FOTW July 4, 2020

Showing 38 comments
  • sgj

    Ben, Your frustration with people asking questions that have been answered reminds me of a Dilbert cartoon. In it, Dogbert has a sign up which reads “Dogbert’s Tech Support”. The next frame show’s Dogbert saying “Dogbert’s Tech Support. Shut up and reboot”.

  • sgj

    Adrian, Your comments about COVID-1994 are misguided and counter productive. The Covid pandemic is real. How do I know? My wife is in a nursing home where over 90% have contracted the disease and over 15% have died. The official response to the pandemic has been confusing and equally counterproductive. If we just put our politics aside and encouraged everyone to wear a mask while in public, we could have produced a result like Japan, who never locked down. Compared to the US, Japan has had a cake walk.

  • Charles

    You really need to do your own research.
    How many of the people in nursing homes die every year?
    Did the governor in your state force the nursing home to take sick contagious patients?
    Did you know the CDC has basically admitted that the wu flu is only as bad as the regular flu… before even correcting for the inflated death numbers?

  • cjan137

    Will an old metal ahriculture shed act as a faraday cage when the big flare(s) hit here in a couple years?

  • Byrdman

    On the tornado forecasting tool of the orientation of the large drops vs the small drops I am interested but would like to see a conceptual l model as to why this would work as better guidance. The ability to detect a tornadic supercell vs a nontornadic is based not only on the storm relative velocity detecting a a mesocyclone or even better a TVS, but also knowing what the atmospehere is capable of in the storm environment. For instance – is there an enhanced horizontal vorticity source, near the storm? Is it moving toward or away from that enhanced source? Is there more on this subject that has been peer reviewed for an AMS publication?

  • Kane1331

    Gheslaines father was Robert Maxwell whom many books have been written. Known as a mossadegh superspy. She has been trained by Mossad since she was a child. She was in a home she bought from Granite real estate which is owned by an ultra Zionist who was good friends with her father. Who by the way owned Maxwell House coffee and was well known for stealing US state secrets. She was the person running the Epstein honey pot program. She held the cards. She will be exported to israel just like epstein.

  • Kane1331

    Government has never been a good idea ever!!! The start of government was the start of downfall of society. It didnt start as far back as you think. Our whole history as we know has undoubtedly been proven a lie. Government is only a few hundred year old poison and the beginning of our troubles. Noone should have control over another’s life.

  • jackyl11

    SGJ, look at Sweden which never enacted any lockdowns, mask orders, social distancing, etc. They have achieved herd immunity and all the benefits associated with it.


    Hey guys. Do you know about Dark horse Duo? Check out Brett Weinstein’s podcast. His duo idea is starting to gain traction and I believe it is the only hope, at least until the catastrophe

  • Eidrith

    The Mid Miocene Global Disruption was a period of pre human global warming when CO2 levels and temperatures were very high compared to today. No humans involved so should be lookedn at in the current climate debate.

  • rdlongview

    About the last subject in the discussion:

  • Soularevent

    I cant thank you guys enough for validating feeling Im sure so many of us have been having on so many levels,. Always look forward to getting to these podcasts Ben All my respect

  • Fred Jones

    Max Gizz … wow i had to press pause… and i think both sides of the aile will/should have names drop… serious mic drop here…

  • Wolfman43

    My first podcast and I’m so glad I listened. Thank you so much for motivating me to get up and keep up the good fight with researching and helping others to find their truths.

  • Fred Jones

    i have to agree with Ben , we cant have a total collapse. However, i do think we might have a routine where we drop one scale, and things like the West Pac become its own area, and Great lakes states become another area and so on… i think the infrastructure people will know needs to be in place… we should keep the military as a asset for all areas, and to do that DC does not become a state, and Alexandria VA may get annexed into that area so that the pentagon can be a part of the routine for all areas, but continuing the path of looking at what happened when USSR separated (via billy) , i think we need to have a few years of free travel , and “helped” relocation for those that would rather live in one area verse another, and have each area define their “mission statement” before all the moving around. Do i think its needed, Yes, do i think we can do it without causing family units to dissolve, it would be tough but possible… some families would need to go separate ways as this does bring out the differences within family units very well… It might help the people feel better, safer, and allow a clean slate of sorts. We need to have our Churches and Libraries and schools and so on back we cant function without them … steps off phone book… be safe everyone

  • Brian T

    Honestly. these political conspiracy rants are such a waste time.
    Simply put, it sounds stupid.
    If you thing that these f-ing things go on only on the left leaning side of things , you’re full of shit.
    Get to the science , and leave this secret society crap lie.My God this is boring as hell.
    I’d listen to some dick like Alx Jones if I wanted to subscribe to this ranting.
    Seriously considering ending my sub.
    Fk this is frustrating . I do not need any guidance from you fellas to make sense of this political word.I know it’s F’ed.
    I need this as an escape.

  • Michael Durfee

    The hydra analogy is becoming undeniable.

    In times where technological advancements offer new ways of measuring and understanding the world and as knowledge evolves into new ways of thinking, problem solving, and learning; it is increasingly evident that the global problems and processes that affect many people at the same time are not composed of simple elements. They are multifaceted and involve many different avenues of consideration. When considering the staggering numbers of the world’s population, it becomes ever more apparent that the “best” solutions to the problems and processes that allow civilizations to function, are ones that are most compatible with the different environments and apparatuses it utilizes to sustain itself, while of course still being harmonized with the morals embedded in all its ethnic and cultural practices. Or in other words the state of balance within it’s ‘free market of ideas’. Revealing the concept of universal solutions, ones that solve problems across multiple civilizations, becoming less and less tangible. Accordingly, the world is too diverse and complex for strict disciplines (specialized way of thinking, problem solving, and learning). Whereby having other disciplines involved in the ‘free market of ideas’ better facilitates meaningful hands on experience, problem solving through shared leadership, peer and self-evaluation, and collaborative research, learning, and discussions. Resulting in a forum to consolidate the viewpoints that better ensures what results of the process are more mutually beneficial to each party. One way is to exercise a discipline without too narrowly specializing by exercising cautious suspicion in relation to well established theories.

    If we describe communication as a symbolic process whereby reality is produced, maintained, repaired, and transformed, rather than one of just transferring information from point A to point B with minimal distortion, we are explicitly stating what the symbolism of the communication process is and how it affects reality; and implicitly what constitutes reality. My grandmother used to tell me, “It’s not [what] you say, it’s [how] you say it.” This aphorism can be used to demonstrate the multidimensionality of communication as a symbolic process. In a literal dimension where an audience members observation of a speaker’s body language, tone of voice, and subject being communicated. Where the speaker might not explicitly tell the audience how they feel about the subject of discussion, but from their observations can gather whether the speaker is sincere, joking, or speculating. Or in a metaphorical dimension. Like a person’s work ethic who always shows up to work on time, puts forth efforts which are above and beyond expectations, and collaborates well with others. Because time will change everything for the better or worse in societies and civilizations, expectations of what is acceptable and the way things should work will be produced, maintained, repaired, and transformed accordingly. As these subtleties are communicated more and more within the culture or society, they are essentially documented as acceptable states that reality takes. The cycle continues when new perspectives which grow up in this reality feel the need to transform the messages communicated by the previous.

    Which in conclusion supports that the interdisciplinary ‘free market of ideas’ of meaningful hands on experience, problem solving through shared leadership, peer and self-evaluation, and collaborative research, learning, and discussions are required both literally and metaphorically. The experience of engaging with alternative explanations communicated by a multitude of diverse perspectives often occurs when dialogue is conducted with a group exercising cautious suspicion. Which better facilitates understanding not only to the discipline in which they are trying to collaborate with, but with other metrics, perspectives, and dimensions of that discipline. Whether these experiences are ones that are positive or negative, the process will result in a realistic standard to the level of application these fundamental processes require to allow an interdisciplinary framework to achieve more civilized and peaceful bipartisan transactions.

  • Moke

    And the death numbers for those under 60?

  • Jason Gamble

    Yeah I agree. I come here for science or alternative science not rants on politics and “covid-1984”.

  • Sunny Bono

    Didn’t the Eagles presage this in the 1970s?
    “Life in the Gizz Lane, guaranteed to blow your…”

  • Sunny Bono

    Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.

  • Peacefrog

    If Max GiZ has that level of dirt (and mostly likely does) the system well either let or not let it out. If it does then expect a Coup d’etat… and hope its not worse people then it is now. Hail Hydra ✊🏻 Not

  • Peacefrog

    If Max GiZ has that level of dirt (and mostly likely does) the system well either let or not let it out. If it does then expect a Coup d’etat… and hope its not worse people then it is now. Hail Hydra ✊🏻 Not
    Ultimately the sun will rule.

  • sativarg

    Wow every one is here but one?
    That is a lot of people… and LOL

    I listened to the Phoenix or life extension presentation and was left with the impression that fasting is bad? or water dieting is bad? or that that presentation is more than a little ambiguous?Am Big U.O.Us or You Owe us some information?
    I imagine that the book is much more clear but the presentation may cause some to discredit the concept or to distrust it?
    the language used in the introduction to the presentation is original and enticing but the later content is less than optimal or the concepts are presented in an unclear way… in my opinion.
    … That said, I so agree for the most part.
    In our society today and for many years experts have believed that a constant daily diet is good. But Human beings have evolved in various environments and few of these have provided constant levels of the wide variety of foods we now “enjoy” or rather suffer from. So, I really really agree with any one saying that diet is a major factor to consider when exploring the best health Humans can achieve. One possible good practice among many could be fasting for many people if not most people. I hope the book explores the concepts of diversity in Human beings alongside this Phoenix concept.
    Altering natural process like the DNA markers that limit production of proteins in cells that have sustained damage to the code may be safe under certain circumstances but I am skeptical in the presence of so much evidence from so many other “advances” and well meaning Programs of Progressive Practice…???
    Perhaps the Phoenix insights are worthy careful investigation but putting any of the information into use before very careful investigation seems dangerous to me.

  • Chris

    Yes Adrian, thats correct. Except, YOU are the headline zealot! and your ‘bubble’ is the right wing / uninformed / low information / uneducated / dumb as f***k conspiracy theory group. Sorry but there is right. There is left. And there is “dumb as fuck”. It seems the entire right is in the dumb group. This channel is obviously part of that group. Ben there is no use trying to convince us otherwise. You guys are just uninformed. Ben you said it yourself. You dont pay attention to the news, and it shows. Trust me. Also, the fact that the only news you get is from your right wing bubble. That shows too.

    You fail to mension the pictures of Drumpf with Ghislaine Maxwell?

    Oh god Adrian has never thought about what to replace the current system with. LMFAO. Shows how your brain works. Ben, I know you dont think anything other than capitalism can work, but what about the aliens? LOL trust me, there are many alternatives. Replace the bad apples with good ones? LMFAO. This is comedy

    p.s. I love you guys, but I hope you all get covid, and remember the real conspiracy folks. This channel is sponsored by the Drumpf administration.

  • John Mallary

    Chicken Little

  • Rusty

    How is it that there is not one comment on here about the solar cycle 25 article? Ya’ll whining about politics, but seemed to have missed the bit about how we could be facing total grid collapse in about 4 years if that forecast is true. What are politics going to matter then? Everyone should be preparing, but instead we argue about masks, genders, skin colors, etc….we screwed.

  • tjsimmo

    With regards to people not receiving their copy of Weather mans guide to the sun, I am pleased to report that I received my copy all the way over to Tauranga, New Zealand sweet as👌😉

  • Gmo

    Hey you know what…I would also be very skeptical if I lived in an area without many cases.

    Despite all of the Rona awfulness around me, this whole Covid thing is still confusing to me and I don’t necessarily disagree with anyone here. The death rate may be low and the data even more discombobulating but that doesn’t mean getting this disease is a fun fest. Herpes and syphilis have a low death rate too and thankfully you can’t get either from someone breathing near you. Major and permanent damage is possible with Covid but we just don’t understand it yet.

    I’m hoping we are all scratching our heads in December wondering where the F this thing went. Until then I’m going to do my best to minimize the risk of exposure while living my life and not hiding in my basement -Eyes open, no fear -just common sense. I don’t need my governor or the president to tell me not to eat a tide pod.

    For the people who want to wear a space suit, cool, rock it out -we live in a free awesome country…for now at least.

    For those of us in the middle, doing our best to be productive and respectful members of society…cheers

    For the people who think this is a hoax… hospitals and senior care facilities with outbreaks would probably love to have some volunteers especially people who don’t want wear masks or PPE – go for it, you may even be able to get unemployment while you do it because you’re not getting paid to volunteer [wink wink nudge nudge]

    Side note: it seems like a fair amount of people who are calling this a hoax: work from home and don’t really have to go anywhere, have a very tight circle of people they actually interact with in person, are in a low infection area, or are affected financially and would be much better off if this is a hoax -think about it

    Not trying to poke anyone here, cuz we are all one big community dorkin around about sciencee stuff and bein awesome.

  • Gmo

    I meant for that to go under sgj above

  • Gmo

    In 10 maybe 20 years, carbon AGW/climate change will be more embarrassing than flat earth.

  • Don K. Grimm

    Maybe in 10-20 years, something something waterworld & Kevin Costner and then we are saved by the earth beeing flat since due to Magnetic reversal it tips on its side and Voilà! Kevin is gone. :(

  • Don K. Grimm

    please tell just one of those benefits? And where can i find documentation on that herd immunity? Since we are really waiting for it here.

  • Don K. Grimm

    Yeah Chris! Go Drumpf! Did you know that Covid also causes TDS?

  • Bigpicguy

    You calling it 1994 shows your confusion.. the mask will cause more problems & if you’re not eating right, you’ll have issues. My guess is 100% in that nursing home are eating genetically modified foods & 0% have practiced holistic healing for ailments. Grounding for inflammation & no hormonal foods, anything causing mucus.. non gmo, organic, gluten free, & vegan is the only way to heal what they’ve done to us but luckily, we do heal.. the mask can just stop that healing. Good luck

  • kiwishane

    Maxwell House coffee is named after the Maxwell House hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. In 1873

  • dmallred

    gotta be properly grounded!!!

  • Curtis loew

    I think you are being very optimistic that when the mortality rate on C-19 is publicly broadcast as being less than Flu….here in Australia (in the state of Victoria), the health ‘experts’ and politicians they advise are just ignoring the facts and pushing ahead with their ‘stage-4 lockdowns’ and mandatory face mask protocols….Police do not even require a warrant to enter private residences…they have a Gates employee on the Conovirus government advice committee….

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