FOTW January 2, 20212021-01-022021-01-02 - Earthquakes | Space Weather | Cosmology
Showing 34 comments
I hope you recover as quick as your wife!
Build log cabins…
COULD be what is stated, but then it’s peculiar that Jeff is the most upset (the only one really) because the implications of that message would be far more disturbing for the others than for him, I would assume.
The others are in the know of far more secrets than Jeff, I would imagine (former presidents/wife’s/vp)
So could be more related to the Sun/Grande Cycle/ internet shutdown (reset agenda, Jeff being a financial advisor)
Who knows 😂
Txs for the podcast guys, enjoyed it ✌🏻
Eat yogurt Ben! That is the key and I learned about it while in Morocco from people who were traveling from India. The cultures in yogurt from your area may fix your problem.
Fred Jones
So i am going to comment on something. Billy you talked about west coast mountain creation, , add that to magnetic reversal , plus a layer of liquefaction and then slide in the mud-floods and star water and all the evidence and sequence of events is right there… Ben your visual was the soil types at different altitudes during your drive to Utah . As our poles move they will get to a point in the movement when residence will begin on the whole earth as a low hum of sorts and increase from there, with the highest at the respective poles, soil begins to separate into sizes and combine that with the electric currents changing, as the EM field gets weaker star water enters from stage left , although some movement from the oceans occur the real issues is the creation , collection and dumping of large areas of water to the land. this dumping of water follows parallel to the pole that’s moving by. the land forms you see all the way to where we feel the poles will end up are a result of the residence of the planet going to a “logical point” and being like that for a couple of hours or days while the pole marches to its new home. when i look at google earth with all the layers turned off and turn it about 19 then to 45 then to 90 degrees i see runoff…. i think the starwater process is mitigated by the EM field and then when the field gets to a “sweet Spot” lowers to some point percent wise, its show time,… lol sorry thats my brain today, stay safe,
Food poisoning rarely lasts more than 18 hours.
This sounds like toxic exposure to death cap mushrooms! They look very much like white button mushrooms from the grocery store, and could even be accidentally included in prepackaged mushrooms.
It takes consuming only very little, and “gets better” for a bit after severe gastric upset. Then the real damage starts…. it destroys the liver and kidneys! Even with all the best medical care many still die.
Are your skin or eyes changing color?
Another possibility is poisoning by some kind of radioactive substance, any hair falling out?
As for how the mammoths froze, cold water could have gotten them into hypothermia pretty quickly. If the Earth really turned over a few times as MANY legends tell us, then that would be part one. And if the Dzhanibekov Effect does flip the planet over, those chilly mammoths would get the rest of their freeze when the region they were in passed through a polar zones. The regions that settled in or near the polar zones would stay frozen.
That means to prep, be prepared for antarctic winter levels of cold, no matter what latitude you’re at.
BTW my impression of “Part II” and the authors “new theory” is that its not viable, I’d say rather unlikely. I stopped reading a page or two into it as it was looking like nonsense. Maybe someone has the patience to read that last part to see if there is anything solid there.
A side note about ancient stories about floods. They seem to have a large continuous rainfall before the flood, even though stated rainfall would not be nearly enough. It occurs to me that the younger recipients of a story of the flood preceding the rainfall would put it down to the senility of their elders and change that detail of the story because everyone knows that floods don’t cause rains, rather rains cause floods!
Moon is hollow and survived, who’s is that?
I once made an ugly comment in front of a large audience of my friends in 1994 about Bush 41 and his prior term, and how it got us Clinton, when somebody responded to my unkind comment, “Oh, he’s just middle of the road.” And my response was “There is no middle of the road!! As long as one side is advocating socialism, you still lose!! Middle of the road will still get you to socialism, just a little more slowly-that’s all.” I have a Sunday School class of (then) 500 single people in there 20’s and 30’s at Peachtree Presbyterian Church HEAR ME SAY THAT!
If you don’t stand up for something, you’ll put up with anything! I would rather be a black man hanging from a tree in middle Alabama who had fought for his freedom, than be some mealy mouthed, middle aged white man in suburbia Atlanta who wants “middle of the road”! There is no compromise for freedom, and the solemn duty and responsibility to fight–to the death if necessary–for freedom from tyranny.
NO HELL NO, “The Great Reset isn’t here in North Georgia
I wonder how you trip to the hospital went? Are you going to be alrighty? Get better soon!
Buy CharcoCaps. You can get them at CVS or Walgreens. It will 100% carry the toxins out of your stomach and intestinal tract! I swear by it! All natural
Buy CharcoCaps. You can get them at CVS or Walgreens. It will 100% carry the toxins out of your stomach and intestinal tract! I swear by it! All natural
Literally they, (white hats/good people/the opposing side, knows everything they, (the Great Unwashed, Global Delete, parasitical humanoids, the shakers and movers in the worlds Kakistocracies), have done and have planned. Every ounce of corruption, drugs, pedophilia, the global initiatives and maybe even the end of another grand cycle.
Their done, the secrets and crimes are exposed…lots of repercussion coming their way!
Doctors prescribe charcoal capsules for patients with stomach problems yes. I mix premium ground charcoal, echinacea, and bentonite clay (equal parts) to make an anti venom kit used external an internal. Paste patch on bite changed every 20 minutes until help can be reached and 2 teaspoons (about 16 count 00 vegatarian capsules) internally. After 20 minutes the charcoal is saturated. If you take it drink a glass or two of water also.
Ben get tested for Escherichia coli, might have a mild case.
Txs 4 the update :)
Ben I live in Northern Colorado and had this bug. Had a relatively easy and short time with it. Explosive diarrhea but then a lingering headache for a couple of days. My mom who is in Estes Park got much sicker. We saw one another about 5 days before it hit me then she got it 7 days after we saw one another. I know at least one coworker in Cheyenne who had it too. It appears to be something going around. Blessings and good health soon. Oh yeah. My sister who is an RN called moms bug Covid 🙄. Even no respiratory symptoms. I’m interested to hear how your doctor visit goes. Pretty bad when we feel like we can’t go to the doctor because of the hypocrisy going on and the fear associated with that. Good luck
My idea of a faraday cage is one that is buried under about 3 feet of earth. It would contain small portable solar portable panels, gravity generator lights, compass, etc.
Don K. Grimm
Saturn and earth are tilted about the same Uranus is almost perpendicular to the ecliptic…I don’t think Earth and Uranus have anything to do with each other….the EU is right at least in this regard in my opinion…..Venus??? Yeah I’m not as convinced with Venus….although their explanation for it rotating retrograde is interesting and plausible….when and where???? Who knows….
steffany harrison
I tested positive. My symptoms were stuffy nose and loss of smell. My 74 year old step dad had the same symptoms as me but refused to test. My 78 year old mom tested positive for the virus and her systems were one day of tickle in throat but three days later she was struck by diarrhea and nausea. She really worried me for a few days. Phenergan saved the day for her.
steffany harrison
I tested positive. My symptoms were stuffy nose and loss of smell. My 74 year old step dad had the same symptoms as me but refused to test. My 78 year old mom tested positive for the virus and her systems were one day of tickle in throat but three days later she was struck by diarrhea and nausea. She really worried me for a few days. Phenergan saved the day for her.
Hi Ben, hope all of you are mending well.
Just FYI, a colleague at work was out for 2 weeks with gastrointestinal problems similar to what you describe.
Supposedly Covid can manifest also as a strictly gastrointestinal event, or so he was told. He did test positive for Covid with that event, for whatever thats worth. It is not as common as the pulmonary presentation of the disease but it (gastrointestinal version) is understood to exist in the medical community.
Good news is you will survive and thrive!
Ernest Bush
How about building with aircrete for home building?
Don K. Grimm
Hi fellow Observers.
Building Bunker/Fort with no metal?
We are using Concrete with Fiberglass rebar, bolts, screws, hinges, pipes etc.
An old red/Orange evac boat from a ship makes a great escape vehicle and fun project.
Wondering how all my prepp in mylar bags will react to induction? Will the “Alu lining” help cook it?
How about the 2mm surgical steel screw in my foot? Am i screwed? :p
What will happen to bullets?
Someone said “popcorn teeth”, sounds really painfull. ;)
Happy new year from Norway.
Thanks for this discussion. Feel better!
I watched that video. Definitely something written that surprised them. Well, except H. Clinton. She didn’t seem surprised by the news at all, which I found interesting. Maybe threats to her are so old hat now, that she has no f**ks to give anymore. Bill looked a little rattled. I don’t think it was the explanation given. It could be multiple things, but I’m wondering if it had something to do with Epstein. Eventually, someone will spill the truth. If it doesn’t come out in a data dump, courtesy of an exiting residing president.
Houseboat Grandma
Do I get points like Billy did 🤣 because I have been saying for a long time human behaviors have drastically changed over the past few years. We are not seeing or feeling the same situation or experience. I know what I saw that happened or occurred on a specific day but they’re trying to convince me something horrific occurred at that moment. That what I saw was Not what Happened. Its huge. The difference between me leaving my new husband and houseboat or losing all of my grown up kids. Thats pretty Huge. Well, I know what I saw, I am standing firm in that river of rushing water without budging.
I have been witnessing my patients in my hospital become more aggressive. My friends and family wanting to fight. Public wanting to fight is it black or white…you can’t even say if its black or white. You can’t say anything without the public someone wanting to fight over it. Somethings going on, are we reacting poorly to magnetic pole shift, increase in cosmic energy, do we feel anxious about what we are feeling is inevitable? I say yes, to all of the above, do i get my points now??? 🤣😂🤣
Houseboat Grandma
When I watch the envelopes as they are read at the funeral its clear they are Not Received well, it is Not Good News for sure, that’s clear…Then, you have to look at whom they were given to, look at the timing of delivery, look at the fact they were front row center stage And The fact there were Multiple Close Up Videos of the Delivery. Just the Fact Multiple Videos were taken of the Reactions.. says something. Whatever was written in the letters is Huge…. thats a Fact you Can Not Deny. They are in Trouble for Sure….Trump seems to be only one without an envelope, No Video of him reading a letter. Hummmm…….
We have liquefaction maps here in sequim wa.
Houseboat Grandma
Billy check out Amanda Ellis Covid 2021 video. 45:00 virus was waiting for the stars to align perfectly for it to be birthed, destined to happen its opportunity. Teaching cross roads for humanity. Love is the antidote….Virus fears Truth and Love. This Resonates with me. Billy…. you hear me. Ya listening. Billy. Only Love is Real….
Totally agree it’s the changing magnetic field affecting society
According to the Vayu Purana, one of the Veda’s, we’re in the Kali Yuga of the great year, known as the age of darkness (ignorance), should explain everything we’re witnessing. Ahh those ancients really had it nailed down :)
Michael Durfee
Have you been going from high elevation to low elevation? There could be an altitude differential to blame for your condition. I could be wrong but thinner air with dryer conditions could be enough to throw some of that gut biome out of whack. I once heard that the human microbiome is defined as the collective genomes of the microbes (composed of bacteria, bacteriophage, fungi, protozoa and viruses) that live in our gut and also on the human body. The system being ‘commensal’, meaning they co-exist without harming us. We have about 10 times as many microbial cells as ‘human’ cells. Why are they called human cells I’m not entirely sure; but one thing is for certain! Our skin sack, our ‘organic space suit’ if you will, for all intensive purposes has hijacked our meat computer. Or alternatively and less likely, our meat computer grew on our skin sack? Is DNA older than our neural system? I don’t think so. Which requires us to consider the question as if it is our brain that makes our decisions or does it simply react to the needs of the collective bacterial processes? Is it your brain that wants to survive or is it the living colonies of bacteria? Because after all, toxins dissipate and genetics replicate. What on earth is our neural system for? The chemicals of our brain can dissolve the physical space we perceive into measurable distances that our spacesuit can interact with. The microbiome emit chemicals that make ourself want to feed it, not you.
Cyril’s question as to what happens to metal in a solar storm can be summed up pretty well by typing “wire gauge amperage chart” in search to see how much amperage has to be ‘pulled’ across a wire to fry it. It depends mostly on its length, the shorter the wire the more likely it is to fail, however gauge is another. Common household (outlet) wire gauges are 12, 14 and sometimes 16. How many amps does there need to be to cause heat? I think is the more important question to the discussion. I would wager we could find a neat small scale experiment to take some measurements with and maybe even some super slow motion down that avenue of consideration. Which brings me to solar cycle 24 which I remember going out somewhat with a bang with the x1 and x9 that were Earth facing in September 2017. Can’t quite remember 24 as a whole being anything major though. But I believe it was also considered that cycle 25 will have a 1 in 5 or 1 in 4 chance of a solar storm having continental disruptions. If we use solar cycle 24 as a metric, I think the answer is no. But don’t forget however multiple CMEs in succession and maybe even a sustained high kp condition could be likely scenarios. And with the magnetic field wild card changing as fast as it is…it’s anyone guess. Multiple continents? Oh yeah…that will have fires. Where will they be? Clustered around the epicenter of the induction I would say wouldn’t be a bad place to start looking. Which brings in the urgently self evident concept of the societal collapse. We can say for sure the societal collapse will be the result of decisions made on behalf of humans? Or natural causes? Both? Regardless of the condition, wires are thick and human civilization is a pretty maluable thing. Todd was thinking very sustainably in this scenario where you utilize the resources around you by reclaiming wire, parts, and appliances from abandoned structures. Syphon gas into a tank and bring the tank to your vehicle. Which begs the question (we probably won’t resolve in this forum) of how we collapse in a safe but comprehensive manner so that we don’t subsist on what is left over until the destruction of its components. Or to use Adrian’s phraseology, “Wait to see who eats who.” Which is really unfortunate we put so much of what sustains a vast population of hundreds of millions of people on a infrastructure as susptable as our electrical way of life. The majority of what we consume needs be from renewable sustainable resources is the steps that need to be taken if we’re going to “civilize” after–if it fails. Which is why we should carefully scrutinize a system or society which bases its wealth upon superficial automated monetary transactions of inconceivable quantities rather than one based upon the merit and labor of the individual. People performing a highly exclusive courier service with their hands by turning the wheel, pulling the lever, and flipping the switch of goods and services. Because with that Cyril is right where we would be able to move mountains. Which kind of makes me wonder who or what buried Gobekli Tepe? Are all these planets really satellites from another advanced civilization? Because as we say so often in our scientific discipline, please shift the burden of your scrutiny to the hypothesis or theory rather than to the scientist themself.
Michael Durfee
I bet if you looked hard enough you would find one of those on Earth.
@Houseboat Grandma: From my POV, this is explained thusly:
2Ti 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2Ti 3:2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
2Ti 3:3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
2Ti 3:4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
2Ti 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
I hope you recover as quick as your wife!
Build log cabins…
COULD be what is stated, but then it’s peculiar that Jeff is the most upset (the only one really) because the implications of that message would be far more disturbing for the others than for him, I would assume.
The others are in the know of far more secrets than Jeff, I would imagine (former presidents/wife’s/vp)
So could be more related to the Sun/Grande Cycle/ internet shutdown (reset agenda, Jeff being a financial advisor)
Who knows 😂
Txs for the podcast guys, enjoyed it ✌🏻
Eat yogurt Ben! That is the key and I learned about it while in Morocco from people who were traveling from India. The cultures in yogurt from your area may fix your problem.
So i am going to comment on something. Billy you talked about west coast mountain creation, , add that to magnetic reversal , plus a layer of liquefaction and then slide in the mud-floods and star water and all the evidence and sequence of events is right there… Ben your visual was the soil types at different altitudes during your drive to Utah . As our poles move they will get to a point in the movement when residence will begin on the whole earth as a low hum of sorts and increase from there, with the highest at the respective poles, soil begins to separate into sizes and combine that with the electric currents changing, as the EM field gets weaker star water enters from stage left , although some movement from the oceans occur the real issues is the creation , collection and dumping of large areas of water to the land. this dumping of water follows parallel to the pole that’s moving by. the land forms you see all the way to where we feel the poles will end up are a result of the residence of the planet going to a “logical point” and being like that for a couple of hours or days while the pole marches to its new home. when i look at google earth with all the layers turned off and turn it about 19 then to 45 then to 90 degrees i see runoff…. i think the starwater process is mitigated by the EM field and then when the field gets to a “sweet Spot” lowers to some point percent wise, its show time,… lol sorry thats my brain today, stay safe,
Food poisoning rarely lasts more than 18 hours.
This sounds like toxic exposure to death cap mushrooms! They look very much like white button mushrooms from the grocery store, and could even be accidentally included in prepackaged mushrooms.
It takes consuming only very little, and “gets better” for a bit after severe gastric upset. Then the real damage starts…. it destroys the liver and kidneys! Even with all the best medical care many still die.
Are your skin or eyes changing color?
Another possibility is poisoning by some kind of radioactive substance, any hair falling out?
As for how the mammoths froze, cold water could have gotten them into hypothermia pretty quickly. If the Earth really turned over a few times as MANY legends tell us, then that would be part one. And if the Dzhanibekov Effect does flip the planet over, those chilly mammoths would get the rest of their freeze when the region they were in passed through a polar zones. The regions that settled in or near the polar zones would stay frozen.
That means to prep, be prepared for antarctic winter levels of cold, no matter what latitude you’re at.
Check out “Doomsday Just Ahead”, from 2004… the author seems to have made it free.
The book is also available on Amazon and probably other places too.
BTW my impression of “Part II” and the authors “new theory” is that its not viable, I’d say rather unlikely. I stopped reading a page or two into it as it was looking like nonsense. Maybe someone has the patience to read that last part to see if there is anything solid there.
A side note about ancient stories about floods. They seem to have a large continuous rainfall before the flood, even though stated rainfall would not be nearly enough. It occurs to me that the younger recipients of a story of the flood preceding the rainfall would put it down to the senility of their elders and change that detail of the story because everyone knows that floods don’t cause rains, rather rains cause floods!
Moon is hollow and survived, who’s is that?
I once made an ugly comment in front of a large audience of my friends in 1994 about Bush 41 and his prior term, and how it got us Clinton, when somebody responded to my unkind comment, “Oh, he’s just middle of the road.” And my response was “There is no middle of the road!! As long as one side is advocating socialism, you still lose!! Middle of the road will still get you to socialism, just a little more slowly-that’s all.” I have a Sunday School class of (then) 500 single people in there 20’s and 30’s at Peachtree Presbyterian Church HEAR ME SAY THAT!
If you don’t stand up for something, you’ll put up with anything! I would rather be a black man hanging from a tree in middle Alabama who had fought for his freedom, than be some mealy mouthed, middle aged white man in suburbia Atlanta who wants “middle of the road”! There is no compromise for freedom, and the solemn duty and responsibility to fight–to the death if necessary–for freedom from tyranny.
NO HELL NO, “The Great Reset isn’t here in North Georgia
I wonder how you trip to the hospital went? Are you going to be alrighty? Get better soon!
Buy CharcoCaps. You can get them at CVS or Walgreens. It will 100% carry the toxins out of your stomach and intestinal tract! I swear by it! All natural
Buy CharcoCaps. You can get them at CVS or Walgreens. It will 100% carry the toxins out of your stomach and intestinal tract! I swear by it! All natural
Literally they, (white hats/good people/the opposing side, knows everything they, (the Great Unwashed, Global Delete, parasitical humanoids, the shakers and movers in the worlds Kakistocracies), have done and have planned. Every ounce of corruption, drugs, pedophilia, the global initiatives and maybe even the end of another grand cycle.
Their done, the secrets and crimes are exposed…lots of repercussion coming their way!
Doctors prescribe charcoal capsules for patients with stomach problems yes. I mix premium ground charcoal, echinacea, and bentonite clay (equal parts) to make an anti venom kit used external an internal. Paste patch on bite changed every 20 minutes until help can be reached and 2 teaspoons (about 16 count 00 vegatarian capsules) internally. After 20 minutes the charcoal is saturated. If you take it drink a glass or two of water also.
Ben get tested for Escherichia coli, might have a mild case.
Txs 4 the update :)
Ben I live in Northern Colorado and had this bug. Had a relatively easy and short time with it. Explosive diarrhea but then a lingering headache for a couple of days. My mom who is in Estes Park got much sicker. We saw one another about 5 days before it hit me then she got it 7 days after we saw one another. I know at least one coworker in Cheyenne who had it too. It appears to be something going around. Blessings and good health soon. Oh yeah. My sister who is an RN called moms bug Covid 🙄. Even no respiratory symptoms. I’m interested to hear how your doctor visit goes. Pretty bad when we feel like we can’t go to the doctor because of the hypocrisy going on and the fear associated with that. Good luck
My idea of a faraday cage is one that is buried under about 3 feet of earth. It would contain small portable solar portable panels, gravity generator lights, compass, etc.
Saturn and earth are tilted about the same Uranus is almost perpendicular to the ecliptic…I don’t think Earth and Uranus have anything to do with each other….the EU is right at least in this regard in my opinion…..Venus??? Yeah I’m not as convinced with Venus….although their explanation for it rotating retrograde is interesting and plausible….when and where???? Who knows….
I tested positive. My symptoms were stuffy nose and loss of smell. My 74 year old step dad had the same symptoms as me but refused to test. My 78 year old mom tested positive for the virus and her systems were one day of tickle in throat but three days later she was struck by diarrhea and nausea. She really worried me for a few days. Phenergan saved the day for her.
I tested positive. My symptoms were stuffy nose and loss of smell. My 74 year old step dad had the same symptoms as me but refused to test. My 78 year old mom tested positive for the virus and her systems were one day of tickle in throat but three days later she was struck by diarrhea and nausea. She really worried me for a few days. Phenergan saved the day for her.
Hi Ben, hope all of you are mending well.
Just FYI, a colleague at work was out for 2 weeks with gastrointestinal problems similar to what you describe.
Supposedly Covid can manifest also as a strictly gastrointestinal event, or so he was told. He did test positive for Covid with that event, for whatever thats worth. It is not as common as the pulmonary presentation of the disease but it (gastrointestinal version) is understood to exist in the medical community.
Good news is you will survive and thrive!
How about building with aircrete for home building?
Hi fellow Observers.
Building Bunker/Fort with no metal?
We are using Concrete with Fiberglass rebar, bolts, screws, hinges, pipes etc.
An old red/Orange evac boat from a ship makes a great escape vehicle and fun project.
Wondering how all my prepp in mylar bags will react to induction? Will the “Alu lining” help cook it?
How about the 2mm surgical steel screw in my foot? Am i screwed? :p
What will happen to bullets?
Someone said “popcorn teeth”, sounds really painfull. ;)
Happy new year from Norway.
Thanks for this discussion. Feel better!
I watched that video. Definitely something written that surprised them. Well, except H. Clinton. She didn’t seem surprised by the news at all, which I found interesting. Maybe threats to her are so old hat now, that she has no f**ks to give anymore. Bill looked a little rattled. I don’t think it was the explanation given. It could be multiple things, but I’m wondering if it had something to do with Epstein. Eventually, someone will spill the truth. If it doesn’t come out in a data dump, courtesy of an exiting residing president.
Do I get points like Billy did 🤣 because I have been saying for a long time human behaviors have drastically changed over the past few years. We are not seeing or feeling the same situation or experience. I know what I saw that happened or occurred on a specific day but they’re trying to convince me something horrific occurred at that moment. That what I saw was Not what Happened. Its huge. The difference between me leaving my new husband and houseboat or losing all of my grown up kids. Thats pretty Huge. Well, I know what I saw, I am standing firm in that river of rushing water without budging.
I have been witnessing my patients in my hospital become more aggressive. My friends and family wanting to fight. Public wanting to fight is it black or white…you can’t even say if its black or white. You can’t say anything without the public someone wanting to fight over it. Somethings going on, are we reacting poorly to magnetic pole shift, increase in cosmic energy, do we feel anxious about what we are feeling is inevitable? I say yes, to all of the above, do i get my points now??? 🤣😂🤣
When I watch the envelopes as they are read at the funeral its clear they are Not Received well, it is Not Good News for sure, that’s clear…Then, you have to look at whom they were given to, look at the timing of delivery, look at the fact they were front row center stage And The fact there were Multiple Close Up Videos of the Delivery. Just the Fact Multiple Videos were taken of the Reactions.. says something. Whatever was written in the letters is Huge…. thats a Fact you Can Not Deny. They are in Trouble for Sure….Trump seems to be only one without an envelope, No Video of him reading a letter. Hummmm…….
We have liquefaction maps here in sequim wa.
Billy check out Amanda Ellis Covid 2021 video. 45:00 virus was waiting for the stars to align perfectly for it to be birthed, destined to happen its opportunity. Teaching cross roads for humanity. Love is the antidote….Virus fears Truth and Love. This Resonates with me. Billy…. you hear me. Ya listening. Billy. Only Love is Real….
Totally agree it’s the changing magnetic field affecting society
According to the Vayu Purana, one of the Veda’s, we’re in the Kali Yuga of the great year, known as the age of darkness (ignorance), should explain everything we’re witnessing. Ahh those ancients really had it nailed down :)
Have you been going from high elevation to low elevation? There could be an altitude differential to blame for your condition. I could be wrong but thinner air with dryer conditions could be enough to throw some of that gut biome out of whack. I once heard that the human microbiome is defined as the collective genomes of the microbes (composed of bacteria, bacteriophage, fungi, protozoa and viruses) that live in our gut and also on the human body. The system being ‘commensal’, meaning they co-exist without harming us. We have about 10 times as many microbial cells as ‘human’ cells. Why are they called human cells I’m not entirely sure; but one thing is for certain! Our skin sack, our ‘organic space suit’ if you will, for all intensive purposes has hijacked our meat computer. Or alternatively and less likely, our meat computer grew on our skin sack? Is DNA older than our neural system? I don’t think so. Which requires us to consider the question as if it is our brain that makes our decisions or does it simply react to the needs of the collective bacterial processes? Is it your brain that wants to survive or is it the living colonies of bacteria? Because after all, toxins dissipate and genetics replicate. What on earth is our neural system for? The chemicals of our brain can dissolve the physical space we perceive into measurable distances that our spacesuit can interact with. The microbiome emit chemicals that make ourself want to feed it, not you.
Cyril’s question as to what happens to metal in a solar storm can be summed up pretty well by typing “wire gauge amperage chart” in search to see how much amperage has to be ‘pulled’ across a wire to fry it. It depends mostly on its length, the shorter the wire the more likely it is to fail, however gauge is another. Common household (outlet) wire gauges are 12, 14 and sometimes 16. How many amps does there need to be to cause heat? I think is the more important question to the discussion. I would wager we could find a neat small scale experiment to take some measurements with and maybe even some super slow motion down that avenue of consideration. Which brings me to solar cycle 24 which I remember going out somewhat with a bang with the x1 and x9 that were Earth facing in September 2017. Can’t quite remember 24 as a whole being anything major though. But I believe it was also considered that cycle 25 will have a 1 in 5 or 1 in 4 chance of a solar storm having continental disruptions. If we use solar cycle 24 as a metric, I think the answer is no. But don’t forget however multiple CMEs in succession and maybe even a sustained high kp condition could be likely scenarios. And with the magnetic field wild card changing as fast as it is…it’s anyone guess. Multiple continents? Oh yeah…that will have fires. Where will they be? Clustered around the epicenter of the induction I would say wouldn’t be a bad place to start looking. Which brings in the urgently self evident concept of the societal collapse. We can say for sure the societal collapse will be the result of decisions made on behalf of humans? Or natural causes? Both? Regardless of the condition, wires are thick and human civilization is a pretty maluable thing. Todd was thinking very sustainably in this scenario where you utilize the resources around you by reclaiming wire, parts, and appliances from abandoned structures. Syphon gas into a tank and bring the tank to your vehicle. Which begs the question (we probably won’t resolve in this forum) of how we collapse in a safe but comprehensive manner so that we don’t subsist on what is left over until the destruction of its components. Or to use Adrian’s phraseology, “Wait to see who eats who.” Which is really unfortunate we put so much of what sustains a vast population of hundreds of millions of people on a infrastructure as susptable as our electrical way of life. The majority of what we consume needs be from renewable sustainable resources is the steps that need to be taken if we’re going to “civilize” after–if it fails. Which is why we should carefully scrutinize a system or society which bases its wealth upon superficial automated monetary transactions of inconceivable quantities rather than one based upon the merit and labor of the individual. People performing a highly exclusive courier service with their hands by turning the wheel, pulling the lever, and flipping the switch of goods and services. Because with that Cyril is right where we would be able to move mountains. Which kind of makes me wonder who or what buried Gobekli Tepe? Are all these planets really satellites from another advanced civilization? Because as we say so often in our scientific discipline, please shift the burden of your scrutiny to the hypothesis or theory rather than to the scientist themself.
I bet if you looked hard enough you would find one of those on Earth.
@Houseboat Grandma: From my POV, this is explained thusly:
2Ti 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2Ti 3:2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
2Ti 3:3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
2Ti 3:4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
2Ti 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.