January 18, 20202020-01-182020-01-18http://suspicious0bservers.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/SzeroSquare.pngSuspicious0bservers - Earthquakes | Space Weather | Cosmologyhttp://suspicious0bservers.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/SzeroSquare.png200px200px
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Unfortunately I can’t understand the math, but it seems as though such a high rate of material being ejected (particularly by the jets) indicates against a galactic core containing a black hole.
Are they looking at these objects from a Newtonian perspective? What are the velocities of these objects? What is their mass? Do they interact with the galactic current sheet?
Ben, bro, your guesses are more accurate than most people’s ‘facts’.
Just watched a program on UFO activity around San Madrid earthquake fault right before a quake. The glowing “plasma balls” that bobbed in front of the scientist’ studying the phenomenon, preceding an EQ, look just like those blobs! Gulp! Galactic quake?
2:30 “…because if they find a lot more, the mystery is going to deepen about what exactly on earth these things are.”
Unanswerable mystery – they’re not ON Earth! :^D
Models are the new scientific evidence. Didn’t you know?
Since I’ve been watching the show only thing I can see is another sun being the galactic core.. I’m sure to be speaking out of my league tho
Unfortunately I can’t understand the math, but it seems as though such a high rate of material being ejected (particularly by the jets) indicates against a galactic core containing a black hole.
Are they looking at these objects from a Newtonian perspective? What are the velocities of these objects? What is their mass? Do they interact with the galactic current sheet?
Ben, bro, your guesses are more accurate than most people’s ‘facts’.
Just watched a program on UFO activity around San Madrid earthquake fault right before a quake. The glowing “plasma balls” that bobbed in front of the scientist’ studying the phenomenon, preceding an EQ, look just like those blobs! Gulp! Galactic quake?
2:30 “…because if they find a lot more, the mystery is going to deepen about what exactly on earth these things are.”
Unanswerable mystery – they’re not ON Earth! :^D
Models are the new scientific evidence. Didn’t you know?
Since I’ve been watching the show only thing I can see is another sun being the galactic core.. I’m sure to be speaking out of my league tho