearing 60 years old, I am finally letting go of that deeply seeded fear. My first foray into political activism was at age 17, and I was out to end the scourge of nuclear power. I am not amused by the fuckers who taught me to fear nukes the way Greta Thunberg has been brainwashed to fear climate change.

  • kmiklNINJA

    I think you’re confusing there motivations when you say it’s the dumbest way to produce power with nuclear fuel I would argue that they weren’t interested in making power at all they were interested in making bomb material. Fast breeder reactor

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