FOTW June 24, 2017

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  • Dave Posh

    Link to article about More than 2 billion people overweight or obese.

  • John Otter

    Thank you so much for the interview with Dr. Stephanie. I used glyphosate nearly daily for the 3 summer months during my 25 year career as a natural areas manager, and, despite ‘best practices’, and a well-maintained Herbicide Applicators License, I was regularly contaminated by concentrates, inhalation, and ingestion contamination. In general, I regularly espoused the rhetoric that “glyphosate is less toxic than table salt.” The MSDS’s confirmed this in the acute ED-50 data, but little was ever discussed regarding chronic exposure.

    I retired early due to complications from Lyme disease, but in the six years since my diagnosis, I am increasingly suspicious that my exposure to glyphosate has produced some symptoms that are not entirely attributable to the spirochete. The interview discussed several things that I had never considered, and, along with Dr. Dunning’s food meta-study, has changed the way I will proceed with my healing program.

    Further, I am increasingly concerned about the use of this chemical in natural areas. It continues to be used extensively to control of invasive plant species in the best-of-the-best habitats. A lot of concern for honey bees has been discussed, but these critters are merely the canary in the coal mine. Bats, reptiles, birds, molluscs, and off-target plants are all receiving a dose of the stuff – especially in areas that receive successive years of treatments. I intend to do a literature search on this subject.

    Well done! Please continue this investigation and dissemination.


  • Mendicus

    Alex Jones will never address Israel. Neither do you guys from what iv seen though, which would explain why you are unsure if he is a controlled opposition.

  • Rebecca Stuart

    Is there any way you could share this conversation on social media, FB or you tube? The portion about Alex Jones and Dane W especially.. I know members only are able to listen in, perhaps occasionally there can be more flies brought in to be on the wall.:)

    As far as waking up: it seems like there will be a critical mass on e day soon with discernment (gleaning and investigating as part of ones personal response~ability, as in delving beyond the YouTube click/rant videos ) suddenly blooming in those that are currently expressing Judgement (as in “I am right and YOU are WRONG” … it does not have to be everyone who has already awakened, and I don’t know exactly how many comprises that “critical mass” but it is happening in those who do not even listen to this channel…90% of the Taichi and Qigong practitioners I know also seem to have a deep inner knowing that “things are not at all as they seem” and they are not afraid either. The awakening aka AlexJones (sudden realization and judgement) and then blooming aka Ben Davidson and S0s (the layers of understanding being sought and unfolded to be seen, and integrated~discernment, all have a place and purpose. Kat is Brilliant as she sees that with each OTF, discernment is imbued over a wider audience… if only we can reach a few poor MonsantoMice critters to blow their whistles…

  • Mendicus

    That’s one of the points of controlled opposition, some one to make all truthers look crazy, so of course they portray him as a clown. He is, that’s his job.

  • John Otter

    Regarding closing comments about Alex Jones. Must watch the 1967 TV series ‘The Prisoner’.

  • Piper11

    Personally, I think it was actually a hit piece on Megan Kelly and Alex Jones was fully involved in the game plan. I have a list of folks that would love to take Megan Kelly down. Alex is someones tool not sure whose.

  • ElectricDragon

    Ben, check out Dr. Jack Kruse.

    He would be the first to agree with you about the importance of the electrical pathways in the mitochondria. All of these bio-chemical circuits are simply different ways to transfer electrons and protons.

    Consider the effect of sunlight on water and the electron-rich EZ layer. The mitochondria reacts the same way to sunlight. IR travels deep, UV not as deep. Water is the perfect chromophore for Red light.

    DHA surrounding the mitochondria generates a DC electric current under the influence of sunlight.

    Blood cells play an active role in this regard as well.

    There is so much to learn about our relationship to the sun.

  • john zele

    That was a great comment. I’m sorry you must endure Lyme. My ex, still a good friend, her 1 year old granddaughter contracted lyme. She was fed soy formula and no tick was ever found attached, nor a bite site.
    She suffered for two years and after crazy antibiotic treatment, was what appears to be, cured.

    They grow most of their own veggies now, keep chickens and goats in their 40 acre, modest ranch/farm and are very wary of store bought foods.

    She’s an er nurse and still an Alex Jones fan but also knows got to check her facts. She’s noticed the number of gastrointestinal disorders has been increasing for ten years and is gluten intolerant…since about 2000 when she hit 40.

    It’s clear there’s something going on behind the wall of distractive noise and its doing serious damage to pretty much everything biological around us.

    Ben’s right. All we can do is learn and leave bread crumbs because most folks can’t separate the fly shit from the pepper.

  • sativarg

    errors that where not there Hmmm I did not right “us our to touch ” It’s was “out of touch” then? odd or am I just paranoid :^P probably.

  • sativarg

    RE: time stamp 28:41 and the shapes in computer models… there is a problem with random number generation and you will probably think I’m too paranoid again but major manufacturers of systems that generate “random” numbers have been seduced and or infiltrated by government and other bad actors who have worked to sabotage the “randomness” in order to weaken encryption in predictable ways… I believe what you may have been seeing are symptoms of the corruption, Now we are basing very important science… basically the future of Humanity of models that may be very badly compromised. That is why I am going on about greed driven pragmatic “$-lie-nsa” vs good wholesome science driven by creativity and governed by reason; both are real and hear and one is perhaps the greatest threat to Humanity in Earth today?

  • sativarg

    error ” of models” no no “on models” and can we get an edit button please?

  • sativarg

    I get these inspirations as the show is going and I want to comment on the fly. If I wait till the end half my passion is drained and half my ideas as well? Alex Jones. I am afraid he is being used sort of like fly paper now. If he climes out onto the limb that “they” have given him in the limelight I am afraid that when he falls he is going to take a lot of great people down with him. I believe he means with is passion to be genuine but that he has been compromised some how… for year now I have been avoiding his stuff because some thing feels wrong? and I am so sorry for him if I am correct.
    that’s just opinion for what it’s worth and I wish Alex all the greatest… all that he needs to recover balance, to overcome seductions and or manipulations and what so ever he needs to achieve his greatest potential for good in Earth.

  • sativarg

    51;00 Yes it is IT is all about comfort. Perhaps the greatest vulnerability of Humanity is the toxic comfort that is our tomb. we have a costume that we are given and it grows as we do… we get our collar and the tag SSN, we get our leash in a “track” or “cell” phone? if bankers could insert a credit card into the womb then they would I’m sure but they usually wait till we goto college? that visa is our harness then and finally we get the cart or mortgage/car/family/child and this turns our joy into what? Ya I know it’s “normal” but do we have to play the game with “their” rules. Upside down bezaro money that is debt sucks the life out of us… every thing it touches.. even science? what do we play the game then?

  • Bunchberry

    Excellent discussion. Had already figured out Alex among other sites 3 years ago

  • David Droescher

    Fema dose have a plan past 7 days during a
    National event … the oversized coffins that hold many.

  • Monik

    Interesting exchange about Alex Jones, thanks for that. If someone is hooked on AJ, how can we help get them onto another or other truth seekers? Someone I know needs to be weened off him.

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