FOTW April 24, 2021

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  • Cosmicgoddess

    Gentlemen, we must consider the affects of academic knowledge silos and social echo chambers and MSM mockingbirds on the due diligence of any agenda directed by elite groups.

    Do you think the Davos crowd (WEF) discusses catastrophism and the trajectory of their profits? Or are more megalomaniacal ideas driving the WEF vision of AI cloud ruled robotic utopia? Does the United Nations consider and plan for an inevitable CME that will kill the electrical grids in the next 20 years or will “climate change” continue to dominate the conversations? Does the US military or the Council on Foreign Relations consider that aggression could come from countries that know that catastrophe would eliminate the future of their populations and so seek the continental divide as territory to occupy? Are unknown actors encouraging migration from the soon to be devastated low lands? Do the nine conglomerates that control all the world’s media consider that they are coordinating a psychological operation to panic people into covert bio warfare on their own bodies just before a catastrophic mass extinction event on earth? Do world economists consider that per capita energy growth is in decline and will never again rise to the level that will support the debt level world economies have taken on because energy enables human productivity? Is world economic collapse and the earth catastrophe cycle discussed at the Bank of International Settlements? No, the world elite are just fighting for the best seats on the deck of the Titanic while the lower classes will be trapped below deck. There is little to “Build Back Better” with when supply chains are breaking, capital investment is braking hard, and commodity prices are steepening.

    The world economy is collapsing NOW because of resource scarcity and over population, see Our Finite World blog. Are the very academies buying The Weatherman’s Guide to the Sun breaking down the departmental silos that separate the social sciences, medical sciences and physical sciences to enable a cross discipline discussion and study of the end of the world as we know it? Probably not. Maybe 12,000 years is just how long any species has to be dominant on this planet.

  • Charles

    WHAT IF, “they” are OINTs (aka UltraTerrestrials) that want to separate the wheat from the chaff of humanity in order to let the chaff destroy itself for a cleaner start for the next cycle.

    Since humanity has been coddling even the dumbest and least fit people for survival.

  • Charles

    BTW it just occurred to me, knowing that people are usually pretty bad at keeping secrets.

    What if “they” know the date of the flash and splash (micro nova followed by crustal displacement and the oceans sloshing) to a fair degree of accuracy, and AOC and company’s handlers let that slip and the climate alarmists used that date as the “end of the world” due to climate. Half a century of being around people have shown me these kind of information leaks happen pretty frequently.


    Basically “they” accidentally gave us PART of the truth.

  • Allenvaughan

    encouraging migration from the soon to be devastated low lands? Do the nine conglomerates that control all the world’s media consider that they are coordinating a psychological operation to panic people into covert bio warfare on their own bodies just before a catastrophic mass extinction event on earth? Do world economists consider that per capita energy growth is in decline and will never again rise to the level that will support the debt level world economies have taken on because energy enables human productivity? Is world economic collapse and the earth catastrophe cycle discussed at the Bank of International Settlements? No, the world elite are just fighting for the best seats on the deck of the Titanic while the lower classes will be trapped below deck. There is little to “Build Back Better” with when supply chains are breaking, capital investment is braking hard, and commodity prices are steepening.

    The world economy is collapsing NOW because of resource scarcity and over population, see Our Finite World blog. Are the very academies buying The Weatherman’s Guide to the Sun breaking down the departmental silos that separate the social sciences, medical sciences and physical sciences to enable a cross discipline discussion and study of the end of the world as we know it? Probably not. Maybe

  • Charles

    This would give “AGENDA 2030” A WHOLE OTHER MEANING… since AOC started babbling about this in 2018.

  • Johnathan Jones

    Much of the Gr8 reset just happened. If you consider what nations and businesses are big enough to actually spend 8 trillion dollars, the question of where the money went and to who becomes more observable. Aside from balancing all the stock markets participants making money on speculation and no viable economic activity, the biggest thing needed to be addressed is the decades long balance sheets between Creditor and debtor nations . Some nations and businesses have issued IOU dollars to other nations and businesses until they are upside down and under water. They owe the whole shebang so to speak….unless one hyper inflates their currency by adding a Zero or two to everything but their debt they owe creditor nations.

    This is cheating and nations consider it a act of war to cheat thusly often. Unless of course you create a pandemic, pin it on the chief creditor nation, shut down and then start up the World economy while printing a katrilliondollars to do so and install only one side of the Uni-party in office so your bidding is done smoothly and without question . Oh and every good magician knows slight of hand relies on misdirection, so sprinkle in a potato president and lots of social unrest. Stir, cover and let sit until business losses rises and then pop in the easy economic bake oven until everyone is ready to buy it. Double prices at the consumer level where hyper inflating upper banking levels. Cool and serve. Waaaa-Laaa! I would like to thank the government G-8 kitchen staff around the western world for a job and presentation well done.

  • Michael Durfee

    When it becomes survival instead of civilized existence, civilization has ceased to uphold the contract it has with the public, in providing the freedom, security, and liberty for the ones who don’t have it. If the metric we use to scrutinize opposing viewpoints is inequality, then inequality is all we’re going to find. It’s futile to avoid it and not something that you can throw away due to the fact that the subtle encroachment onto our social contract is becoming normalized. It’s something that you have to systematically dismantle, modify, and streamline by taking an alternative perspective or provide a different explanatory framework. Shifting it however possible to ensure the aforementioned freedoms in coming to your own conclusions while simultaneously placing yourself within the common ground via your own cultural, ethnic, and educational upbringing are not infringed upon. Because any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognise the worth, the dignity, the rights of people; that state is something to be avoided.

    Oh yeah, odd weather we’ve been having.

  • Roos Kohn

    About mask wearing:
    What we don’t know is that everything happens for a reason, maybe the masses would freak out if they knew the chances are, 99,99% of humanities volume will deflate. That just can’t be shown on mainstream. It may cause mass hysteria anarchy war.
    That said keeping global preparation secret hinders the effectiveness of the use of funds involved.
    I never mind masking up with a peace of vitrage. It makes people laugh.

  • Chris

    When I paused this at about 30 mins, I realized the theme to Flash Gordon was playing in my head. Might have been Terminator X though.

  • YugaSage

    Question: In Ben’s analysis of the polar reversal and magnetic flip, the poles are to come together in the Bay of Bengal with the opposite point across the globe just off the coast of Peru, or so. When the poles flip, will they flip and end up being at these two points until the next flip, or will they flip completely, meaning, the poles will go back to where they are located now, roughly? Ben has stated the crust will rotate 90 degress with the Gulf of Mexico washing up and over America, implying the flip will happen in a clockwise direction instead of a 90 degree flip in a counter-clockwise direction, thus the gulf would wash over the Yucatan and Central America. If this were the case, and the new poles would be in Bay of Bengal and off coast of Peru, this woul dmake the new equator approximately in the same area as the Greenwich Prime Meridian and thus going through Scandinavia, where they have the seed vault. Perhaps the ones in the knowledge knew of this flip and placed that seed vault in Scandinavia for tha exact reason, knowing it would be the new equator and thus habitable post-flip. Thoughts?

  • sativarg

    Good evening… Earthlings,
    RE: “Large dust fractions can prevent the propagation of soundwaves” or a PDF on fantasy?
    Really… First imagine a One Dimensional Universe? Fantastic!
    Now forget the behavior of emptiness AKA magnetics?
    No I think I’ll go back and listen to The Rim World Series by A. Bertram Chandlerinstead…
    At least that is entertaining.
    L8R then…

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