FOTW September 19, 2020
– Coldest Brown Dwarf, Radio Silent:
– Polar Ice Loss = Ice Age:
– Planet Near Dwarf, Absurd Explanation:
– 1-Star Nova:
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I gotta say, as much as disconcerting as unamerican sentiment and behavior is…
This country shall endure, as shall our constitution.
The nutsacks are not powerful enough to cause average Americans to bend the knee to intimidation and fear.
The democratic politicians are embracing this nonsense and based on what I see and hear?
They have alienated all but the radical left.
America ain’t Portland Oregon!
Capable of a fatal blow to my country?
No way!
These fools live in bubble echo chambers and those are far less expansive than they imagine.
Only the unhinged and without hinges?
The door doesn’t work.
So be aware, vigilant and prepared but…
Do not fear.
People are leaving NYC, Just back from Boston , same …. Ben as you know I’m looking for property in highest elevation I can find and hopefully near an abandoned mine in upstate NY to be near my kids , houses in upstate NY are selling above asking price , gun shops are packed , cities are like ghost towns , I’m getting out as fast I can . I consider myself a veteran observer , Ben has been spot on in so many areas. I say pay very close attention to what he is saying and may our Creator watch over us all , wish you all peace on this journey, Listen to Ben. You need a backup plan , if nothing else it will give me some piece of mind , knowing I can hopefully provide that for my family , friends and anyone else I can help. Peace
yeah patriot act and state of emergency are in place already, the states do not need to give permission
Ben, tomorrow is my weekly search for a bugout spot…and I already live 50 miles from Atlanta!
All the bodies that are along in the suns inertial wake are way colder. Is that cold star under the wake/bubble of something larger??
Regarding the societal changes, I can think of a potential solution. Consider how quickly a “virus” spreads. What could we hope to spread like a “virus” that could possibly cure the world? Love your brothers and sisters, reach out to them and if success seems lacking, don’t lose heart and keep going. We have the power of reproduction with our vocal apparatus in a physical sense, and can do this using the Internet to help reach others in a similar way. Have some free time, search for connections and spread love and hope, and hope that within one day, you can reach directly and indirectly in such a way that the society will absolutely change.
Just do it.
Thank you all ,I am glad I live in a red state.
Evil has exposed itself, not hiding in the shadows any more. We no longer have to ferret it out. It stands in the open exposing itself for all to see, thinking itself invincible, but ripe for the picking.
The only solution friend, great statement Joe
MN requires absentee ballots to be postmarked before or on the election day. And then, they must be received and counter within 7 days from election day.
I imagine the reason why its always called on election day even tho some absentee still have to roll in, is due to most votes being cast on election day, in person. So unless a county is really close to tie, the late ballots wont swing. It becomes an issue of math, in my uneducated opinion.
Dear S0 community,
I watched the presentation yesterday and spent some time commenting only to cut and paste over the whole thing I wiped out the whole with a one two mistake…
I enjoyed writing and learned up till I messed up.
that said I would like to remember a man who stood for Human Sovereignty and Dignity. In his own way he was a true Suspicious0bserver…
quote from Goodkind:
To exist in this vast universe for a speck of time is the great gift of life. It is our only life. The universe will go on, indifferent to our brief existence, but while we are here, we touch not just part of that vastness, but also the lives around us. Life is the gift each of us has been given. Each life is our own and no one else’s. It is precious beyond all counting. It is the greatest value we can have. Cherish it for what it truly is . . . Your life is yours alone. Rise up and live it.
rest in peace Mr. Goodkind…
Can anyone explain what’s happening to push back on the planet by the solar wind there is this guy at world new now saying that it’s something behind pushing I think he is a fear monger but what’s really going on
Hi and good morning community,
I am listening to Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans | Full Documentary
Is there a better spelling for presents?
No… and after too much time searching for why… I find my screen reader still sounding as though Mr. Moore is at a Christmas party rather than presenting a presentation.
In the end or rather near the end I am hearing that it is all our fault again… and I don’t think so. There are plenty of examples of Human groups that found balance with Earth. Those groups found ways to come to terms with reality that did not involve cheating or ignoring consequences for bad behavior. Yet our current society western, main stream and spreading does ignore all manner of evidence of consequences after having been “blessed” with “higher” knowledge… Knowledge but not wisdom. Looking at writings by these blessed and special peoples reveals evidence of contact and or contamination by some “other and or others” resulting in deviation from rational and Natural behavior. So, I have come to believe Human Beings are being manipulated or have been manipulated away from reason and rationality.
I agree that our current behavior as a collective is dysfunctional and self destructive. I do not at all believe our behavior is natural for Humanity.
In order to reconcile Human behavior with Human Nature I must conclude we are currently being sustained artificially and guided against natural behavior for some reason. My favorite theory is that Human beings are property, GMO and or domesticated forms who are used to do work. Here in Earth we behave very much like yeast might do in a vat of grape juice. We alter our environment to produce product to the exclusion of all else… even to the exclusion of our very survival. We are driven by religions, artificial divisions, babble founded language diversity and geographic separation to War. War being the state optimal for Humans to ripen Earth… etc.
We, in my estimation, are as yeast or bees in some ones garden or farm doing the job of gathering and refining resources.
but I have written all this so many times to know that no one will take it seriously. I also know that only a mad person keeps expecting some new and better result from repeated behavior… But then I’m only ever Human… LOL
thanks for reading and blessings
I highly recommend this presentation after Mr. Moore’s…
Stephen Moore reads The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
“Confluence of events” – it just seems that way. Manufactured problems so as to impose destructive remedies. Ben – didn’t the Post Office loose some of the books you mailed out?
You are describing a God demigod event with the planet birth.
Israel already owns the media and Hollywood