FOTW November 11, 2017
On the line: Ben, Billy, Trevor, Xaviar, Tony
Two links to help with the climate discussion at the end:
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Good Morning, excellent discussion today Gentlemen!
Xaiver, I missed the first part on blinking photons or I would have interjected this in physics.
No what is your conclusion?
Thanks for covering those things! That description of the sun’s filament release (“did a backflip in it’s sleep and never even woke up” ) was perfect. Only made it through the first 22 min. before I got called out. Will come back and finish up later.
Thrust in zero point vacuum energy fields? How is this possible? Let’s take a closer look at earths rare metals and minerals.
Who is browsing the web with their mic on?
thank you for bumping me from chat ~ I gave it a chance in its vacuum dialog
During chat?
Thanks guys, looking forward to see you in Feb.
Topic of discussion…
Sea levels during an ice age. .
If all ice melts sea levels will rise 150′. So how far do they drop for the 2+ miles of ice in New York, the reported depth? This is the proposed ice depth at the end of the last when we enterer our dust cloud. If the ice was that deep and a sudden warming occur Atlantis sank, or was lost to the sea.
We live on earth why earth insted of water and mars earth. During the glacial periods higher and higher percentage of the oceans disappear to form the ice caps. When Earth was named it was mostly land with masave ice caps, and was habitable.
+++++ how long will the ice age last? The transit time of the bubble, 2-5 generations and a short warmingas we pass through the skim of dust cloud between us and tbe void, then it gets to the glacial peroid .
Regarding exploration of the ideas of where are we going: if the saying “as above so below” is true, perhaps looking into workings of the human body would be helpful…I have been watching videos by Dr Doug Wallace who is researching mitochondria and he mentions the quantum abilities of cellular interactions affecting our physiology/rapid evolution way more than nuclear genomes are able to…the astronomical rates of autism, cancers etc showing this., .. and to me, this quantum leaping seems to mirror what you guys are speaking of the weight of mechanistic gravity, how suddenly the matter of the dark has been obliterated..NASA is not responding …perhaps they are still viewing through a different prism, like the polarizing lense video Star Observer posted; therefore, they don’t “see the light” as we do..they are weighted down with the foundation of belief in zero sum, mechanistic, separate, isolated science, a quantum conundrum for them, poor guys and they don’t even see it:)…..Not the interconnectedness of electromagnetics, bathing in plasma…isn’t many of the innards of a human basically functioning within a vacuum?…like the cerebrospinal fluid for example.(neurons bathing in plasma)…… IDK just imagining some on that…also interesting about the great cosmic egg origin stories of some cultures and then I see the reflection of our heads (most of us humans ) shaped like an egg…another pattern I see is the the dust cloud being a veil…and as our planet and solar system travels, the veil is “lifted”…the term apocalypse (Greek) means “unveiling”… so maybe it is a quantum Leap for some of us who “see”…maybe some of us will transform/die, and become another something, as we get drenched by cosmic rays, feel winters arrival, ( LOVE Game of Thrones, an examples of pop culture/art preparing us for a future: ala “WinterIsComing”). The main thing is, as SOs say every day, “eyes open, no fear”( And I also say “heart open”( as in optimistic but unattached to a particular outcome))….okay I’ll stop now.:)
Ben didn’t tell us he was recording :) He wanted to keep it as we talk behind the scenes. I was making all kinds of sounds lol. Sorry
Wonder if we might see the activity as we travel into and out of the cloud periphery more if as Ben suggested, the cloud itself might be in motion or even pinwheeling and developing its own bow shock we hit when we enter or leave it.
A nother topic is the electromagnetic inter actions between EZ water(Exclusion Zone water) and star input.the EZ size is most disruptive when IR light /photons is applyed, it grows .this is a yt about the subject of waters 4th phase This makes me think that there are more than 4 phases of matter as Browns gas produced for cutting all manner of material ks alsf a diffrent form of cold plasma were water has” 6″ eletrons stuffed into the 4 available spaces in the first shell . This was documented by Idaho State University’s eletron microscope, Nobel Prize for the discovery of a unfound partical still missing.
All of the ice meted is 33 fathoms