FOTW June 29, 2019

– Climate, Electrons Undercounted:

– e- Field and Condensation:

– Colder ISM:

– ALMA Reveals Magnetism in Star Forming Regions:

Showing 14 comments
  • Billy Rogers

    Thanks Ben and everyone, good bee keepers plan and store honey in the supers, busy bees to day survive hardship tomorrow everything is blooming great today bees should be busy. Ben maybe i missed it did Monsanto fix their bee killing chems? Thanks

  • Billy Rogers

    Ben one way to show and think of the fields in a hands on way get magnets of various strengths but all the same size say 1 inch and use a clear acrylic coin tube and stack those magnets from strongest on bottom and stack so each magnet is + to + the stack represents power of magnetism and its waining but existent field only

  • epeeb1

    The Bee’s are vital in Pollination of crops for farmers to feed all the hungry Canadians ! Pesticides do kill a lot of Bees but the survivors get lost and cannot navigate back to the colony ! The Magnetic North Pole has slid and confused a lot of Bees ?

  • Caroline5765

    A lot of people do not know that bees are classified as livestock. Awhile back I asked Dr David Tarpy about the UV and various weather effects on the bees. He said they are much better equipped to deal with weather than we are. We had a laugh about EMP power outage and he reminded me that they live in darkness so they are already ready if it happens. :) Mine are doing well. I recently did a hive changeover from Langstroth to Layens hives. A much better home for them.
    Bees are super preppers. They are amazing both individually and as a colony. Too bad we humans can not work together as a collective whole like they do. Our world would be a heck of a lot better off.

  • Terese Nehrbauer

    I want to especially Thank You Ben, for the inspired ‘riding the ocean waves’ analogy during the FRB discussion. You hit a nail on the head. The guidance to “be like water” is a model with applications yet to be explored and appreciated!

  • michael.dick

    Question… Does lower sunspot number (even in minimums) mean stronger sunspots? The energy still needs to equalize, so if the sun is producing fewer sunspots due to lower magnetism potential, does that mean that the energy that does need to equalize or release, is it more likely to be higher energy releases with those sunspots?

  • Robynne

    I would like an answer to that question, too.


    Surf Matapalo

  • Geotherm gardening

    Hey Ben, come up to Wall St; 20 minutes up the hill from Boulder and we’ll catch some colour in the sluice and talk about that silly star of ours.

  • Johnathan Jones

    In these days of glyphosate resistant crops that have been gmo’ed to actually procure glyphosate in their genes, bees have become a disposable crop too. They take a breeder hive to make Queens which they use to make new disposable hives out of. They feed them junk food sugars to grow them and put them on trucks to take out to the fields to pollinate the gmo crops. The bad pollen crops sprayed with glyphosate drops the bees blood pressure down about 60 %. After hours , some return to the now failing hive if they are not to disoriented too boot. When the hive fails, get another truck load of hives, lather, rinse, repeat. Btw, the gmo grains inherently put these poisons in our food and even beer. So next time a beer really disorients you, look deeper.

    Subatomic subdivisions, I like that. Light, magnetic fields, Ac and radio waves, are they particules or waves? Perhaps they are like being under water in the deep ocean, are you in particules or waves or both and maybe more than that. Gravity, electricity and plasma and more do a dance in which one would not be there without the other and vice versa. So this makes the gravity universe and the electrical universe two sides of a multi sided dice. Einstein said photons bend around stars not because they have mass, but because space and/time get warped by mass yet no one has shown how this works like electricity , radio, microwave oven or tv. Yet so many buy in to this, I never did even when I read about along time ago as a kid. I knew I needed to keep looking and my dad had a teacher who always said to simplify, simplify, simplify. Then he told me about Occum’s razor and I knew if I could not communicate it simply, I had not thought enough about it yet. So I would keep looking at it until more was revealed. Then practice saying it simply.

  • sativarg

    Dear Mr Davidson and community,
    I am here to put a couple of cents on the table about the rising magma in the Hawaii Volcano that was mentioned in the news “Climate Stunner, Impossible Galaxies, Red Dwarf Exoplanet | S0 News Jul.3.2019” and time frame

    Not long ago another Hawaii Volcano had hot magma in place when torrential rains drenched it and I believe that this contributed to and or caused the glass like magma chamber to crack leading to fissures opening and all the rest. I believe that the same is possible if the Hurricane approaching Hawaii now drenches another hot and perhaps fragile magma chamber… like cold water on hot glass see?
    thanks for reading

  • sativarg

    Continued at time frame: 29:50 I see from this model of matter a possible explanation of inertia in general when considering universal spin in the intercourse between energy and emptiness… change by any other name and Yin and Yang where is the interface and place that is evident in the micro and macro. Imagine, see, all the elements or minutia of a mass spinning happily at rest while interfacing with emptiness… dense energy absorbing emptiness as it expands into it. Now apply pressure against that mass and all the spinning “bicycle wheels have to adjust for a bit and the flow of emptiness in and energy out must adjust thus resistance continues until another stable state like rest is achieved at what ever vector and rate… see?
    thanks for the vision and inspiration then

  • sativarg

    Continued… RE: FRB…
    I am more partial to [3, 5, 8…] as patterns go and the Golden Cut than I will ever be with 3 6 and 9 but I digress LOL
    Could periods in FRB simply be schedule related? Imagine if you will a faster than light terminus and or departure port/portal. I like the whole idea of Star Gates myself… but what ever the technology; a faster than light transport could be cyclical between locations due to patterns of behavior and or the time needed to recharge or the time between windows of certain conditions in my opinion.

    The observed/extrapolated Distance of a FRB source could be quite deceptive when dealing with a technology transending temporal mechanics as we understand them? So our estimates of exactly where the FRB originated may need to be open for further study?

    thank you for reading

  • Canamla

    Someone at 52:30ish (I don’t know the voices exactly besides Ben and Billy), but they’re bouncing a tennis ball or something and it’s very distracting.

    Aside that, I freaking love the idea of the bursts being related to hubs and/or spaceships. With all the UFO and USO stuff going on here, it wouldn’t surprise me. In fact, that makes the most sense to me. Even if it is space phenomenon, I probably will be in my 50’s before they figure it out (I’m 27). Haha. Would it be copyright if I use that idea in some fictional worldbuilding?

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