FOTW January 8, 2022
– NASA Solar Forcing Study: 02137.pdf
– Ionosphere Continues Perturbation, Field Weakening: 4433/13/1/40/htm
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Good Morning Community,
I like what I am listening to with my Qread PDF reader this morning. “”Modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) is an alternative
to the dark matter (DM) hypothesis in the Universe.
… The internal dynamics in a self-gravitating system is affected even by a constant external field…””
Really? How about MOND evolving into OR? Modified Newtonian Dynamics is based in a perspective from inside a star where as Observed Reality could be from the perspective adequate to actually touch the observable?
Still MOND is far better than dark matter theology in my opinion. Emptiness Behavior is actually being taken into account here as what is called a field internal and external is the observation of the behavior of that emptiness. So I am enjoying observing the evolution from inadequate towards an adequate perspective.
Thanks as always Mr Davidson for the inspirations and great news.
Now for my own acronym… and evolution from PSYOP to CABPsy… being Covert Applied Behavioral Psychology AKA witchcraft? LOL or our current unreality?
chuck 🔥 💖 🔥
Socialism isn’t easy! Said someone to a person who has to work long hours
I sat with disbelief as bydum revealed how wonderful his plan was working and how wonderful jobs were etc etc…..
At the same time the job reporting industry was saying were in a world of hurt and at a tipping point….
Where are people why are we not fighting in the streets… look at the rest of the world…. several countries. are in the streets literally…
I sat with disbelief as bydum revealed how wonderful his plan was working and how wonderful jobs were etc etc…..
At the same time the job reporting industry was saying were in a world of hurt and at a tipping point….
Where are people why are we not fighting in the streets… look at the rest of the world…. several countries. are in the streets literally…
some idiot said 770million people had covid in the United States…. when there are only 300+million here.
continued and shortages… LOL one thing that there is no shortage of is ignorance, both willful and the other kinds. There is this commercial going around for thermometers that says the first sign of COVID is a fever and I always say back to this… NO the first sign of this PSYOP or CABPsy is ignorance!
… back to listening…
33:46 and do “they” need to do anything at all about wagging the dog now?
We can observe the last election as completely false and not at all any sort of election and yet here we are with an appointed leader running and ruining things… so do “they” have to do anything if “they” can effectively control any election?
… back to listening…
Yes… good for you guys seeing the bird flue bio-terror rising. If not that then any new monster will do? The more invisible the monster the better to scare us and U.S. with?
… back to the show…
43:46 and competency VS integrity?
All the people who are now competent are also compromised? All our institutions of higher learning are now institutions of higher indoctrination and those who show signs of usefulness are captured and compromised. Skull and Bones, and the Epstein type of making of men and women is resulting in plenty of competency with out all the inconvenient integrity. Organized Crime is what is passing for democracy now… see?
… back to listening…
48:25 of 50:05 and All the observations or most of them of election fraud are not the observations of something new, rather they are the result of people getting caught? Yes elections, at least on the federal level, are not working but that is the rule rather than the exception in my opinion… and it has been that way for way too long.
… back to listening…
What most will not see, refuse to see is that the current PSYOP is a continuation of September Eleven 01 just after another election was total fraud. Back then it was Mr. Bush and only Mr. Bush that could be used to take us on the ride called a war against terror… a ride of infamy that is still happening right now.
… back to listening…
now in conclusion and all that… Thank you all again for the stimulation, inspiration, contributions to Creation and resistance to Destruction
chuck 🔥 💖 🔥
I would much rather have an honest incompetent truck driver representing me that a ‘real’ politician.
Predicting the CCP taking over of Taiwan and Russia in Ukraine are the easy ones. North Korea and Iran, no doubt there will be trouble there.
Food, gas and people shortages, likely.
Ammo shortages, again.
Water shortages, already happening in the west.
U-Haul truck shortages in Cali and Chicago, hilarious!
Police Officer / Border Agent shortage? Can’t blame them for leaving.
TREE shortage from printing more and more worthless dollar bills.
I think Ben said it best with the comment that power behind all the mayhem are not morons. So what do the evil geniuses who have access to classified catastrophe cycle intel have up their sleeves? First off, so as to reduce the number troublesome survivors, a culling of the herd is in order. Enter in COVID which worked quite well for the comorbidity challenged and over 65 age group. Then, to insure that the breeders don’t add to post apocalyptic landscape, they target she sheeples with time released menses interrupting spike proteins (aka mRNA vaccines). Now who’s left? Two camps basically. One, the typical Portlandia liberal who will always seek the safety of a politically correct herd and two, the independently minded conservative prepper who’s armed to the teeth but prefers solitude. Which camp poses the most problem for the post apocalyptic disaster response? I’m thinking the former and those are the ones who are likely to be the target for depopulation schemes like sanctuary zones (Green New Deal sheep stables). Now, how to get the herd to flock to the stable? What’s worked so far is playing to their fear while providing incentives. The fear could be induced by a planned economic collapse (great reset) followed by incentives where housing, food, and basic needs are “guaranteed” entitlements for all those choosing the safety of a GND sanctuary city. Once their all safely in their repurposed inner city hovels, it’s time to systematically euthanize through free health care, soylent green impossible burgers, and perhaps a couple of pandemics if the obituary count falls below projections. When the micronova finally has its way with the biosphere the only ones left will be the power elite bunker buddies and us conservative preppers who, for all practical purposes, will still prefer our solitude. Perhaps we’ll get out now and then to hunt, fish, and collect fire wood. Maybe on those extra lucky days we might even get a fire a warning shot over the head of some billionaire elite who’s strayed too far from his Karmic bunker.
Hello Fellow Flies!
The industrial civilization that we were raised within is collapsing because there are diminishing resources of all kinds to fuel it. So less ozone over the tropics and poles, smaller geomagnetic field strength, less oil and gas and coal and forests, less clean water and clean air, less climate stability, less fertilizer, less Blue Def, less food, less transport, etc. We’re not just at the fall of the roman empire, we are at the fall of industrial civilization, which happens to be most pervasive in the western world. Greater complexity and technocracy has hit diminishing returns on investment. The realization of this predicament will become worldwide in the next few years, just in time for the sun’s kill shot.
The globalists have ascertained the problem as population overshoot. So vaxicide the high expectations of the developed world populations
and promote mass formation psychosis amongst it’s managerial class to carry out the depop policies. The US is already a banana republic because 1% own more than 60%, the middle class is has been eviscerated, and soon the landscape will look and feel like a third world country. Actual third world countries with rural populations who retain traditional values and practices at high enough elevations may be best provisioned to survive the micronova.
Thank you for the upload Gentlemen.
Wondering if anyone watched the x22 interview with Dr Zelenko. He laid it out this am.
Shortages and hypocrisy happen so fast now that it is hard to keep up with. However this person here….
Does a pretty good job of keeping up with it.
To explain how the managerial class was hypnotized see this…
She does a great job!
You ask, where did all the people go?. You know how you can’t find a U-Haul to rent, well – RV’s are in the same situation now. The people bought RV’s and ran away.
I live in the country, and for months I’ve noticed new RV’s moving in. The RV’s are parked close to a small house, are stabilized to the ground and have the side extensions pulled out. So, they are getting power from the house, but are using the house facilities. I’d say in most cases the RV is worth more than the house.
So far I’ve only seen adults around these RV’s, no children. I wonder where they are going to work?
What’s going to be our biggest problem is waiting for the communist to cheat again before we do something about them. We’re giving them the upper hand. They will not give up control without a fight.
I’m out here in eastern Los Angeles county – my local Walmart has not had a single egg for two weeks – however, every other supermarket in town has plenty! Not clear at all how that can happen . . .
Socialists, communists, tyrants, Chinese, Russians, stolen elections, war in Ukraine, madness in Oz…..all invented bogey men. The world has been run by the same people for centuries. Its all been a massive theatre. We have been living in a great big global lie whilst these people have raped and pillaged the planet. We have been mostly fat dumb and happy, unwilling to peep out from under the security blanket in case we lose its warmth. Well the ‘Order’ has now started to pull the blanket off, they have been farming us for a long time, but now its time for them to get ready for the long winter that is coming. We are expendable. They are killing us off. getting rid of the useless eaters. The order of the day is keep them confused, dont let them see the entrance to your tunnels, dont let them see the truth. The ONLY thing you can do is prepare yourselves. Find somewhere safe and get ready. its pointless trying to make sense of the nonsense of reality. Its been designed to immobilize you. PREPARE.