FOTW April 27, 2019

Showing 14 comments
  • Billy Rogers

    Little over unity kinda claim there on that there power unit craft thanks Ben

  • Billy Rogers

    The constant movement in the active faults are normal movement as we understand it yes a large charge induced by the huge mass we follow around the galaxy would indeed be quite a Jolt

  • Billy Rogers

    The constant movement in the active faults are normal movement as we understand it yes a large charge induced by the huge mass we follow around the galaxy would indeed be quite a Jolt replying to my own just for a thought ie 0bservation that’s why most of us are here but one other all the science we know comes from questions

  • Racingmurman

    snow, rain, hail and wind here in BC today.

  • epeeb1

    Ben , over the last week I have read a couple of articles that totally debunk global warming and that is what climates always do is change !

  • Duffy

    Ben, I can only imagine how difficult it must be for you standing at the forefront of such profound knowledge. LOL, “Beginning wake up stuff”. I must say that it wasn’t too long ago that I was a member of the “sun causes climate change and Nibiru is coming club. I have never felt less muddled in my life since I started questioning dark matter, dark energy, black holes, and vacuous space. My bullshitometer had been like tinnitus ringing in my ear for years and any and all attempts to understand and overcome my disconnect to modern science had lead to “don’t worry you wouldn’t understand”. Then I started following those keywords that seemed to crop up whenever I read an explanation that didn’t make sense to me. The “accepted facts” rhetoric is a useful tool in many belief systems. As an agnostic/trending athiest, it was just a matter of time before I spotted thinking errors, misdirections and outright lies all over widely accepted theories. I know a rabbit hole when I see one and I got pretty paranoid there for a while. Lately, I have been boating in your wake and now I am beginning to understand what folks mean when they talk about a profound expansion of consciousness. Some of my new keywords include Electrodynamism, Micronovas, Toroids and Plasma, Plasma, Plasma. My future is uncertain but the pursuit of the truth sustains me. I have no words to express my gratitude for the hard work you all are doing. 1200 Thank You’s will have to do.

  • blackhole

    seri are u serious wow in your house.. totally weird. intelligence ?

  • Duffy

    I would love to get your reaction to Eileen Workman’s essay; link posted above.

  • Norton

    Cyclical catastrophes universal? It does not bode well for advanced civilizations…….Restarting from caves is difficult.

  • avril luvscats

    Hi Ben, in regards to the survival section of the movie. How about you emphasis the links to a few places to get survival tips.? The intelligent ones will read and learn.

  • Darcie02

    “21-22 Apr Lyrids Meteor Shower”

    Lyrids have been observed for 2,700 years. (The first recorded sighting of a Lyrid meteor shower goes back to 687 BC by the Chinese.)”

    “Mars has two small moons: Phobos and Deimos. Phobos (fear) and Deimos (panic) were named after the horses that pulled the chariot of the Greek war god Ares, the counterpart to the Roman war god Mars. Both Phobos and Deimos were discovered in 1877 by American astronomer Asaph Hall.”Martian Moons – NASA Mars

    Years of Observing Combined Into Best-Yet Look at Mars Canyon


    Mars Topography

    “For decades we’ve theorized that such interstellar objects are out there, and now―for the first time―we have direct evidence they exist,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington, in November 2017.

    Dear Observers:
    While listening to Ben talk about there not being a planet like Niberu or planet that’s on its way here, I contemplated the combination of data such as the lyrid meteor showers (1) and the cyclical motion that out planet seems to be intertwined with as it rescuers yearly, ducking into and out of our atmosphere. Could this have been a planet once? Yes.

    Also, could the moons on mars, which are real actively new(2), have once been a planet like mad that touched down on Mars leaving the surface scared (4) up in a violent collide and causing incredible weather(3) to have one happened there? Yes, it’s possible.

    Aren’t there images in communicative efforts that are hieroglyphics and paliogliphic … presumably… to show that there was a very bright second light source in the sky that came and left, such as those found on the great pyramid in Egypt… perhaps this was Mars lightning up with a collision?

    How could we say there is not a chance that this could happen when we are aware that there are masses orating our sol on a more vertical access farther away?(5)

  • Darcie


    Dear Observers:
    While listening to Ben talk about there not being a planet like Niberu or planet that’s on its way here, I contemplated the combination of data such as the lyrid meteor showers (1) and the cyclical motion that out planet seems to be intertwined with yearly, as it ducks into and out of our atmosphere. Could this have been a planet once? Yes.

    Also, could the moons on mars, which are real actively young (2), have once been a planet that touched down on Mars leaving the surface with rough terrain(4) and causing incredible weather on mars leaving valleys(3)? Yes, it’s possible.

    Aren’t there ancient images such as hieroglyphics and paliogliphic … presumably… to show that there was a very bright second light source in the sky that came and left, such as those found on the great pyramid in Egypt… perhaps this was Mars lightning up with a collision?

    How could we say there is not a chance that this could happen again… especially when we are aware that there are masses orating our sol on a more vertical access farther away?(5)

    “21-22 Apr Lyrids Meteor Shower”

    Lyrids have been observed for 2,700 years. (The first recorded sighting of a Lyrid meteor shower goes back to 687 BC by the Chinese.)”

    “Mars has two small moons: Phobos and Deimos. Phobos (fear) and Deimos (panic) were named after the horses that pulled the chariot of the Greek war god Ares, the counterpart to the Roman war god Mars. Both Phobos and Deimos were discovered in 1877 by American astronomer Asaph Hall.”Martian Moons – NASA Mars

    Years of Observing Combined Into Best-Yet Look at Mars Canyon


    Mars Topography

    “For decades we’ve theorized that such interstellar objects are out there, and now―for the first time―we have direct evidence they exist,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington, in November 2017.

  • Darcie02

    Anyway… with all this extraterrestrial space stuff winging o round our sun in our solar system… and several exoplanets etc., I think it could be likely that one of these standards labeled planets could collide with someone other planet-ish mass.

    Just think while checking out cool graphics like this here:

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