FOTW September 16, 2017

On the line: Ben, Billy, Xaviar, Tony

+ Plasma Healing:
+ Electromagnetic Aggression:

Showing 13 comments
  • David Droescher

    5stars for the VA = 3 diamonds in the real world

  • Rebecca Stuart

    The article is overwrought!!!! To it feels true to imagine a qigong practitioner, sound healing practitioner being able to affect tissues in the way as described, it is subtle, molecular, quantumed (not a linear progression, rather an instantaneous cascade, like ripples in a pond) who is to say that the mechanical, highly focused attention to enact a certain effect, causes unintended veering…to me all of the “controlling” is the problem with their attempts….to have a soft focus and doing the practice with appreciation, not “to get rid of something”, (caner cells are really just frenetic overachievers and not to be murdered, rather re-informed, as sound healing and qigong does) is a big part of the success. Also since each human is so very different not only in terms of life experience (belief patterns, events causing bodily harm, etc) studies regarding efficacy are a poor use of resources. Different healing methods work for different people, as the person “resonates” (literally and metaphorically) with different modalities… and In my opinion, hospitals and cancer centers are poor enviornments for healing; and they are great for reinforcing illness and dis-ease..

  • Rebecca Stuart

    edit: the part of the first article: “or modify the biochemical signaling agents between cells” to me reads: transforming /re-informing cellular communication (vibration/frequency?) from dissonance to resonance…

  • Rebecca Stuart

    perhaps the human body is pretty much a sealed space, especially major areas of the body (cardiovascular system, urinary system), so does that mean it is like our cells ( mini me’s) being in a vacuum? As above so below? I don’t know, just wondering…and it feels true to say this is why Bones said “I am a surgeon not a butcher, Jim!” :)

  • John Mallary

    Perhaps Billy could incorporate some focused sound resonance, into his electrical discharge flow pattern experiments?

    It would be interesting if electrical frequency could be effected by audio frequency… or visa versa.

  • John Mallary

    Perhaps Billy could incorporate some focused sound resonance, into his electrical discharge flow pattern experiments?

    It would be interesting if electrical frequency could be effected by harmonic audio frequencies… or visa versa.

  • Rebecca Stuart

    re sealed bodily spaces: oops perhaps NOT the urinary system…:0

  • David Droescher

    Hho A hydroxy,O,O2,O3,H,H2,H3 HO, -e gas is a perfict example of a cold plasma at a lower level (cooler) plasma and when energized slightly more (as in mild compression is adequate additional energy to push it over critical AKA fiery reaction, the mid level what you are calling cold plasma ) the flame produced is a mear 288ish °F yet will sublimate tungsten (W) to atomic W1 vapor, witch happens above 10,000°F.
    What happens if we use electro jet spray from DL to pass water through the reactor? Pre exciting the water? This I fill the missing link in explaining why HHO /Browns Gas dose not follow the rules of Standard Physics, is that it is following the yet to be understood laws of Plasma Physics.

  • Wade F Hutson

    GREAT show!

  • Steven Carter

    I really appreciate all the work you and your friends do trying to keep us up on the latest research, trends and discoveries in cutting edge science and beyond. Kudos. But I find it very perplexing why you haven’t had more to say about what’s going on in the sky everyday. I’m located in Colorado Springs and for the past four days there’s been nothing but jets criss-crossing our blue sky dispensing white trails that then gradually spread and intermix creating a haze over the entire sky. My personal research has led me the Dan Wigington’s sight. After listening to his introduction material and then delving into the more in depth research he and other’s have done I find it compelling. My question is this: if you and your colleagues are so anti-Wigington, why haven’t you invited him for a discussion to address your issues directly? I note that at your conference you’ll have another supposedly more grounded speaker addressing the subject. Upon what do you judge Wigington’s work not credible? I’m confused by your mixed feelings and reluctance to cover what is quite possible the greatest intervention into Earth’s natural systems ever with so many detrimental side effects. What gives?

  • S0

    His lies, his horrible ‘science’ tests which showed NOTHING. Most of what he says is NOT true and I cannot find any way on earth you see otherwise. Humans are nothing. We are pathetic. We can’t do a damn thing to this planet. The IDEA that we can only serves to keep us afraid and keep us away from those really in power – they want you to think that stuff.

    Dane’s line is precisely the chemtrail portion of the 1998 NEXRAD Hoax… word for word. It is my opinion that he is a government agent put here to confuse us and make us look completely insane. Either that or he is just really really dumb.

    I want to know what on earth you find compelling? Are you taking his word for too many things? Just because he says something is a fact does NOT make it so, and few people have more bullshit on their websites than him.

    From someone who believe chemtrails are real and is truly one of the best researchers on these topics on earth – Dane is a complete joke. He is the #1 reason our opposition to geoengineering is going no-where. #2 is weatherwar101… who is unquestionably much much dumber than dane.

  • Ryan Harlow

    Low Sun activity = higher unrest/aggression at Earth? There are already studies on this? Id search but other interests/subjects are higher value. Thanks for any responses. No response is already an accepted outcome.

  • AZ Hat Lady

    Fascinating discussion about extended civilizations. Please share the reference material you mentioned from the early 2000’s.

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