FOTW April 11, 2020
2nd Video at the Bottom of the Page
– Silver Ions Kill Bacteria:
– Odd Animal Cooperation:
– Electric Currents Link Galaxy Lobes:
– Non-Uniform Expansion:
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I think instead of being a manufactured crisis, it’s more likely a case of:
Some individuals and organizations not letting a good crisis go to waste without the benefits of foresight. Attempting to exploit aspects for bennifiting personally and/or furthering agendas.
Thethe dying legacy media’s death-throw hyping of fearporn clickbait, and making people freak out.
The masses not recognizing that the most important stats are missing, specifically the total number of all infected, degree’s of infection, that timeline, and those demographics.
Not to mention the numbers of dead who received the hydroxocloroquine, azrethromycin and zinc treatment, and those who did not.
The dumbing down of America thru public education. Allowing their need to depend on the same messed up MSM that’s lobbying to stop the daily presidential coronavirus press conferences.
My god, it’s like watching Brian Cox or NDT whip out their Excel temperature and Co²charts, proclaiming them proof of AGW and to questioning the data is conspiracy nonsense and ignorance.
Carbonated Koolaide!
I swear. America has a collective PhD in “stupid”!
We all know how difficult it is to sway the opinion of a PhD who’s spent their career bolstering error.
I fear the subject of Co² + AGW, is as difficult to unlearn as the subject of “Stupid”.
A bear and a rabbit were shitting in the woods.
The bear asked the rabbit:
“Do you have a problem with shit sticking to your fur?”
“Why no I don’t!”
Said the rabbit.
Aaaaaand then the bear wiped his ass
With the rabbit.
Who in efs toilet paper?
(I really hate this cellphone…:)
Sorry to hear about your folks, Ben. I’ve been in the mind-opening business for a long time and the challenge of being prophet in our own land can be discouraging and painful.
Regarding Gates and the cabal, I find Spiros to be a good source of sharable information:
Was unable to pre-order your book. Would not take my credit card and tried several different ones. Is the order site not really working yet?
Lol 😂😂😂
How can we speed up the demise of ‘the media’?
OMG, that Kennedy thing had me laughing .. who comes up with this crap!
BTW he was born in 1917, if he is somehow still around, he will be 103 in May … and probably just as senile as Biden LOL
Bill Gates has always been an evil f*cker. All you need to do is be aware of the history of Microsoft.
Which is yet another reason you should stop using Skype, its a Microsoft product!
Hey mallary, a bunch of guys were in a bar and one was complaining out loud saying that all Lawyers were assholes. One fella walked over and said, “I got very offended when you said that all Lawyers are assholes.”
The man said I’m sorry, are you a lawyer? He said no, I’m an asshole.
Bill gates is the guy to hold accountable. The dude gave out stuffed corona virus toys – like stuffed teddy bears –
except they were of the corona virus in NYC on October 18th, 2019 at Event 201.
Please note, the following is not for the faint of heart nor for persons with serious heart conditions.
Information – true information, that is the Genuine Truth – is the antidote to the Fear Programming. Sadly, most people are absolutely ruled by fear. For example, in one store this ‘Prof’ visited just yesterday all of the employees and nearly all of the customers wore masks. Even though masks are not required by state dictate nor by local decree. In a different store there were many people wearing masks, even a few persons wearing masks with some ‘trademarked’ image of a distorted ‘skull.’ However none of the employees wore masks! To be blunt, this all boils down to fear of death, or ‘death-fear.’ All of it, yes all of it! However, if you can locate a copy of the book titled “Touching” by Ashley Montague, please do so. It is a relatively old book, so you may have to look hard to find a copy. To give you some insight however, there was an experiment recounted therein, in which different groups of newborn infants (orphans, if I recall correctly) were either touched a whole lot while others were touched to a moderate degree. Another group of infant orphans was not touched at all by nurses or caretakers after being delivered. That experiment had to be cut short because that one group of infants who were not touched at all after delivery was not only failing to ‘thrive,’ it was clear to the doctors that those infants probably would not survive! Now, extrapolate if you will please. Very few adults can thrive entirely alone for years and years. Think about it, would you guess that our ‘filli-blusterious’ (sp.) ‘Leaders’ know nothing about these Truths? You decide for yourselves dear readers.
Surely some of you have seen the Music Video “Thriller” done by Michael Jackson quite a few years ago. Is there something within that video which displays or suggests ‘the plan’ for the ‘great unwashed’ masses? Or, will the future go more along the lines of the fabled ‘Pied Piper’? Or, perhaps some of each? I do not really know, nor do I want to speculate. Given that some folks at “Not A Space Agency,” and elsewhere among the upper echelons do know the truth about the recurring cycles of catastrophe, and some few of them probably know very well what is coming, (reference ‘Major White’) what are you thinking? And, courtesy of Gates, Buffet, Soros, Turner, Winfrey and company it certainly would be much easier to manage a whole lot fewer people. Let’s say perhaps about one half of a Billion or even fewer – as opposed to 7 Billion, plus. As disturbing as it may seem, perhaps they too are “prepping” in their own self-serving ways.
Think for yourselves because this ‘Prof’ cannot provide answers which he does not have. Good luck to all.
Addendum to the comment posted above: it contains a few corrections with a little more information located after having poked about among some part of my ‘personal library.’ First, the Author’ s full name with a bit of added commentary; Montague Francis Ashley-Montagu was born in 1905 and passed away in 1999. Born in London , England- his original given name was Israel Ehrenberg. Next, the book’ s title and subtitle: “Touching – The Human Significance of the Skin.” (Pardon me since I do not know how to underline the Title using this word processing ‘App.’) First Edition published in 1971 by Harper & Row, the ISBN number for the third edition is 0-06-015535-3. Next, from the Preface to The First Edition; “This book is about the skin as a tactile organ, very much involved, not alone physically but also behaviorally in the growth and development of the organism.” Third, this book is not so scary itself, yet it is a book about the skin and some parts of the subject matter explain certain ‘below the beltline,’ ie. sex related, matters. For any readers this book contains a lot of very valuable information – especially those who are raising children. Next, the really truly scary material is regarding the coming Galactic Current Sheet and the ways in which some of the ‘elite’ could be responding to knowledge which they do indeed have. Meanwhile, as you know all of us must do our very best. All the same, think positive as best as you can – given that fear itself impairs the immune system and functions. Be well.
Hi folks, happy Easter for those that it’s a special day. Well… it’s a very snowy day. Again haha!
As Billy said, colloidal silver making devices typically use low current DC attached to the silver source
usually 2 thick bare wires of very high purity (at least 99.99% aka ‘4 nines’) placed in a qt ball jar of distilled water.
The magnetic stirring thing that Todd mentioned is a clever design based on standard lab equipment to ensure thorough
mixing. The low current DC is what is actually generating the supertiny particles, kinda like pushing them off the wire.
Another design has a bubbler to keep things well mixed while it gradually builds up to a potent but still quite low ppm.
Whatever device you choose, it needs to have some solid verification of how small the silver particles it makes,
because the key to it’s efficacy and safety is: the smaller the better, apparently it’s very critical.
One good resource for lots of supportive and interesting articles that cite lab studies, medical research etc (and the
efforts to suppress it grrrrr!) is from the folks who make the bubbler type: the silver edge dot com slash articles.
Yes they plug their model, more power to them (presently sold out) but all the silver information is great.
The rest of this fotw is rather intense -and sometimes amusing- as usual. Thanks for talking about it.
Have a great day S0’s, stay healthy.
This book can be found here…
The comment about JFK returning was about JFK Jr. It has been debunked, even by “Q” itself. Not that I “believe” the “Q” stuff, just another source of info I keep track of.
Interesting segment on Colloidal Silver, I have tried to make my own using silver wire, distilled water, and 9v batteries, seemed to work OK but I heard someone on here mention rotating magnets. Anyone have a good method for making CS?
“Using copper to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses”
ID2020 is calling their certificate a “Certificate Mark” you cannot make this stuff up!
From the website:
In January 2019, the Alliance launched the ID2020 Certification Mark at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
You need to buy a colloidal silver generator to make proper CS. The SilverEdge sell them. Interestingly, patents are being taken out on Colloidal Silver now, despite the fact that certain organisations linked to Big Pharma are telling us that it is dangerous to use. It’s not true that you can turn blue because of using CS. That has only happened when people have used tap water or added baking soda, or other stuff to it. Make it properly, and it’s completely safe and healthy. I’ve been using it for years and have not turned blue! Neither have any family members. My karate teacher introduced me to it, and he’s been using it for years, he’s not blue either! :-)
My dog had a super bug infection a couple of months ago, and CS cured it. Antibiotics did not work. Check out the SilverEdge (as someone else has already mentioned), there’s a lot of great info…
Animals will one dat learn that humans really ain’t top of the food chain.
On dogs & humans, among other interactions, Rupert Sheldrake (brilliant biologist from Cambridge) suggests “… morphogenetic fields work by imposing patterns on otherwise random or indeterminate patterns of activity. For example they cause microtubules to crystallize in one part of the cell rather than another, even though the subunits from which they are made are present throughout the cell.
Morphogenetic fields are not fixed forever, but evolve. The fields of Afghan hounds and poodles have become different from those of their common ancestors, wolves. How are these fields inherited? I propose that that they are transmitted from past members of the species through a kind of non-local resonance, called morphic resonance.”
Check him out. I’m actually surprised you don’t know about him. I often send him links to your work when it relates to his.
I use Gary Gray’s colloidal silver spray whenever I feel a sore throat or cold coming on. Great stuff!
The news has been dishonest since well before ww1 not just 8 or 10 years that’s insane.
It’s obvious the elf was a staged event just as most media circus events are.
It hasn’t “worked” on this individual.
This is some sad stuff.
Q anon, Alex Jones,conspiracy-conspiracy.What next , this B.S. “epoch Times” news outlet?…Talk about fear mongering.
Man, I’ve just about had enough of all of this garbage.
I love the science and I can even see those who are blinded by their narrow fields of view.This is normal for humans I believe.That does make me angry.But those who ,out of fear , repeat and espouse theories of doom and debauchery leave me exhausted.
I ,for one, am not hoping for a societal “reset”.
I still have faith in this human experiment .
Fear is the mind killer.
Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts. I completely agree, have been having the same thoughts. I think this is now absolute go time. Illusions getting stripped. “Eyes Open, No Fear” indeed.
Hello observers. Thanks for the talk.
On Silver. You must have heard of the Silver wound dressings , they have a very thin sheet of silver that forms part of the dressing…been used for years in Australia.
I swear by the stuff…but be aware that when you consume Silver in water…it does not discriminate which Bacteria it ‘kills’ you require a bacteria Biome in your gut for health…use it sparingly.
Humans have lost their connection to the life of earth. Animals have not. I am always interested when humans express surprise about this new ‘scientific’ discovery.
Science and religion…the two poles that humans swing between…its time to wake up!
There are energy fields attached to all life, frequency of your nature and intent is continuously broadcast wherever you go..all animals sense it…we do “the vibe was awesome at the gathering…or that guy has bad vibes…” our pets have spent time with us and they are even tuned more closely.
But you go hunting in the bush and animals flee…sit quietly in a sunny clearing and feel peace and connection and the natural world will just accept you.
A good listen on the food crisis is the following
He does a number of long but good looks at this topic from a rather unique perspective.
True that Tonyio, I think that age demographic and generational conditioning has a lot to do with how indoctrinated people are. For example my parents are mid 60’s now, but i have been gradually introducing alternative FACTUAL info and evidence throughout these past 20 years, allowing them to slowly wake up each time there is another falseflag or BS narrative such as “terrorists” or “CO2 bad” or “invisible enemy” that leads into a new form of the expansion of war on humanity. My parents are right at the precipice of third eye awareness, but still doubt and fear because that is what they are fed by MSM.
It is possible for anyone to WAKE UP, but it takes time for the unfolding to happen and it is different for everyone. My only surviving grand elder is now 88, no matter what i have tried, no matter how obvious or truthful the info i give her….she is conditioned to find comfort in her ignorance and will not let go of it. I have never given up and will continue to assist others in finding the light of truth. Keep up the good fight EVERYONE!!! ~Namaste Be*Well