FOTW March 28, 2020

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  • mytechtoday

    it’s possible that the Fukushima problem has caused a general change in electrical charge in the area. there is a lot of random, energy and particles that are drifting away from the meltdown.

    In some Chinese scientific papers and other earthquake papers, they have theorized that the breakdown of radon changes the charge of the ground.

    would Fukushima not do the same thing?

  • Ryan Harlow

    Virtually every plant has all the essential aminos. Go look. I did years ago when I didnt believe others who said this. Its true.
    Plants being incomplete protein is a myth.
    If you disagree with me, its only because you dint go research dozens of different plants to not find a single one that doesn’t have the essential 9.

  • Ryan Harlow

    use a nutrition tool such as to verify. If all you do is search something like what plants are incomplete proteins, you will be offered incorrect information.

  • Johnathan Jones

    The Pangolin Flu is shaping up to kill 1 in 5 of confirmed cases and is now including most all ages. If they had jet travel in 1918 the outbreak would probably ended much sooner than it did despite all the troops from Ww1 going home to all points around the globe. We all may have to pass through the fire..

  • olduglycarl

    This morning, I forget what channel, it was stated that there is not enough test kits to find out if the people affected are actually affected by coronavirus or not.
    I have felt for a while now that the numbers are wrong and way over stated.

    Another article on china, stated that aprox. 23 million cell phone owners have stopped using their cell phones.
    In china, everyone has a cell phone and must use it by government decree.

  • Oakhill2001

    The countries where malaria has been endemic we don’t see the cases. The meds being proven to be effective already exist in the population. Plus they are in more temperate regions where warmer weather will diminish the numbers of cases.

  • Charles

    Volcano protein might be interesting, but I lost interest at Bill Gates and Al Gore .. I wouldn’t trust either of them with anything.
    There are lots more plants that have all the essential amino acids, like Moringa, and blue green algae. The Moringa actually goes good in salads, other than that I’ll stick with a big juicy steak thanks. The beyond burgers sound disgusting.

    Plants do LACK Vitamin k2, and vitamin D. We need those, BTW.

    The corona virus can be classified as ‘mostly harmless’, IMO. The factors that allow it to put people in the hospital or worse are weakened immune systems, and chronically damaged lungs. Places with high pollution or a culture that smokes like chimneys are going to have a far higher death rate that rural places with almost no pollution. Northern Italy, China, and NY/NYC, are perfect storms for this virus. India probably is as well, but the Dr in this interview didn’t mention India, he only used hard data (video from Tony Heller).
    Most of the flyover states in the US, have very little pollution, although some of the people have underlying conditions, so it won’t be fatality free.
    I should note that living in a place with filthy air for years and decades is what has done that damage to a person’s lungs, so its not something one can run away from.

    The ‘cure’ is much much worse than the disease, and will cause far more death.

  • Phillzill

    Don’t they say if the insects died humans die too. Better find somthing else to eat 🤔

  • Phillzill

    See you on the flip side chin up no fear, Thanks for the pod

  • Archytype

    I liked Adrian’s question (approx 20min mark) about using lightning rods to capture and use the electrical energy from lighting. Like myself, he probably had the Back to Future part I moment in his mind when Doc Brown fitted out the Delorian with the input rod to do exactly that!
    However, surely it *may* be possible to channel the lighting energy in to a bank of capacitors for later use?

  • nineholes

    A simple technique to get rid of hyped up fear. Whenever you feel like you are being bombarded with thoughts of doom : instead of making an attempt to avoid it or taking actions in response to that threat – make a conscious effort to make that fear stronger. Make that FEAR STRONGER.

    When you live your life sometimes it can be a challenge to stay balanced while surrounded with negativity that comes from the outside to your world or when you choose to focus on negative things for long periods of time . It may come from work you do or from personal situations, social surroundings etc., but wherever it comes from it is always important to stay BALANCED. The following simple exercise will help to shift your focus. Right before you go to sleep, when you are already in your bed with eyes closed – go over your day and find three instances, situations or moments when you felt the happiest. It doesn’t matter if you had the worst day of your life, it’s not the same for the whole day there are high and low points. When you picked those three moments, put them next to each other. When you did that and you put them next to each other, connect them with a thin line. When you did that, and they are connected with a line, look at them. Look at them and think this : THIS WAS MY DAY.

    It shouldn’t take more than a few minutes and if you can, do it every day for a few weeks.


    Soylent (sp) green…

  • sinclair29

    The advice given to hospitals right now about cause of death documents is to put down coronovirus even if the person had 3 previous conditions that seemed to be the cause of death. They are inflating the death count. Yet the amount of deaths due to respiratory illness has not gone up over all. Del Bigtree reported on this. He may be an emotional guy, but at least he is attempting to investigate instead of just report as told.

  • sinclair29

    The advice given to hospitals right now about cause of death documents is to put down coronovirus (if tested, or suspected) even if the person had 3 previous conditions that seemed to be the cause of death. Which is what they did in Italy. They are inflating the death count. Yet the amount of deaths due to respiratory illness has not gone up over all. Del Bigtree reported on this. He may be a very dramatic speech guy, but at least he is attempting to investigate instead of just report as told. Also I was very disheartened by an article today about repeating this social distancing regularly in the future when the bug mutates and returns in winter each year like the flu. I don’t mean the recurring scourge of the bug, but the recurring of social distancing. It puts the larger half of our population who are living paycheck to paycheck into economic holes that they and their families may not survive.

  • Deb

    “ I’ll see them in hell…” REALLY?! WOW.

  • Sunny Bono

    What do you think are the odds that Al Gore, being himself the son of a powerful senator, learned all this when a young man? Could his life’s work not just be an extension of the alleged cover-up that you discuss here? Is his whole political career one giant effort to lead people away from the conclusion of a catastrophe every 12,000 or so years (while of course he grows fabulously rich and more powerful)?

  • Dim Skies

    Lyme Disease is an INSECT driven bio-weapon. It goes after all the magnesium in your body. For women it is every part of your body that has cartillage, bone. Men, it goes for the heart. I got in in West Texas in 1973. So they had to have released it around 5-8 years earlier. I have watched it spread across the globe. ANOTHER MAN-MADE project to kill people. It is weaponized Sypillus. We now have an Asian Long-Horned Tick in the eastern US which carries other diseases. So, we will and are becoming another 3rd world country.

  • Bucki107

    Your mention of Earth Spots and Japan being a “New” one… You said the location is relative to the epicenter of the earthquake in 2011… This makes me wonder if Fukushima and its release of nuclear energy has a direct effect on the ionosphere and perhaps creating this anomaly in Earth Spots… Any thoughts on this hypothesis?

  • Bucki107

    Wow! I just had the same theory! Wish I read before I posted but I agree. The nuclear fallout must have some impact on our ionosphere which would create an opening where less resistance may appear as a constant electric circuit. I’m with ya mytechtoday…

  • silvermitt

    I’ve always felt that the gov has had higher tech and unwilling to share.
    World might end tomorrow, and they’ll still keep it in their vault, unknowable to the rest of us.

    I don’t want to give anyone ideas, but whenever any folks from any level of gov roll around by me, I always ask (to myself) who, what, when, where, and why about them, and most importantly, what’s the ulterior agenda behind their reason to be bothering me now. I haven’t ever heard much in the way of good in outcomes when the gov gets involved. So glad I live in a relatively quiet, and very small community.

    Thanks for the fun hour of entertaining ideas on FOTW.

  • John Henderson

    Thank you sinclair29. Exactly my research results

  • John Henderson

    With over 90 % of deaths in the elderly I have a different approach. I am 86 years of age with a wife in dementia care and family fully independent of me. So I think about my exit from time to time. When you get tired of the world, how best to leave it?. Suicide is possible, but only if you have no caring relatives. Without having the luxury of cancer or heart disease another acceptable way is to get the flu. The age care village I live in is in intense lock down to avoid the corona virus, wow. I know of 30+ people who would be better off departing with the flu. So what have we here – better to wreck the lives of thousands of young people by bankruptcy etc, etc in the name of propaganda to get more draconian control of civilians in the future. Poor old Mao has been demonized for ever for his cultural revolution, and we superior Westerners are now demanding that our family or friends snitch on us. Oh, the descent of man. The classification Homo Sapiens was applied by Carolus Linnaeus in 1758. Perhaps a quarter century later it is time to reclassify. The best I can come up with is Homo Dysfunctional but I am sure one of us can do better than this.
    Anyway it seems that now the War on Terrorism and the War on Drugs etc are wearing thin, an article in Off-Guardian has suggested we are now into the War on Death. My best way out for a while was to be sure I was directly under a nuclear bomb. This is unlikely to happen in New Zealand where it is easier to be a Muslim and get killed at a Mosque, so I guess I will have to hang out for the Nova. I can assure you all that there is something peaceful about the thought of ending this way. Meanwhile a daily fix from S0 and my rock star Ben will keep me sane.

  • Cristina

    Sinclair29, at least here in Italy they are not inflating the death count, there are *actually* many more deaths per day then average, and the images of militar trucks moving dozens of coffins from Bergamo hospitals to other provinces (because the crematoriums were not enough for so many bodies…) were all around, we have seen them enough. And almost every one of us knows by now someone who has died of coronavirus, or because coronavirus had worsen their previous conditions (that’s exactly what the virus is doing in most cases: worsening previous conditions). Here in Italy people are *really* dying in great numbers, no doubt about that. Our mortality rate is now – official figures – more than 10% of the infected… BUT there are two things to note: many are saying that the real numbers of infected people could be x5/x10 times; on the other side, there are for sure a number of deaths that are not being classified as coronavirus-related, but most likely are (people dying alone at home, we are hearing things like these often now…). I think we must wait for this pandemic to end in order to figure out the real numbers, by comparing the statistics of deaths with those of the previous years.
    By the way, Oakhill2001, I wish you were right: Italy had malaria as epidemic for a long time, expecially in those areas were now there is the biggest number of confirmed cases (Pianura Padana).

  • Michael Durfee

    Your discussion on the permanent Earthspot was awesome. Lots of interesting thoughts. Perfect introduction to atmospheric dynamics. There were so many areas this was happening in too. I got Lake Maracaibo (“Catatumbo Lightning”) Venezuela, Lake Bakal in Russia, Sadona, AZ, Central Africa, and Japan. The variety of the locations got me thinking what could be causing a permanent nature to these spots? Those mantle blobs? Ancient high iron impactor? Lithospheric/Tectonic/Crustal arrangement? Do you think those Raleigh-Taylor-Parker(?) instabilities perhaps on the atmospheric scale is what we’re seeing in these areas? Having to contort and morph from their homogenous state to some oddly shaped magnetic anomaly? Making almost a global electric circuit conduit. That electric sink where all the excess electrons collect (capaticising/charging from the low pressure) have to go somewhere for equilibrium, which supports constant discharging.Adrian’s idea about farming that would be a pretty lucrative endeavor (Blood & Gore Co. ROFL) What if it was just the structural arrangement of the crust? That would be awesome if we could build a giant mold of layered concrete composed of different kinds of lithospheric rock with a couple of wires coming out and make a plasma reactor. Imagine that…

    Regarding the catastrophe that is the pandemic. I’m not going to attempt to define fear in this post but the fact the media is using fear as a mode of Journalism I disagree with. Fear is there for a reason just as is anger and happiness and, at least partially, comes from an adverse reaction to a conscious decision. Or a risk in other words. There is a shortcut that can bypass this though. It is my contention the problem our species is facing is not biological, societal, or governmental because we have all that working (for the lack of a better term) at least at the continental scale. We are so good at change, but yet, we resist it so much. There are so many more factors that can cause observations to differ rather than correlate. The only way we find correlation is to have disagreements and the intersection is where our perpetual discourse takes place to compose the common ground. This way transparency can be elucidated. One can’t exist without the other. For when only two sides to a problem are given, right and wrong, the possibility to construe which one is which becomes ever more easier. We are essentially taking a risk by not asking ourselves ‘what if’ questions. Which we owe to ourselves to ask, regardless of the potential negative emotional responses of those working within the established area of expertise. Discovery to solutions of insurmountable problems comes from asking ‘what if’ questions and following the evidence where it leads. And in conclusion I further content, that the risk we are taking today is to have one perspective in the way we think about problems in general, and these may be the biggest risks of all.

  • kmiklNINJA

    The world really is off the rails completely. Out of all the threats you guys talked about never once in my day do I worry about them like I do other people and the gov’t. They are the real threat. People are very dangerous especially those in fear of their lives. I don’t know about you but I don’t wanna die getting thrown under a bus!

  • M

    Dude you might be right, but you hammered (understandably).

  • Edward Rutland

    Ben please tell again the narrative of your aversion to the Electric Universe guys with more nuance

  • Edward Rutland

    Boyle’s law
    I’ve nearly frozen to death getting out of a swimming pool in 104° temperature in Provo Utah from the flash evaporation

  • Janice Phillips

    I guess I haven’t been paying attention to the “community” nor have I been watching the mainstream media. Of course, I absorb some of what they’re saying, but their lies are so transparent to me by now, I ignore most of it.
    I noticed the buzz about the virus in early January and just kept my ears open while quietly going through my stores and stocks and replacing what I needed and buying extra food and household items as well as animal food and garden supplies. By the middle of February, I was concerned. Not about the virus, but about the way people were going to react.
    It’s time for a wake up call.

  • David Droescher

    52:25 day after switching to digital currency massive solar flare wiping everything out and everybody’s like now what.

    You just convinced me a digital money is perfect. It levels the playing field between the Haves and the Have Nots everyone is equally poor

  • kmiklNINJA

    Calling Einstein a genius, with his propensity for reifying concepts not things, (ie:space, time). Calling light a particle and a wave. Again a wave is not a thing, it’s what a thing does!! Light is an aether perturbation, it is a coaxial circuit, it has both a longitudinal and a transverse component. It is certainly not a particle. Lol. A massless particle with an unlimited amount of energy to perpetually remain in motion regardless of medium. If light was a particle it would not “slow down” when induced through glass. Nor would it speed back up again when it “leaves” the glass. Direct violation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Light does not have a “speed” because it’s not a thing, it doesn’t accelerate. It has a rate of induction that is medium specific. Illumination is nothing more than a disturbance in the force!! Lol..

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