October 22, 2020
History Channel Video [The One I Think Is Wrong]: https://youtu.be/I0W2Z-oKlnQ
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History Channel Video [The One I Think Is Wrong]: https://youtu.be/I0W2Z-oKlnQ
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Looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck. Must be a chicken because, reasons!
I have never heard of this! What an awesome piece of earth history, and they just want it to stay buried. Typical response from the science is settled crowd.
May have been a settlement and the wall kept out the creatures of the day and I would say they had some very big predators to deal with. It would be so cool to know the TRUTH of our species and real history, never happen though the Smithsonian Institute and others will make sure of that. JMO
Check out Waffle Rock. So unusial the Army Corps of Engineers buitl a lake on top of it. Maybe to hide important evidence of ?
I remember seeing the debunking. I was so disappointed because of all the other factors that indicated intelligent and purposeful construction. I’m happy to see you debunk the debunking. Keep up the good work.
That’s awesome. I have never heard of this but I’m pretty interested in it now.
Very cool patterns. Thanks for sharing.
What part of Texas is this ? I used to live in Texas and have never heard anything about it. And for more associated information, type in FORBIDDEN ARCHAEOLOGY into youtube. It is a book by Michael Cremo. You can find many interviews with him. Basically, he points out many things like this, that the settled science crowd has put the lid on.
I know exactly who built this wall. It was built by a prehistoric ancestor of Trump.
Never knew what the “rock wall” was till now
Ben, I just watched that History Channel video Monday night on YT. IIMMEDIATELY cried foul on several things:
1. That rock may be 80 million years old. BUT NOT THE WALL!
A. 80 million years old..surrounded by just, dirt? That totally defies the commonly accepted geologic concept of stratigraphy!!
B. This us the same kind of bull crap geologists have used to “debunk” the Bimini Wall down in the Bahamas. I know that’s not an argument point involved with debunking the debunker, but it merely follows that this isn’t the first time this phony science ploy has been used, in lieu of just admitting by geologists that they just don’t know.
C. What was this area like 80 million years ago? I’d bet it was part of the Gulf of Mexico!!! I’m not sure where to look to find that. But I will look it up in my spare time and get back with you. I AM A “SUSPICIOUS OBSERVER!” If those rocks of limestone were being deposited onto the floor some 80 million years ago, the fact that the wall is over 70 feet deep tells me that this is the THICKEST deposit of rock for specifically-given period of sedimentary rock–of the same age–EVER FOUND!! THAT IS IMPOSSIBL
D. “Beyond The Infinite”* UNLESS, of course, that the rocks that make up the wall were broken apart and deposited–in a straight line–by some gigantic wave–and ONLY ONE WAVE, because if another wave such as a weaker rebound wave to occur, that would’ve destroyed that perfectly straight wall. I say this because while one could speculate the extremely rare chance that one wave could deposit such a perfect line, the fact is that a waves energy distribution along the wave front is not homogeneous. It never is. ANYBODY, including me, who lifeguarded and was around waves for seven years will tell you that the energy distribution found in waves is a AMORPHIC. Thus, the rocks, themselves of almost infinitely different weights and sizes, could not miracle themselves into a wall. And suppose that a series of waves had built up that wall, how would the last one get all of that 70-foot-high, 20 mile-long wall into a perfectly straight line? The odds are beyond the infinite. Scott Wolter is a buffoon for taking the conclusion of the “professor” as factual. (*”Beyond the Infinite* was the last chapter in the movie, “2001, A Space Odyssey.”)
2. That “professor” took core samples, then took them back to his “lab.” What’s so funny about the samples is that:
A. The “professor” did NOT carefully document the orientation of the samples as he removed them! That, in and of itself told me instantly that his conclusion that all the samples’ magnetic orientation–collectively–would be IMPOSSIBLE TO IDENTIFY. That is, he was rolling the samples around after he removed them from the rock. He immediately lost the orientation of the samples from one another, other than that outer regions of each core merely identifies that the cores were drilled in the same direction. That’s all.
3. Assuming his radio-isotope dating is accurate, why not get samples from the top and the bottom of the wall? Certainly, if this was naturally deposited, and the rocks of which occupy the wall have been in-situ since their sediments had been deposited, then surely, using the same logic as used stratification that the older rocks would be on bottom, the the professor’s radio-isotropic tests would show this. I’m telling ya, 70 feet of rock of the same age is not possible.
4. Since the Chixalub crater identified across the Gulf of Mexico was created by one helluva explosion, the likes of which could have damaged a relatively new deposit just 15 to 20 million years older than the boloid that produced the 60 mile-wide crater.
5. What of the assertion by the guy with the excavating equipment, stating that the wall ran parallel to the position of the summer solstice? Scott mentions that briefly, but never investigates that, nor any possible connection to a celestial nature. He just blows that off.
6. I could keep going. But I’ll stop here. The allergic reaction to the rabies immunoglobulin overdose I got back in May is giving me a terrible terrible headache, and I need to take my “cocktail” of Dramamine, Sudafed and Tylenol to make it stop hurting. My ears are ringing like somebody’s raking a brilliant pad on a steel kitchen mixing bowl. Argh!
I meant BRILLO pad. “Oh my head!” C3PO
“Oh, my head!” C3PO
Seems like civilizations keep getting older and older and older. The closer we look it still holds true we build our structures on top of what was already made.
I’m just continually baffled by the History Channel. Like wikipedia, they seem to be a propaganda arm for higher power that wants to keep a house of cards intact.
Ben, nicely done! I saw the original program. I, too, was very disappointed, but not surprised that Scott was so easily thrown of the the trail to understanding. Neither he nor the prof understand that we live in a plasma/electric universe! Regular phenomenon in such a universe can, and do, modify radiological processes AND could realign magnetic properties AFTER a structure is built. Faulty analysis is to be expected when the observers have inadequate foundational knowledge. Improvement of understanding requires a multidiscipline approach. The continued development of that technique is why science is never anything more than provisional.
Gosh I wish I still had my Dad with me…… he would have just loved all of this evidence…. one the the last things he asked me to investigate were Ley lines… crazy ol rock hound…. and always told me never to believe what you read in the news paper. lol Thanks to everyones input here.
This video should be posted to the public channel.
I’ll bet the History channel was given instructions to debunk when they were almost done with the presentation, and just tacked the BS from the idiot ‘scientist’ onto the end of it. There is no way a wall that old would be preserved that well, it probably is only about 12,000 years old. It is also probable that the limestone was poured, as a few decades ago a geochemist has shown techniques to make a pour-able material that almost all geologists would see as limestone.. this could easily account for the magnetic fields, and in fact would seal the deal for a man made structure. Thanks for this, its great info.
Seven stories tall but only one stones width wide makes for a very unstable wall. The rocks shown in the video were rather small. Sustained high winds would bring that wall down in a hurry. It’s not man made.
Never was a wall.
This has either been restricted or pulled completely – all I am getting is ‘the uploader has not made this available in your country’
Starting to see this more & more these days…..
This feature was described as clastic sand dykes n 1901, but when compared to pictures of clastic sand dykes today, this does not stand up. It looks very much like a wall.
Taken from amazon of an e book I have : Inspired by Charles Hapgood’s hypothesis that ice ages were the result of shifts in the geographic location of Earth’s poles, independent researcher and author Mark Carlotto has discovered that certain archaeological sites throughout the world are aligned to what appear to have been four previous positions of the North Pole over the last 100,000 years. By analyzing their geometry, Dr. Carlotto argues that these sites were built tens of thousands of years ago by an unknown prehistoric civilization who aligned them relative to the position of the North Pole at the time of construction. Destroyed and rebuilt many times over, what exists today are more recent structures that were built over and around the ruins of earlier structures preserving the layout and orientation of the original site to the older pole.
See also Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin’s Theory By Michael A. Cremo, who say that humans have existed on earth for hundreds of millions of years. I also have no problem with suggestions that this planet has been visited by more advanced civilizations over the millenia. The cuneiform tablets unearthed throughout Mesopotamia tell very interesting stories.
Thank you for your work Ben, I am all for it being a wall, im sure during some periods of time there is a need to keep both water and people out and protect you , water, food and people.
Probably built to keep the dinosaurs at bay.