FOTW August 27, 2022

Showing 15 comments
  • HotRod

    Great show, and a fantastic ride. So many wonderful memories.
    Be prepared!

  • Cosmicgoddess

    Thank you for this window into your lives and thinking. What a wonderful testimony to fellowship and independent scholarship you have made here. We need more independent scholars in every area of inquiry having intelligent dialogue with each other. FOW is a shining example. I’m sure after some time to transition somehow this might reemerge in another way. Best wishes to all!

  • Frieza2000

    It’s been fun, guys. Roos Kohn, sativarg, Mrs. Altmann, WILDEYETUNA, Houseboat Grandma, and all of you regulars, I wish you the best as we move through this time of trials into a new era. If anyone wants to find me, I’m Frieza2000XTC on Youtube (I actually have a video about the micronova and how it almost perfectly matches a certain prophecy that some of you might find interesting). Ben, Adrian, Cyril, Xaviar, Tony, Todd, Billy, thanks for a good time. I was only around for the last couple of years, but I looked forward to this every week.


  • John (Jon Mallary) Zele

    Thank you!

  • Byrdman

    It’s been a great ride! Farewell from the Byrdman!

  • Houseboat Grandma

    Houseboat Grandma here on Louisiana bayou 🌷. I Love you All. I thank you for all you do to keep us aware and prepared. Take care of Business, Get Ready, get Busy, do what needs to be done. You have done your part, now go, move forward in Strength, Courage Peace Love and Warrior Mode. Thick Skin Time and I Will See You in The Morning if The Good Lord Allows. πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ›‘βš”πŸ›‘βš”πŸ›‘πŸ’ͺπŸ˜βœŒπŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ

  • Mrs. Altmann

    bs”d Watch out for RationalWiki. I searched for your site on Brave and that was the first listing I got, searching by your website name. Their entry is defamatory and false and i am about to have smoke coming out of my ears and eyeball sockets, figuratively, because they have got me hot under the collar.

  • Mrs. Altmann

    bs”d Some people on line have said that Hunga Tonga was a deliberate detonation by some government group.

  • Lyon Theeves

    Good stuff men. Buckle your chin straps; see you on the field.

  • Donn

    9 Most terrifying words “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” Ronald Regan. I would’ve liked to heard more on the capacitor vs wave theorem. Always leave’m wanting more, I’ve forgotten who said that. Its been a good run, thank you all for the insights and commentary. I hope to see and hear you at the Suspect Sky channel. Buzzing Out…
    Be Well, Enjoy the Day

  • American Nurse

    I’m so sad to see this show go. Thanks to all of you.

  • Norton

    S0 when Ben closed this final FOTW my brain went to an episode of Twilight Zone (where the small boy who would send things to the corn field) stood up and told his family members “that’s all the television there is today” Thank you Ben, Billy and all the guys for these discussions, As the battle of Good vs Evil continues, I like what “AwakeWithJP” said on a recent video “I feel sorry for Evil because, we have God on our side”

  • michael lapasota

    Thank you for all you do every day
    this part of it will be missed but we have no doubt S0 will be better going forward:)
    many blessings every day livin

  • Cosmicgoddess

    So my final post is this example of the earth changes over millions of years sans the earth turning over.. Imagine the punctuation of the 12k year intragalactic wave cycle as you watch this and then imagine that a little of our atmosphere is blown away each time as life evolved, the atmosphere thinned and the dinosaurs went extinct. Amazing!

  • Roos Kohn

    Thank you guys. It’s been epic

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