FOTW May 30, 2020

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  • derekcombs


  • Don K. Grimm

    Hi, Great show today :) Nice to hear the the skype isnt cutting out anymore :)

    Daily show doesnt show up in the feed on YT today, only on your YTchannel. First time it happens to me.

  • rdlongview

    My first impression with the x-ray energy seemed not a question at all, but that we’re seeing very energetic electric current flow effects; see, around after 8 minutes in.

  • EClay

    Great show. In order to understand the issue with professional agitators better, I insist that you check out Suzi Dawson’s work. Her channel on YouTube – Suzi3d, lays out these issues in the context of the oppression inflicted by ‘intelligence’ agencies on anyone who attempts to expose their crimes. Companies contracted by law enforcement are a growing industry in at least 5 English speaking countries, they commit grotesquely criminal and anti human acts against ordinary citizens who end up in these government’s crosshairs.
    I have no affiliation with her, by the way, I’m just someone who understands her experiences just a little too well.

  • EClay

    And it’s safe to assume that some of these contracted companies are involved in the riot-initiation.

  • epeeb1

    I am still recovering from a stroke and here at The Fanning Center on 16 Ave. NE , Calgary Alberta and going stir crazy for I wanta go Home , but I should be here as it won’t be three month’s since the stroke until June 7,next week ! Mine was a mild stroke caused by the Build up of plaque in the vessel going to my Brain ,they operated on the Cluster of veins right under the arm and put a shunt in the artery to open it for Bloodflow! If my stroke was a result of being exposed to COVID 19 , I could be immune to it ?


    Thanks guys, great to listen to this. It makes me feel normal. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to listen. Respect,

  • Billy Rogers

    As a great researcher Ben, There are may statements about it is going to be Biblical. Israel is and for 70 years now so are we gonna be done in7?

  • VisitingProf

    A reminder for some older folks and perhaps some new info for many listening in here. Ben and company have talked about the ‘fear’ stage and the ‘anger’ stage. When I first heard him mention these stages several weeks ago during earlier FOTW conversations I pondered whether perhaps Ben is referring to the work of Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, MD a psychiatrist, who wrote at least two books on grieving and loss. One of those books was titled, provided memory serves us well: On Death and Dying. (Yes, I realize book titles are supposed to be underlined, yet learning all of the ins and outs of yet another word-processing program merely clutters one’s mind. Too bad poor ol’ Willy G. cannot Force every wordprocessing programmer to use the same set of ‘special’ text rules. The same remark applies to accents normally used in foriegn languages. I firmly trust this community to be astute enough to ‘get’my point.) Anyhow, back to the good Dr. Elizabeth. Her books identified five stages which most persons go through during major losses, such as learning that one has a terminal illness or the loss of a spouse or other dearly loved one. Those stages are 1.) Denial, 2.) Anger, 3.) Bargaining, 4.) Depression, and 5.) Acceptance. Meanwhile these FOTW conversations have focussed on a Fear Stage and an Anger Stage. So perhaps collectively we have yet to realize what this is all about on a much deeper level. My preceding comment does not really apply to participants herein so much as it applies to the great many, mostly unaware people here on Earth who are hoping that ‘everything will just go back to normal soon.’ Does anyone else think that maybe the peoples’ behaviors are about grieving one or more much greater losses? And doing such while mostly not consciousy aware of what they are truly reacting to? Most of you reading this are aware of the connections between human history over a much longer scale and the signs which can be observed both in nature here on planet Earth as well as those coming from far beyond, out in the cosmos and from outer space. Anyone else who would comment on this is welcomed, please do because I would like to hear others’ points of view. Thank you.

  • VisitingProf

    Ooops! please make that read “… And doing such while not consciously aware of … ?” Thanks.

  • Lois Rasmussen

    Just a little about the stats for the virus e.g. USA and Australia. Using the John Hopkins stats: USA death rate is roughly 5.86% of those who are known to get the virus, the current “have caught the virus percentage” is so far 0.5% of the population but this changes about 20,000 or more people a day for those who do get diagnosed. In Australia where only social contact industries were locked down but construction, agriculture, mining and outdoor industries remained as well as all the “essential” stayed working and where most of our cases were from USA, ships visiting and Europe our death rate from those who caught the disease was 1.3% and the community contact “catching it rate is : roughly 37.6 % of those who became ill, the other 62 % arrived from overseas with a small % just a mystery. Note we do not wear masks but keep a social distance and have stay at home and hand washing rules. I feel the fact USA has a huge lot of people sharing buildings to live is not helping the infection rate and that with 42 states acting as separate petri dishes of virus control methods must leave everyone there very confused hence quick move to anger as Ben suggests. In Australia and New Zealand there is one voice advising it’s peoples of those countries seems to give comfort. Yet some idiots are still demonstrating here in Australia because they read the strange religious and conspiracy theories coming out of the USA…I mean “drink this magical bleach!” really? That religious group got a big fine for trying to sell that poison here. Back to stats, I presume the statistic you quote in the Fly on the Wall was the current infection rate rather than the death rate of those who are diagnosed as having got the disease. I do like you to have the stats right. ;-)

  • Fred Jones

    Well it would be easier to handle a solar kill shot and getting bounced back to quasi stone age with salvaging if we got along better…. if the system collapses and the money in our wallets is joss paper … then until the sun does her dance, we go into depopulation mode via civil unrest and starvation.

  • laurie

    @VisitingProf, As a psychiatrist, I couldn’t agree with you more. We learned the Kuber-Ross stages as they applied to any type of major loss – not only death of someone close. Today, there seems to be constant talk about the “changes” that are upon us, in these times – whether it is the Earth going into a new region of the galaxy, which could dramatically change the way we survive as a population, or the coming pole changes, or the upcoming slumber of the sun – or even the ascension to the “eighth sphere” wherein Gurdjieff describes our souls are potentially presently heading towards- these all suggest huge changes to the way of life we have all known, and therefore would create “great losses”, seemingly unconscious, to which you refer. I don’t know exactly what that change might be, but it does seem that much anxiety exists in the deeper collective psyche of today’s population regarding “a change” of one sort or another, which is upon us.

  • Bigpicguy

    I’d like to apologize for any ignorance or cruelty expressed on my behalf. Thank you for clearing up all of those misunderstandings in one conversation.

  • ElementOrange

    I keep hearing the term “Geomagnetic Jerk” – what’s the definition of this?

  • Bigpicguy

    Geomagnetic jerk
    In geophysics, a geomagnetic jerk or secular geomagnetic variation impulse is a relatively sudden change in the second derivative of the Earth’s magnetic field with respect to time.

    My google was working, in case yours is down..

  • retro

    On the subject of genetic memory: I see evidence of this in my own life. I have interests that are deep to my core and come to find out, several family members on both sides of the tree were into some of the same things. I see it in my sisters as well and their interests, almost like seeing a collage of my other family members in all three of us siblings.

  • Fire302

    Thanks Guys.

  • Deriv

    That’s right I was misremembering, thinking it was Carrington who discovered the EFQ, appreciate the refresher. The rest of the discussion was also amazing, thanks guys!

  • VisitingProf

    Hi Laurie and others who have made comments, thank you.
    Laurie, I want to thank you especially. Mostly for prompting me to take a closer look at George I. Gurdjieff. Although I had heard of him I knew little about him until earlier today. I suppose because he was from ‘behind the Iron Curtain’ (USSR) there was considerable negative bias toward him and his concepts. During the past 2 or 3 years I ‘ve been yearning to find ‘Authenticly Altruistic actors’ – as in active people yet not necessarily ‘performers.’ Actually, not mere ‘performers,’ however persons who are actively engaged in living. It was very interesting to find how much Gurdjieff’s concepts resonate harmoniously within me. Thanks again.

  • Deriv

    They brushed upon this slightly with the people dressed all in black with umbrellas, starting to agitate the situation. This is something we have seen time and time again in Egypt, France with the yellow jackets, Hong Kong, early stages of Syria/Ukraine. If it is the right way to protest then why do the oppressors try so hard to turn a protest violent? Playing right into their hands.

  • Kane1331

    What about the UN troops shooting people on American soil in Minn

  • pgcurious

    Does anyone know the location of the inverted tornado? I haven’t been able to find additional reference to it online, but maybe I’m not using the correct terminology.

  • David Droescher

    40:00 September surprise

    What a coinkidink I just had this same conversation with a gentleman , I mentioned my Bonneville goal, I was saying that I was hoping that this would wait until after September one last chance.
    He scowled at me and said , why would you want such a thing let’s do this now warm out you wait till September and people are going to die winter is coming my friend we don’t want to be fighting in that .

    What’s going to happen when the government shuts down the power to stop the revolt and it’s winter? ? ?

    Seeing my expression change to acknowledge my own greed in my request admit to myself. He then asked, what percentage of the population and tomorrow, live off the land/ survive if the revolt starts tomarow?2/3…. 1/3 has the knowledge already being going into summer 1/3 has time to learn the skills. Seeing this soaking in, Ethan says if it hits in winter 1/3 of those with the knowledge already Will Survive the rest ain’t got time to learn fighting then survival and or at the same time depending on how far north.
    We had lots of other conversations but that one hit me like a baseball bat being a combat veteran in winter.

    The Crackdown will probably look like a Wuhan lockdown with Bill Gates funvax bug turned loose on the inside it’ll be “A Mutation of Coronavirus… ” the haad line will read. But the reality is the tables are turned those are lost US Territory. The question is will they release bio weapons in there to try and quash the Rebellion?

  • Michael Durfee

    Its really difficult to talk generally about a specific topic, especially in unspecific times. Plus when you can only use 280 characters or are put on the spot to come up with something, there is only so much you can say. So for the time being I’m going to entertain the idea that the issue we are all experiencing right now is the scale at which the lack of understanding/awareness is manifesting as to what the cause is for concern. In other words the overreliance on discourse on what happens after the consequence of an issue that is taking place in our information dissemination apparatuses rather than discourse which takes place antecedent to whatever the concern is.

    I think at least one of the major contributing factors, for not being aware/understanding/realizing what the cause for concern is, is the level of discourse that has been taking place at the highest levels of our information dissemination apparatuses. Universities, broadcast news, social media, journalism; ect. You know, the institutions we as a public rely on to ask the right questions, conduct the appropriate group verification, carefully compile information, educate the ones who are unaware, and implement the policies that benefit the process. When you need broad or specific information about things happening around the world and there is an overwhelmingly one sided view of what the concern is, there is no clear way to engage with it. There is a disparity taking place in the discourse of these entities exactly where to prioritize our concern for cause and effect. Its like the Hysteresis effect in magnetism where the nature in which energy is accumulated within a standing wave differs from how it is dissipated, essentially means that the cause is displaced from effect. Meaning if the effect is before the cause it represents the appearance of energy; if the cause is before effect it represents disappearance of energy. Which is why for my anger stage I’m pointing a finger at the perpetrators of the discourse which reflects a disparity in engaging with the effects rather than the causes. Because our rationale to react to what we think is the priority for us is really for the collective. Because one of the chief principles in science, cause and effect, are essentially the same as antecedence and consequence.

    If you’re feeling depressed and desperately want to make your situation ‘go back to normal’ as a consequence of all these effects, there could be some desperate actions that are taken to make that happen. Moving away, changing careers, decisions that effect how other people view your behavior; you know ‘big decision’ stuff. And whatever reaction you take to ease your concerns, if you’re unable to place a metric on that situation which people can measure, understand, or agree to, then what results are very much unintended to you and the people around you. Because the basis for your cause for concern is the status of the collective and not the individual. And if what you’re reacting to is being done so purposefully (lying to conceal/unethical practices for personal or financial gain) then the outcome for everyone is changed for the worse including those who are perpetrating the discourse. To make things even worse due to your concerns, you feel your actions are justified. And especially so if what you’re reacting to does not have a beginning, middle, or end. The act perpetuates as a consequence. And it is rapidly approaching the point where this behavior is becoming normalized. And when the behavior is normalized makes it much more likely that a catastrophic outcome will result when multiple problem sets intersect with each other.

    The only thing that burns in hell is the part of you that won’t let go of your life. Your memories, your attachments, it is burned away. But it’s not to punish you; it’s to free your soul. Because if you’re frightened of dying and you’re holding on you’ll see devils tearing your life away. But if you’ve made your peace, then the devils are really angels; freeing you from the Earth. It’s just a matter of how you look at it that’s all. And that is why I think the issue we’re all experiencing right now is scale at which the lack of understanding/awareness is manifesting as to what the cause is for concern.

  • TurboSol

    Just a thought on Coronavirus. Clearly it’s not as bad as they warned, but I disagree that it will end up as a .2 or .3 kill rate, the deaths of this has already exceeded the worst flu season (2009) by 40k deaths and it will likely end up 60k+ over the worst flu season.

  • Justdave

    Hello Community, I’m sure I’m asking the same question you’ve heard numerous times. Sorry but the more resources I can compare the better. I’ve been researching since about March of this year. How I never heard about any of this before now I have no idea. But that is irrelevant now. I own a home in Southeast Texas where most of my family resides. My wife and I are on the road currently living in Iowa for the past couple of years. I am a traveling electrician. We are in the process of selling our home in Texas and buying in a safer location to hopefully survive the shift. Even if I don’t see it in my lifetime I would like to prepare a place for my children and grandchildren. I stumbled across ZetaTalk and Chris Wakefield and have been using his maps as one reference of what the continent may look like after. We are looking at land to purchase in Northern Arkansas, Central or perhaps Western area of the state. Are there similar resources in this group? Perhaps videos you could recommend? The amount of information I’m trying to take in daily leaves my head swimming at times. On top of that working and preparing as I’m sure all of you can relate, it gets overwhelming. Anyway, any direction would be appreciated. Again, I know I’m a total Newb, so I apologize in advance.

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