February 27, 2019
I spoke with a space weather legend briefly this week. He is retired, and was not open to recording a show, but was willing to chat with me for the purpose of getting his take on a few items.
- We ARE in the modern cosmic ray maximum.
- Cosmic rays will continue to rise for months after sunspots return.
- “No comment” on upcoming grand minimum.
- The lag in cosmic rays behind sunspots is 1-3 years.
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Check this out. I feel like NASA is watching your videos too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liZqW0MsrKM&list=WL&index=2&t=0s
Thank you for this and the weather climate video. i really needed it broken down for me
Thanks for sharing that, Ben!
Interesting and in history we are completely in uncharted territory. Pole reversal a half million years overdue last winter staid 6 weeks late and September arrived early in august it was like a super extended fall so will seasons go to three should we delay planting by a month and a half? ALL THIS CRAZY UNIVERSAL THOUGHT PROVES 1 THING [GOD] WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS AMEN ALL GLORY TO HIM ETERNALLY no offence Love Yall!
Used Russian spacesuits on ebay go for about 49 grand – if we can find one.
They probably wouldn’t help anyway.
Why do you think Buzz Aldrin has that crazed look in his eyes?