FOTW February 15, 2020
– Solar Forcing from Photometry:
– Cosmic Rays Cool:
– Super CME at Mercury:
– Dust Clearing of Solar System:
– Something Else at Work:
– Ice Ages, New Mystery:
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Hi Ben,
The Crab Nebula supernova was visible on July 4, 1054 AD. Check out the Supernova Glyph in Chaco Canyon near Penasco Blanco.
Observer fest?! Luvin it! Glad I signed up and made my reservations early!
Also saw you comment in the morning news this morning. Wow Are these people for real? Are they socialists, or climate alarmists something,telling you to stop having kids? WTF?
The world needs more smart people to have more kids!! If you can afford it, keep it up bro!
I even let it slip that I was a Democrat. The reaction: “Good for you! Welcome!”
spoken like good little nazis. run Jojo run!
Listening to a bunch of old white guys talking about women and reproductive rights is a joke!
Your discussion of the political system is a further indication of your ignorance…it’s not about Red or Blue, it’s about the flaws in our system…educate yourself if you want to have a real discussion.
The opinion of a bunch of white guys isn’t what the world needs!
We even discussed how pathetic it is for you national socialists (the modern NAZI party) to run around calling others Nazis… your way or the highway? Fascist.
Virtue signaling is for the pathetic. We didn’t make it about white guys THE LEFT DID. While we’re on that topic, let’s go to slavery… every race has owned every other in history. They ALL ended by rebellion, war, or civilization collapse… until white people, AFTER CONQUERING THE WORLD, decided it wasn’t good, and we stopped ourselves. Who else showed us such kindness and mercy. We fought and died against our brothers… we’d do it again… we’d do it let you have the free speech to spout this horse shit … that’s what this is about… Liberty.
I have a published piece on feminist jurisprudence… I bet you have to google what that is. You have no clue that I’m a classical fundamentalist feminist, like the originators of the movement, and I see the irresponsibility in how it has changed – they agree in THEIR published works. True, mainstream has begun to ignore them for the more exciting and controversial… but that is NOT the right thing, it is NOT the majority, it is shock journalism and social media algorithms aimed at making the platform seem more exciting. Or… do you just trust google and facebook and twitter?
People like you are such a weird anomaly… not only does it take a brain defect to be leftist and an 0bserver, but you see how we dominate everything we touch and yet you see us touch something else… and you presume ignorance and bias. YOU are the biased one. YOU are making the judgements. YOU contributed nothing to conversation but negativity.
Go ahead… tell me I’m wrong.
I feel much better now.
On 9/11 at every event the earth’s magnetic field dropped. Also look at the course of hurricane Erin that was just off the coast of ny that day. Made a beeline for ny for a week sat offshore 5 miles until the last building fell then veered off course. They have been able to manipulate weather since Tesla Dr Judy Woods book where did the towers go is the only real investigation into 9/11. You are mistaken if you don’t think they have earth shattering technology.
Shouldn’t we be able to differentiate the light before and after the shell release of Betelgeuse for things like plasma content and ability to obscure its surroundings?
The shoulder piece you were speaking of is called an epaulet, it’s really lust a place to affix a medal, the other noun you were trying to remember. Medallions are worn to commemorate acts and abilities. In general, those worn on the left are earned during peace time, and those worn on the right side are noting war time (if they were medals Orions would be war time). I hope I’m remembering that correctly. I also think I remember Betelgeuse having its origins in an ancient word meaning armpit. From our perspective, we wouldn’t see the top of a shoulder from a downward strike.
As for making babies… I’m a family man, four children and seven grandchildren. No greater thing, could I possibly say about myself. Spiritually and physiologically, this is our charge. This is, of course, my opinion. I wouldn’t advise non family orientated individuals to take the path.
*”smiles and shakes head at dissenting comments above”
Glad I got my room for OTF booked… I should probably see about upgrading to one of the rooms with a balcony.
project away babyboy! i love it. I’m neither an observer nor a leftist, you think you know who you talk shit to, but you have no clue. thats your failure, and weakness, aside from vanity is you think walking away from the left, just to walk to the right, makes you some hero. sorry bennie, it makes you a foolish little boy who can’t do much beyond comment on actual professionals’ work.
“until white people, AFTER CONQUERING THE WORLD, decided it wasn’t good, and we stopped ourselves. Who else showed us such kindness and mercy. We fought and died against our brothers… ”
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you are so full of shit. you talk about others having defecting brains.
where did YOU fight ben?
when did white guys stop fucking other countries and other cultures?
you’ve never stepped foot out of his country, and assume to judge others and their way of life.
stop breeding and end your dna you dickrag
and your dumb little brains…”oh the socialists! nooooo”
i will totally pitch in for someone’s conference tickets, if they go and sock ben in his bitchy smug face
Come do it yourself. – I’d love to see you try. I’m not hiding.
I’ve been around a bit, and I have access to people from all over the world, and I speak with them daily. Much more of an international perspective than most. Nice of you to ignore all my points.,.. except for the factual one, which you laughed at. As a matter of fact, white people ended slavery in the world, they had to fight and die against their brothers to do it.
I would fight and die for the right for you to spew this shit at me. Truth. That is the difference between us.
You’re fortunate I’m not the moderator, the statement above would’ve gotten you kicked, and repeating them, you would be banned. If you’re trolling, you’re horrible at it. and if that is truly your mindset, you deserve the life you lead. Enough said, by me anyway.
the idea you believe you can sit there on you couch and diagnose cultural problems – cultures you are too scared to actually even attempt to visit and learn about yourself – while you preach about the “correct” mindset. and you criticize others for ignorance, about believing what they learned from what they believe to be the correct source, and not fitting Your paradigm. fuck off, quit breeding, and go ahead and ban me, and delete my account while your at it. you all deserve your little fascist clique and i’m glad i had my eyes open enough to see through the hypocritic bullshit.
haha and then we’d see the true nature of your horde wouldn’t we? poor baby bennie, his ego is so fragile. tell us again about who should keep their genes out of the pool
speaking – in english – on skype, and actually immersing yourself in another place and culture are very different things. true i get a kick out of you whining, but if you’re going to sit there and judge people, turn the observation back on yourself, or accept when someone else does. your reactions and failures to de-escalate your own temper at even the smallest of criticisms, says it all.
where have you fought ben? where have you served?
horrified, thanks
at least one other person here can think for themselves ;)
go ahead and ask anyone with indegenous-american ancestry about how white people saved their world and their culture. film it and post it, i’d love to be informed
also, ask some Indians, Afghans, central Asians, Latinos, various indegenous islanders, and non-white Jewish/christian/muslim, et al, while you are at it
ignorance is wonderful when you have a club to preach to, eh?
Hi Ben
I have been tuned into your daily news for the better part of a year. So much that I chose to subscribe to your r premium site. Without conflict, I just wanted to express my distaste over your comment stating that those who believe there is weather tampering are “conspiracy theorists. ” If you honestly and objectively do just a touch of research on the subject, you will become rapidly educated about the systems being used, and their respective patents.
I only say this because, frankly, your theories or should I say, “conspiracy theories”, and hypotheses regarding the catastrophe cycle certainly places you amongst the ‘rest’ being classified as such. If you choose to research this, save my ideas of why I believe they are tampering with the weather, sans consequence.
“Maybe, just maybe, they know with relative certainty just when the catastrophe cycle will be triggered, so perhaps, they have little or no concern for long term effects of the spraying and 5G manipulation. is a great resource. I always look forward to your daily news. Please accept this as a respectful challenge, not an instigation.
Rich B.
Thank you for the upload gentlemen. I always enjoy these and plan to catch up on deeper looks. Speaking of deeper looks… upon deeper look 0bservers find that Electricjay is inebriated with the exuberance of its own verbosity. Zero points for lobbing verbal assaults, half-point for partial left hemisphere extreme function, shame corpus callosum is disconnected. Oh well.
Kind regards for a wonderful week 0bservers.
The aboriginal artwork from the Kimberly’s in NW Australia, depicts what has always been considered ‘alien beings…but as you pointed out, the image is exactly what a Torus Jet looks like…what if the aboriginals witnessed the galactic electric sheet travelling through space and setting off starts that lit up the sky….Date the artwork…count the number of images in each painting…Betelgeuse could be the start of the same event for our ‘age’ ?
You think the correct path is the path that the KKK prefers (the right)? I dont know about you but i think doing the opposite of the KKK is the correct approach? Pretty funny stuff.
The fact is. We are all one. This is common knowledge in the psychedelic community. You guys should be researching and discussing topics around this because inner space is probably more fundamental than outer space.
So obviously the universe is by nature a hostile place. Everything needs to kill to survive, including the earth and plants etc.. It doesnt mean you have to walk around like an un-evolved monkey shooting your brother down. I have no idea what you’re talking about regarding daily be-headings etc, but basically that dude beheading someone is in fact in you! You are it as much as it is you.
2 wrongs dont make a right. Build bridges not walls. Capitalism is broken. We need another way of being. You guys are arguing for one side but both sides are fundamentally broken.
Great conversation! It would be a dream to debate some of these fools alongside you guys. Ol’ Sparkajay should really move on & maybe ask his therapist to help with those insecurities. It’s a shame someone gave him the ability to post but in a truly free world, that’s the type that wouldn’t make it.
Bigpickguy, you’re a great human being. i’d love to know you in person
Since i’m singing to the choir here. Come on everyone and say this out loud “I support the same party as the KKK. I’ve been brainwashed by the USA to think capitalism is the only way”
another sane one <3
great comments Chris
Hi Ben,
I don’t know if your mention of the HAARP facility had anything to do with my previous comments, but I’m glad you mentioned it.
HAARP is quite outdated, pretty much a relic… which is why the mainstream media would like nothing more than to allow test results to be publicized. The radar towers and ionosphere heaters they use have individual towers that are 10x more powerful than the old HAARP facility. Anyways, I agree with you. It is a joke! But the nanotechnology they are using now is not a joke. I only hope more people become aware…
Wow, I remember when FOTW was for flies only, it is certainly different now that the principles are responding. Oh well things change. Anyway arguing CO2 is plant food is like saying the hydrogen in hydrogen cyanide is half of water is good so how could hydrogen be anything other than “water food”. We are so easily distracted by nonsense and need to focus on the locus, pollution. Solve the pollution problem and the CO2 debate evaporates. It’s a fact we have been geo engineering the skies for the length of our human burning and polluting history. Know we want to do it intentionally, let’s acknowledge our baseline shall we?
Wolves and whales come in different races, but who can say one is different or better than the other? They are wolves and whales, they do not change and are the same tomorrow as yesterday and today. Funny how we mess up our zoological classification of humans. Btw, Bloomberg is going to be the next President…..good for business, good for the environment, most tolerable to all.
I am soo stinking proud of you, son. Wow, kiss the kiddos for me houseboat Grandma here on Louisiana bayou. 💋💋💋
These Negative comments are a reflection of what I am seeing across the globe; in our government, our weather, the floods, fires, locusts, plaque. There’s been a shift in earths energy. I felt it, feel it. A heightened sense of emergency, anxiety, stress, argumentative behaviors. Families are fighting, divided. I believe as humans we feel this shift, magnetic pole shift, sun sleeping, increased cosmic waves. We know what is coming and we are anxious, it shows in the behavior of husbands. I see it everywhere.
Interesting you think I’m from the left…I don’t identify as either. I’m listen to your science because it is done with some integrity. I don’t agree with all that you espouse, I do my own due diligence. As for your cultural discussions, they are uneducated, filled with fabrication and a joke. Being a “classical fundamentalist feminist” are your credentials to tell woman what they can and can’t do…LOL
Now you think you can talk about slavery and the plight of people of color? Maybe you should quit while you’re behind!
Seriously looking forward to this conference!