FOTW August 1, 2020
– Secretly Explosive Volcanoes:
– The Phoenix Stream [Low Metallicity]:
– Modern Cosmic Ray Maximum:
– Sea Ice Drift = Snowball Earth:
– Plunging into Snowball Earth:
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On the socialism/communism subject, everyone needs to know how this is actually being pushed. This old documentary on youtube is more valid today than it ever was: watch?v=i4vTHwvioZ4
Found this news source this past week.. no detectable bias, just honest assessments of world news, they even choose neutral wording almost all of the time. It looks like the tide is turning against socialism and communism.
What will the rest of 2020 bring? Events have been transpiring on our stage of public opinion with such a quickness for the last two years, it has been calling our prior preparation and planning deeply into question. Comet Elenin…Phoenix Stream…at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if Buoy Station 53046 came back still in event mode. The polarization of these events are rooted so deeply in the political and cultural landscape it’s becoming undeniable. So if a real-life space TV show comes out live streaming the progression of these events; is not going to sound too crazy. The civil unrest looks different before and after election no question. Less or more? Anyone’s guess. Maybe less focus on blaming humans for everything would be a good start towards the less direction. War? Let’s hope not. Hopefully one of the unintended consequences of all this polarization and confusion would be with everything is so twisted, inaccurate, and convoluted that we won’t be able to find grounds for a common international conflict.
Take ways so far is that the Clintons are broken beyond repair. And Gates wasn’t anywhere to be found during the most critical moments of the pandemic. Just conveniently shows up with a vaccine. Sketchy.
Does anyone else think that the Methuselah star could have formed in intergalactic space and have migrated into our galaxy during one of the mergers with one of the many dwarf galaxies? Its entirely possible that many thousands of stars could have been caught in every merger. Its also possible that it formed in the outermost parts of the galaxy, which is known to have a low metallicity, and then migrated inwards.
Those mind control patents go back to the 1950s. I looked. Probably the reason many of us don’t fall for it, or recover is that a completely non-spiritual view of the Universe is completely incorrect. Whatever you believe, we are more than just a collection of DNA, cells, and random chemical reactions.
If there is a hot war, its gonna be China against the rest of the world. Russia has recently begun shifting away from China because China steals tech from absolutely everyone. Trump has even begun focusing more on China as an enemy. I’m hopeful that the USA and Russia can work out their differences, because Putin is a good leader, and has stood by his word every time.
Hopefully people on the right know by now that placating the leftist/communist mob doesn’t work.
The reason that all these brain farts are coming, primarily from the left is the degree of consciousness, conscience and a mind that can control the temptations, perversions of their brain.
Much is due to programing by education, but I wonder just how much cosmic radiation plays upon a brain that has little control over it in the first place.
You’ve heard of the term: Zombie?…maybe there is a connection metaphorically…in my writings, I would call them Humanoid, just a brain in the body, a made up identity and no “I”, no mind to rely on. The mind seems to be responsible for the dramatic difference between the radical left and the normal right.
The right and even a few on the moderate left that have that control mechanism, the mind, introspection, integrated consciousness -Unicameralism, might have an advantage when dealing with programing and cosmic radiation.
PS…I study consciousness and when a small portion of mankind became so.
If e had an off world threat we would have one side screaming to surrender to them and let them save us from themselves. We have been given a totally false history of mankind. One that was meant to divide and shame us. Joseph Scalagaria basically wrote history making most of it up. Against his peers prior to him his peers at the time and many historians since. The fairy tale war filled history he wrote is far from our true history.
Thanks for the heads up about the Magnetosphere.
“Absentee Voting” has been and IS thoroughly tested and Trump agrees to that BUT there are plenty of even recent “Mail-in Voting” debacles to cite. THAT is what Trump is against.
Ben, Great show today… I remember us taking a Boise Fry burger back to Kat, because she was having “morning sickness” – that we attributed to too much sunshine. Can’t believe she (Kiera) is headed to kindergarden. If you can find the book “The 5000 year Leap” – highly recommend the read. I’ve bought that book at a dozen times – lousing them to lenders, relending it.
Stay safe, sane, and be well. David – in Boise, ID
as usual… you guys ROCK! And what’s so cool about FOTW is I’ve got to listen to it AT LEAST twice every time to make sure I grok it all. And ALWAYS 3 or more adrenaline rushes. THANKS!
well the nice thing is that the sun will pop us in the nose, send us back to the 1500s, earthen ovens and Hardtack anyone? The first 120 days are the toughest
When Ben said, “it knows when you are protesting” i was thinking the Santa xmas song, so now we have a mission to make a a covid 1984 xmas song.
It amazes me how smart you are on space weather then imagine it makes you an expert on things you know nothing about Saying the Rothschilds became internet evil after taking their money out of oil. The fact remains they are well invested in oil companies like genie oil. The Rockefellers foundation is still involved heavily in oil. Still involved in eugenics and funding wars but most notably federal reserve banking systems. The red shields were known long before the Balfour declaration. Both are well known sabbatean families. You think leftists are bad at thinking they know everything wow! Sometimes I really wonder how you can be so pompous. Sorry I love your show but before you try to mock and shame people for certain things learn something about them at least past the surface. It’s almost like something Jones would say being well known for his limited hangouts and controlled opposition comments shilling for Zion.
Yellowstone is due
Thank you for the upload Gentlemen. Between mother nature and human nature ramping up it is a time to be more diverse in preparedness and awareness than you think you need to be.
October surprise? >>> The return of JFK JR! (it’s a nice dream and I’m sticking with it until it doesn’t happen).
There are lots of us fiscally conservative socially liberal out there. I used to split my vote for the most part but now the left is so far out of bounds, it will be easier to fill out the ticket this year.
It seems like I hear more people dumbfounded about the absurdity out there we are hearing from the loud voices lately than actual absurd people.
On other words, it seems like so many people have gone off the rails when in reality it’s only a small portion with really loud voices and many mediums to amplify those voices. For instance, how many people really and I mean really want to get rid of law enforcement? Regardless of what side you are on, the middle 80% of our population are probably saying wait a minute don’t get rid of the cops in my town, what in the world is happening!?!
Andddd the “Covid 1984” thing… all I have to say is “stop trying to make fetch happen”. That term is so cringy every time I hear it I get the douche chills. I’m with you guys on 90%ish of stuff but this “Covid 1984” thing… it’s time to just… stop saying it. 🤓
You guys rock.
You are reading one hell of a lot of weird crap into a short comment!! Also you are putting an awful lot of words into my mouth, that have absolutely nothing to do with what I posted.
Your comment absolutely reeks of agenda and bias.
Did you even reply to the right comment?
Very interesting observation.
This could explain things like the rampant narcissism, lack of humor etc by people on the far left. The lack of traits you mentioned brings out those things. So the people most prone to lack of humor, narcissism, etc seem to be drawn to the politics of socialism, dishonesty, etc… which gets reinforced by those around them until you get the hot mess we see these days.
Then higher cosmic radiation makes it that much worse.
This one?
From the description, it sounds like a fantastic book!
“”This is the ONLY edition authorized and commissioned by the W. Cleon Skousen Family. Also, no other edition except this one includes the revisions made by the author during the 25 years after the original printing.NEW in 2009! THE 5000 YEAR LEAP 30 Year Anniversary Edition with Glenn Beck s Foreword! NOW also includes Common Sense by Thomas Paine No other edition offers the revisions and updates of this remarkable book detailing how the Founding Fathers used 28 principles to create a 5000 year leap in freedom, prosperity, and progress; all based upon morality, faith, and ethics.THIS BONUS EDITION INCLUDES: Common Sense by Thomas Paine, 101 Constitutional Questions To Ask Candidates, The US Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, and Two landmark addresses by author Dr. W. Cleon Skousen never before offered in print.Revised, 30 Year Anniversary Edition. During the last 26 years of Dr. Skousen’s life he continued his extensive study of the constitution and founding values. He kept his original copy of The Five Thousand Year Leap with him and would write notes in the margins and on envelops and note cards of the refinements and updates he wished to add to the book. This new 30 Year Anniversary Edition includes those refinements and updates. Our gratitude goes out to the Skousen family for supplying us with this information to enable us to bring you this new edition.The 5000 Year Leap will take you by the hand as you discover the ideals of the Founding Fathers and their 28 principles for success. The values explored in detail by Dr. Skousen range from the Founder’s prerequisite that the Constitution was designed for a moral people, to a government empowered by the people with checks and balances, along with an understanding of the critical nature of fiscal responsibility and family values. This book sums up the secrets to what James Madison called a miracle.””
You are very accurate about the Rothschild/Rockefellers. They are the top end of the Elite. They have their evil fingers dipped into every aspect of consumerism, the MSM, politics and much more. I take offense at your aggressive insults at Ben. Ben did not say they had become internet evil. He said his observation was this. Big difference. However, they are in truth, deeply enmeshed in the internet. whether you chose to believe this or not. Are you defending these Elitists? Regardless of what you think, they have their evil fingers dipped into EVERYTHING. Ben was in no way mocking or shaming anyone. Go back and re-watch this. Again, are you defending these Elitists?
The leftists (what the Elitists are using currently as their main venue) do behave like they know everything. The leftist (Elitist) agenda is to turn this country, the world actually, into a place where everyone is told where to work, what they can eat, what they can wear, where they can live. Chip implant them, change their whole DNA make up and take their babies and sacrifice them to their god, Lucifer. don’t believe me? It isn’t very hard to find out the truth. Just don’t use Google, Bing, Explorer or Yahoo as your search engine. Try DuckDuckgo, Gibiru, yippy these are a few sites that don’t censor content.
Ben is way too nice. your attack on him is unjustified. Go find some place else to be mean. I love Ben. He is a breath of fresh air in a very secretive scientific community. He isn’t bought and owned by an educational institution controlled by the Elite dictating what they must say. Ben is our access to truth. Ben has his eyes open without fear.
Me, on the other hand, I’m blunt. I’m too old for any candy coating. So attack me if you feel the need to be mean. I can take it. Also, your abusive side will show if you chose to do so. Disagree. That is perfectly fine. we can be nice and still disagree. Personal attacks on another person is not disagreeing. It is being a bully. That is abuse.
Do You want a place to start finding out about how deep this evil goes? Fred Burks. will really pop your brain out of your head. How about starting with Svali’s book. Svali Speaks. It is all about the Illuminati and what they do. And, Lifting the Veil. That will give you a very detailed look into the political side of things. There are videos about child trafficking and how it is worldwide (Imperium is the title). None of this stuff is for the faint hearted. It is deep, deep down the rabbit hole. You will never be the same if you check into these things.
So, don’t go trashing Ben. He’s one of the really good guys. he isn’t perfect, but neither are you or me. Look inward and find your inner peace. Find that light that is in there shining. Just waiting for you to finally embrace it.
Love and Light to All,
Great talk guys. There was a comet? I had my head under a rock.
You here about the social tech companies being private owned and all, so, they can do whatever they want; which, technically is true. But, that logic fails when it comes to you can not suppress free speech guaranteed to all U.S. citizens by the First Amendment. The technicality that they are able to get away with this doesn’t, can’t fly as to being legally able to actually suppress free speech. These tech companies have become very powerful and intimidating to elected representatives of the people, or, something by now should have been done about it. Will they? Hence the reality of the swamp again comes the stench.
There are signs of fighting back with alternatives coming to light. Good, but, Congress needs to Constitutionally act; it’s that We the People thing. Can we stand to lose that?
If things continue or get worse from the extreme left, I’m fairly confident will eventually have a hot civil war from the current cultural one of soft tyranny; too many Americans cherish their liberty.
“Probably the reason many of us don’t fall for it, or recover is that a completely non-spiritual view of the Universe is completely incorrect. Whatever you believe, we are more than just a collection of DNA, cells, and random chemical reactions.”
Reminds me of a couple of movies I watched again recently, “The NeverEnding Story” and “What Dreams May Come”.
Been reading Rudolf Steiner a lot lately.
We’ve had a lot of help, but some people just don’t want to open their eyes. 13 Conversations About One Thing, guy says “he’s always happy, cookies from his wife… he has no vision!” and friend interrupts to say “Did your wife ever make you cookies?”… Guy says “I don’t remember”