October 26, 20202020-10-262020-10-26http://suspicious0bservers.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/SzeroSquare.pngSuspicious0bservers - Earthquakes | Space Weather | Cosmologyhttp://suspicious0bservers.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/SzeroSquare.png200px200px
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And neither is Earth’s crust a uniform, homogeneous layer. It is the antithesis of uniformity as found in an egg shell.. So, if it indeed shifts and then goes back roughly to where it was before (relative to the planet’s poles)…holy egg drop soup, Batman! We could see fields of basalt all over the planet. But if that’s the case, then wouldn’t we see this all over the planet: fields upon fields of the stuff—AND magnetically aligned to wherever the magnetic poles were at the time of their solidification? A few miles of relatively paper-thin and non-homogenous crust, down at the freed-up low velocity zone would encounter incredible turbulent forces that would rip the crust apart. I have no doubt about that, Ben. Forget the oceanic monster tides rolling over the Rockies.. I’m envisioning a planet which looks like the light saber fight scene on Mustifar from Star Wars III.
I am also wondering, how were all those mastodons and wooly mammoths flash frozen DURING such a crustal shift? And “during” is the operative word here. I can get my head around the atmosphere being literally sucked into space DURING the massive electromagnetic blast of the micronova. That would flash freeze them,, as if they were thrown into outer space (as you said last Saturday on FOTW). I can see this occurring all around the northern and southern arctic circle region. BUT, if the crust were to shift–to the point where its crustal displacement were to the point of corroborating with the ancient civilizations observations that experienced the last micronova (“the sun stayed in the same spot” or “the morning was way overdue” or “the sun went backwards in the sky”–those quotes) to do that is such a huge HUGE shift that even if the crust-low velocity zone interface were perfectly smooth, at such speed regimes of several hundred miles per hour of two different states of matter, the turbulence would rip the crustal shell to pieces.
I think the better hypothesis, which affords a greater chance of ANY kind of life–beyond bacteria–surviving, is the one where the entire planet slows, rolls the poles toward the equator a few degrees, then rolls back. And, it also explains how the polar regions stay cold and lose their atmosphere during the brief super ionization period of the micronova. And I don’t think we have to have the magnetic poles merging in the Indian Ocean (maybe just a few thousand miles of each other, to provide the tug or pull on the planet.) I know Major White found five layers of tropical coral, stacked upon each other, above the arctic circle. Yes. But those layers are not from an Excursion, as coral reefs take centuries to build up. But certainly, they are from times when the Earth’s equator was in a completely different place. Incomplete flips: who says that a flip “sticks a landing,, every time? This ain’t the Olympics! Much as where we find trees in Scandinavia (and in Antarctica) that do not possess deciduous tree rings; that is, tropical trees that never go dormant, those forms of life probably took several millenia to take hold in those regions. But not during an excursion. And for a crustal displacement to re-enact the same observations pre-Younger Dryas civilizations noted in petroglyphs and in their oral traditions (which became the mythical stories we read in the Bible, Gilgamesh and others), I just think that a crustal shift of that magnitude would rip the crust to shreds.
I’m putting my money on an axis tilt, caused by a huge electromagnetic ‘pull’ from the sun during the initial minutes of the micronova.
Veritasium is wrong about almost everything he does! He’s nothing more than a propaganda mouthpiece.
An argument with the wrong opponent… AKA “straw man argument.”
Michael Durfee
Taking the path of least resistance into an area with a lower pressure differential happens much more homogeneously with very neat symmetrical orbits of charged particles. Unlike a positively charged non homogeneous ball of condensed rock.
The two variables that determine how much destruction there will be is going to depend on how severe the change and how fast the magnetic declination occurs relative to the current trajectory that our solar system is heading in; and not to forget how long it takes for it to wobble back to its prior direction. Small flux here and there? Gradual change over time. I can’t help but remember the earthquake/eruption of Kilauea, the 7 pointer in the volcanically active Ridgecrest, and Iceland in an Earthquake uptick. Need a different measuring stick than gradual change over time.
And neither is Earth’s crust a uniform, homogeneous layer. It is the antithesis of uniformity as found in an egg shell.. So, if it indeed shifts and then goes back roughly to where it was before (relative to the planet’s poles)…holy egg drop soup, Batman! We could see fields of basalt all over the planet. But if that’s the case, then wouldn’t we see this all over the planet: fields upon fields of the stuff—AND magnetically aligned to wherever the magnetic poles were at the time of their solidification? A few miles of relatively paper-thin and non-homogenous crust, down at the freed-up low velocity zone would encounter incredible turbulent forces that would rip the crust apart. I have no doubt about that, Ben. Forget the oceanic monster tides rolling over the Rockies.. I’m envisioning a planet which looks like the light saber fight scene on Mustifar from Star Wars III.
I am also wondering, how were all those mastodons and wooly mammoths flash frozen DURING such a crustal shift? And “during” is the operative word here. I can get my head around the atmosphere being literally sucked into space DURING the massive electromagnetic blast of the micronova. That would flash freeze them,, as if they were thrown into outer space (as you said last Saturday on FOTW). I can see this occurring all around the northern and southern arctic circle region. BUT, if the crust were to shift–to the point where its crustal displacement were to the point of corroborating with the ancient civilizations observations that experienced the last micronova (“the sun stayed in the same spot” or “the morning was way overdue” or “the sun went backwards in the sky”–those quotes) to do that is such a huge HUGE shift that even if the crust-low velocity zone interface were perfectly smooth, at such speed regimes of several hundred miles per hour of two different states of matter, the turbulence would rip the crustal shell to pieces.
I think the better hypothesis, which affords a greater chance of ANY kind of life–beyond bacteria–surviving, is the one where the entire planet slows, rolls the poles toward the equator a few degrees, then rolls back. And, it also explains how the polar regions stay cold and lose their atmosphere during the brief super ionization period of the micronova. And I don’t think we have to have the magnetic poles merging in the Indian Ocean (maybe just a few thousand miles of each other, to provide the tug or pull on the planet.) I know Major White found five layers of tropical coral, stacked upon each other, above the arctic circle. Yes. But those layers are not from an Excursion, as coral reefs take centuries to build up. But certainly, they are from times when the Earth’s equator was in a completely different place. Incomplete flips: who says that a flip “sticks a landing,, every time? This ain’t the Olympics! Much as where we find trees in Scandinavia (and in Antarctica) that do not possess deciduous tree rings; that is, tropical trees that never go dormant, those forms of life probably took several millenia to take hold in those regions. But not during an excursion. And for a crustal displacement to re-enact the same observations pre-Younger Dryas civilizations noted in petroglyphs and in their oral traditions (which became the mythical stories we read in the Bible, Gilgamesh and others), I just think that a crustal shift of that magnitude would rip the crust to shreds.
I’m putting my money on an axis tilt, caused by a huge electromagnetic ‘pull’ from the sun during the initial minutes of the micronova.
Veritasium is wrong about almost everything he does! He’s nothing more than a propaganda mouthpiece.
An argument with the wrong opponent… AKA “straw man argument.”
Taking the path of least resistance into an area with a lower pressure differential happens much more homogeneously with very neat symmetrical orbits of charged particles. Unlike a positively charged non homogeneous ball of condensed rock.
The two variables that determine how much destruction there will be is going to depend on how severe the change and how fast the magnetic declination occurs relative to the current trajectory that our solar system is heading in; and not to forget how long it takes for it to wobble back to its prior direction. Small flux here and there? Gradual change over time. I can’t help but remember the earthquake/eruption of Kilauea, the 7 pointer in the volcanically active Ridgecrest, and Iceland in an Earthquake uptick. Need a different measuring stick than gradual change over time.