April 25, 2020

Just a short chat about context of current events and universal laws.

Want to cheat the system and NOT get penalized? Find pleasure in service and sacrifice. It works if your heart and your cause are righteous.

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  • Militia Anygrrl

    I agree with that totally. Ballance, it’s simple and repeated EVERYWHERE. Also, life is what you make of it but I know from experience that if you do things just because they are the right thing to do, good stuff just happens, opportunities arise, experience is had, friendships made, ideas shared. Good stuff.đŸ€˜

  • Caroline5765

    Thank you Ben.

  • Bo Shaffer

    I tend to see the energy transfer more as a trend than a law.
    Like a seesaw….theres no law making it balance, and the balance point is dynamic.
    The system takes in energy constantly, so there must always be an effort to balance it.
    Of course, if you look at the system as a pendulum, when balance is achieved, the system stops.
    The back and forths, ups and downs, are important, too…..

  • Michael Durfee

    The ancient world had the blind individual always as the type of the ‘seer’ or ‘the sage’; the one who has insight. Because of being deprived of the visual sense they were in a position to give insights into situations and phenomena that were unknown to the individuals who had sight. They provided an alternative perspective; in other words a different explanatory framework. The dynamic between vision and insight. If you tend to surround yourself and indulge mostly in visual material (text and images) you learn the habits of civilized detachment. If you always surround yourself with auditory, social, and tactile stimuli you learn the habits of empathy and involvement. Quantum weirdness may only be ambiguity in our categories of waves and particles that move rather than in light. It’s divided into the different sensory modes of the scientist. Just as the two hemispheres of the brain act reciprocally as figure and ground. When one is figure the other is ground; when one is ground the other is figure. What if light is a cumulative response? No one has bothered to develop the mathematical theory for that. Yet. What if light is something else? No one has bothered to peer down the cognitive allyways for a third or fourth possibility. Consider the 14 orders of magnitude of scale invariance that plasma discharges phenomena can manifest in. It’s not immediately obvious that anything moves, except the belief that the observer and the scientist hold about motion. Urgency of validation so easily obscures enlightenment. Today quantum mechanics has had to abandon intuitiveness all together and embrace their ever descriptive “quantum weirdness”. The justification for the vuagery is that it gets precise results. The mathematics goes from an empirical start to an empirical finish. It’s predictive to an unimaginable degree of accuracy. However, accurate prediction is a sign of a theory’s usefulness, not its truthfulness. It has been 300 years and the question remains open, what moves?

  • bumpkin

    I do agree with you, Ben. Its all about equilibrium, AKA balance

  • mytechtoday

    So, aside from metal and rock (such as drywall), most of our household objects are the dead carcasses of other creatures, whether in the form of petro products or dead plant material or dead animals.

  • VisitingProf

    Since Ben has offered some views about the current “Shutdown'” courtesy of corona virus-19 and some general observations on ‘Universal Laws” the first note from this commenter is I pretty much agree with most of what Ben said. Additionaly, I offer several of my own observations. One is this, “Nature Abhors a Vacuum.” In recent decades it seems there has been a gross over-emphasis on Materialism. For example, very often people just want to know what they will ‘Get’ in exchange for some effort or thing which they give. And this thing has been referred to as “The Get.” Currently it seems that many people are mostly concerned with how much money or what item or items they are going to receive. To say people are mostly only concerned with what they will get is nothing new, not by any stretch of imagination. However the nature of what people want does seem to have shifted considerably during the past 25 to 30 years. I recall a group of people who became known as the ‘Silent Majority’ during the early 1970’s. Soon after several protesting college and university students were killed in the course of demonstrating against a dubious war overseas ‘The Silent Majority’ arose in support of the protests. Many members of the ‘Silent Majority’ were grandparents, or at that age range even though they personally had no relatives involved in any way whatsoever. Those folks were, as best as I could tell, motivated by a sense of morality and fairness. It seems that one of the recent ‘FOTW’ conversations included a comment about that group. If my recall serves me correctly, those folks were at times also called a ‘moral majority,’ however this expression was later applied to a differing group who held mostly somewhat different viewpoints. (Actually it is not the least bit amusing how media moguls redirect opinions of the teeming masses according to their own bosses’ dictations. However, please pardon this digression. Or, have I really digressed?) So, back to the topics of these times. Perhaps a ‘shutdown’ does in some peculiar way redirect peoples’ attentions to what very likely will soon be vastly more important than which make, year and model of motor vehicle one drives. More importantly, this ‘professor’ would be a bit sad if readers were to come away from this comment surmising that this is any sort of a “Materialism versus Idealism” argument. This is intended to be much more of one commenter making a case for practical preparedness.
    In recent weeks there are probably many, many more people spending time together with family and close friends. Hopefully they will develop coping capabilities and methods. Some others are altogether or mostly entirely alone during recent weeks. And, reading a book received for the birhtday before ones’ most recent is good – at least in my opinion. Also, reading words printed or handwrtitten on actual paper is vastly superior to reading anything from any screen, and that statement is not any mere “opinion.” Also, to simply spend half an hour a day with pen or pencil practicing and improving ones’ handwriting skills is of tremendous advantage. Developing or polishing such fine moter skills might one day be a lifesaver. In case you know little or nothing about the topic – Learn some basic First Aid. Please, learn some basic First Aid. In case you already have learned some – please do some review while time permits and there is little or no presure to do so. For instance, imagine a family member, friend, neighbor or even a complete stranger has become hurt, or even has just become knocked unconscious. Will you have any clue? Do you know the ABC of this sort of situation? (Airway, Breathing, Circulation.) Could you handle such a situation if there were no 911 to call, or even no telephones of any sort? Would you rise to the demands of the occasion or emotionally fall into irrational nonsense? It would be very easy for me to go on with ten to twenty additional examples of this nature, however I hope to nudge or even spur people into practical, achievable action because that is now necessary Ben is correct in saying this situation does indeed provide certain opportunities which many people may soon enough wish they had taken advantage of when they could have. I am aware that some of these comments have been made during recent FOTW sessions and it seems that often reading written words has an impact within the occipital cortex (visual) that does not register to the same degree within the (mostly) temporal cortices (auditory.)
    Our family took a drive to the Oceanfront one nice weekend day about fifty years ago. We drove along with the Atlantic Ocean about 125 yards off to the left side. Then, we came upon a construction site to the right side, and beyond that upon a considerable hillside perhaps a bit more than 125 yards away there was a large three story wooden ‘house.’ The construction in progress was for the ARE and the large white wooden building is now known as the Cayce-Reilly School. I was intrigued yet I had little clue as to why. Ten years later, (circa 1980) I had read several books which described Mr. Edgar Cayce, his readings and his lifetime of work. Subsequently, about 24 years ago, I met somewhat by chance, an Anthropologist who had come upon a much, much older body of knowledge. By then we were already well into entering into that time frame which the Hopi peoples refer to as “The Crossing.” Their traditions – as best as I understand, and I am by no means an expert on the Hopi – describe four previous time periods during which our Solar System went through a darkening of our local star, the Sun. The Hopi and other tribal peoples might tell you that we are currently living in the time of “The Fifth Sun.” Some readers may also know that after Cortez and his Conquistadors first tricked and then massacred Montezuma not only did they take many, many pounds of Gold, they also seized the hundreds of ‘pages’ of written documents which collectively became known as the Mayan Codices. Those documents were taken back to the Vatican in Rome, Italy and placed into the hands of scholars who thereafter spent years translating and interpreting the information. One most significant outcome was the re-alignment of the Calendar used by those folks. The scholars there realized that their calendar was ‘off’ by nearly two weeks. As a result the “Julian Calendar” was replaced by the “Gregorian Calendar” which most of the world still uses to this day!
    It occurred to me about a year ago that the Native Americans – especially The Mayans, had written extensivesly about essentially the same thing which Ben has described as The Galactic Current Sheet. Accordingly, I have for nearly a year now referred to the work of the Suspicious Observers team as “The Scientific Reconciliation of the Mayan Calendar.” It is very useful to know that the profusion of books that came along about 10 years ago now focussed entirely upon a single date while overlooking the true message of the Hopi and before them The ‘Aztecs,’ Teotihuacans, Toltecs, The Mayans and the Olmec peoples, along with several other tribes. The fixation on the Winter Solstice of 2012 represented yet another expression of Capitalism/Materialism for the self-interested benefit of those writers and publishers. None of the aforementioned tribal peoples claimed anything such as “The world will end on the 21 December 2012.” Their message was much more so akin to, “Our thousands of years of collective experience and both oral and written history tell us that that date is the signal or marker for the ending of “The Fifth Sun.” Upon first discovering you, Mr. Benjamin Davidson, Esq. on the internet about six years ago it quickly dawned upon me that you were onto something big – indeed very, very big. Most of you reading these words, by now already have a clue. This body of work has important implications to all humans, period. Befeore long we may well see the proof.

  • Fire302

    Thank you Ben.

  • Canamla

    Great message and perspective. There is a word for it, but there could be more. KARMA. Though, it was typically associated with reincarnation. Still, Karma nonetheless. I’ve seen it manifest plenty in my life and in the lives of others.

  • plectruM_

    Thank you for the story. I thought the documents of the Mayans had been destroyed. Or is that nonsense as well?

  • plectruM_

    Great video on balance. Thank you, Ben.

  • Arcburn

    Yup, yup. Eyes open, no fear, b safe everyone. Thanks all.

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