June 16, 2019

This brings me no pleasure.

Showing 61 comments
  • Gaia

    Thank you for your honesty, Ben. And you have done the right thing, so don’t worry! The world needs people like you. 🙂

  • John Mallary

    Well that’s disturbing…
    So did Wal hijack the long path to understanding gravity?
    Is Crothers full of shit?
    Inquiring minds want to know.

    • Megatron

      Wow! Thanks for the heads up! I’m with you, Ben.

      • Curtis loew

        Just looked up both Lucis and Thunderbolt project. First impression is Cult for the former. The later looks as though it’s selling its information. Even without consideration of your comments regarding these both, my gut said ‘no’ there is something wrong with both. S0 provides information that is not biased to anything but evidence and fact. I appreciate that I am able to tune in, FOTW or SWN and be provided with unadulterated information, which then allows me to come to my own conclusions… all without having to wear a silly hat or perform a secret handshake.
        Be careful Ben ( et al) these people are not playing fair.

      • Curtis loew

        Just looked up both Lucis mob and Thunderbolt project. First impression is Cult for the former. The later looks as though it’s selling its information. Even without consideration of your comments regarding these both, my gut said ‘no’ there is something wrong with both. S0 provides information that is not biased to anything but evidence and fact. I appreciate that I am able to tune in, FOTW or SWN and be provided with unadulterated information, which then allows me to come to my own conclusions… all without having to wear a silly hat or perform a secret handshake.
        Be careful Ben ( et al) these people are not playing fair.

        • Gaia

          Check out ‘Lucis Trust President Speaks’ on YouTube. They seem to be strongly linked to the UN. One wonders why??

    • S0

      Peratt: “Robitaille, Crothers and Don Scott are real scientists.”

  • Norton

    Thanks for the peek behind the curtain, Scary stuff.

  • laurie

    Thank you for sharing that information, as disturbing as it was, to you, and everyone…

  • Michael Durfee


    Thank you for your honesty. I understand now your absence in the Electric Universe conferences. It seems like an almost impossible thing nowadays to find an agency, organization, or effort that doesn’t have something approximating ethics violations.

    What is becoming clearer and clearer in recent times are the need for whistleblowers. If you suspect the intentions of something or someone to be nefarious, even though there might be the possibility of it being untrue, it does not change the importance of raising a red flag. This indeed raises many questions. One thing is for sure, the Thunderbolts Project must be transparent in their association with the Lucis Publishing company, their interpretation of their work, and why academic discussions do not occur with Peratt and other colleagues.

    • S0

      I didn’t even mention what they did to Billy. He reproduced the dendritic ridges perfectly, but did it using plasma and vibration rather than arc discharges… they refused to even consider it. Billy spent weeks working on that, for their contest. He brought the experiment across the country to display at the conference, wowed everyone there, and then they straight up ignored him and claimed he didn’t do it. They are snakes, and it begins with the Mainwarings. They don’t know it yet but I’m about to bring them out into the light… in a manner that is more akin to being dragged into the street.

    • DhammaDan

      Wow. I thought I felt a lot of off things when I went there in 2012/13. I almost feel bad in suggesting to them to increase their YouTube presence at the 2012 EU conference.
      I’m curious if you found any of the SAFIRE researchers entrenched in this rabbit hole? I still think they’re doing amazing work.
      Thanks for sharing Ben. I know this kind of thing can be discouraging. Recognize that your karma doesn’t stem from being tricked, it comes from what you do after you’ve realized the trickery.
      We’re all behind you and plasma universe.

      • Ernest Bush

        SAFIRE in their presentations are all about plasma fields simulating the sun’s photosphere. I would be surprised to find they were into what Ben just described since some of them are scientists. On the other hand, how much of their funding comes from Thunderbolts.org

  • Frauleen

    Thanks Ben for bringing this out into the open. It confirms my reservations I had about their theories, didn’t jive with other sources. But to find out about the LUCIS-Thunderbolt connection and their sleazy ops reminds me of the many attempts by nefarious creeps to undermine Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s work with uncovering the truth documented on Cassiopaea.org. Dangerous work, indeed. Similar to her, you, too, have an army of intelligent truth seekers willing to help, defend and protect your important work.
    Interesting this post comes during the interesting June planetary alignments!
    We’re all beginning to better recognize the truth and the importance of sharing it with “those with ears to hear”!

    No apologies required. Just continued seeking and sharing.
    Time for hyper-awareness!
    Eyes & ears open, be safe!

  • michael.dick


  • Counselor

    Ben, this is a bad rabbit hole. It’s one that I have a sad connection to as well via people in my family that dabbled in the New Age movement. This group saw a resurgence during the 60’s counter culture and started around the same time as the underpinnings of social Darwinism had been spreading during the 20’s.

  • Terese Nehrbauer

    Yup, that’s a shocker. Thank you for your precision and thoroughness in articulation. I hadn’t “seen” the depth of deceit although I often doubted the quality and reality of Thunderbolts’ self-trumpeting, and even wondered, and respected how you were able to overlook narcissism and weaknesses in their communications and “project”. Thanks to your and Suspicious 0bservers’ collective intelligence and awareness, the forward path is now less debris-littered. Much gratitude for the brutal honesty. There is no doubt in my mind that Anthony Peratt is and will be historically recognized for the phenomenal science, realizations and discoveries that he uniquely catalogued. Billy Yelverton, our in-house Faraday, is more than a footnote in the plasma universe.

  • JayGow

    You know when you get that “bad vibe” feeling from something or someone, but you just can’t put your finger on why so you try to ignore it?
    That’s how I have always felt about Thunderbolts.
    So hearing this, to be honest I’m not entirely surprised. It just confirms my gut instinct was correct.

    This has the potential to turn into a massive sh**fight
    You have my support, and I am confident the rest of the SO community will be behind you on this one.

    This weekend’s fotw should be interesting 😉

  • Voxrock

    As a geologist, I always had problems with the Thunderbolts dogma and have had many conflicts of ideas over the years. I have always had a bad feeling about them and every time I mention them my wife reminds me of the intuitive feeling I have and to ‘give them a wide berth”, which is her mantra for dealing with antisocial grifters.

    I have been banned from every single Thunderbolts forum, and always for one thing. The geologist creed that ‘I never would have seen it if I didn’t believe it’, which is a mantra to geologists to keep an open mind, because NOTHING is for certain.

  • JohnLittler

    Thank you for this Ben.

  • Holon

    Is https://saturndeathcult.com/ in the mix also?

  • dmadden61

    Eyebrow raiser, but not surprising in this day and age of humanity! Glad to see your eyes are open and there is no fear – be safe Ben!!

    Remember, if you make a mistake and learn from it, it was NEVER a mistake to begin with …. it was a LESSON!!

    Cheers from Germany SOs

  • Neferkheperure

    Thanks Ben.

    You carry no bad Karma for this Ben. There was only good intent on what you shared about Thunderbolts, and when you discovered the truth, you brought it to S0’s attention. We all ignore our inner voice at times, we hear it in the background and later, it becomes apparent that we should have listened. Again, no bad intent.

    I’ve followed Billy’s work for years, and found him to be genuine and very credible. I love watching his videos. His experiments have been open and honest, which is why in your own words, at the conference they ‘ignored him and claimed he didn’t do it.’.. Honesty and openness is not on the agenda with Thunderbolts, this has now been made clear. It has come as a shock, but it is better to know the truth.

    As you saiy, ‘Robitaille, Crothers and Don Scott are real scientists.’ Let’s get this into the open.

  • jcdoss

    Something uneasy about the group, particularly Thornhill. I always thought he came off too aggressive all the time, and was quick to the name-calling, sometimes even before making his own case. Talbott, on the other hand, I had always considered a sideshow… there is zero believable evidence in the Saturn-protostar story in my mind other than what he interprets as ancient art. I never got any of these vibes from coming here. Thanks for doing what you do, Ben. And you might try to bottle some of your extra energy if you need a side gig.

  • Happystrings

    Thank you Ben…Let us know what you need help with. Although, you do a great job of “Taking name and kicking a$$” imho. Hooray for science, real science and the S0 population.

  • Billy Rogers

    Shame on any who Use The Most Holy Name of Christ! For deception

  • Billy Rogers

    Destruction of Injustice 2019 Thanks so much Ben

  • Edward Rutland

    Thank you for this and the serious courage it took to say these words.
    Ned Rutland

  • Ernest Bush

    I have been a silent reader at this site for many years. I maintain a membership because the information about the sun and the universe help satisfy an insatiable curiosity about where we live. Thank you for that and for your honesty here. I hope you are able to keep you and your family safe from an organization that always seemed weird to me.

  • 4Williamtx

    Wow, Amazing, Thank you for the information. Shame on them…

  • RKHarrold

    Who died in a river?

  • Duffy

    So it really is every man for himself now? You all have got to be effing kidding me. Is there no end to the disappointment we must endure? I have opened my mind and changed my entire world view for this bullshit? Seriously? So…..no hope for humanity then? “No fear” is an old idea whose time has passed. How the fuck do I, “be safe ” when I don’t even know who to trust?

    • Michael Durfee

      There is no end to the misery or suffering. The only thing we can do is be as honest as we can and take it upon ourselves to be diligent as possible with information, being cognizant of pertinent facts, and to refine our beliefs with critical thinking. You know to trust someone when you hear someone taking responsibility for, projecting transparency of, or calling attention to another’s verified mistakes. Even though science is an incredibly powerful tool, it is not something that can tell you who to “know” who to trust. It’s something you feel and there is no other way.

  • D58

    Thanks Ben! The truth these days is hard to come by. Thanks for pulling back the curtain. BTW your Karma is good.

  • mikie1999cr

    Thanks Ben. It was EU that got me interested in your work. Guess there was a little silver in that storm cloud after all. Toeing a party line is nothing new for aspiring organizations, especially if funding is a major issue. Has anyone looked into their finances yet? Stealing other folks thunder (pun intended) seems to be their MO. I can’t help but wonder to what end? Is their really that much $$ in all of this? Or, is it just debauchery and satanism? Seems like there are many more rocks to turn over here. Any plans to throw some of your misgivings and accusations in their faces? Billy, how about you?

    • S0

      Dave had a stroke, Susan doesn’t answer, Wal is abrasive to interact with. Their funding is 100% Mainwarings and from people who watch.

  • albrown54

    Deceit, larceny and murder…serious Criminal accusations. Are you a Zionist?

    • S0

      I am an observer.

  • ShirleyUJest

    I listened before the video stopped working. What a shame on so many levels but perhaps the most disturbing part is the fact that the video has been blocked from playing. What does that tell you??

  • ShirleyUJest

    Sorry, it was just my PC but can’t remove the comment. Feel free to do so, Ben, and thank you for the heads up.

  • Archegos

    Im new to S.O. but Im glad im here. Ever since I discovered electro/Plasma universe theory. Ive dedicated a lot of time researching it. I noticed how some people would call the theory “electric universe” or “plasma universe” Im not gonna lie ive been calling it electric. And really following the thunderbolts guys. But since that one “spiritual” network picked them up. It made me wonder BIG TIME.

    and now I feel like you just solidified a worry ive been having…how legit are these guys?

    I am really glad I am here as I feel like there is a treasure of knowledge here. I really appreciate the work you all do.

  • Archegos

    oh and **cough cough** we live in a PLASMA UNIVERSE!!!!!

    I will never get that wrong again. Love and prayers to Peratt


    Many thanks Ben,

    Absorbing Karma already, no worries. Keep going Bro.

  • laurie

    Heard Wal on a recent podcast. In verbally reviewing his Bio he described that he dropped out of “post-grad” work. Definitely made it sound like the kind of ‘post-grad work’ one does after getting a graduate degree, AKA a “post-doc”. But he MEANT he dropped out of his PhD program, after graduating with his baccalaureate degree (Four year COLLEGE degree). Only caught that one because I knew (difference, and) the truth after listening to your ‘video’!
    And the world potentially lost a precious soul to cover this lie??!!
    No, it’s not your karma that is compromised, Ben. Sadly, it goes far beyond that.
    Thank you again, for the share.

  • eviltwin

    So Ben, is this also why Jno Cook, despite often quoting the T-bolts research, often refers to Dave & Wal almost disparagingly? I note he speaks highly of Don Scott and of course, Tony Peratt (sp?).
    I was very disappointed to hear this about the T-bolts group. I found much of what they proposed re the Saturn hypothesis difficult to accept, but was always heartened by Dave (& Wal, to some extent) publicly, at least, made similar disclaimers to yourself; ie – here’s what we think, but look at the evidence we present, now with that, and any you find on your own, draw your own conclusions.
    Methinks they lost their way.

  • Messenger

    Thank-you for the reveal. There are plenty of slimy creatures on this planet walking on two legs while masking themselves for financial gain while discrediting others. It’s disgusting that they only think of themselves at the cost of so many. There’s enough of that kind of thing going on in the world today. The science world can be cut-throat but riding on the coat-tails of anyone without the hard science to back it up ends up in the garbage can.

  • jamiew

    Wow Ben, that explains their obsession with Saturn. Keep the faith brother.

  • chaz1969gr

    Wow Ben, I had a feeling something was off with the TP when they announced the series on GAIA. Reaching out the the GAIA community in my mind was a huge mistake for the movement. I had a GAIA subscription and could not find any content that was credible and cancelled in the first month, when TP announced this, I was instantly suspicious. What you say now makes sense as to why they would partner with this type of organisation and what drives TP in the background.

  • Sun24Spot

    I have been here from the beginning, and here I stay. Thank you for the head’s up. I am familiar with the writings of Alice A. Baily. I followed my curiosity into those volumes in my youth. Later in life, I was introduced to a few Tibetan Lamas. Each from different sects. Their esoteric teachings seemed strangely familiar. It was this that I eventually recognized was given window dressing and an alternative terminology for the Baily writings. I guess when a strategy is useful…

  • robert watson

    Great, thanks. I always appreciate a step forward, and some clarity. They served a purpose, but now we move on.

  • neilwilkes

    Just seen this and now I understand the new comment on Dr Peratt’s website where it states:
    The Plasma Universe and Plasma Cosmology have no ties to the anti-science blogsites of the holoscience ‘electric universe’.

    I had no idea what to say about this, and thought it probably related to the Velikovsky controversy but had no idea the rabbit hole ran so deep.
    One day greed will be the downfall of our species.
    Does this in any way tarnish Don Scott at all? I really hope not.

  • mharvey154

    You show great discernment, Ben. I have seen negative things about this group in the past. Being new here, I didn’t realize you had relationship with them. I would never have joined the group if I had known. So glad you were strong enough to walk away from the allure of the prominence they offered.

    Love your openness and honesty on every issue you deal with.

  • AColletta3155

    Am I the only one who has noticed that there are an extraordinary amount of people turning to lucifer and the organizations and religion that surrounds him? You would think during this critical period in time that people would learn to be kind not turn to the dark side. I am sure that due to the “happenings “ on our planet that the universal consciousness that we call God is bringing what is done in darkness to light, which is where it is finally discovered for those who are good decent people to see. Thank you Ben for all that you do. You are truly appreciated and valued for your honesty and hard work. Much love and light to you and your family!

  • Jimbothegeek

    To Ben, I been a SO and Messianic, most do not even understand that meaning, but it goes deep, I love you open about these Luciferian reference to Jesus- a christian calling for the Hebrew Yehoshua, Yeshua for short, that is his real name. This rabbit hole goes much deep than cover ups of the plasma universe. The term Jewish has changed over the last 2000 years and names have been change. The original meaning of Jew meant he was from Judah. Southern Israel, not that he followed the Jewish faith of the meaning today. Yeshua preached against the things they did. Scribes and Pharisees which has morphed into Orthodox Jewish today. He went so far as take a whip into the Temple to drive out the merchants that was allowed by the Pharisees. Christian (Rome) follows that same pattern adding to and subtracting from what he taught and preached, but really that problem is religion itself, No man can change his laws, days of worship, or how we are suppose to worship, but Christianity and Jewdism both have. Talking about a eye opening subject, nothing more can open the eyes that opening the religious conundrum of today. If you speak this you get called many names like cult, heretic just to mention a few, but when you study the Hebrew text you find out how we have all been lied to for generations. Similar to being a Suspicious Observer today. Now that is a pattern that puts me in good company.

  • Cyber_Penguins

    oh ….. OH ….. This would explain a fair bit.
    To be completely fair though, their work is what got me introduced to your work.
    I wonder what your thoughts are about the SAFIRE project. Do you think that’s legit and worth looking into?

  • Brett Klaft

    I kinda wondered why you didn’t mention anything “thunderbolts” related anymore. I also wondered about the use of “plasma universe” versus “electric universe” in your work. This explains a lot. Did you contribute to the article in rationalwiki about “electric universe”? 🙂
    Thanks for this. I might do a little research about this group…

  • Brett Klaft

    Is Google lucerferian?
    Do a search in google: I found that after only typing “thu”, Google suggests “thunderbolt project”
    Doing the same search in DuckDuckGo, I had to type “thunderbolts pr” before “thunderbolts project” came up as a suggestion.
    But maybe google was looking in my history or something. I wonder what others get…

    • Brett Klaft

      Sorry, in DuckDuckGo, I had to only type “thunderbolts” before “thunderbolts project” was suggested. It just amazed me that t-h-u gave me thunderbolts project came up as the TOP suggestion!

  • Herakles

    NOW I’m going to Colorado 2020! Keep up the fight and the light!

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