FOTW November 14, 2020

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  • John Mallary

    Being on Twitter or Facebook and listening to the legacy media, only perpetuates the manipulation and disinformation that allows Trump’s successes and efforts to be squelched.
    It has prevented awareness of 4 war-less years, mideastern peace treaties and the potential prosperity of the lowest income and opportunity individuals. It has allowed a man who called Clarence Thomas a Rape Ape to possibly be installed as the us president.
    When drones begin killing children again, when our troops are put in harm’s way again. When job numbers go south, when healthcare costs begin rising again, when everything in our stores is made in China again, when the small businesses utter their final gasps, when student loans are handed out like candy again and your federal income taxes increase and your state government uses every avenue available to charge you more for everything?
    Remember…you voted for Creepy Sleepy Joe and Biden Inc.

    Oh and too many top scientists and media pundits reputations, and our corrupt scientific grant system, will never acknowledge a plasma universe. They’ll go kicking and screaming, worse that the media says trump will if justice is forsaken.

  • Kane1331

    The vaccines will have rfid chips that’s why the ID 2020 committee was the covid taskforce. The same people. Nazi Germany did not do these things that is propoganda. What they did was fight the bankers and the new world order not become it. That’s why they smashed the country to bits and had strict orders by the bolsheviks to rape as many german women as possible.

  • Allenvaughan

    John, I agree with everything you wrote!
    History is usually written by the victor’s. But there’s no getting around the utter amazement our progeny will have of studying a country splitting apart, or collapsing, when just 51 years previous it was putting its own people on the Moon.

    Sure, we could point fingers, maybe all the way back to Andrew Jackson as the beginnings of our demise. But it I draw the line when, overtly and before the whole world to see, when America no longer was a nation of laws, and became a nation of men. That would be August, 1974. And all his men had done was to try and find dirt on the Democraps’ flying in prostitutes from Vegas for their patrons during the DNC Convention, two years prior.

  • richardtheturd

    Interesting juxtaposition from the uk regarding the us truckers strike. over here we’ve been engineered to expect freight to ground to a halt with the advent of full brexit at the turn of the year, Kent (the coastal county which is home to our end of the channel tunnel) is apparently going to resemble a lorry park. we’re being fed the same story with different causation. the last 20 years (9/11, war, tech advance, divide and conquer, recession and covid)?has been a lead up to whatever it is thats looming on our horizon. good luck to all that read this!

  • LyonTheeves

    Julius Caesar 100-44BC – “In most cases men willingly believe what they wish.”

  • LyonTheeves

    Lew Rockwell (in 2002) – “Neither will we be intimidated and neither will we despair, because we are fighting the biggest of all big lies, that idea that the sate is a means of security and salvation.”

    Bill Bonner (in 2004) – “Speaking of politicians…..[their] works, if ever examined carefully, would almost always be found to be either irrelevant or actually deleterious. Wars, laws, intrigues, backstabbing, boondoggles, puffery, lies–what is a career in politics but a life ill spent?”

  • sibeguy

    What blows me away is how stupid you can be when look at bias in science and you can’t see bias in politics!

    The mere fact that you state election fraud with ZERO evidence! The level of disinformation on both sides is incomprehensible. Why don’t you apply the same level of rigor to the statements you make about politics as you do to science? Where are your citations Ben?

    The only reason the Republicans like the electoral college is it allows them to win a National election while losing the popular vote!

    Go ahead and leave the country…you won’t be missed! You can have your petty dictator as a leader….you can build a wall to keep yourselves safe.

  • Mrs. Altmann

    B”H Thank you for mentioning thyou may lle poissiblity that the interval between novae could even possibly be 6000 years… you may allow more of those who take the Bible sotry seriously to perk up their ears…

  • tardis79

    I’m not an american and don’t follow elections thoroughly but I was checking the vote counts on the election night. Saw the sudden report of 128k votes added in wisconsin for joe and no votes went to trump’s. I know that we should also consider the arriving mail in ballots which are supposedly counted in big batches. but not even a single vote went to one side in 128 thousand votes. seriously? how is that normal? The fraud certainly has occurred but was it enough to flip the election? if it was, the T team knows better than anyone on how to win the election. If they don’t act and just file random court cases with no useful evidence then they’re done.

  • Mrs. Altmann

    B”H Re. the last discussion on this audio, Dominion is not the biggest thing. Look for Hammer-Scorecard technology, long used by the CIA, that this time was directed to our own elections, changing the outcome by more than 2 million votes… hundreds of thousands switched, about 2 million deletions… find that by searching on an enging your trust, or visitng news sites you turst who can find this out… of cours, naively, I’d like to explode and run around waving a banner, that it was a fraud and we will ayears ago, 44 ll turn into slaves of the nwe technocracy, but, just like the plan to incpacitate people like me via ‘therapy’ which happened already44 years ago, this thing was long planned by secret temporal bullies, sometimes called ‘puppetmasters’, probably before WWII. Once I realized that I was not dead, but cornered, and then learned to live and think completely surreptitiously, inside an isntution, even on those nights when flashlights were shone into my eyes about very 20 minutes to see if I was sleeping, I learned not to betray anything of what I really thought of their theories about me, just as I learned not to let my closed eyelids move or alter my breathingn pattern, because to betray that i was not drugged to sleep, or that I did nto agree that I am just a mass of biochemical equations, would cause them to medicate me to a lethal point, which actally nearly happened soon after the Raid at Entebbe… I nearly died there and many thought I would not survive… I realized I was surrounded and cornered and help would have to come from beyond, and it’s the same way now. I’m not going to explode. I will probably implode. Just as it would be, if the earth just absorbed the impact of the micronova and imploded from the core, that is, much more dangerous, if I implode over this exertion of heavy handed iron-fisted control, that has happened with the election results by the manipulation, at the behest of global secret puppetteers, the same ones who commssioned Bilderberg, Monsanto-Bayer, vaccine toxification and fraud, and other global efforts, inspired by long millennia of Satanism, turning this country into a technodystopic AI-driven Hell, my implosion will simply strengthen some laws of nature that may work at a sub-particular level and cause the evildoers to melt, ignite, flare up into a blaze, and turn into curled and wrinkled shreds of plastic. They are all so plastic, so, with all the increase in 5G roll-out, artificial foods, wresting of poiltical choice from both sides of the citizenry to place it in the hands of AI programmed and owned by the CIA and other covert groups, they themselves will lose the spontaneous, pleasant civilians, including infants and children, from whom they derive nutriment, as well as the natural water and organic rhythms and natural chemical makeup that allowed them to smile enough to get any votes at all, and, perhaps, they will autocombust and wind up as nothing but curls of burnt plastic… what a fantasy… if I implode and morph subparticulately, perhaps that will initiate a resonant morphing throughout other human individuals and matter, that will cause them thus to suddenly and directly experience the consequences of their evildoing.

    In another 219 years, we will all see through the illusions. No later than that, they will see where they messed up. I am definitely imploding. Falsehood and evil exist and flourish in the temporal world ONLY so that they may be thrust down and utterly annihilated in the world to come. When they are thrust down, their victims spring back to life, rewarded commensurate with their toil and suffering, never to be victimized, or, even, minimized, again. Look for it!

    A tightrope walker does not falter because he has his eyes on his destination, not on the plunge below. (This inspirational analogy, courtesy the Rebbes of Lubavitch.)

  • Pat Vester

    All of you young men-YOU are the “silent majority”! All of us over the age of 50 are ill, maimed, or disabled. Most of our soldiers are from the National Guard. They have the same problems I mentioned. The REAL soldiers are under the command of the Generals. These men are part of the problem. You need to start getting off your rears and get organized!!

  • Pat Vester

    All of you young men-YOU are the “silent majority”! All of us over the age of 50 are ill, maimed, or disabled. Most of our soldiers are from the National Guard. They have the same problems I mentioned. The REAL soldiers are under the command of the Generals. These men are part of the problem. You need to start getting off your duffs and get organized!!

  • Johnathan Jones

    Stealing elections is a great American pastime like baseball, apple pie and Teslas. No matter who grabs loss the taxpayer money grab bag this time, it is no reason to get your undergarments in a bunch. Remember 2000 when Bushy and the Bushy boys snatched away from President Gore? Then they skull and boned the Worldwide banking system before leaving office. America survived all that just fine. But the career Dums and the Rippers both hate Trump, the question remains if Trump can take them all on in this fight for the Skyscraper America. He has come out on top before in such fights leaving them not knowing what hit them. But now with such disparate Groups against him clawing their way into the lobby, will they succeed in wrestling the building away?……..”……………?……..COVID is easy to beat, just close the stock market on Wall Street for a year or 6 months. Tell the governments to put their money where their policy and mouths are or shut and board the front door up. Every morning the alarm clock signals those who move the world economy with their hands to go over the top,………..Sound bite basement barking bat goofs ball just make a already hard job, just that much harder.

  • Ryan Harlow

    First time hearing about EMP-proof comm site.

  • Ryan Harlow


  • bry0sb

    Ben, check out new episode of Ancient Alien, was on the “Divine Number 12- In numerous sacred traditions, the number twelve holds a divine significance. It can be found repeated in ancient architecture, groups of twelve wisdom keepers, and even the latest scientific principles. Could this divine number be part of an alien code left for humanity to decipher?” have any significance ya think

  • bry0sb


  • rdlongview
  • Michael Durfee

    “No evidence”. Incredible. I’ve heard some narcissistic utterances in my day…but that one is up there. Come clean. You heard some angry person yelling at a wall near a bus stop and you just paraphrased what they said.

    I wonder how the quality of life would be like for the people who accepted the changes to their financial, medical, legal apparatuses based upon what the “popular vote” was without a process (deadline/oversight/documentation) to ensure its beginning, middle, and end?

    I’m going continue to hope the system we have in place keeps people like you from changing the institutions that affect our quality of life.

  • Peacefrog

    Was Hoping for mention/ short look at douglas vogt, diehold foundation‘s latest video: on Nov 9th

    As for the “fear state“ / subversion/ new world order/ great reset/ preparation/ – good stuff as usual 👍

    Ice age farmer-Great channel, has been ringing the bell for a long time, says they are signaling a “computer virus” that well cause massive disruptions….

    Eyes open no fear be safe

  • kmiklNINJA

    I feel like these clowns will do what they want, doesn’t matter what we “know”. I have a family of level headed normal Americans that by and large won’t ultimately believe in something until MSM has told them….. it is what it is……heads in the sand…..

  • sgj

    I thought there was a paper showing that material can’t escape past the bow shock of the nova.

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