FOTW February 29, 2020

Just in case you only swung-by for the portion on the corona virus, it begins at 42:56 into the video. We’ll get everything from hope to deep conspiracy in that portion of the program :)

– Solar Storms Strand Whales:
– Solar Storms and Bees:
– Non-Oxygen Life:–evolution?&storyid4700=2516&ncs4700=3
– On Methuselah and Primordial Fields:
– Historical Declination Page:

Showing 46 comments
  • laurie

    Love FOTW, but distressed when it wasn’t yet posted! Was wondering if Adam chose to enter the world! Hope all is well.

  • Carrie Sue Suldovsky

    Was 2014 last time I really had a free Sat & could listen. This whole HYPE over this latest bug is a trip wilder than anything any fake news would / could do.

  • laurie

    bottom of the ocean are organisms that use sulfur as form of energy, instead of oxygen, correct?

  • Judd Crane

    Could you make this one available as an mp3 file?

  • Charles

    Ya’lls idea that the UV light being distorted and making the bees run into everything, reminded me of an article about bees kept in an enclosure such as a greenhouse or similar, they were reported to be very hostile. I’m pretty sure that most greenhouses block most UV light. The ones that let more UV in are the ones made from ETFE. Also in Ben’s climate change presentation, didn’t you say the UV output actually drops? Is is possible upper atmosphere being bombarded with more x-rays and particles could increase their opacity to UV?

    As an aside, flowers apparently look way more interesting in UV, as they have evolved to attract bees and have lots of geometric patterns like landing pads that only show up in UV. If the majority of bee’s color perception is in the UV, flowers probably look absolutely fantastic to them.

    As far as the big bang goes, this is yet ANOTHER nail in its coffin. There is no big bang, the theory has way too many holes, contradictions and evidence disproving it. It it broken in at least a dozen ways and is nothing but religion/superstition at this point, its right up there with this man made global warming idiocy. The fact that either or both of those are still being pushed says that science is broken.

    There are ‘meta studies’ out there explaining dozens of problems with the big bang, any single one of which is a good reason to toss it according to the scientific method. Those meta studies keep getting removed, just like Google and YT hiding or censoring things that don’t fit their agenda.

    Ben, “5G” for cell service is short for “5th generation”. The “5g” you are referring to that’s been around for a while is just short for “5Ghz”, as in the frequency used to transmit the data, and it has been in use for decades. Back in 2001 I got a cordless telephone for plain old telephone service, that was touted as 5Ghz. My point is there is a difference between “5G” and 5 Ghz wifi. The new “5G” wireless cell service uses frequencies all over the place, 600mhz, 850 mhz and later, between 24Ghz, and 75Ghz and has only been rolled out in 2019, so I think Adrian could be on to something. Also, “5G” is not yet available in the sticks where I live, although I’ve been to a neighboring town that does have it.

    Adam doesn’t have a problem, its comfy in there! LOL

  • cjan137

    Thanks guys for the Corona virus discussion. Very enlightening.


  • sgj
  • Ned herbert

    Ben, once again, thank you.
    Your scholarship balance and industry humble me. Thank you. And God bless Adam

  • Michael Durfee

    What about the African megamammals? Haven’t they been on the brink of extinction? Maybe some critical sensory frequency has been blocked or distorted for all those Elephants and Giraffes somehow? The poaching and urbanization isn’t helping their cause, however studies conducted to answer these questions would be at the very least interesting if not useful.

  • Timothy Greening

    Intriguing regarding the coronovirus. I suspected that there were issues which are open to debate, what with the outlandish press pushing bad thoughts. I had no idea the French had built lab 4 in Wuhan. But I DO think the vaccine or other mechanism would trigger something worse, on the other hand mosquitoes or the like are also possible carriers. My other concern would be an attack on our mitochondrion system. As a matter of interest we have a family member who is a critical care nurse in The USA, who told me yesterday that the real genome of this thing has not been fully diagnosed. Is this true? Thank you so much again.

  • Anomalous Howard

    Who would be doing this?
    Who is John Galt?
    to the naive, the innocent, the depth of evil of these people is beyond their capacity to understand
    The con job is what’s happening.
    A new carpet is being installed as the one that all were comfy with is getting yanked.
    “They” know what’s coming.
    This is part of their Prepping plan.

  • Anomalous Howard

    BTW – Epstein is still not a suicide. Same people pulling off the con. You know…….(children…cover your ears)…….the ritual child abuse sex slave crowd and their private enclaves.
    Papering over the GSM/pole shift geo-effective eventualities with AGW.
    Don’t underestimate them. They play stupid very well.
    Been to the Vatican Library lately?
    The aforementioned “eventualities” are an advancing army they have “employed”.
    IPCC inclusion of solar particle forcing into “the models” is…..let’s say hopeful….but not a lock as a game-changer.
    If it’s going to be, they’ll change the game to counter it. It’s like 6 dimensional chess.

  • Hyssop67

    Hello, everyone. So pleased to be part of your community. I’ve enjoyed your videos and book, Ben. I’ve been observing quietly for a while now, wink wink. Keep up the good fight and keep it real. Thanks

  • Joningham Farms

    The anaerobic life find is interesting, not just not oxygen breathing but lacking mitochondria altogether. I suspect it isn’t a pre-oxygenation branch of life but a more recent evolution. It should be noted this is a parasite, and it is also extremely small (<10 cells); I think it gets its energy directly from its host, and has shed its mitochondria, along with other things, over time of specializing to its host. While more mundane than an early or totally unrelated branch, it is still something we had no idea life would be able to do, but I have a feeling now that someone will be looking for it we will find this trait in a few more parasites.

    Strange energy sources in bacteria and microbes is even more interesting, exoelectrogenic bacteria is what you are looking for with the bacteria that respire electrons. They do use more than just electrons, requiring other elements as a transporter, primarily we have observed them using iron or manganese as far as I know. I really wonder just where all they could survive. To me the bacteria we are finding in that category are some of the most fascinating organisms we have found. I have a sci-fi story floating around my mind about some of the clouds of dust everywhere in the cosmos actually being clouds/clusters of iron and electron consuming bacteria, acting quite literally as a great filter of technological life.

  • Anomalous Howard

    Who is Edgybees?

  • Anomalous Howard

    Augmented Reality for “Public Safety”
    Edgybees brings full visibility and understanding to any dynamic scenes by creating collaborative virtual worlds on top of any real-world scene.

    This Augmented Real-time Intelligence™ fuses computer vision, multi-sensor data analytics and 3D video generation to provide a simple visual layer of highly accurate, real-time information. The result is instant clarity and collaboration within even the most complex operational environments.

  • Anomalous Howard

    f’n trademarked, mind you.
    Fully operational.
    Nebraska, Colorado? “Mystery” drones?
    A lot less mystery when you see ALL of their ytube vids and deep boardroom stuff.

  • richardtheturd

    Fascinating discussion regarding the corona virus. I think that you perhaps touched upon the truth in that the virus has been triggered by the cosmic ray maximum that we’re currently living in, it’s just lain dormant until now. Regarding the media panic thats just a way of driving the disengaged masses back to the mainstream media, which isn’t ‘necessarily’ a bad thing in times of supposed crisis.

  • Archytype

    5g wifi is 5ghz radio.

    5g network is not the same. That is 5th gen networks will use spectrum range of 24-27ghz or ten times that of 2.4ghz Wi-Fi.

  • LyonTheeves

    Good talk, great links. Keep up the good work guys.

  • Kane1331

    We don’t have an evolutionary tree. You can explain differences in thickness of skin or tail length. The evolution theory can explain minor differences but it directly contradicts new life being created by evolution. Many noted scientists have written books on this subject lately. Any abnormality or difference usually leads to death in survival of the fittest not more mutations. Irreducible complexity has disproved the theory of evolution long ago. Darwin even admitted his theory was wrong but media and delusional religious fervour in academia won’t go back to the drawing board like with gravity and black holes and big bang.

  • Archytype

    Ditch the Skype. Microsoft making it end of life soon anyway.
    Suggest you get private PBX….
    Use to create privatecall conf with VoIP client and record it.

  • Archytype

    Also kind of annoying that when you post a comment, the player on the web page stops an reverts to the start….

  • Mrs. Altmann

    B”H Latency time for Covid-19 is now thought to be 90 days. Viruses thrive in cold. It is known to have started in October 2019! Just it took a while to show. It is thought that the worker at the P4 lab who brought it to the live meat market got the virus in October and did not know it and it spread. Thanks.

  • Ryan Harlow

    5G is barely available, when speaking of the millimeter wave band. Plus, millimeter wave band is almost entirely halted by standard house walls. And rain, and fog, and heavy clothing, etc. Extraordinarily weak penetration. Which is why there is a low likelihood that it will ever leave dense urban locations. Suburban, maybe years from now it will start. Rural, most likely never. Waving a hand between the transmitter tower and the phone will drop speeds or even cut off 5G altogether (millimeter wave) If you see it in a non-very large city, its almost guaranteed that it’s simply enhanced 4G and not true millimeter wave 5G.
    Map of current 5G deployments …**BUT, take note! Almost all of T-mobile deployments DO NOT USE the millimeter wave.

  • Mrs. Altmann

    B”H My comment on COVID-19, basically that it’s known that the components were collaboratively engineered in about 2012 in Chapel Hill, UNC, with participation of a Wuhan P4 scientist, and in Australia in 2015 with participation of a P4 Wuhan scientist(s), and were combined, with culmination of that process in 2019 at the P4 lab but there was a containment error, and there’s speculation by Jones and a Dr. he interviewed, that China was developing a weapon to help them regain control of Taiwan and/or possibly expand NW into territory that now belongs to Russia, wound up under the Feb 22 FOTW, because I am having a hard time navigating on the laptop I am using, and things seem to jump and due to lightness of device, and the fact that the cursor jumps and the screen is small and the whole device bounces around on my makeshift desk, I made such an error, but if anyone wants to see what I heard on line and how I believe it fits in with recent FOTW conversations, they can look for it down there. Thanks.

  • Ryan Harlow

    Ive had a prepper mindset for years and did what I could with available resources to keep myself as ready as reasonably possible. Relying mostly on being mentally and emotionally prepared. When I first heard about covid mid-Jan I went high alert and watched carefully. Time came and I largely exhausted financial resources to prepare for panic buying scenarios and lock downs. Good thing, most of the items I would have bought anyway so if it blows over, I wont have to shop for a few months! …and now to forever, as Ben said, Ill always be more prepared than Ive ever been.

  • Robin

    covid-19 replicates in the ace2 recpter, found deep in the lungs, hear, kidney and muscles surrounding the intestinal tract. Lung infection can be anywhere from mild to pneumonia resulting in death (old mans friend).

    Infection in organs causes death from renal failure, drastic drop in blood pressure and weakened heart pumping ability, sepsis, opportunistic infections from weakened immune system.

    My question: how does covid-19 get into the body beyond the lungs?

  • TurboSol

    COVID-19 is bad by the stats, 10x higher mortality rate than the flu and about 20% serious complication rate and about 2 to 3 times more infectious than the flu. That said, the media is also using this as an opportunity to 1. make lots of money on fear, and 2. use it to start yet another scandal against the Trump administration to alter the outcome of the next election, both of which will weaponize fear, so keep this in mind when hearing news stories on Coronavirus. Like Ben said, our saving grace is summer quickly approaching, it should make the virus containable (for now) but the CDC seems to expect this is widespread enough to be a yearly disease now like the flu, if so we will eventually just get used to it and get on with our lives but unfortunately it also means that instead of 15-50k deaths a year in the US from flu, we’ll have those plus 120k+ from COVID is all the stats are correct. Also worth noting is that it’s probably already spread across the US, we just don’t know since we’ve not been testing for it hardly anywhere.

  • Johnathan Jones

    I believe you are correct there…

  • Johnathan Jones

    Maybe it is being spread inadvertently by Amazon packages as the unseen connecting factor in all the cases that have no seemingly common risk factors.

  • Charles

    From what I’ve seen there has been pretty much zero studies as to how the new spectrum affect living things or people. There is some *speculation* that sweat glands would act as wavequides etc. .. basically we have no idea what it would do to us over long periods, and at some point there will be a lot of the millimeter wave stuff around, I think it behooves us to figure it out first.

    Working as an IT guy for a few decades, I’ve found that even 5ghz wifi is sharply attenuated by all kinds of things, but it has great bandwidth through air. Basically the higher the frequency the more bits you can carry with it, but also the more it is attenuated by almost anything solid and sometimes even water vapor, with little windows of transparency here and there. In short it seems like the millimeter wave stuff would be great for high bandwidth backbone stuff above obstructions, and not general phone usage. In fact I’d say it might be a waste of money to implement the millimeter wave tech for cell phones… except maybe for marketing.

  • R.Lauren

    Thank you for opening this Fly of the Wall Podcast for those of us who are not Members.

  • Archegos

    What if the Coronavirus really is a GMO weapon. a virus modified to infect as many as possible without them knowing.

    Have you ever play does Pandemic app games? I won once LOL I totally wiped the planet clean of people. And I had a strategy: spread to as many people as possible but be a nothing bug, then when as many people as needed are infected, you mutate and start killing people. This strategy always worked to infect most countries.

    I feel like this is what’s being said at the 1 Hour mark.

    Heres the thing, with the 2 week infectious incubation period (or whatever its called), the covid-19 is great at spreading as much as it can, for as long as it can, and then changing into something rough. This sounds like my strategy.

    and now, the protests against the Chinese government have stopped! HMMMM maybe the weapon did its job?

    I wonder how much of that pandemic game’s data was tracked and store for information. It seems like a great way to mass test some diseases and scenarios now.

    I almost wonder what other games are tracking data that will be used for some weapons.

  • davidwebster

    Great FOTW

    I suggest viewing Benjamin Fulfords Blog This man is about the only person who has the REAL news and behind the scenes, he has sources from around the world and is protected by the White Dragoon Society in Asia. He provides links to help prove his information.

    Politics is something to avoid right now. As long as the corrupted people are in power, politics is a ruse and show only. NOT one single person who is decent is allowed to be elected. Not an opinion it is a fact! Only small townships get to vote in a major and maybe police.. Entire world is corrupt and it has to pop soon.. it cannot be sustained.

    Thanks guys its great to hear you talk about the hidden world. >:^D

  • davidwebster

    Ben I am EMF sensitive since I had my awakening March 2016. I will die if full on 5G is implemented. My son and I moved to Colorado to escape the Las Vegas 5G and things the Military are doing there. I have to wear a hat 24/7 that has copper and silver threads in it. This I assume creates a faraday cage affect helping to block out the 5G.

    Old electricity bothers me as well, most countries have banned 5G. Our country might have plans to use it for some purpose. I have heard many scenarios but 5G is a dangerous thing Ben. Do some research there are millions of people just like me around the world!! Someone please point this out to Ben. I suffer everyday due to the EMF radiation all around us

  • Uncleharley

    Maybe the covid19 is to get more people to take the vaccines???


  • Fblade42

    Hi all , I haven’t finished the podcast yet so don’t know if it’s mentioned but has anyone heard of “Pandemic Bonds” ? Check this …

  • sativarg

    Welcome to Earth Master Adam Davidson.
    and congratulations Ben and family

  • Michael Durfee

    Nice to meet you Adam! Well, it looks to me like we’ve got some knowlege to condense. Gotta get you brushed up on the latest and all that.

  • paula

    Carrie, indeed. I live in a rural Oregon town and niece from a bit bigger nearby town came by today ad said that people are panic-buying in her town Stripped a Costco of several items that were NOT on sale. Thought that odd till I remembered how incredibly busy our usually-slow-paced Costco in my town was about a week ago. I just assumed they were stocking up after getting their tax refunds back. I mean, that is what we do. But apparently its worse than that in the few cities we have in Oregon. Everyone I have spoken to about it, save a small handful, are saying whatever- its nothing more than a cold, anyway. Then they panic buy… ? Doesn’t compute.

  • The Listener

    Thank you. Grateful 🙏

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