FOTW September 21, 2019

Showing 24 comments
  • Norton

    I have people in my family that have CDS

  • Golfer

    Good Afternoon Men,

    The end of today’s FOW stopped with an extremely interesting discussion on the 12,000 year cycle.
    However there was an implied return from the break, the discussion would continue, it did not. Most interested in hearing the balance of your discussion (“the fine details”) and I am not alone in this request assuredly.
    Jim Welch

  • epeeb1

    There has always been so many experts who know beyond a doubt the cause of present climate change that we are now in a state of permanent climate confusion and panic ! We are now just spooking the kids !

  • Billy Rogers

    Hey you guys maybe we can talk about ways to overcome and climate like better housing design for climate and so on clothing construction and so and things like that I think it would be beneficial we’ve, we’ve learned something; what can we take away from what we’ve learned in a constructive way like if you could and be realistic?

  • Ryan Harlow

    Is that last piece of the discussion at the beginning? Im here for other reasons so no time to listen for myself.

  • Ryan Harlow

    Does the The Dzhanibekov Effect come into play with any of the pole shift / magnetosphere weakening / cataclysm cycle?
    Just learned about this effect and cannot remember hearing about it anywhere before.

  • Richard Dahlem

    One thing about Earth “wobbling and tilt” is that for however long the Pyramids have been in Egypt, it couldn’t have moved much, at least in that location. Since they’re so closely aligned to true North still, unless they foresaw how the Earth would change and constructed them to be in their current alignment for this period in time, they must have maintained their alignment. How old are they, 12,000, 25,000 years or longer?

  • kmiklNINJA

    no restrictions on guns or drugs freedom=freedom. if your idea of freedom is limiting mine :( You are free to try. Good luck!

  • MPrejean

    Morning Ben, thank you for all you do. I want your book but can only be delivered by FedEx or Ups, I live on houseboat. Lol. I’m awaiting response from email. Got my pumpkin too, its easy to cook. Make a pie. Wash well, cut in half, clean out, place face down on cookie sheet cook 350 for approximately 30 mins until can poke with fork n mushy, cool, squeeze out water, blend with 2 eggs n milk n sugar n cinnamon. Place in pie shell n bake for 40 minutes Yummy. Get kids involved. Kiss kiddosđź’‹

  • Mrs. Altmann

    B”H Hopi prophecy expects reversal of rotation, recording that the original rotation of the Earth had the sun rising on the West. There are surpirising threads of truth in their version of ancient history, once translated to something we Europeanttu-culture North Americans can understand. Maybe both wobble-and-tilt and reversal of rotation have happened from time to time.

    One can’t escape destiny and makes it for oneself. Those of Abrahamic religions learn the world as we know it can only last 6000 years. The Abrahamic perspective can be made compatible with geologists’ and astronomers’ time from the well known phrase from Psalms, ‘a thousand years are as a day in Thy sight’. That doesn’t help much if taken literally – we get 7000 years for the week of creation plus 6000 years of history. When we realize that those of us who take Genesis seriously look at time from above as we have a spark of G-d within, and from above it only has 6000 years – kind of like the lightning mark on the auto, a concentric limited-looking thing, a cross-section of a lightning bolt, unlike the long, linear lightning bolt, we have a parable for two ways to look at time – from above, where it appears concentric, or from sideways, where it is long and linear. If it’s linear, then it’s relevant to study the universe as being trillions of years old.

    It’s like looking at a person from the eighth floor of a building, when he is on the sidewalk below. You see an oval that is his beanie or the top of his head. If, however, you look at him from on the street, he lappears to be tall, not a round dot, and has feet, legs, a torso, and a head, and the beanie or hairdo is a sliver or a hint of a mop. Science requires us to see the long view, and Abrahamic religion requires us to see it from on top. The two can be compatible if there is a moral reason to engage in science. There is. It’s called the Seven Laws of the Children of Noah, one of which is ‘Do not murder’.

    How could we have light within? Why would we care about the religious perspective? The Genesis story says Hashem breathed life into Adam. What would that look like if the manifestation of Hashem that did this was Perratt’s ‘stick man’, the double or triple z-pinch in the sky? Just an enlivening electronic zetz, I would guess, with a matter-creating pair of magnetic fields, as shown in Lapine’s ‘Primer Fields’ models. But we should remember that so we know we have within us the ability to survive cataclysm and perhaps via universally practiced meditative powers, stave off the crustal instability we so fear.

    The point in studying time’s productions, exploring the methodology by which Hashem made the tree rings or the geologic striata, nor how He made the galaxies and their patterns, that we can now observe. is to understand how we can survive the new norm that is unfolding from the Universe, and thus make more room for all people(s) to survive going forward – room on earth, under the sea, and in space and time-travel, if such will be. Then suddenly the earth is not too crowded and governments won’t seek to covertly toxify our world and bloodstreams so that the weak will just kind of fizzle out, as is happening now, by the time of the Great Cataclysm, of which the CIA and other agencies are clearly apprised. Suddenly there is hope and time and space and a reason to keep the little two day old who could die of his first vaccines alive, and to make an effort to stop school shootings, as every school kid does have a future.

    If different cultures hate each other enough, it’s very easy for there to be curtains of fire, when the great change comes, that will separate each faith-group for the others -they will think the other group was incinerated.

    I heard a rabbi, at a lecture I attended between 1980 and 1994, answer why are there tree rings and geologic strata, and dinosaur imprints and bones, saying the world was created this way, and these features give it the appearance of age and maturity, to provide non-Jews with something to do, with their science. But science is obligated to turn those ‘6 days of creation’ into trillions of years, that further science will find provable when wormholes technology will finally be implemented, , or perhaps its essence apprehended and the achievement made withouth need for the apparatus that Tubingen envisions, so that we get the knowledge we need to give everyone, or at least their offspring, a chance to survive the coming time. With time-travel, their offspring will then be able to enliven those who have not survived.

    So we have to thank the scientists and allow individuals frightened for their lives to use their discoveries and not say that it’s the ‘other side’. If we see it as ‘the other side’, we can distance ourselves, but others need this to stay alive, in this world of illness driven by stress which in turn is driven by judgmentalism.

    We could finally have peace and witness the possibility that everyone will experience mercy because we can see just HOW Hashem’s mercy works, via true scientific discovery… and when we see HOW the resurrection might occur, then it seems definitely like a world of mercy – because blind faith, for us, on the behalf of the eight billion other people whom we worry about, is not enough… some of us want to see HOW He will have mercy even on those who were not nice to us and to our relatives.

    The processes of cataclysm, mutation, and repair, all contain within them the possibility of this universal mercy, because when a problem kicks in, there is a reserve within the human that allows him to transcend the problem and adjust to a new norm, every time, even if in a different dimension that appears, to those left behind, to consitute death.

    The Hopis’ advice is to ‘get simple and close to the Earth’ and then we will, as individuals, or at least as a culture, enjoy longevity. Otherwise we are about to expire. This is not a political ploy. It makes sense. Back to basics allows us to remember the essence of Life so that we know what to hang on to when the disasters will intensify, Heaven forbid. It also helps us when we encounter a personal or medical challenge. It is about what makes us able to live.

    Many of us who are not Indigenous Americans feel morally obligated to pursue science and technology, to find out what is going on. Although the Hopi warn that we must never take rocks from the Moon, we already did and many feel compelled to make use of them, to analyze what happened in search of longevity for homo sapiens. Our faith requires investigation, hypothesizing, and designing paths to a liveable future. We think we need to keep those rocks and use them and not fly them back to the moon (tons, what a job). The Hopis say that if we bring to earth those rocks, we will have WWIII, when people of color rise up against whites and there will be a ‘third shaking’ much worse than the first two, and by that they seem to mean detonation of nuclear weaponry, as Hiroshima was one of the first two ‘shakings’.

    Spending all our time trying to figure out how to survive, billions of dollars in exploratory spacecraft to understand better the origins of the universe and what the sun does, when just a fraction of that could provide the ‘Third World’ with food and water (possible now with groups like Savory and doctors like Peter Chappell) … but they are still dying of hunger and drought, and dying in droves in disasters… over 2000 in Bahamas, count not finished.

    The Third World could easily now be motivated to make WWIII.

    The Lubavitcher Rebbe said that the War of Gog and Magog already happened, apparently referring to WWII. The Hopis, in contrast, expect a third war. I wish to soon prove WW III is over, by showing how the Third World engaged in war and violence, to get their needs, some time after WWII, just what the greater ‘third shaking’ already was, and how all these conficts are now being permanently resolved. Humanity suffered enough.

    The war of Gog and Magog can’t be over if we allow there to still be a reason for the nations of the world to come marching, in fury, on Israel and its allies. We HAVE TO PROVE IT’S OVER by making sure they get their needs, with respect for their own abilities to govern and organize themselves, not the alienating paternalistic influence that somehow made the Peace Corps so painful for many of its ‘beneficiary’ countries, including notification before disasters, as well as a way to get away and get safe, instead of jsut having to cringe at those last moments, awaiting approaching death.

    Infrastructure and material wealth and industrial implements have to become rescuable and replaceable. If we don’t help all nations, however diverse, the idea of Gog and Magog being over is all a wishful thinking pipe dream that will end, for those who dream it without striving to achieve it, can end in Zyklon B or other sudden means of termination. Gog and Magog (identified as Persia and the Medes, today Iran and Iraq) have to have lost all need to fight us, and have to be satisfied that they and the ‘Western World’can now live side by side, and share strategy as to how to survive the current common enemy, which may be cosmic radiation, solar flares, decreasing magnetosphere strength, and the oncoming micronova and/or pole shift.

    The Palestinians, fiercely attached to Islamic belief, share the ‘Jewish-and-friends’ sense of entitlement in ‘the Holy Land’, which our religious law requires us to have. They just do not share our idea as to who gets to remain as living souls inside living bodies, unless we decide to live underwater, as they still want to wipe us into the sea.

    For this idea of ‘WW III is over’ to work, they can’t fight back once we make a truce. Everyone has to be on ‘Honor Code’ to keep the Seven Commandments of the Children of Noah, or the scenario does not work. If they stay on ‘honor code’then maybe the clandestine purveyors of Geoengineering Technology will stop driving the toxification of our world by pushing such tech. Then more could survive.

    If so many stay alive how would we get along? Time was when more people were WANTED to help humanity survive. We may find ourselves there again, when cataclysm from the Universe will arrive. Georgia Guidestones will be WRONG if we confirm that the earth is expanding, as some say.

    Each one must motivate him/herself for Peace and spread that idea. When we don’t we are cooking up our own respective demises.

    Whether it will be tilt and wobble this time, or reversal of rotation, it’s hard to know, but we MAY become able to affect that. We create electronic activity through our thought patterns, which are a matter of CHOICE. That electromagnetic effect can be amplified, especially when combined with new technologies, and we COULD manage to bring about tilt and wobble, reversal of rotation or neither cataclysm, but rather stabilization. Concentrating on it. Meditate and pursue paths of peace, in addition to investigating the universe For us to succeed in the meditative pathway to avert destruction would take an effort by all eight billion plus residents of earth. Also scientific investigation in every locale is needed. Occupy Earth.

    We have the capacity to become dieholds, eventually, in the very long term, ourselves, due to FREE WILL, a.k.a. CHOICE. Although the Sun is much bigger, and hotter, and sends off plasma and proton streams, affecting our world in big ways, it does not have FREE WILL, according to the Genesis story. It is there as Hashem’s servant, whereas we humans are co-creators, endowed with FREE WILL and a spark of the Divine within.

    A non-Jew can attain peace with the Higher Power and other people by following the Seven Laws of the Children of Noah. This is the best ‘simple path’ and it’s compatible with other faiths, when those faiths are properly interpreted.Then seeking to find answers in a time of burgeoning disasters becomes a fulfillment of one of those Laws: Respect life; do not murder.

    When one has the knowledge, and does not share it, and can inform those unawares that a disaster is on the way, it is tantamount to murder.

    The SO’s family of websites, by sharing discoveries, is a fulfillment of that commandment, ‘Do not murder’ meaning, not to murder the masses by failing to overcome disinformation, or warn of danger, or share lifestyle solutions for the new norm. SO’s do not fail in this regard, but are doing EVERYTHING HUMANLY POSSIBLE, so keep up the good work and thank you.

    Congrats on influencing the IPCC! (More, obviously, remains to be clarified to them.) Thank you for your hard work.

  • Johnathan Jones

    Comedy is easier than you think, it’s a lot like being a lawyer or any other profession. Your spiel is crafted like an argument in which you methodically seek to surprise, dese

  • Johnathan Jones

    Comedy points out extremes, ridiculousness and hypocrisy. In short comedians would be good talk show host or political spin doctors. The big difference is a comedian can’t ignore the common sense facts but instead points them out.

    Like take Preppers for instance, ask them how they will cut their grass, charge their hand tools , laptops and saws. How they will roto till the garden, drive their truck, keep their food cold, cut their wood, heat their water and house. The short answer should be electric chain saw charge by solar panels, to charge car, etc. Instead the answer is a horse, manual wood cutting, drying etc….but ask them where they got their food supply, ohh at Costco, or some emergency food manufacturer and supplier. Like how long will a 5gallon gas can last with a gas chain saw sucking it down? And who will they give all their gas cash to now? The Horrors!

    Or take those global warming kids who are growing up and dare call their parents and teachers out for their unexcused absence in dealing with the “whatever” world problems. Why can’t the just bitch about not having enough money or boats in the driveway like their parents? Obviously these kids need therapy, a good talking down to and to “like” grow up already and become Media Zombieples like the “adults”. Like they think “something” is wrong,…….WRONG!!!!

    My fav, is those that say the Sun is like a furnace with it thermostat at a constant setting, and the Atmosphere is like the insulation in the walls of a house. Everyone knows if you made 1000 sister Earths in the same orbit as earth and gave them 999 different atmospheres and one with none, they would all be the same weather as the Sun is constant, right. Wait, let me take off my Observer glasses and put mainstream rose colored glasses on. Yes, yes, all makes sense to me now! Ciao….. ohh, with comedy, phraseology and timing is soooooo important. Lacking that a elaborate word painting of ridiculous hilarity sometimes works or at least gets a good “Huh?”…

  • Johnathan Jones

    And Omission, thats another good comedy technique . What you leave out, to haunt the room like a elephant of implication is fun, but often a slow room is years later going, “Oh, wait a tic”!

    On Earth blobs, if you pretend the mantle and crust is made of gas, then not is easy to see that these blobs are thunderheads rising in the geo-weather sky. And notice most are emerging in the southern hemisphere . Since the Earth is a giant magnet it is not surprising to see emerging geo-thunderheads follow the magnetic flux flow of the Earth generally.

  • Johnathan Jones

    And most of all,… a good comedian know how to dance up to the edge of the line of what you can not say and what make a audience boo. It’s like make jokes like Texas desert drowning or Tsunami Tswimming as new emerging popular vernacular for things that others merely call, “weather” deaths. Yeah, don’t cross those lines…

  • Johnathan Jones

    Knock , Knock, … Who’s there? Blanket, Blanket who? Blanket the Planet with a thicker blanket, no increase in Earthquakes, or Volcanos from core core heat……. Data says so!!!! Ha. Ha haa. ha , oh snap I’m losing it~!!!!!

  • YugaSage

    According to Dr. Robert Schock they might be even older than 25,000 years. Also, there is a theory regarding the precession and that it has nothing to do with the wobble and tilt of the earth but instead it is actually the background of the stars beyond the zodiac that is giving the effect of a precession (See Cruttendon). Another theory is that the pyramids were built approximately 25,000 years ago when the true north was aligned as such today and we have come full circle and that is why they have appeared to have not moved! What do you do when you want to pass on knowledge to future mankind and you want that info to last? You put it in stone!!! Research the yuga theories of time and this makes sense.

  • YugaSage

    Nobody likes to read walls of text.

  • sativarg

    Dear 0bservers,
    RE: South Africa and electric evidences…
    There are some structures over rather large areas of south Africa that seem to some to be electrical in nature but not at all natural.
    Please see Adam’s Calendar: Oldest Megalithic Site in the World

    Could some culture have learned to use Earth’s electrical infrastructure to do work, act as protection and or manage the Earth Moon system?

    Are sites around Earth that are built by peoples related to Earth’s electric, magnetic and geothermal infrastructures?
    Could some of these megalithic and precisely aligned and shaped structures still be in working condition; still actively managing Earth and her Moon?

    And great criticisms in “Greta and AOC | 4 Critical Climate Numbers They Don’t Know”
    the things that “they don’t know can and will hurt us all unless we all learn to get along and get things right?


  • sativarg

    Odd… the ending is the beginning?
    and there are pumpkins
    folded space time?
    I’m so confused… LOL

  • sativarg

    Dear Mrs. Altmann,
    I thought I was verbose…
    please consider smaller paragraphs, separate posts with time frame references from the time slider of the program and or opening titles for subjects.

    I am using a screen reader so I am blessed with the freedom to listen to your whole statement with less effort. Others who are not blind must work rather harder to consume such a large work as yours.

    That said: I am that that is and the Breath of the Creator of all Universes, in my opinion and so are all of us?
    thanks for reading and writing…
    a blind Harper for Earth :^(

  • sativarg

    Dear Humanity,
    RE time frame 23:12 and communication VS labeling…
    The new “talk to the hand” shut down seems to be labeling. I feel that all labeling is negative and some of it is just malignant; even an assault against the target. I feel that the most damaging factor in Human relations now is the aggressive use of labels to shut down communication. Many of the labels really do not mean what they say?; like antisemitism should mean being against any one who uses the Semitic alphabet or languages? thus anti Muslim, Arabic and Jewish/Hebrew and… etc.

    persons so assaulted are prevented from participation that could lead to solutions. Such persons and or groups often fester, become aggressive back, become inflamed and even malignant in their frustration, growing fear and hatred… see? Human beings in the body human who are cut off from interaction by inflammation in the form of labeling can and often do go rogue like cells in the Human body who become cancers. So please Humanity, try NOT labeling?


  • sativarg

    RE: time stamp 43:56 and Magnetic or other sense?

    Did the investigators place the fish in a Faraday cage to make sure the orientation was magnetic?

    I would. Good 0bservers probably would as well?

  • sativarg

    Wow, from cells to galaxies indeed…
    Perhaps also include from cytoplasm to solar plasma?

    The collaboration between disciplines promises to greatly improve our perspective and resolution. I hope we can achieve a sort of interdisciplinary diplomacy to facilitate smooth integration. As more and more specialized communities compare notes across borders I expect a real maturation phase for science as a whole and Human understanding in general. Will we see, with a whole new clarity, a living Universe filled with potentials and layers fractal transcending our limitations?

    thanks for the great heads up Mr Davidson.

  • JustVic

    Hi, I am not familiar with the myths of “earth fire, ” or white fire from the earth. Can you give me more details so I can research further?

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