January 16, 2020

Had some fun, and let the mainstream do the talking for me.

Original AGU Video

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  • ReignX1

    I’m watching this thing, listening to the “expert”, and I’m wondering why so many “mainstream” science videos seem to be narrated by children. Legos? WTF? Then I saw Ben’s graphic and chuckled. Took the words right out of my mouth. I find Ben’s model with those strange structures very interesting. Those have been on my mind quite a bit lately. It truly makes our planet appear as if it could be a living organism itself. I have to wonder if they have anything to do with uplift and subsidence. They must be there for a reason.

  • drledford93

    Wow, just wow. How arrogant the presenter sounds. What is more, his *insistence* at making the model as simplistic as possible by removing any and all other influences less rotation. Makes me wince.

  • Holon

    “You’re a Tool”- Ha ha ha! that made me laugh Ben!

  • Joningham Farms

    I’ve been thinking along the same lines myself, that the core “plumes” play a role in uplift and subsidence. In a catastrophe that slows rotation enough to move oceans just the mechanical pressures from plumes heaving forward (in respect to rotation) into slabs of solid rock is going to be huge. I could see trailing slabs being prone to slipping, or sucking, into to the void left as the plume squeezes forward as well. The crystal mush paper comes to mind to, even if the rock doesn’t move under the pressure from the plume, the change in pressure in the material could cause explosive piezoelectric outbursts. If the material behaves as a plasma the change in motion will cause changes in both material and charge densities, which could result in a host of instabilities.

    Such a ridiculous video, I felt like I was watching some sort of satire, like is this a Monty Python skit gone awry? The Onion for science? But no.. It’s not.. It’s a shame what passes as science in some circles. So confident and condescending in his complete ignorance, can you imagine having him as a prof?

  • neilwilkes

    I burst out laughing at 1:30 when he stated “we can now cut out magnetic forces, which is intensely relaxing” – and these are the supposed experts?
    Just before that he claimed that “Mike Hawkins first showed in 2013 that it is all Coriolis, and others will follow” which reminded me of a comment in Sabine Hossenfelder’s superb “Lost In Math” book where she states categorically that one of the biggest problems with modern science is that all these papers cite each other without a shred of actual, observational evidence (Multiverse, SUSY, String theory & it’s associated WIMPs etc), all of which to my simple layman’s mind is absolute nonsensical supposition – it’s not even pseudoscience, it’s Science Fiction!

  • neilwilkes

    ALso -at the beginning, he almost inadvertently states this is all conjecture with the comment “And now, in about the last 5 years, I would almost say discovered…blah etc” – either it has been discovered, or it has been conjectured. It cannot be “almost discovered” as that makes no sense whatsoever.

  • neilwilkes

    Sorry – I misquoted him. He actually says that being able to cut out magnetic forces is “immensely relaxing & makes our job much easier” as opposed to “intensely relaxing”. Apologies.

  • Jim Heilman

    My final conclusion – ” Garbage in Garbage out” Mainstream media thrives on it.

  • Charles

    I think a child could come up with a better model. Its a cringe fest. In fact it sounds like the kids voice is still changing.

    LOL anyways “models”, he should run bleachbit on his computers .. someone that stupid almost certainly has no backups. Tell him its a malware/rootkit scanner.

  • Graylok

    The first problem is that they are all models, based on guesses btw, apart from iron past the “curie” point cannot generate a magnetic field. Great Mainstream physics based on a model shite1. Oh look the same old shit…..

  • Chris

    I don’t think it’s gone wrong. It’s just the very reductionist, step by step way these things need to be taught… For the academic world.
    It is rather shameless to appeal to the audience by expressing such relief when putting magnetism aside. Core Dynamics for dummies looks like it takes you pretty far.
    What would be great, would be for Billy to build up the model using the plans he shares and juice it up!
    Of course, we think we know better than to leave magnetism out of any equation. But aren’t we just as lazy by pointing fingers and laughing, rather than picking up the equation and adding that magnetism where it belongs? I really hope someone does.

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