FOTW December 19, 2020
– Longest Filament: 307-2020?set_language=en
– AGU Laschamp Animation:
– Arctic Lightning: articles/d41586-020-03561-1
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Billy just made the entire conversation make perfect sense! One false flag will make everything we have been consumed with become entirely Irrelevant! Couldn’t have said it better myself. It is definitely going to surprise everyone! Completely unrelated and completely unprepared for.
Billy, thank you for that epiphany!
Right here, right now time, Martial artist/outlier genius smokes? i sure hope its that good doja, your brain is too important for that garbage First step boys, right outside our doors, we just started here in tiny ND, recalling city council members who instituted a fine on businesses that wont enforce mask mandates, so we take that onus that is being put on the shoulders of the business off, so they say. then with no coercion, they are left with the ability to choose. Once we’ve returned sanity to our own little areas, then we have bases on which to expand, it will be arduous, sacrifice is inevitable, its just matter of severity. But honestly, i don’t think you can find enough patriots in your own little nook, its taken us weeks just to get enough people to canvass, the average person wants UBI is too confused, lazy and apathetic, it does not bring me pleasure to say these things quite the contrary, i love humans, anyway, gotta start at the local level, mandatory recall petitions, no negotiating, strictly recalls, across the board. And should they ignore the actual rule of law, then the duty that was instilled on us , for obvious reasons, now must be called out of retirement. or hey we can just say c’mon sun. another great talk, stay the course boys, and way to go billy get you smore air time, and you bet your ass there is a doozy of a FF on the horizon has to be
Systems of all sorts may start having issues. The locations that source the ongoing problems are relatively few, isolated and won’t be missed if they are inop for awhile. Be a prepped.
Sorry, meant to add the French go public on enhanced solders. The question is who is way ahead of them?
Wait a minute…at 13:00, Ben: Did we not see a hurricane reverse direction this year, when it hit Central America? I think we did…it was a storm tgat just wouldn’t die!
17:00 Ben, Perhaps we could fund some graphic animation of the sheet’s edge intercepting Pluto and now the other pkanets?
35:00 “Watchers of thecSkies!” I’ve been saying this for the last year
If so many of the swamp creatures are in favor of phony alien invasion, doesn’t that make it swamp gas??
Remember a wave isn’t a thing….it’s what a thing does….
Maybe there is no sleeping giant…..people are pushovers….Cyril is right when people are hungry is when the desperation begins….otherwise people are slaves
I lost all my guns in a boating accident lol
Thank you for the upload.
Remember the famous von Braun quote about the series of things we will be conditioned to fear, like first Soviets, then terrorists, then wars against big countries, then asteroids, and finally aliens! And then he would laugh and say it all will be fake, a lie! I think they thought Hillary would be in power to make the announcement and that explains partially their upset about Trump being president followed by the all of the resistance, attempts at take overs…
And definitely we need to be prepared cognitively, emotionally for a false flag. If it involves proposals for a a war, then to not go along with it, but if it involves a large take down of the grid, like the creepy guy has been predicting, then hope many folks are as prepared as possible for what follows. No matter what, the prospects are grim….
When I heard this hack being called the modern equivalent to Pearl Harbor, it became clear to me that TPTB’s hope is to take us into an ill-advised (to the average citizen) war with Russia in order to keep the military from joining a popular uprising against the incoming Biden administration. I personally do not have any military training nor do I know how to join a militia. I can’t imagine a way to win a civil war/revolution without either the military or the police providing force on behalf of the general public. People who are outgunned and untrained start out as nuisances who turn quickly transition into sport.
Sobering Ben/All. I’m cheerful your sortie is thoughtful and shares with us. Thank you :) There are pictures downloaded into our brains all the time. Swamp, swamp creatures, when are they gas lighted? There’s always a bigger “fish“. Yea, who trained the banksters to jump through fiery hoops? We commoners think they are in control. As for me and my house, we stand In our ground but bend like a grass in the wind. No need to polarize, taught to us as defining human. Some how, all that is called now is only what was…all this imagined separation, cages. a Quest of grand design if I imagine. A Devine to experience all possibilities, and if not this….then how. It is not doom, but exploration, a possibility of possibilities…can we imagine and live as a human being? One, all. Or are we only imagining, one and all, are technocrats, consumers, killers? This I believe, is why the giant stays quiet. It does not want to kill. It remembers its human history. It knows and cries for relief.
I think the Sun will step up and end all discussions with a mega solar flare, no grid, no discussion, no political problem. Back to Old Western Days; come on my property you will be met with multiple warfare by beast and metal. No more media, news, phone, No More Social Problems. Homestead survival, only. The most prepared, educated, creative survival, only. The Great Reset, Reboot.
Aliens is just another name for the Gods, or the Cabal….they have always been here, managing their ‘herds’ of humans.
We all belong to some alien family or another.
I doubt there will be an attack or invasion from other aliens, especially if the galactic clock is counting down to our next micronova event…
they will show themselves after the event. They will be able to manipulate our minds as they did post the last event…reset the whole game and start another 12000 years of herd management…
My guess for the next chapter. Grid hacking. Grid failure from “Russian” hacking.