FOTW November 30, 2019

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  • Norton

    Don’t forget about Hong Kong

  • epeeb1

    With all my studies on the Human Animal , I have become aware of the importance of the “Alpha wave” and how much this relaxed state of mind can be to each individuals contributions to the collective agreement ! When we daydream , our mind’s work overtime and tend to be most productive,80% sub-conscious thinking! As our Brains are all electromagnetic operated systems, HOW should they be affected in the Magnetic reversal ?

  • Caroline5765

    Thank you for the upload, very interesting topics. Getting to some core issues this round for sure gentlemen.

  • RKHarrold

    Ben, the same thing happened to me on March 11, 2011 except I was aware that something bad was coming about 3 days prior to the earthquake.

  • Vinny

    Here is the answer.
    We already know the questions -but here is the answer.

    If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14).
    This my friends is our only hope.

  • Brad

    I remember when I “Woke Up”. I had always been a patriotic American with a long family history of Military service and I too followed the same path. President Ronald Reagan was my President, he was a huge welcome change as we had a previous decade of failures, fuel crisis, military failures and humiliation. My “Flak Jacket” was older than I was and my rifle was, well, it was heavily used and did not work all the time. Soon after the election we received a large pay increase, new light weight body armor and the first M4’s new rifles, WOW, we felt AWESOME and appreciated. I have seen the tide of opinion sway to and fro, I have seen movements and uprisings come and go but today? This is something far more nefarious and at it’s core it stinks of infiltration, subversion or trying to take this country down. Today is very different and hard to understand who or why is in on this. Either way my eyes are open and I am now a suspicious observer and I look at so much more now before I speak or make a decision regarding so many things now.

  • Chris

    You actually believe Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro? That’s like believing anything that comes out of Drumpfs mouth. They both spawn from the same conspiracy theory echo chamber.

    Which charity would you fund Drumpf or DiCaprio?


  • Chris

    Which charity would you fund Drumpf or DiCaprio?

  • Jared

    Neither, Chris, as they are both to the extremes of their particular bent…don’t let the current Political paradigm lead/rule your Life…”Think for Yourself…Question Authority”….Timothy Leary, circa 1967…this includes even those who THINK they are the Authority on whatever Subject they happen to be championing at that time…

    This World will do just fine w/out either Trump’s nor Oil Burner DiCaprio’s help/hindrance…have Faith, Brother…

  • Curtis loew

    Regarding the censorship comment from Adrian, I agree with you actually. Censorship on its own would never work, yes there are alternatives to FB and Youtube etc etc…there would always be. But they share one platform…digital media. what happens if the platform is hijacked by the ‘company’? Just like the sun, galactic sheet and our magnetosphere…seemingly on the cusp of something big happening…so too is the company and its grip on humanity…they have been playing with mind control for decades…now we are seeing the rapid roll out of 5G – may be totally separate events…but what if they are not? The goal has been stated…blending AI and humanity into one…who controls the digital mind then? Wars and usurping of country is becoming commonplace…the fall of the US and rise of China, Russia and India has begun…are these connected…a rush of madness in the grasp for power before being swamped by the next global ‘company’ We were given a show with 911, a spectacular production, with a high budget and highly improbable ( and as its becoming apparent, impossible stunts) yet we swallowed it whole…the company hasn’t been brought to justice over that one and they are getting bolder…. they are very clever at illusion, making us look at what they want and miss what they don’t. They feed our divisions, based on colour, creed and sex…our knowledge of history is carefully controlled, these guys may give the impression of being clueless, but they are not…this has been their game for decades and decades, they have no need to walk down the street, or go to malls…those are part of the scenery provided to control the sheeple.
    I think its a little naive to think that ‘ good’ humanity will simply swamp these buggers.

  • blackhole


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