FOTW December 9, 2017

On the line: Ben, Billy, Xaviar, Tony, Trevor

-Sunspots and Happiness:!
-Thin, Superficial Solar Dynamo [GEC]:
-Cosmic Rays and Thunderstorms:
-Sea Level in Yemen:
-Forbidden Ancient Writing:

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  • Star 0bserver

    I am Groot! “Just hit the button! Not that one!” That was the start of the Chat, with Groot dropping an F bomb then wants to blame me. It’s not my fault. I didn’t teach him to speak like that.

  • Cwildeman1

    Still listening but I agree 100% on the states of matter being irrelevant. The states are different manifestations only. not the elemental “thing”. My understanding is that the plasma state and superfluid state are closer to the actual foundation of matter behavior than most of what we observe around us. Most observable matter on our little blue rock could be represented as “noise” (everything between the highest and lowest vibrational energies that constructs itself according to certain rules) But the lowest and highest energies are the closest we can get to observing the underlying source of those rules that makes up what is between. Some call it wave universe, plasma universe, electric universe, magnetic universe and the list goes on but if you step back you can see that we all are saying essentially the same thing by different names. I like harmonic universe but I would call it Light Universe. Light is electricity+magnetism+frequency. Matter is charge+field+vibration. With an open mind you can see that light and matter are indifferent from each other when considering the underlying forces. I think language is hindering understanding. I think we’ve called the same thing by 1000 names.

  • Cwildeman1

    Also, lots of talk out there of is it particle or is it wave but if you think of it from a different angle..everything has a frequency be it kinetic or otherwise. That frequency would represent itself as a wave when it comes to relative motion. When electricity/magnetism is harmonic you have a field, static or magnetic. When you have a protective field around a nucleus you have a particle. When you look at a nucleus you have more particles (fields). When disrupted with high frequency (energy) you can observe the additive frequencies that construct to make that field (particle) which we call quarks. In any case the shell (field) is a direct harmonic function of the additive frequencies within. Disrupt the field and the frequencies scatter and dissolve.

    I guess my point is its my opinion that wave and particle are not opposing concepts. A field would appear as a particle to an external source but be a function of frequencies.

  • Mendicus

    How can you possibly know what kind of health care the pharaohs of Egypt had? From the looks of mummy bone density, they where extremely healthy compared to people today, rich or poor.

  • Wade F Hutson

    Gospel of Thomas may be the very first one written, as early as just after Jesus’ crucifixion.

  • Wade F Hutson

    I honestly don’t think Trump is “controlled” by ANYONE but Trump.

  • Ricky Neff

    Use this code forlinks from now on
    (Opens link in new window)

  • Ricky Neff

    Well it wouldn’t let me post it, edit my comment using text not visual editor, the code is there still.

  • blackhole

    look at tim balls ideas on climate change. heard the f bomb lol

  • blackhole
  • RKHarrold

    The only Mason I know is a catastrophic geologist named Randall Carlson. His videos are fantastic. He’s on the youtube channel “geocosmic rex” I know you guys are busy but if you liked Michael Steinbacher’s work, you’ll really like this guy’s stuff.

  • KittyMac

    200,000 year old levitation technique….

  • Caroline5765

    As always, gratitude for the upload Gentlemen.

  • Ricky Neff

    Take good men and make them great men.
    Freemasons are not anyone’s enemy, none of them can act In violence, except for York Rite Templar order members, try to eradicate Christianity and you will regret it ;)

    I did not see anything about the ABC reporter being fired until after Ben mentioned it, there is millions of humans reporting that same stuff world wide.
    It wasn’t an attack.

  • Ricky Neff

    That’s not a technique, it a lecture.

  • Ricky Neff

    The best response Trevor can come up with is “we needed a work force”
    Freemasons are not trying to depopulate and centralize anything lol
    The teaching actually promote the protection of ethnic and cultural diversity.
    Trevor would get black cards on the table by everyone. Lmfao

  • EthanClay

    None of them can act in violence? I’m sure that violence is discouraged in various ways, but I can’t imagine an absolute ban. That would rule out all manner of plots, misadventures, and unnecessary wars throughout the history of the last few hundred years that we know with certainty were carried out by publicly recognized Freemasons.

  • EthanClay


  • krippri

    The modern masonic groups are derivatives or decedents of the ancient mystery schools of Greece & ultimately Egypt (Herodotus et al trace their initiation to the Egyptian mystery system–Pythagorean Theorem, anyone?). The Egyptians were the true stone masons–that is, they were the only ancient people (we know of) who built in solid stone. The Hebrews were mud-brick makers (Ex 1:14, see Strong’s H3843; & Ex 5:7), but it was the Egyptians who built in stone. Masons would carefully inspect the stone from which an obelisk would be cut.

    The pharaohs of ancient Egypt wore a kilt (probably where the masonic aprons derive) and a false bead. Egyptians were clean shaven and circumcised. I suspect pharaohs (including Hatshepsut) wore the false beard instead of growing out their own beards to represent that the role [of god-king] was not the person (in the truest Greek etymology), but an office–much as the American presidency is an office, not the person. However, people then and now often confuse symbol with reality.

    As Christianity emerged, Rome found it a useful means to consolidate power. After Rome ordered the pillaging and destruction of “pagan” temples, the mystery schools would be forced “underground.” Hence a reason “secret societies” are secret, or occulted (hidden). How else to preserve ancient knowledge? To this day, masonry is heretical to the Latin Rite, as far as I know.

    “[…] in secret have I said nothing,” says Jesus in John 18:20. There are no secret teachings. The secret teachings reveal themselves as plain as day when the neophyte is ready. The Buddha also makes a similar proclamation that he gave no secret teachings. Yet there are secret teachings (tantra or mantrayana), but they’re not secret for nefarious reasons. They’re “secret” because they can so easily be misconstrued. “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” True gnowledge cannot be hidden. To quote Zen Master Dogen, “buddhas have a single eye.”

    To sum, St. Paul (who was a bit of a gnostic himself) wrote: “Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: to whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col 1:26-27). The chief cornerstone. This mystery would have been reserved for the hierophant in ancient days, but this mystery has been revealed once and for all.

    Amen, and happy Saturnalia–don’t forget your Pileus! Feel free to offer corrections or addenda,

  • RoxanneSumners

    Another great FOTW. I haven’t had internet for five months and am so happy to be able to tune in again. I HAVE been reading and agree with RK Harold about the value of Randall Carlson’s work. Definitely worth reading and listening to him – didn’t know he was a Mason. So were both of my grandfathers, very smart and thoughtful men.

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