FOTW July 25, 2020

Showing 15 comments
  • Ernest Bush

    There were traces of metals found in the soil from that cave. The article I read (forgot where) suggested there may have been smelting taking place.

  • Kane1331

    The swastika is the oldest symbol on earth. It was worldwide. Aryans were a worldwide culture. The nazis america russia all used the swastika during ww2. The term redskin was used because their skin was so fair they used red ochre to keep from burning. There have been aryan mummies found worldwide near pyramids and large megalithic. The demographic worldwide was totally different the original hopi had an aryan aristocracy.

  • Kane1331

    Obviously you really havent researched ww2 Germany. What we have been told was total war propoganda. Ever heard of the transfer agreement. Hitler stopped the night of the broken glass. There were 50000 jews in Hitler’s army and 45000 muslims. Just like Iraq Vietnam Libya we have been lied to about all wars. Read what Kennedy wrote about Hitler and Germany. His words in his journals where. When people learn the truth about Germany and World war 2 they will realize Hitler is one of the most remarkable men to ever live. Germany offered peace terms 9 times during the war. From the first day till the end. The man who brought the terms to the Royal family is still in London prison. He has never been allowed visitation. There is a reason they had to smash the testes of all the men who were in the Nurembourg trial to get confession. There is a documentary a young jewish man made. Cole in Aushwitz that is very interesting. He wanted to know the truth. My grandfather was army intelligence he told me the truth. There is a reason it is illegal to talk about in many countries.

  • John Mallary

    Rushmore won’t be the last remnant.
    That’s gonna be our secure government underground infrastructure.
    Or Elon Musk’s!

  • LyonTheeves

    RE the Hopi ‘ant men’ stories. Here’s what happened. The Hopi were more godly/spiritual/mystical than most peoples, so they were able to contact aliens just before the last micro nova. The ‘ant men’ (aliens) moved them to sheltered locations underground and helped them survive the following ice age. That’s why Stephen Greer is trying to contact aliens. He’s looking for help to survive the next one. Thinking about joining him. Just got my CE5 contact app. Peace out earthlings.

  • ahoban

    “Ant people” in the Hopi language is “anu nakki,” which is one hell of a coincidence since the higher civilization that guided the ancestors of the Sumerians was called the “anunakki.”

    That’s who they were—the same folks who helped the Sumerians.

  • Nycavp111

    Houses in upstate NY are selling fast , mortgage brokers are seeing A paper and cash buyers , maybe NYC ,skewing numbers but thats what’s happening here. Look for abandoned mines. Print maps , prep and pray for us all , I’m long time SO , ty Ben and all , see ya on the other side.

  • Peacefrog

    Another great episode. Magnetic electric magma, micro-nova shedding skin, Hopi (ant people – annunakki?) , Have a Map, Nova-November!

  • sativarg

    Saying “Sun Makes Earthquakes ”
    is like me saying I create the universe…
    I may contribute to creation but do I create?

    I boycott deceptive ambiguity!
    condone or condemn
    blue or red
    black or white
    all things are controversy in a divisive environment so why invite trouble with weak or lazy language?

  • Eva

    The large cracks on Mt. Rushmore Are caulked. Ice gets in the cracks causing expansion.

  • Suwinskifam

    I envision building a bomb shelter with a well dug inside. Maybe an exercise bike hooked up to an electromagnet and giant battery bank. Just have to do my best not to build that in a place likely to be submerged.

  • Chris

    Touching on Gobekli Tepe, Ben mentioned the intentional burial. That always stood out to me ass very flawed assumption. Since learning of the possible disruption of Earth’s rotation, I’ve expected the burial was due to the flow of sea across the continent. Has anyone else considered this?

  • RadVman

    John Great Research. We are living in a World of Far too Many Liars!

  • RadVman

    Xavier; You need to listen to David The Jewish Humanist who exposes Lies

  • RadVman

    Xavier; You The only hope for America is to Demand A Republic under the constitution with Liberty and Justice for All.

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