FOTW August 24, 2019

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  • John Mallary

    If we’re using our solar circuit as a fractal for galactic behavior, and considering a possible galactic current sheet…?
    Why wouldn’t that accelerate “galactic wind”, similar to the electric field of the heliospheric current sheet accelerating the solar wind?
    That could potentially keep the particles involved in a galactic nuclei outburst traveling at near light speed… Couldn’t it?

  • epeeb1

    Welcome to The NWO (NEW WORLD ORDER ) !

  • D58

    Getting really tired of the politics….we come here for science.

  • Caroline5765

    Thank you for the upload. Congratulations on the army edition !

  • sativarg

    Dear S0 community,
    While listening to the youtube presentation this after noon I heard some information that has me seeing our solar system differently yet again.
    The description of the magnetic “lines of force” reaching all the way to Sol’s outermost extent has me seeing possible communication that is very life like perhaps. I could “see” plasma structure able to interact with matter in the asteroid belts in much the same way that a living cell on our scale might do in order to signal for the transportation of matter to the nucleolus as the cell prepares to build some proteins. There is no proof that Sol is alive but life processes on the scale of a star seem possible to me and life on the scale of stars feels right some how given the growing evidence that structure plasma behaves very much like life. In living cells here in Earth we observe “forces” unseen propel matter through the cytoplasm as though electromagnetics or charges are involved so I expect the same on the scale of Sol and charge related and perhaps plasma structure related? We now have stereo radio telescope views of Earths plasma structures in her magnetosphere and I am hoping we can use the same sort of vision to see structures in Sol doing the work of life processes; processes that, if I am correct, should be scalable and indicate life and even possibly intelligent in nature…
    thanks Mr. Davidson for the great vision that helps this blind seer see.
    a blind Harper in Earth

  • sativarg

    RE time frame 5:34 and Google skeletons IE. the elimination of inconveniences by “who” or “what” ?
    Perhaps the assets of the Powers that Should NOT BE do not actively kill off whistle blowers and or other threats themselves but rather it is the infrastructure of deniability, the clean up department and or other assets that do the dirty work. I personally believe that most of the high value assets of the manipulators leave grave yards of threats in their wake as the machine moves forwards with the agendas now unfolding. Not by their own hands or by their own will but as part of the program… some of these assets later regret the deaths, some commit suicide and others self destruct in other ways?
    Perhaps the Clinton’s did not have people murdered… well not at first perhaps?
    just my take as a possible asset and skeletal closet owner myself.
    discharged and rehabilitated PSYOP top secret cleared USAF vet, targeted and manipulated for over thirty nine years… I suspect I am in no ways clean? see?

  • sativarg

    RE: 23:44 and Megalomania?
    what sort of “deal” has been made by some in high places in Earth these days?
    Faustian? Mafia made? Who are the manipulators who hold assets and use them in Earth to do the work of what agenda we now observe unfolding?
    gods that only ever manipulate and can not create… these ones are tools who seldom look up to see their masters until it is too late in my opinion.
    I hold that there is a Creator of all Universes that does and did Create who is God and is distinguishable from the petty little gods that surround us in Earth and I thank that one Creator for all that is definitively Good; But that is just me then, my little opinion.

  • sativarg

    RE A Dearth of Carbon (w/ Dr. Patrick Moore, and time frame 11:19 …
    Wow I love the “out of the box” vision here! It is very refreshing. It is not surprising to me that this mans ideas have met strong resistance in this age of religious environmentalism. I have a little saying… “blessed is heresy and blasphemy the hammers of the mind that break the chains that bind…” and so it is with any reason in an age of dogma and irrational fear driven by manipulators?
    But I hold that sacred is not a dirty dogmatic concept. A dose of devotion born of Love is, in my opinion, much needed in any civilization when it helps people to recognize important things like balance, Earth’s life support systems and our connection with the Universe. I hold Earth’s sea as sacred as it is as my blood…
    I hold Earth’s air as sacred as I share it with her?
    I hold Earth’s soil as sacred is it is my flesh… see?
    so sacred need not be irrational and dogmatic but rather educational and reflective of values definitive and vital to the future of Humanity in Earth and beyond… No?
    Fracking Earth’s flesh for fuel may seem a good idea but is it wise? What else may be released with the fuel that we are not considering? con or negative sequences?
    I do not believe it is wise to go forwards so quickly with wide spread fracking unless there is a need to gather as much fuel as quickly as possible due to an oncoming disaster that will prevent Humanity from surviving otherwise.
    Just my opinion then

  • sativarg

    Hypocrisy anger in the presentation by Dr. Patrick Moore, at time frame 20:51 and Why it’s not all that in my opinion…
    We are in this world, subject to what has gone before and so even those who do not agree with how it is have to work within the system with the tools we have. If I use this computer to communicate then if I communicate that I believe that Humanity can do the great things and even greater things if we learn to work with Earth… etc. then because I am using a computer that is connected to power from a coal burning power plant… then I am labeled Hypocrite? I say that to place any label is not worthy in the first place… that sort of behavior is counter productive in my opinion. My input is of value and I have to work within the system in order to participate… No? Should I refrain from participation because the tools are not optimal, energized by power that is less than definitively in balance with Earth’s well being and or otherwise against my message? I think not.

    Would it not be better to avoid such aggression ass the placing of a label that is akin to libel and an affront to those to whom you hope to communicate?
    Dear Dr. Patrick Moore, please consider a better path?
    Please consider how placing labels is less than you and your message?

  • sativarg

    Really? I came here for the conversation and science is being driven by politics into dysfunction, dogma and any thing but science now… so to disregard the politics involved would be a shame in my opinion.

  • sativarg

    I am to be moderated for spamming it seems… and that is a good thing for sure.
    further into the druid presentation I hear the evidence that history has been altered. I am hearing in other places a rising body of evidence that the dark ages were perpetrated on Humanity rather than just happening and that much book burning took place; deliberate and strategic book burning that serves to hide aspects of our condition and or an uncomfortable truth perhaps?

    I really am glad I listened today… thank you Mr. Davidson and blessings

  • sativarg

    The reasoning behind doing things the hard way so to speak… and the words of the last Druid: “if humanity was totally wiped
    out except for one individual… ” at time frame 38:31 or so…
    Wow and yes but not so much every Human being but perhaps the last wizard? The last Druid should be able to continue even when all the books are burnt and pass on to the young the promises from the past and ensure Humanity might achieve our greatest potentials for Good in Earth and beyond?… and wow great stuff Mr. Davidson
    thanks again then

    but not the last Human because how sad would that be?

  • Rufus kohn

    Did the i.r. burst originate 20 plus years ago? Around the time we started focusing our attention on th centre of the galaxy?

  • sativarg

    Update and related link to a illusion or exploration of the micro of a fractal view or Water behaving rather than just being there?
    Link purposely broken for spam concerns : rather than ; and . for ,https;//youtu,be/Jd2tPtqSyNY?t=804 this from “The Great Secret of Water – Dr. Gerald H. Pollack and Ben Davidson” as it concerns water in a living cell structure much as charged or ionic hydrogen seems to behave as structure, tissue and life like as plasma on the macro? see? Perhaps similarly active and doing work in Sol much as water in a living cell does? And if we look with new eyes into Sol’s “cytoplasm” or Heliosphere then is suspect that we ma find structures doing work in the same way as water in cells?

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