FOTW June 13, 2020

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  • John Mallary


  • Fred Jones

    I think we have found a place for AI , within Knowledge Management (KM), that would allow the specialist focus on finite then input into the KM system and the AI could then send out modifications and footnotes if you will to each area, in the terminology that they would understand with all the sources. Wiki is close to a shared KM system but I think we need that, an AI version and a version that allows us to protect the knowledge base even if we have a E.L.E.

  • Charles

    As far as the Hubble constant, and the CMB, both better fit other theories. The big bang, is a big bust, full of holes, contradictions, and weird exceptions to make up for its complete lack of predictions. At this point the big bang is more dogma/superstition than anything else. The CMB … interstellar dust warmed by starlight is a far better fit for observed data.

    As far as red shifted light from distant objects, SQK actually predicts this without an expanding universe, as well as blue shifted light in other conditions. Basically over very long distances in the absence of a gravitational field the fabric of space itself slightly red shifts light, and in the presence of a gravitational field light is slightly blue shifted. The Pioneer anomaly was predicted by Dr LaViolette’s SQK, but NASA ignored this, even though they were asked to look for it years before it was noticed. Dr LaViolette even predicted the amount of blue shift very closely to what was observed.

    Cascadia going off would be perfect. It might wake some of these idiots up! That wouldn’t solve the problem though, because its been proven that Soros is funding shit like this. The title of the article out there is “Yes, George Soros Sent Money to Fund the Riots—and So Did Taxpayers”.

  • Fred Jones

    So to comment on the geopolitical and corporations at hand, I think the best way to separate our respective selves and family units from the NWO is to remove ourselves from the labor force as well as from material assets. I shall poop out the other side… thank you Adrian….and the July 4th situation, my guess Texas on Red side action and Minnesota as a Blue side action. geez I feel like I am in Chat in Eve Online for Red vs Blue..

    Thank you for the FOTW today, time to read more in weatherman’s guide and translate that to stuff…

  • blackhole

    i hope you take about Democide soon

  • Counselor

    So, you’re going to be fair enough to suggest that some empathetic people are being duped… duped by people like George Soros, and other corporations’ CEO’s whom, one could also argue, haven’t just hijacked people, but the politicians “we elect” as well. And, then you get angry about the fools who created CHAZ, but don’t acknowledge that there maybe some legitimate issues to be protesting? Perhaps some protests are not entirely George Soros funded? If you know of “the bad actors” in the crowd, is it that hard to move from that conversation to a real concern over the issues we face as a whole group of people duped on both sides? I like when you brought the issue of rampant poverty the one of the FOTW discussions, but you glossed over how our country has been creating that situation through measures that only keep the elite (Left and Right) wealthy. You rail against communism, but forget it’s the wealthy types that enjoy hiring people on the cheap. You rail against the protesters who created CHAZ as that being your central focus, but neglect to bring up whether there are some real issues to protest? And, bring in the militias? I am prior service, dude! One of you in here had the common sense to say “they know more violence will make it worse”… damn right! That is why the Posse Commitatus Act was created after the much older one that Trump quotes from the early 1800’s. If the militias commit to taking on people who are hurting too, but about different issues, but with as much Magnitude as them, they would be committing to the very violence against people who claim to be sharing the same value of protecting their freedom… these are not isolated incidents, and these aren’t new tactics. If you peer back into History, any country backslides into fascism/communism as people become more ignorant to their rights.

    You also spoke out against mail in ballots… I am fifth generation military… mail in voting was created under Lincoln to ensure that soldiers got to exercise their right to vote… Lincoln is the name you stand by if you are a true Republican, the group that spoke up against slavery… mail in in voting is still used for people who are deployed… like I had been… and, mail in ballots have been an equalizer for people who legitimately can’t make it to a polling place because of illnesses or disabilities now… do I need to worry about some eugenics and culling the weak being discussed among you! And, if it can’t be trusted, who’s in the know? US postal service? The vote counters? C’mon! What’s the thread here? A service mandated at our governments inception, which had been utterly gutted by congress who only has one job… they in on it? And, if you’re going to go into how you think your vote doesn’t count because of this and the electronic voting machines, then do something about that! Maybe you should get out there and protest that! This community should be marshaled out to write Congress over that because that does impact everyone, instead that topic is used as political fodder on mainstream and the underground as… oh silly leftists! This voting issue affects you too! And, that shouldn’t just get chalked to a comment by one of you, “mail in voting is stupid.” Okay, what’s your solution huh? Forget COVID, what does somebody who can’t feel like they can physically make it to vote, the single parent with children that works 16 hour days… They are the impoverished you talked about last time who also happen to benefit from this mail in ballot service… what is you solution for them?

    Again, love the science, but I am beginning to be curious about the discussions at the end lately… and, I used to follow some people like Alex Jones… and you guys have had some wilder discussions before, but this me very curious.

    No fear is great… and my family’s history in this country has definitely had us keeping our eyes open since the Civil War… but, sometimes… you can’t forget that the whole is more than the sum of it’s parts.

    Take care

  • sibeguy

    Once again love the science, and you’re part of the problem when you start your social conversations! My hope is Todd has come to his senses and is no longer participating. For those actually wanting a broader perspective I suggest the following interview. It’s long and worth the listen. If you want to understand how Trump operates start at the 141 minute mark.

  • Caroline5765

    Thank you for the upload and discussion gentlemen. Interesting topics as always. Kind regards for now.

  • mytechtoday

    I laughed at the idea of a machine that poops out the name of the winner for the election. I’m still laughing. It’s so fitting lolz

  • Michael Durfee

    Initially I think the question we have to ask ourselves is to what extent will the status of the Capitol Hill protest justify taking decisive action against? How do we know when a situation like that gets out of control? And I think Adrian’s comment that there could be residents of the Capitol Hill area that are elderly, minors, or disabled that are negatively affected by this perpetual protest is a serious cause for concern. Cyril’s comment on the lack of political awareness on the protest points out they are either supportive or unaware and both are very concerning.

    But there is a good quote from Sun Tzu where he said, “Victory comes from finding opportunities in problems.” Could the reason be why there is no immediate use of force against this protest in Seattle be for an opportunity to present itself? Could it be possible to have a victory in a problem that doesn’t have a beginning, middle, or end? However shameful it might be to come to fear, confusion, and anger for an opportunity like this to present itself; it is an opportunity nonetheless. Billy’s comment about how the protests in the Capitol Hill area need to fail I think presents unique opportunities. Could there be an opportunity for the individuals involved to finally get the perspectives they need to break them out of a mindset of a perpetual problem with no beginning, middle, or end? Or an opportunity to do a small scale test on how to handle the emergence of a new element in the societal/political landscape? Are there any discrepancies in the Patriot Act that this movement will reveal? What other opportunities will present themselves as this persists? Questions to answer at a later time undoubtedly because this situation is very difficult to approach.

    These highly polarizing events give us a unique opportunity to decide for ourselves what the correct course of action should be. Where we find balance. Which archaic policies we think are still in effect. What the unethical practices are. Opportunity to notice our own ‘arc’ of understanding/reactions/interpretation of issues. The way we scale issues to the individual, state, and federal level. Like how Cyril heard about the doctor from Florida blowing the whistle on the place in New York putting COVID positive people in nursing homes. Without the COVID crisis how long would that have gone on being practiced? Hard to say for sure, but now for sure all that is being played out at the highest levels. Which presents another unique opportunity to decide for ourselves how different institutions are reacting. It provides a good opportunity to observe as Billy says what they do; not what they say. Are their reactions constructive? Or destructive? Like Adrian’s observation of the disparitive expenditure of funds taken from the police going to unions and committees rather than public causes. The discontinuity of the asymptomatic claims in the WHO from Cyril. These revelations support a massive contradictory double standard at a very concerning scale. All of the ideology, pathology, and all the other degenerative proclivities are playing out in front of our faces. Why does it have to come to this kind of extreme? We need another way to engage with these opportunities. The scale at which they are playing out is putting too many innocent people in harm’s way.

    There is a lot of truth in an old saying that “sunlight is the best disinfectant.” Perhaps with all this happening out in the open people are getting the education they need. The correct set of circumstances for people to scale problems to the right resolution so they can adjust their reactions accordingly. But when round two of the fear and anger cycle happens too quickly, they can overlap. How many overlaps need to be out in the open for it to cause irreparable damage? Our resolve to act on the opportunity to agree on a scale in which these problems should present themselves on our stage of public opinion will determine how much cause for concern there should be.

  • Chris

    Tod has covid

  • Chris

    Why arent you talking about Black lives matter? Remember the real conspiracy folks. This channel is sponsored by the Drumpf administration.

    I hope you all get covid :) Here are some good song lyrics for you:

    “Who tell the cunts to do what they do?
    The leader of the fuckin’ assholes”

  • Chris

    sibeguy glad to see someone with a brain on this message board

  • tardis79

    Remember, the real conspiracy is that your “revolution” is being supported by the big companies. They’re trying to make us choose a side. trump or anti-trump? I guess u have already chosen your side in their game. stay safe

  • Chris

    LMFAO are you a literal tard? sure whatever you say. “The big companies”. They are trying to divide us. Be sure to send me whatever you’re smoking. Sounds like good shit

  • Chris

    SING IT!

    “Who tell the cunts to do what they do?
    The leader of the fuckin’ assholes!”

  • Luke

    Hi Ben, I’d like to start a conversation to bring you and Billy into a future panel discussion to enlighten the world via a content series to discuss Plasma across all scales. My initial thoughts are to include the following as the initial panel and then expand the series to include referrals from all participants. What do you think? I’d love to have a series of conversations with all of you and also expand into the spectrum of plasma from sub atomic to universal but always for the good of all.
    Ben Davidson
    Billy Yelverton
    Lex Fridman (The Artificial intelligence Podcast and Research in human-centered AI, autonomous vehicles, and deep learning at MIT and beyond)
    Alexander Fridman (Snr) professor at Drexel University and the director of the Nyheim Plasma Institute
    Montgomery Childs president of Aurtas International, the principal scientist and chief engineer of the SAFIRE PROJECT
    Michael Clarage of the SAFIRE “Stellar Atmospheric Function in Regulation Experiment” PROJECT
    and myself Luke Hayes, hopeful founder of GAJRA Earth: an unincorporated Global Association for Joyful Responsible Abundance on Earth

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