FOTW February 8, 2020

Showing 7 comments
  • Caroline5765

    Thank you for the upload. I respect and appreciate the time you guys take to discuss selected topics…. there are so many to choose from. Time is flying and with each day things and people are changing just as fast it seems. Ben congratulations on the new addition to the Army… building! Kind regards to each of you for now.

  • Charles

    Ben, the volume of your voice goes waaay up, then back down, over and over.

  • sativarg

    some thing small caught my ear this morning…

    The sun… Our Sun Sol or Helios, rotates once about every twenty days. Such a small thing that rhymes and rings suddenly in my mind. Our Earth’s dance partner and Moon also has a twenty eight day cycle. What are the odds that is an accident? How many things have to be right for the Earth’s Moon to be in rhythm with Sol?

    So many factors, observations and characteristics point to the Earth’s Moon being a construct and or part of a dynamic system so that I can not be less than amazed.
    Thank You Mr. Davidson for the little things

  • Curtis loew

    In the tone of Monty Python….’You are lucky to live in Colorado’- its quite freezing here in Darwin Australia…dropped down to 77 degrees (F) here the other night…Had to turn down the air conditioning and find a long sleeved tee shirt!

  • sativarg

    Dear community and Mr. Davidson and SuspectSky,
    RE: FRB, plasma lensing and cosmic Whales…
    Crossing into the realm of speculation and fringe observations, I would like to pose a possibility. Could a life form use FRB in intersteller or interGalactic space to echo-locate/navigate/communicate just as cetacean do in Earth? I have written of my experience with one such life form before. She is why I am writing here and why I even care about the Electric Universe perspective. Because I know that such form do exist, I suspect that some of them probably use electromagnetics to interact with their environment. I also suspect that forms like Humans would have learned from them just as Humans in Earth learned to use sonar and radar… see?
    thank you Mr. Davidson and SuspectSky for reading and considering my input… But mostly for bringing so much inspiration in the form of bright and crisp observations.

  • sativarg

    Dear community,
    off topic video of interest to me… How about you?
    Mr.Mbb333… I know that is a no no here but this sounds significant and not at all phony to me. I can’t see it but the description… feels real to me.
    so shoot me? sue me… LOL yea blood from a turnip indeed.

  • holdmyark

    start using ZOOM, forget skype.

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