FOTW March 14, 2020

Showing 35 comments
  • Tlaughter

    Great show! So nice to hear voices of reason!

  • icthruyou

    We lost the fight in the early nineties with the deregulation of the media ownership. The monstrous leviathans that were created from the consolidating mergers that were legalized when I was young was actually identified by many of us at the time. The resultant landscape is readily accepted by most people today. I am considered insane by many young people today when I rail against the way things are that just a short time ago was not tolerated by law. If you wonder why the coronavirus can get a foothold where it shouldn’t there are many of us who spoke up 30 plus years ago and knew it would happen. One more generation is all it will take to erase the way it used to be from the oral record and solidify the new horrendous normal making it that much harder change by the roots it will have planted. I have trouble keeping it in the conversation as it is. Bust up the media and include the tech companies while you are at it or suffer the consequences permanently. Some of us remember a different world that advancements weren’t necessarily a good thing. Healthy skepticism with measured steps ruled the day; we paid attention to where we were headed in addition to why we would want to go there. Slowing it down a notch would do wonders too.

  • fester

    Global economy, and unfortunately will not change. Impactors; always curios about Kingsley Lake in Florida.

  • Counselor

    Are you talking about breakdown of the Fairness Doctrine in the 80’s? Oddly enough, that doctrine was undone do to concerns about it stifling freedom of speech.

  • Lois Rasmussen

    I have to agree with icthruyou Australia had restrictions on media ownership but since the “freeing up” all we read is rehashed lies from the internet and stories with obvious far right agendas. (note far right means different things in Australia but mainly Murdoch)

  • John Mallary

    Didn’t New Horizons find that Pluto has a nitrogen atmosphere?
    Trump is a patriot with a economics and New Yorker’s perspective who means well.
    If all representatives we elect were patriots with their own personal perspectives who mean well?
    That’s what we can learn. Trump’s presidency can teach us, that is how the whole swamp gets drained.
    Only we can do it.

  • Katjie.2

    Storm North of N.Z., as of 1.52pm Eastern Oz Daylight time. Regarding the C.V,, a new fear. What about W.W.2!

  • sgj

    I don’t know how to sort truth from fiction in MSM, but I can tell you a story to shed some light. A guy I know was talking to his doctor and the doctor said to calm down, it’s basically like the flu. A while later the doctor called my friend back and apologised for what he had said. You see, he had called a doctor he knows in Italy. That doctor said their entire medical system is overwhelmed with people who need hospital care and/or ventilators. I also saw an article which said that Italian doctors were trying to figure out how to decide which especially ill elderly people may have to just be sent home to die.

  • Charles

    Wow, now I want to move to Colorado Springs! It sounds a lot nicer than eastern Idaho.

    Does anyone else think the noctilucent clouds are just star-water? It would be on the increase as the Earth’s magnetic field weakens…

    Covid-19 is just another flu, IMO. Among other things, its being used to make hundreds of billions of $$. Just look at the stock market, everything is a bargain right now, and it will probably sink for another week or two. It explains all those mysterious 300-ish point one day dips over the last year or two … big players have been selling off quietly so as not to tip the market. Now they have untold billion$ to reinvest at 40% discounts or even more once the market bottoms out.

    Anti-viral compounds that have a STRONG electrical polarity? You mean like muscimol? The psychoactive compound in Amanita muscaria. Some background … I’ve found that strong anitbiotics are psychoactive, they even come with a warning about not driving. Muscimol is antibiotic, and antiviral, it breaks down at 347F, and comes from the breakdown of the poisonous substance substance either by drying out and losing a co2 molecule, OR if its heated to 190F and losing a co2 molecule. So basically boiling or drying those mushrooms converts the toxins into an awesome substance. Check out the book, “Amanita Muscaria. Herb of Immortality”, by Donald E. Teeter.

  • P A

    Hmmm. Someone forgot the yellow vests in France were in full force. End of protests..pffft.

  • Archytype

    |Yes, the MSM is staying quiet on that too, even in the UK

  • Lance Leone

    Acts of Providence.

  • Lance Leone

    Acts of Providence. You mentioned that when you have Truth wisdom and Providence is provided. That is not crazy, our brain has the ability.

  • Bigpicguy

    I appreciate that aquaman reference! No clue about the movie in 2018 & that Jason guy is great in Frontier. No tv can knock you out of those loops

  • tomdrizzle

    The very fabric of society is threatened. We had a huge debt bubble looking for a pin, and it finally found one. The systems are very complex so that complexity theory shows us that the effects will be exponentially worse. The SARs-COV2 still has many unknowns, however the number or critical care patients is about 15% and the virus has an RO of between 3-7. This makes it ten to fifteen times worse than a bad flu year. The isolation measures are meant to flatten the curve so that we don’t overwhelm the medical systems. In the end globalism may be the biggest victim of the virus which may not be such a bad thing.

  • Ricky Neff

    Their goal with the pandemic is to drop markets below trump’s index point during election and call it a financial collapse.

    Meanwhile I started day trading and I turn pennies into quarters every morning.

    100$=1/mo+Growth% for the rest of your life, and that is just a 1% interest in a fidelity account. Go figure huh?

  • Ricky Neff

    Markets are still above where they were when trump was elected. There has actually been improvement with the decline calculated.

    I’d love to share some info for the 0bservers who deserve it: those being the ones who show up early kick ass and take names before breakfast and shower.

  • Bo Shaffer

    On the Coronavirus….Figure out a way to make people less gullible? You can’t fix stupid. You can only fix what stupid does, and hope to avoid it in the future. The smart horse drinks the damn water.

  • Xanaseb

    Pardon my ignorance, what’s MSM?

  • 6solar9

    Main Stream Media

  • Bigpicguy

    (Methylsulfonylmethane) I’m actually in the process of making a tincture that includes this.. great for the immune system but I’m sure you are referring to the most common media outlets.

    I do know how weird this comment is but it was to good to pass up as I just learned about the msm stuff. I also think it’s funny but I laugh at my own jokes.

  • Ryan Harlow

    Hospitals are being pushed past capacity, more so than anything since Spanish Flu. ….this is not just “nothing”
    Ever heard about medical Triage? Italian doctors are having to decide who live and who dies.

  • Ryan Harlow

    The TRUTH that it IS overwhelming hospitals is the main issue I bring up. People are not grasping this.
    Glad Im not alone. Doesnt really matter as far as all the other aspects. This healthcare system on the brink of collapse can easily lead to deaths due to minor injuries that simply cannot be cared for.

  • Ryan Harlow

    Your last point. ….not being discussed. This is really slowing down globalism. But I guess, someone could argue the opposite *shrug*

  • Ryan Harlow

    Yeah, I dont understand how they are all so ignorant on this issue?
    Its certainly not a big nothing burger.
    Coming from someone who has been watching this daily for 2 months.
    Except the reports from people I know are the same as the reports across social media.
    New reports are saying that some Chinese cities are RE-shutting down.

  • Vinny

    main stream media

  • Vinny

    Seems like only Social security recipients are being attacked by the virus

  • Neferkheperure

    Glad I’m not the only one to think there is more behind this virus than meets the eye. The panic the MSM are instilling in people is nothing short of criminal. Over 70’s and vulnerable people are now being told to prepare to self isolate for up to 4 months in the UK. I am one of the ‘vulnerable’, but I am well prepared with my ‘alternate remedies’, the remedies that BIG Pharma are trying to ridicule.

    MSM show death bed phone calls of those who have succumbed to this virus, why aren’t they showing more stories of those who have come through this? It’s because fear and panic make people more easy to be controlled. Our liberties are more easily removed in a state of panic, people want to be ‘saved’, that’s when a saviour steps in, be it in the form of a new ‘vaccine’ or removal of liberties. I feel as if the world is in ‘The Truman’ style mode, and our reactions are being watched with new measures waiting to be rolled out from the wings. There was no frenzy about Swine Flu like what we see today. What an eyeopener this document is from 2004…. A new version of 1984.

    Peoples reactions have been astounding in all this and it shows how easily they are led by MSM, and can be whipped up into a frenzy. They are allowing the primitive part of the brain to rule over reason, and ‘they’ are taking full note of the reaction. It seems as if the whole world is a giant experiment at the moment.

    The world relies on China and India for production because it’s ‘cheap labour’, this needs to stop. If Communist China is the ‘enemy’, why has this been allowed?

    This has all been staged, and I believe this virus has been manufactured.

  • rdlongview

    Lets remember Royal Raymond Rife, almost 100 years ago killing bacteria, virus and curing cancer with EM frequencies.

  • Bestowic

    Geeze man no way to explain how valuable membership is for my why haven’t anyone pushed it on me i just like many others are just immune to advertising but wow why haven’t anyone explained the value damn I’ve been missing out well horray I’m finally here.

  • kofiman

    Perhaps the Oort cloud and the dust shell around other stars are the results of novas/micro-novas over the millennia.

  • Stickyhammer

    Maybe it’s time to start rounding up all these Global Bankster Elitist child traffickers, end the Federal Reserve, Reset the global markets and transition back to a precious metals based currency?

    Im not saying that COVID-19 is a hoax, but it sure seems to be Hyper-Hyped!

    There could be something much much bigger afoot!

    p.s. Hydrochloroquine-Phosphate and Zinc are showing promise in the treatment of COVID-19.

  • Stickyhammer

    correction *Hydroxychloroquine-Phosphate

  • sativarg

    OK Mr. Davidson,
    RE: dynamo and Earth’s magnetic shield…
    Perhaps an Iron core alone does not explain a dynamic and powerful magnetic shield but could the Earth Moon and Star system come closer?
    I could see Earths core being part of a intelligently made system that may or may not be just a lump of iron. I also see how the Moon could work to move that core both tidally and electric/electromagnetically. The core would be stirred ever so slightly from center as the moon orbits Earth thus keeping things very energetic? Much of the energy resulting from Earth and Moon interaction would generate heat. Currents of rising mass would contribute to electrodynamics? But we do not know for sure the structure or nature of Earth’s core… still I find it likely it is in no way simple or without purpose given the precise relationships or proportions and ratios between Earth moon and Sol.

    Nothing as simple as a dynamo perhaps but rather an entire life support system regulating so much more? structures reportedly observed on the moon suggest plasma bolt interception, massive shielding with titanium, inner organized structure possibly dynamic and tidally locked either by design or as a result of solar blasting?

    and on and on goes my speculations in this

    thanks for reading

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