FOTW March 23, 2019

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  • Billy Rogers

    Hows the joke?? Saved your life by killing a crap eating dog..Ha no offence Great topics Ben and the rest. Understand all get lost in nothing.

  • John Mallary

    Damn… Lost my friggin comment and now, you’re all denied another book…
    If you want to completely avoid all that nasty and dangerous crap you can imagine, related to glyphosate and sugar??? And I mean all of it!!!
    That’s just one fringe benefit of a ketogenic diet.
    You guys aren’t weak. You’re certainly not stupid…right?
    You can see that we all weren’t only brainwashed into believing in ice cream comets and the thermonuclear campfire sun and believing what you hear on the news…
    The fact that our bodies need carbohydrates to fuel themselves?
    That’s a bullshit too!
    Just like “The sun doesn’t dictate quakes and weather!” is a BS belief that seems to be difficult for some to get over, and find revolutionary when we do.
    Thanks for the podcast!


    Thanks guys, be safe.

  • John Mallary

    A ketogenic diet is how we all entered this world. It’s not that we eat sugar. It’s that because we eat sugar, grains, potatoes and beans, our bodies use sugar as fuel.
    Breast milk was our first ketogenic diet.
    Then along came Gerber baby food. Carb intake went above 50 grams per day. Our livers switched from making ketones to making glucose, our pancreases began pumping out insulin, and you bodies vegan a lifelong journey powered by glucose. The sugar in our blood our livers make from carbohydrates.
    Now I’m not suggesting a breast milk diet… That’d be cringey creepy but…
    I am saying that this fat based diet is worth the due diligence effort. The diet is not hard, once you get there, there are plenty of delicious foods that are just fine, and you still get 50 grams of carbs per day! A BLT sandwich with two slices of breaf, avocado and lots of mayo has about 31 grams of carbs. Less the bread it’s MAYBE 1 gram. A teaspoon of sugar is 5g. A teaspoon of potato is also 5g.
    But a cup of sliced strawberries is only just over 20g. A quart of half and half? 32! Cut those in half and make a smoothie. Use birch bark xylitol for sugar. Tastes like sugar, no aftertaste and because it’s crystalized alcohol? All its carbs go right thru you.
    I made my gf a birthday cake with a cup of almond flour, 1/4 cup of butter, two eggs, 1/2 cup of xylitol, 2 tablespoons of half and half, 2 tsp of baking powder and a cup of blueberries. About half an hour at 350°F
    I mixed spreadable creamcheese with half the blueberries (crushed) for frosting.
    Made 5 pieces. Each with maybe 10 carbs.
    So the diet doesn’t mean you have to give up good stuff. Mostly filler foods and sweets and sugary beverages. One bite of cheesecake won’t kill you but one full slice of cheesecake, you cannot have.
    Yet strangely, I don’t even want that crap anymore. The powerful craving I had for sugar was gone in a week, as soon as my body went into ketosis.
    For a lot of people, it’s giving up the carbs that create beer bellies. Sorry kids. No more beers.
    Those problems with our food that effect our health, our cognitive abilities, all can be easily eliminated. You don’t want to get cancer?
    Quit eating and drinking that crap, and don’t fuel your body with it. The alternative is just plain natural. As natural as your mother’s milk was!

  • epeeb1

    Autism is a problem all over in Canada also . One of the reasons it seems to be growing so fast is that any learning dysfunction tends to be grouped under Autism now ?

    ED Peebles

  • D58

    Sorry but I see people growing larger as an adult, has something to do with high feak-tuse corn syrup, refined sugar be it natural or artificial, and buying habits as far as non GMO vs non- GMO.

  • laurie

    Teenage pregnancies are considered high risk pregnancies.

  • laurie

    Their bodies are not yet finished growing…i.e. mature enough physiologically to sustain a pregnancy and delivery.

  • Terese Nehrbauer

    I wouldn’t give the pregnancy study too much weight in terms of extrapolating their results to a wider population than New York State’s administration of Medicaid. The article states medicaid recipients were used as a control for socioeconomic factors however this in itself is a constraint. The Medicaid population in New York State reflects a slippery category of meaning, having no relevance for integrous science.

  • EClay

    I’ve been wondering about the impact of being born under fluorescent lights. They flicker at a high rate of speed and they shut down melatonin production completely for a short time. Nearly every single baby born in many decades now has been born under these lights.
    In the past one would have been born into firelight, moonlight, starlight or sunlight. It’s entirely possible that the difference between natural and artificial light significantly affects the birth process, which then goes on to affect the entire psyche throughout the ready of that individual’s life.

  • EClay

    It really does appear that the rate of it is increasing. I’m not sure about this, but i don’t think a lot of that is happening, behavioral disorders being labeled as autism. If anything, physicians have become more precise and prolific in their categorization of so called behavioral disorders. There’s a named disorder for damn near everything.

  • peturari

    Hi, just so you know: Autism on the rise in Iceland (1,2/100 in 1990 to 2,2/1000 in 2016). The same pattern shows in other Nordic countries, same for ADHD.

  • peturari

    .. correction, of course, it should say 2,2 / 100 in 2016, it has doubled!

  • Don Joseph

    Very interesting EClay

  • Stareyedskeptic

    Breast milk is not keto at all! “Mature human milk is made up of 3%-5% fat, 0.8%-0.0% protein, 6.9%-7.2% carbohydrate calculated as lactose, and 0.2% mineral constituents expressed as ash.”
    Those are not keto macros in the slightest! 17g of lactose!

    Beyond that a keto diet is unrealistic from a health and human nutrition standpoint in that the caloric content of animals in the wild don’t follow the keto macro breakdown. Ketosis is the byproduct of being in the fasted state, and any attempt to tweak the diet macros to maintain metabolic ketosis after a meal is like using statins to display ‘good’ cholestrol scores rather than view the scores as a biomarker and not the driver of health. Meal frequency and timing play a huge role here. Cancer diagnosis? Get into ketosis ASAP: Stop eating, period. Fasting brings on ketosis and autophagy after about 36 hours. Run 48’s on the regular to gain the benefits of ketosis without the ahistorical and unwieldy dietary macro regimen feasible only in the modern context.

  • John Mallary

    17 grams of carbs per cup.
    Prior to supplementation with low carb solid food and reduction of milk in a babies diet, they drink around three cups a day.
    That’s within limits of maintaining a state of ketosis.
    You can still have carbs. Just not like a pig would consume them.
    Starvation has nothing to do with the differences between running on glucose and fat.
    A ketogenic diet is a mainstream Western medicine treatment for children with drug resistant epilepsy and diabetes. It’s effectiveness is in the upper 90 percentile range. It stops them!
    Improvements in the efficacy of wide ranges other treatments is also observed in virtually all bodily systems and functions.
    Look man, you want to puff up and be a negative nancy, that’s fine. But you are making the same mistake the average snuck makes with global warming. You have one perspective and are uninformed with why our bodies have this alternative fuel system and how it works.
    If you need:
    Beer, pasta, potato’s, beans, corn, grain based bread, sugar, corn syrup, etc?
    If a breakfast of scrambled eggs, saugage, almond flour muffin with cream cheese, coffee with ½&½ and xylitol (Sugar made from birch bark alcohol, not corn.) Maybe half a cup of blueberries too, sounds like starvation to you.
    Well, then you’re just lost! So imprinted with the American diet, you are simply clueless of just how fucked up it is!
    Or you may simply have a narrow view of some specific food group like vegetables only. And or are someone who abhors the killing of animals for food, yet don’t puff up on that because they’re actually personal choices and not intrinsically wrong. So you try to sound like you know your stuff and I don’t. You seem kinda like a college social sciences teacher actually?
    Regardless, fact is breast milk is ketogenic and your child’s diet reflects your commitment to your child’s health and well being. It’s easy to buy a cell phone, box of front loops and a gallon of milk and be self indulgent.
    But to continually operate your kids bodies on the sugar they eat and the sugar their livers make from carbs? To pump it thru their veins, feeding cancer cells till one gets past their immune system? To ignore all the secondary crap processed into their diets?
    Well, once you are aware that there’s evidence it is unnecessary, even damaging? To summarily dismiss it with Co²-like understanding?
    That’s pretty bad…

  • Stareyedskeptic

    You’re not seeing the big picture, an infant will not consume the same volume of food as an adult, and the macros are not on a gram-by-gram basis but an overall ratio as part of the macronutrient breakdown. . You assume that anything over X calories from carbohydrates is automatically a go/no-go, without taking into account that these are ingested in a certain proportion to the other calories you are taking in from fats and proteins, and that you as a fully grown adult are processing probably ~10x more calories per day than a baby, and eating other things besides the milk. Will you remain in ketosis if you rely on full-fat milk for 100% of your TDEE requirements? Obviously not. Calorically speaking, Breastmilk is 40% sugar (lactose). It has plenty of fat, sure, but it’s not low-carb by any stretch of the imagination.

  • David Droescher

    How and when is magnetite introduced to the skeletal system? Many of the migratory animals use magnetite in their skeletal structures for migration homing. Locating the source and the when for these migratory animals may help to answer the question for humans

  • Canamla

    Hmm, I’ve thought for a long time that the modern practices for pre and post natal care might be detrimental to some degree, just based on the fact that it’s new. This time period is infinitesimally small, compared to the whole history of mammalian birth-giving. Stemming from the proven difference in vaginal and cesarean births, regarding the microbial impact, I think it’s ridiculous that we don’t consider ALL of the different methods and practices throughout the gestation and birthing period being capable to dramatically altering the health of both mother and child. The epidural is probably what freaks me out the most. Mainly because of what it is, but I can’t help but wonder if there’s some direct or indirect influence on the neurology of the child, what with it being an anesthetic. The next on my list of weirdness is how we don’t allow the placenta to perform its job after birth.

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