FOTW June 3, 2017
On the line: Ben, Billy, Xaviar, Tony, Trevor
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On the line: Ben, Billy, Xaviar, Tony, Trevor
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Fellow S0’s Im always here!
impeach Trump
Giving away a free trip to OTF is awesome!
I am a faithful weekly FOW listener & a daily news watcher & will continue to do so because I wholly believe in what Mr Davidson is doing. I am not the sort to be butt hurt over spoken words that I disagree with. That said when on today’s show one of you pointed to the 10 commandments hanging in a courthouse as a “violation of the separation of church & state” I couldn’t believe my ears. On this I can not be silent. What are you thinking? This is not an example of a state church! Our founders absolutely accredited the miracle of the Revelutionary war & the Constitution to Divine providence & had no issue giving God the credit. They were all Christians, this simply is a fact. Do you know what happened in Long Island , valley forge & throughout that war? Take for example bullet proof George Washington! America became free by the hand of God because we relied on God & tried to keep His commandments! But never then or now by force from the state. This is the seperation they made law. The 10 commandments that came from the fingure of God is the foundation of just law (not that it’s practiced in the US of today) & our founders knew that the day we depart there from is the day liberty will begin to slip away. Which it is & sadly will continue to do. If the sight of the 10 commandments in a courthouse truly offends you then I am very sad for you. And for us all. I love you guys , all of you & keep up the great work!
God bless American!
Humbly, Ralph Dlugas
The Paris agreement would do almost nothing for the climate. It would, however, wreck the economy of the US and allow certain individuals to get extremely wealthy, on the carcass of our country. We all know where the climate is headed, and despite what we do, we can’t stop it! It was just another scam.
Hi, I just found out I was not unsubscribed all this time. So I am wondering is there video in this presentation because all I get is audio and black screen. I better check my settings. I have been watching daily at YouTube but not here because I was broke last time my subscription came due and apparently some one payed for me? thanks? How dumb am I? and today I thought I’d get caught up a bit by paying up and watching. I see this is a vimeo private feed so maybe my Firefox is not setup right or there is only sound?
Why would Musk care? He sells solar panels and electric cars… seems clear.
Elan Musk. Look at the government subsidies he gets, for green energy. Now, think about the international subsidies he would get, if the US went along with the Paris agreement. No wonder he’s absolutely frantic about the US pulling out! He could have become the wealthiest person on the planet.
This link shows what Trump has said about climate change.
It doesn’t have to be paleo. Remove P*processed* sugar.
Natural sugars found in fruits/vegetables/grains do not act the same way as processed sugar because of the fiber and other phytochemicals in the plant foods. Whole plant foods are not going to impair the human body in any way (exceptions for rare diseases do apply)
I don’t think FOTW has any video, just the morning updates, etc.
thanks Larry Sinclair.
I’ll tell you what scares the hell out of me.
First a little background.
I’m a 60 year old long haired straight white male, who owns a little 5 pound Chihuahua.
Early one 4th of July morning I was walking her through my neighborhood, when 2 very young Hispanic males(They didn’t even look old enough to drive) in their mommies SUV decided to F#ck with us, yelling profanities / gay slurs in Spanish, and trying to run us down.(3 times!)
After they had a good laugh, they sped off… I notified the police, after I figured out where they lived…
Now we don’t leave my yard, (though it’s pretty big at 1.5 acres with lots of trees).
I realize, I don’t look like the picture of masculinity walking my little dog, but this gay hate thing is bullshit!
I totally support the LGBTQ community and their struggle for acceptance.
Another thing that scares the hell out of me is these Right wing sites threatening civil war and bragging about “Hunting down Liberals”… I consider myself a realist moderate centrist…
I’ve been mistaken as a gay man, Don’t want to be mistaken as a liberal by THESE IDIOTS!
Sorry Ben, but your last point on how Obama was treated was misleading.
It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble.
It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.
-Mark Twain
thanks Ralph, well said…either way i am always open to various opinions and thoughts. I shove some to the side and others cause me to think and look a little deeper. The US founding fathers created one of the best, if not the only constitution in the world, that has developed one of the most creative and open society in the world.
Can use that drawling winning right about now.
Need to plan that trip asap.
Unsure how I am going to make it.
It is very generous!
The Paris accord most definitely hurts the U.S. economy! We should NOT be a party to it. MORE IMPORTANTLY, as we all know, man made climate change, as presented by the political left, is BOGUS!
When Trump indicated he was willing to renegotiate the Paris Climate Treaty I am thinking he already tried they rejected any bargaining. Trump is learning politics on the fly. He is not going to blurt out climate change is a hoax especially since the advocates treat it as another religion. The left MSM would have freaked out even more. The key thing he did say that it was a “scheme” for wealth distribution. Pushing the jobs and money reasons is a more reasoned approach when dealing with the lunatic, unhinged left.
Elon Musk’s motivation? $4.9 billion (so far) from Federal Government for his “energy saving” companies.
To the last point, today’s education scares me. Teaching our children is frowned upon. We say we want to teach our children to think, but what is meant is that today’s education only want our children to think “correct” thoughts. There is no desire to have our children actually explore the world they live in, but only to mimic back the views and opinions they been have told matter.
Politics is not 0bserver territory.
Politicians are frauds and there is no facts in it.
Look for Marxist ideology behind the far left trans movement and black lives matter movement. Follow the money. Support rational thought and discussion and critical thinking whenever possible. Start considering that we maybe in a death struggle with facsim and totalitarianism
Can we leave the politics out of these discussions? There’s enough science to keep us all on the edge of our seats. When we go off into politics land, it’s a major turnoff for at least some of us. Please!?
More science and less politics please.
I would like to point out to those who don’t like hearing about politic’s on this site, that you don’t have to lash out. Perhaps listen to what they have to say or turn it off. I for one, enjoy different perspectives on the people with the most power in this world. I’ll tell you what should scare everyone though. Not knowing which theory of chaos is actually taking place, whether it’s by design, or just a product of sin in human nature. Is it possible that the “elite” are just brainwashed, non-critical thinking, careless or illiterate in the foundations of math and science and philosophy and psychology. Or are they playing some kind of 4-D chess and this slow derealization taking a hold of everyone is the product they intended or one that just manifested through the Internet and constant bombardment of information with no way of knowing it’s credibility. After all, it takes time to question everything you see and hear so people tend to shut down and choose not to care. Same thing with climate. Do they know what’s really going on, who is right?, who is wrong? No one seems to know. That’s scary. The future is so unclear to me that it’s hard to want to have kids and feel financially secure and it’s getting even more unpredictable. It’s like everyone is scrambling for answers and those answers are being confidentially suppressed or there simply are no solutions and it’s all a game of how long can we keep this going. The cracks in the financial sector are showing, the bond market is showing ominous signs, the weather is getting extreme, politics is 8D chess stuck in stalemate, and everyone is pointing fingers and I’m not even sure they know why. This is stressing me out and honestly I just want to see the system fall so I can see everyone’s true colors come out.
It’s like we are at the point where mass awakening’s are going to take place. I remember what it was like in 2011 as a 20 year old studying physics in college, to realize that I didn’t know anything really. I was always top 5 in every science and math based subject, but to realize a world around me controlled by just a few people and realizing the full potential those people can have on every human being in society made me jump down a rabiit hole that I honestly almost didon’t make it back out of. Those rabbit holes are opening again in force and a lot of late comers are just now getting sucked in. I fear mass paranoia, mass hysteria, and irrational behavior are going to make things very difficult moving forward. This community has done an incredible job stamping out those behaviors as you guys helped me years ago. But I’m not sure our community can contain and inform everyone waking up that this isn’t the end of the world. The end of the world mantra is now mainstream and heavily supported. The foundation of trust is fading fast and honestly we need this solar minimum to really shock the world. This might be the only thing everyone can rally behind when it becomes too obvious to deny.
Len, I don’t think any of us are lashing out. We ask nicely. If I want politics I listen to politics. I come here for sun, magnetic universe, even the sugar and health stuff. And yes, when there is politics I turn off the recording and go about my business. Hopefully, that’s the last sciencey interesting thing they say because I can’t go down that path. (And yes, I did just make up a new word… It’s a good word, I may use it again. :-) )
Two great posts, Lee! FOTW is the perfect place to learn the viewpoints of various subject from our respected peers. The topics are always current topics, no matter the fields of interest.
Personally, I have found that keeping an attitude of gratitude keeps me anchored in Love, where there is no room for fear. I know that ALL things are working out in a creative manner, no matter what the appearances may lead most to believe.
I tend to agree w/your assessment that the world & humanity needs a shock wave, and more & more people have been getting that gut feeling that something great is about to occur. Earth’s protective shield has been thinning. The veil is lifting. It’s really a time for rejoicing rather than fearing, as we 0bserve the old world fading away while we welcome in the new! Namaste
Not going to happen. Trump has the Constitutional authority to fire Comey and any other appointee. The FBI director serves at the direction of the President. So if Trump told Comey to lay off investigating Flynn he has that authority and Comey should have resigned if he disapproved. There is no legal basis for any of the Russian collusion charges being thrown around. It is all a smokescreen, which when lifted shows no evidence. The MSM has gone bonkers over this.
GMO corn produces high fructose corn syrup. Technically this is a whole plant food but it has an unnatural amount of sugar. Net result of crossing wheat with grasses, to shorten it for ease of mechanised harvesting, was the creation of a super starch, called Amylopectin-A, which is, again, unnaturally high in sugar. Hence Dr Dunning labeling white baguettes, pastries and the like ‘weapons of mass destruction’ in his ‘Habitat Crisis’ presentation at this year’s OTF conference.
Equally, Dr Dunning also pointed out that:
1, most fruits have been cross-bred to ‘enhance’ sweetness, in preference over micro-nutrient content
2, due to modern farming practices the level of nutrients available to us in our food is massively reduced, by comparison to levels noted in the 1940’s some ten years after the start of soil nutrient level decay. i.e to achieve the same level of micro-nutrient intake one would, today, have to eat 25 apples, as opposed to 1 1940’s apple. Concomitant with that is the 25 times higher level of sugar intake, not to mention acidification of your guts, you would experience in trying to match the ’40’s nutrient levels.
Your statement would be true provided the ground your food is grown in has been re-mineralised or, you follow the 3 field system of our forefathers. Fallow, Livestock, Crop. And alternate the crops to above ground on one planting and a root plant on the next planting cycle.
GMO corn is a whole food product, HFCS is not. I agree with what you say about the soil but I still stand firm in my position–although Im going to place an emphasis on fruit/veggies–that whole raw fruits/veggies are not at all disastrous to human health, even with the fact that yes some have been bred to enhance sweetness and other desirable attributes. What other nutrients [that blunt the affects of increased sugar content] have been enhanced in these, we do not know.
We just started to realize that plant foods have thousands of phytochemicals so, really, the science on this is incomplete and therefore the words we share with each other are opinions and much less so founded on science.
Fruit is alkalizing. They contain acids, but are alkaline forming for the body
I’m curious how intensely do you disagree with what I had to say?
I love fly on the wall. You guys go really in-depth. I’m a black man, the funny thing is to a lot of people is that I don’t consider myself African American. I’m just a black American. However, I get a lot of flack from the black community. I love heavy metal, science, computer science, and love to read technical books. For all of these things list. The black community in my area shuns me, which doesn’t bother me too much. I like the fact that this community is diverse. Thanks for all the information. Learning new stuff all the time.