FOTW April 9, 2022
– Magnetic Fields and Bees:
– Moon Magnetic Connections:
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Robert Malone in this short vid talks on exactly the same notes brought up here… especially at the very end. I find that interesting – the questions and answers Ben says “yes” to… . Cheers
Ben for the last year or so my visons on my near future have returned. When I was young intermittingly, I would see 2 or 3 minutes
into my future. It has come back with clarity that is amazing.
I really think our weakening magnetic field is affecting my in this way and I hope it gets more intense
It is really cool knowing who’s going to call before the phone rings, or what is around the bend in the road.
When I was a kid on trips out of town with my parents, I would just think we had been somewhere before that we had not.
I would tell my parents that we had been there before and tell them what we were about to see. My parents thought I was crazy until we came up on what I told them was going to be there.
I will keep you informed if it changes
Thanks for all you do! —Yoda
Thank you for the upload Gentlemen,
As you probably see, the Govt’s are piggy backing on the weather created food shortages and creating more shortages to piggy back on the inflation they are creating. Do yourself a saver favor and get ahead of the panic spread, buy it cheap and stack it deep NOW. Kind regards for a wonderful weekend.
I wonder what it would be like to live on planet circling a red giant… an earth bathed in plasma? History suggests we once did. Do you need food when you have plasma energy?
Focus has become a losing battle.. blame it on instagram or realize what’s actually going on but it’s time to hold the ones you love a little tighter. Measuring the ppl is reserved for our soul creator.
Re: Indivual changes. Personality tests like The Enneagram and Myers-Briggs might give insights, especially introversion / extroversion scales. In the 80s, I administered these as a fun exercise to city & county workers as part of my job. During lockdown, I took them again myself and saw my introvert score go way up.
Thanks SO team . A division in humanity seems to be developing in awareness or consciousness . Most can only grasp or believe the info and concepts placed in their minds by mainstream outlets and politicians . Their minds recoil in confusion and intolerance at attempts to offer different but correct views. The minority however are forging ahead mentally despite being engulphed in a blanket of lies, threats , coercion to accept products which cause sickness or death ,shortages and lots more which should have reduced them to the level of the zombie majority . Brad above posted a comment about visions which I believe to be an aspect of the difference between the division. Visions , clairvoyance , receiving answers or understandings when peace of mind allows perceptive thought at night or early morning are gifts to a mind capable or fit to reach Spiritual or Higher Worlds. You may be fulfilling an important role or mission as this age descends into criminal manmade chaos rather than that which is cosmic renewal and redesign of creation.
bs”d 80% of injected women miscarried after injection… I hope I am commenting on the correct FOTW for this reponse… every time someone goes full term, after most have been injected, I am amazed… and this is exactly what globalists want to have happen, there is a 2013 video by Deborah Tavares, last I looked, early Feb ’22 it was still on YT, that shows a document at NASA, put on their internal site in 2003, I believe, that details US gov’t plan for TOTAL depopulation – they do not want any humans to stay alive. And one may ask, why are such terrible things being planned by our own government, even not military, or police, but a science institution?
So, it’s not just to be found in the Torah description of end times, or perhaps in Christian apocalyptic literature with which I have some, but limited, acquaintance, but perhaps in any tradition that truly guides human towards appropriate spiritual development: a time of redemption is coming, but before it comes, the trials and struggles will be much harder. Since I can have no children of my own, I pray for everyone. I cry for everyone. Even those who stumble and cause others to do so… as long as they have even a shred of good intentions.
Thank you for fighting the good fight.
Interesting thought- as we are to be more cosmic energized.
Jimmy Dore is good news and comedy👍
Dear Observers of our reality… or, are we?
I think I am… LOL but…
“”In order to truly determine whether there’s an objective reality, we have to devise a way in which to demonstrate its existence without relying on our observations.””
LOL and here is the reference where I heard my screen reader read this: New experiment demonstrates that reality might actually be real —
I hope you find this interesting or of use…
As for me: I am moved and back online. I now have running water and a toilet in my room! Yay and finally.
Hope you are all doing well and blessings
chuck 🔥💖🔥
Interesting Peace,
I am hearing some things that sound too trusting in time frame 2 Minutes 38 Seconds of “World Economic Forum Plan For Mankind | Robert Malone” about the 2008 financial crisis. I do not agree that the event was a real crisis but rather part of the over arching nine eleven PSYOP and control grab unfolding now and starting back in 2001 or even before. Yes one major goal is the digital ID, I.T. control infrastructure and money system… but that is only one of the goals and the printing of trillions is not a bad decision or mistake rather it is a strategic move to undermine elements of the current system in my opinion. The various strategies being implemented mirror the thermate and other tech placed in the twin towers that resulted in their demolition… see? the strategic demolition of the left and right and then finally as with building seven the house of cards holding all the evidence of all the organized crime up to now?
thank you for the fine link
chuck 🔥💖🔥
Now to this venue and my thoughts…
Yes Mr Davidson: 04:39 of 36:36 as soon as I went to the link and read I was saying the very same thing. How can scientists look at the far side of Earth’s constructed moon and not see signs of it’s role in interactions between Earth and Sol? massive as in tons of melted rock and glass stand as a tribute to the moon’s contribution to Life in Earth and how Sol’s evocations could have ended all that?
… back to listening…
RE: 19:18 of 36:36 and The reason for the sound of silence from institutions like the National Institute of Health?
The same reason thousands of giant skeletons were seized and or stolen by institutions like the Smithsonian… the reason that the National Institute of Standards and Technology | NIST’s October 26, 2005. study did not even consider all the thermate at ground zero… and on and on… the answer is that we are owned and our owners are very good at managing us and U.S.?
… back to listening…
20:56 and insurance…
What is the money that insurance institutions dole out? It is debt and not real value… see? The real wealth is not in the dollars any more and has not been for a very long time… the real wealth is in our Breath Certificates and what those can be turned into. Human resources and our potential for labor, data gathering and all the systems of control are where the real wealth lies for the trusties who are under the owners of Earth and Humanity. It is the control that is the goal and the money is only a means to that end… see?
… back to listening…better try and post now…
Thank You Mrs Altmann for your comments which possess both truth and clarity.