FOTW December 11, 2021
– DOs and Heinrich’s Back Then: science/article/abs/pii/ S0031018221005496
– Geomagnetic Circadian Rhythm:
– IMF and Penetration Electric Fields:
– Protons Underappreciated: article/10.1134/ S0010952521060046
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It seems from observation the more info you take in about our studies the broader the deductive reasoning…seeing more evidence a particular happenings that add up to undeniable evidence.
Now they are injecting those aborted babies…
It seems like sleep tracking data, in watches, phones, and devices, can be aggregated together to track wakefulness before earthquakes.
Childhood Wakefulness as a Possible Precursor of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake.
Motoji Ikeya 1,† and Neil E. Whitehead 2,
Nearly 1,100 young students living in Japan at a range of distances up to 500 km from the 1995 Kobe M7 earthquake were interviewed. A statistically significant abnormal rate of early wakening before the earthquake was found, having exponential decrease with distance and a half value approaching 100 km, but decreasing much slower than from a point source such as an epicentre; instead originating from an extended area of more than 100 km in diameter. Because an improbably high amount of variance is explained, this effect is unlikely to be simply psychological and must reflect another mechanism—perhaps Ultra-Low Frequency (ULF) electromagnetic waves creating anxiety—but probably not 222Rn excess. Other work reviewed suggests these conclusions may be valid for animals in general, not just children, but would be very difficult to apply for practical earthquake prediction.
HEY! Is this the google earth video you guys were talking aboot?
The ONLY reason why eastern Ukraine more closely identifies with Russia is that during Soviet times, ethnic Russians were “imported” into that area (and more generally Ukraine) to quell the Ukrainian independent spirit. (Soviets had to put down numerous yearnings for independence.) Most Ukrainians HATE the Russians.
Thank you for the upload gentlemen.
Thank you Team for an Awesome Discussion, Houseboat Grandma Loves y’all ❤ 💕 💖
bs”d Ben, we are so blessed that you have a clear enough mind to distinguish the true from the false re. physics, astrophysics, geology, etc. You make it all so clear.
Knowing the establishment has the knowledge we at put out there, how could we view the current political situation fit our narrative?
bs”d We need to radiate a strong and good spiritual influence so that not-good powermongers will be ashamed and afraid to do the mischief they are doing all at once on every sensitive front – forced vaccines, destruction of farms and of domestic animals and produce that were fine to produce a famine, disruption of the supply chain, and now to ignore that China is about to make war (according to Health Ranger and a LIberty veteran, China will take over within three months to a year, sparing only a few women and children for their own use, and of course farmland and infrastructure but not American individuals except for those they wish to take to wife and/or program) and then to instigate war with Russia, after Putin has been so mild and sensible (I have great admiration for the way he thinks and speaks, it’s just that when he makes war -lookout, he doesn’t worry about who or how many died or how they suffer, and he has the ability to make a whopper of a war and total us fast) – for all this not-nice behavior that the current regime does, guaranteed to kill all long-term Americans, if we could just strengthen our faith in the presence and all=powerfulness of G-d, it would spill over and they’d feel it too, and they’d wonder why they’d ben acting so insane and refrain from killing us all, body and soul, in umpteen ways, as they are doing now. We have to learn to ride the crest of the magnetic reversal, to know how not to be victimized by its downside, and how to capitalize on its advantages, and with the understanding that this too is a gift from the Master of the Universe, allow that faith and optimism to ematae from our minds and hearts so strongly that they can feel it in DC, even through those heavy stone walls and marble floors, and start to think like normal humans again. The changes are electromagnetic and make people crazy – how much more so we must be at this time NOT CRAZY, and so strongly so that it affects all other people and society normailizes, despite the fact that the astro-realm and the geo-realm are going caddywompus. It can be done. We can do it. It’s not just ‘I am HAARP’ – it’s, a universe is within each of us and we each need to make sure that it is running right, and thet our personal superwaves can overcome the difficulties and even make use of the patterns provided by the galactic superwave.
I personaly think Nibiru is real, have seen enough images to find it convincing, as well as explanations by those at whose knowledge I would not sneeze. But I am grateful you do NOT believe in it, because if that would seep out in any of your talks, you’d get taken down and we’d miss all this other great science. The two, Nibiru and the galactic superwave, can exist at the same time, I think. It may be big compared to earth but it is not big compared to the galaxy. Whatever its magnetic impact, that could nt be bigger than the superwave, but, if we are very fortunate, its my hope that its proximiy will turn the sun’s periodic nova into a sizzle-and-burble sittuation, kind of like what seemed to be happening on Betelgeuse. Kind of like when you open a soda can and instead of the foam shooting up to the ceiling in a super-energetic spray, the bubbles kind of ooze out and keep oozing until they are all over the counter. It’s still messy but not as cataclysmic.
This liberty veteran said the most important thing is to constantly pray. And, of course, to prep. But have optimism, exuberance, enthusiasm, in the face of all these threats, because everything is a test from G-d – and maybe that bright and optimistic attitude will rub off on the politicians and cause their jaws to drop and their mischievoos, destructive plans to be abandoned. They’re not even thinking. They are caught up in an undertow of worst-possible-choices in everything they do, and they have no idea what’s come over them. It’s like being accident-prone, or even suicidal, on the behalf of all humanity, or like having a death wish, on the behalf of all humanity. We have to radiate an atmospehre of optimism and attitudinal light that will catch them up in more constructive and beneficial planning processes.
An then there’s the western flank of Ukraine which was Polish-heavy, particularly in the townsfolk. Also mostly deported by Stalin.
Oil, its about Oil