FOTW June 15, 2019

More Discussion Than Links This Week:

– Solar Superflares:

– Density Wave Galaxy Model Undone?

– Galactic Magnetic Field:

Showing 22 comments
  • John Mallary

    Nova cycles.
    Seems to me, as I understand field aligned currents, each concentric layer is more constricted than the adjacent outer layer, with the center flow being negative particles, neutral atoms and molecules. These are enough to create a blockage, force a Z-pinch, and form a star.
    The Lorentz force both constricts subsequent concentric layers and draws in *material* perpendicular to the direction of current flows, maintaining the “fuel” at levels commensurate to the regional environment.
    This would afford different periods between nova events.
    That same material, flowing at he center of a Birkeland current, that incites the blockage, could definitely provide a consistent source of excess matter or “dust” that over and over, would build up, and a nova is triggered to rebalance the instability.
    The EU Birkeland current model of Dr Scott absolutely provides the mechanism for recurring nova as well as observed varances in periodicity.
    Otherwise, I see no other explanation that provides for all the observations.
    And considering the idea that mainstream science must use gravity?
    If it’s not gravity, their interpretations and conclusions are false.
    Only the observations, coupled with an all inclusive theory, can be valid. Valid cosmology absolutely requires that.
    Have a great day!

  • 95TurboSol

    Hey Ben, is it possible to get these podcasts to where I can lock my phone screen and it still play? I would like to listen at work but I can’t because it turns off when my phone screen does.

  • John Mallary

    He said his custom cakes were art.
    That he couldn’t use gay representation in his art for personal reasons.
    He said they could buy any cake but he would not custom make one.
    Because it was art, the courts ruled he could not be forced to produce art without inspiration from within.
    Like asking Leonardo DaVince to paint a pile of dogshit in the hands of Mona Lisa.


    great topics guys, give thanks and hear you later..

  • michael.dick


    These stars that have gone boom three times (at least), is there a way to observe what quality of space they are passing through? Can we see the dust? I know that dust hides everything, but can we see that dust? The Dust quality or level of dust may determine the frequency and intensity of said Nova.

  • sativarg

    NOTE at time frame 9:32 or so and finding patterns in nova types…
    Could we locate clusters of high nova activity at distances that correspond to time frames where or when certain types of stars go nova? By locating distances where statistically more nova of certain type happen could we find patterns worthy of further study? If we can not access data over a long time scale can we extrapolate that time span by using distance?
    === ===
    I tend to comment as I am inspired. If this is not acceptable let me know. If I am spamming please tell me… thanks

  • BeechComer

    Moto g5+, Android 8.1, Opera 49.2.blah.blah, FOTW plays while the phone is locked just fine. “YouTube” won’t, however.

  • sativarg

    RE: time frame 00:50:00 and Science VS $LieNce or sLieNsa…
    Shouldn’t there be a term symbol or device for fake science?
    I agree that any thing that can be called science is not lies or driven by pragmatism and or greed. That does not stop criminal actors from saying that a bought and paid for “study” is science even when said study may be so biased and wrong as to mislead and even put at risk Humanity.

    OK then maybe not a cute thing like my $LieNce but some thing to use to define the difference between good science and any other stinking weed that is not that rose… see?

    and then don’t even let me say False Facts… LOL because BANG! I’ll explode into invective storms of indignant pedantic histrionics…
    a turd by any other name… stinks!

  • sativarg

    RE: 01:06:00 and falsehoods correcting BUT!…
    Latency of falsehood means mass deaths and or suffering when sLience passes for truth?
    Not acceptable and so… what?
    so what? So can we sit by and let Monsanto lie?
    Can we sit by and let any of the mass murders by organized crime just happen?
    Stop the Crime or just let the pendulum stay in the hands of the criminals?

  • Brad

    44:17 Whomever brought this issue up regarding the bakery really has me perplexed. In the described scenarios first being the physical businesses next an entity wanting to create a “Topic / Belief or value specific channel” here on You Tube has absolutely no comparison whatsoever.
    As a private business you have every right to refuse service to someone no matter who it is. If you are using a business such as you tube to promote your views or values and they conflict with You Tubes policies in any manner then You Tube has the right to refuse you service or services to the extent they may simply delete your channel and it’s contents as it is all stored, displayed and accessed by You Tubes software, servers and storage. These are significantly different scenarios where one can be interpreted as misuse of a platform by the standards set out in advance where as the other is before you in their physical place of business where as a question is asked and YOU the Business owner politely refuse service while recommending other locations whom may accommodate you based on your values and beliefs. Freedom of Speech is one thing, personally I could care less what is said, how one lives or whom they associate with, that is until you cross a point where now you are infringing on my values or beliefs to the extent you are demanding I accept yours and carry on now we have a problem. This does not intrinsically categorize me as being a hateful bigot or intolerant person after all I am allowed to think freely and make decisions in my life based on my moral code or values so long as they do not cause harm or undo harassment of another persons or peoples beliefs or values. JMO

  • Brad

    Yes they can refuse service if they disapprove of your lifestyle from the perspective that in this case it went against their faith based values because at the end of the day a private business has the right to decide who they provide services for

  • epeeb1

    Baby STEPS The amount of information available now with our 5GB world doubles at an unknown rate, we might Know the answers next week or never (?) In Canada,the Social Media cannot be monitored by the Government and Justin is having a hard time Facing the WRATH of a Free Press , The Canadian Federal Election is this October and as the Majority of Canada has already gone “Tory Blue”(Most Provinces are Conservative Governments now) THE FEDERAL LIBERALS WILL BE GONE in a puff of Marijuana SMOKE !

  • electricjay

    When I hear you talk about novae in this context, I always think of Akhnaton, and his religion of the “disk” or “radiance” of the sun (vs the sun body itself as Velokovsky interpretated it). What did he or his sources know/witness?
    Great FOTW, thank ya’ll!

  • woody3405

    Maybe a supernova is the final nova from an older star? As in it was not able to survive the ejection of the last shell and it ended up being an implosion… ?

  • Lois Rasmussen

    Gravity is real (although the theoretical graviton is unproven) there is still some question in my mind about the role of gravity within the electro magnetic universe where gravity and time may work outside the speed of light limitations/of electro magnetism. We know gravity exists because we are stuck on earth by it and the tides follow the moon. We know gravity’s effects diminish over distance and with that distance the “speed” of time. So..what really is the “speed” of light between low gravity and high gravity influences. I suspect nothing is fixed but always in flux. :-)

  • woody3405

    Crazy Idea: Fast forward 100, 200, 300 years… our sun is showing signs of micro nova – what would we do? Potentially no place on earth would be safe. You would go to the moon and create an underground city to preserve humanity. You would probably try to do the same on earth, but the H2O is a major issue (vaporization, rain, floods, snow, ice age) – which the moon does not have. From the moon you could monitor the fallout of the micro nova’s impact on earth. The moon would not really have any lingering after effects. Once it was safe to return to earth you would. Just a thought.

  • JoMaHo

    I find when i switch to another tab i can exit safari then lock the phone and it pays through. Good luck.

  • woody3405

    Chop two male female figures in half to make a man/man figure. BTW – I do not like people with 6 fingers (gives me an anxiety attack). Is it ok for me to say no? WTF can we NOT say NO anymore? :-)

  • dsparshott

    Is there any way to reconcile the following theories, or anywhere that following theories have been discussed at length in order to try and understand a comprehensive sequence of events….

    1. Saturn/polar configuration/purple dawn (Cardona, Talbot)
    2. Capture by present day sun/Venus comet. (Velikovsky)
    3. Plasma discharges/Planets at War/Petroglyphs/Terraforming Earth. (Peratt, Steinbacher)
    4. Nova Cycles. (S0)

    Any links wold be appreciated.

  • D58

    How many Chan Thomas like revelations await us in the near future? What else has been obscured from our view?

  • Duffy

    You lost me at cake.

  • 95TurboSol

    @BeechComer On my phone the video stops playing on this page when I lock the screen, I have a galaxy S10+

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