November 8, 2019

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  • Michael Durfee

    The same thing happened in the Philippines on 29OCT (6.6) and then again on 31OCT (6.5) both under 15km.



  • Michael Durfee

    Oh by the way. That 6.6 on the 29th was in the same location as the earthquake this morning. 14 days since the 29th. Little over 200 miles south of that location on the 29th.

    131 days makes it since the last 7.0 earthquake. If you consider the last 7.0 earthquake the one from Ridgecrest on 6JUL2019. Four months and one day. Therefore providing some pretty good validation that something resembling a science is possible in this particular context.

  • Brett Klaft

    When you say “continental USA” do you mean to include Alaska? (Its on the continent but not considered as part of “CONUS”, which means “Contiguous United States”.)

  • Michael Durfee

    On 6JUL2019 there was a 7.1 mag earthquake in Ridgecrest, CA. It was concerning because it was in a volcanically active area. I noticed a duo of earthquakes in the Philippines occurring in quick succession (6.6 29OCT2019 and 6.5 31OCT2019). Only 16 days later (since the 29th) on 14NOV2019 about 200 miles south of the duo (from the 29th) a 7.1 struck. This was significant because it had been 131 days since the 7.1 in Ridgecrest. The longest subsidence of a 7.0+ on record.

    Just this morning:
    This 6.8 quake occurred in the same location as the duo from 29&31OCT2019. Every Earthquake discussed here, including the one this morning, occurred in less than 250 miles of each other. Providing an example that something resembling a science is possible in forecasting earthquakes.

  • Michael Durfee

    On 14NOV2019 a 7.1 magnitude earthquake registered a little bit off the southern coast of the island where the city of Davao resides in the Philippines.

    This was significant because there was a very big departure of seven pointers in the months prior. A month later on 15DEC2019 a 6.8 rang out in the same region. The deeper look episode 90 from 2019 entitled “Blot Echo Details” from 8NOV2019 was evaluating a pair of six pointers in the Samoa region.

    Here we are on one twenty one twenty twenty one with yet again a seven pointer very close to the quakes from 2019. On Fly on the Wall Episode from 26DEC2020, I asked a question (two days later on the 28th) regarding the seismic quiescence (subsidence of large magnitude earthquakes); hypothesizing that we could see a return of 7.0+ earthquakes if there is a return of sunspots on the northern hemisphere of the sun. And perhaps, maybe, just maybe in a day or so; we might get to see the first umbra on a northern sunspot group…Can we say now that our baseline for the foreseeable future on the occurrence of 7.0 earthquakes will be at an interval of 30 days? Or will it be 15 if there are northern sunspots? Only time will tell. Many of the quakes referenced here also had significant Earth facing coronal hole complex at the time of their occurrence; including today.

    Our analog signals have very little error propagation don’t they? Yet again providing another example of how there is something resembling a science in seismicity forecasting.

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