FOTW January 25, 2020

– Global Warming Oops:
– TEC Flux from Van Allen Electrons over Millions of SqMi:
– It’s All Connected:
– 2/3 of Our CGM May be Unaccounted-For:

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  • michael.dick

    The plan is to keep us in a divided mindset. We are one being. The illusion set forth banks on keeping us divided. Divided in any way; feeling separated in any way fosters the belief in the division. If you are divided you can’t be whole. If you’re not whole you then can be isolated and harvested. In our unity is our strength, our Identity. If you are busy crafting double-sided defenses against yourself you are attacking yourself and not seeing the forest through the trees. We are one. Anything that gets you to invest in attack or defense keeps us divided and from knowing our true identity. Wake up and smell the deception. See your insanity for what it is. as a body or citizenry, we are acting very much like that character in the movie, “Fight Club”. Punching our self in the face.


  • albrown54

    Ben, are you REALLY promoting Project Veritas ANYTHING!?! I appreciate the science, but the fact that you promote, much less believe, Project Veritas bullshit is astounding. Please Investigate Project Veritas.

  • Unity Gain

    It’s ironic that I received a text from the Bernie Sanders campaign while listening to FOTW this morning. Thanks, as always, for everything you guys do everyday!

  • Johnathan Jones

    Spoiler alert! The Democratic debate’s are really about who could possibly be a VP running mate. It won’t be Sheepdog Sanders or Buyable Biden, it might be Witless Warren, but smart money bets it’s Big Bucks Bloomberg. It is obvious that it will be Hillary versus Trump. She will come in like a white knight in armor riding a horse carry the banner like a bad Hitler poster and the entire Democratic party will just go crazy. It is obvious even to simpletons that nobody currently running for president on the Democratic ticket has a ghost of a prayer against Trump. Take a look at Nancy Pelosi’s timing to start the impeachment and holding onto the impeachment and then when she gave it to the Senate. She started when it got close to an election and she handed the papers over to the Senate once the Iowa primaries got close. So don’t be surprised when Clinton comes out of her little closet and thrills the demo-world with her announcement of running for president. I’m so bored with the whole thing I could just puke already.

    What?…… chlorofluorocarbons that destroy the ozone layer are accountable for 1/3 of the global warming weather radicalization effect and not CO2 ? I knew it, Man’s pollution does have an effect and it’s not just all the Sun.

  • sgj

    Project Veritas is doing real investigative journalism, like 60 Minutes used to do. The old saying was you know you’re having a bad day when your receptionist tells you 60 Minutes is here to speak with you. Project Veritas has forced the MSM to retract over 300 statements they have made about Project Veritas. Project Veritas has never had to retract anything they have ever said. Think about that before you start blasting. Maybe you are just seeing the articles and not the retractions. You may think their tactics are sleazy, but they are exposing the truth.

  • sgj

    Re the CFC’s. That’s baked into the cake at this point. CFCs are banned, so the ozone layer is slowly healing. The fact that the socialists want to take over the economy by using fossil fuels as the boogeyman should be enough to cause anyone to pause. I have not heard Ben or any other that questions the CO2 narrative saying that man has no impact; they are questioning the degree. Characterizing it as anything else is just a strawman to be knocked down. As Ben has said, the IPCC approach is if we can’t explain or quantify the physical process, it goes in the “Man Caused This” bucket. As time goes on, as we understand more and more, less and less will go into the “Man Caused This” bucket. Think about how this one discovery about CFCs gives the world more time to quantify the real reasons the Earth is warming and then take steps to change course in a prudent manner. We have way more than just 12 years left as AOC would like us to think.

  • Caroline5765

    Thank you for the upload as always, interesting topics and it is obvious that Va. is in the cross hairs.

  • Joningham Farms

    Another paper for you on everything being connected, experiment showing quantum entanglement on the macro-scale in thin films.

  • Johnathan Jones

    Whoa, hold up a sec, that’s a cake that’s still baking, so before you put your head in the oven to stick a fork in it, you might want to reconsider the depth or lack of depth in your perceptions. This last year had exceptional weather conditions and the ozone hole was a little over 2/3s it usual size, but phase out of these gases won’t be until 2060 and that does not include all the existing equipment in use like the multi unit multi ton HVAC found on the millions of skyscrapers in the world. If you have ten units on a building and one leaks a lot, you can add them all as a total a prorate the leak on a averaged basis rather than fix, overhaul or replace the leaking unit. This is good for managing building operational costs as refrigerant recharging a unit is cheap on the budget yet costly on the environment. There is even a black market for harder to get refrigerants, and some will get harder yet still as pre existing grandfathered stock reserves are sold off and exhausted. Then there is all the new gases released as we make all our new plastics. The EPA has been de-budgeted so there is not anyone really looking or able to pay lawyers to take things to the very expensive place our courts are. Businesses learned after Love Canal to dump into the untraceable sky. And if you think the amount of plastic that finds its way into our oceans is bad, have you even paused to perceive how much plastic finds its way into our skies? So sure, there is a variety of things that go into the “Man didn’t cause this” bucket, but what does go into the “Man did cause this” has that quality that Stalin said could only come with quantity, and our numbers on Earth, only continue to grow.

  • Bigpicguy

    Maybe I don’t pay enough attention to PV but I cannot see the quality or the important information as I do with the Corbett Report, Rick Sanchez has been breaking stories on RT in a fashion that should embarrass all mainstream pundits & I if it weren’t for SO, I’d sleep in & give up on everything. Not many places to turn when looking for truth but with all of the research from Douglas Vogt & Ben, what more do we need to know? Focus on family & community.. too easy to forget & Ben tells us in so many different ways, daily.

  • John Mallary

    I’ve read some assinine shit but hat takes the cake!
    Your TDS is definitely NOT asymptomatic O’Keefe is definitely legit, as his record of MSM retractions and lawsuit victories demonstrate.
    Now Fitton is a fully funded hack who uncovered Hillary’s email crimes and his FOIA lawsuits have made the Obama administration look like the Mafia.

    Your a great example of the left panicking and splintering but that happens when insanity overcomes pragmatism and facts.
    You need done more Rachel Maddow time there Skippy.

    Come back on Nov 10 and whine some more. You’ll get more laughs!
    Or better yet?
    Just #WalkAway


    On quantum anything… for my introduction to it was through ‘The Dancing Wu Li Masters’. From there however everything being ‘energy’ and how we are affected by ‘energy’…. well take it from there…. small scale… I’m thinking of you…. you call… you come over etc etc…. I’ve wanted certain knowledge and thru the path of ‘least resistance’ I have landed here. :) thank you for your wave length…lol like attracts like :)

  • Bobbypaints

    You know it’s hard Ben to even get anyone to look objectively at anything anymore – apparently you are not a solid source Of science because your not a scientist – your a “

    I had to google the name TBF – wonderi g what 3 articles ( or more ) you might suggest I give peter ?

  • kmiklNINJA

    I’m sorry guys! Light couldn’t possibly be a particle. Not to mention the fact that there is no empirical or experimental evidence for the existence of the (a) photon or light particle. Light isn’t a thing nor does it have a speed or velocity!

  • kmiklNINJA

    Light has a rate of induction that is medium specific. It’s not a particle if it was it would violate 2nd law of thermondynamics

  • IDoubtIt

    I guess that McCormak guy wouldn’t read Einstein either, since Einstein was a patent clerk, not a “scientist.”

  • Sunny Bono

    Well, as for the Zombie Bernie Bro army: If they largely share the ideals espoused by the (now FOUR) Bernie employees who have been recorded by Veritas – someone should visit them now while we know where they all are at a given time. Then take their passports, put them on airplanes and send them to a Communist paradise like Russia, or China. Everyone wins!

  • Kane1331

    Trump is making the swamp bigger that’s obvious he is a puppet of the mic. He is still better than anyone on the left. Besides Tulsi gabbard. Biden wrote the patriot act have a good week!

  • Biochem72

    Virginia is a test case for sure! Colorado is prime to be next, and it’s already started aside from the second amendment, just like the other laws being put forward in Virginia.

  • sativarg

    RE: Baikal’s Giant Ice Rings
    and let’s see then…
    I propose taking two portable radio telescopes to a bantage point that would optimize the view of the lake up to the ionosphere and using them to reproduce the binocular observations of Earths plasma structures as was once done by scientists in Australia…
    === one reference of many: ===
    There Are Giant Plasma Tubes Floating Above Earth

    Mar 29, 2018·The region of space around the Earth occupied by its magnetic field, called the magnetosphere, is filled with plasma created by the atmosphere being ionised by sunlight. The innermost layer of the magnetosphere is the ionosphere, and above that is the plasmasphere.
    === ===

    I suggest similar observations of such things as weather fronts and hurricanes.

  • sativarg

    OH I forgot… also crop displays aka crop circles?
    Look at those with a view towards the next dimensions in, plasma, radio and or eelectrics? binocular electromagnetic eyes? Experiment with, focus, Binocular disparity, wavelength/frequencies and or light band interactions?

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