February 10, 2022

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  • TommyDowd

    Probably doesn’t bode well for is in the Great Lakes either.

  • Michael

    Question: what kind of water depth are we talking for say the UP of MI? With Lake Michigan to the southeast and Lake Superior to the northwest of our location even if the oceans somehow are channeled away from us, perhaps by the lake basins themselves (after lakes are emptied right onto us) what elevation would be sufficient to not be completely inundated. The answer is maybe there is no such place. Iron Mountain may be a good place to go underground or above ground. there are mines in the area, but I’m not sure there is a way to keep those mines from becoming water tombs. This may be a place where an Ark, like Noah’s, would be a good option. I just don’t know if we quite grasp the level of construction that would be necessary to construct something that is not only going to be seaworthy enough to survive such a thing but then there is the tons of timber and mud and rock that will undoubtedly be at the bowshock of this disaster. How fast is this water going to be moving? Are we sure the land will not be forced up by the oceans, like a scrunchy effect, heaving the Appalachian mountain range perhaps thousands of feet? This exercise is a daunting one.

  • Fred Jones

    well if i tie a rope to the swing set at Lakewood park and to myself and a raft that i am in, i should be fine… should… with a lot eyes open and no fear

  • SonofOsiris

    Thanks Team!

    I see where I stand after the tilt and slosh back(s?), (North of Toronto, Canada—Soon to be South Argentina) but, what of the freeze?

    How fast after the Earth Tilts will it freeze?
    I’m doing my best to plan for this.

  • bumpkin

    Thank you, Ben, for this! It adds a wee bit of strength to my hope to see this exciting change through to its final conclusion

  • Joningham Farms

    Another Yooper here. I have spent a lot of time thinking on the ark idea myself, it really probably is the best idea, though I’m not 100% convinced parts of the UP are a bad place to be either. It’s really a question of just what portion of the water becomes displaced, Superior and Michigan both have significant depth, but the entirety of the lakes I don’t think would be displaced. You also would have to consider the subsurface terrain of the lakes, a gentle slope off shore will allow far more water to escape the basin than large cliffs off shore would. I live around Houghton, but the property I want, my UP location to survive, would be the high plateau along the WI border in the west UP, around Watersmeet and Land O’ Lakes. All the hills and ridges through there sit between 1800′ and 1900′ in elevation, with the surface of Superior at 600 and max depth of a touch over 1300′, Michigan is a bit under 25′ lower, and under 1000′ deep. You have a number of east-west ridges nearly as high between you and Superior, 100 miles of rough heavily forested terrain rising 1500′ between you and Michigan. It’s a huge amount of water, but it does still obey physics. By no means would I call the area a safe location, but if you get hit with the wave there, the rest of the region is already dead.
    Something has always occurred to me when looking at the wildlife of the Great Lakes region. We have no endemic species to speak of. Everything living here came from somewhere else, be it on land or in water. The geology is cracked, broken, and scoured. There isn’t even hardly a fossil to be found. Between ice, fire, and water this peninsula has been wiped clean to start fresh again and again. There are suggestions things survive though, the thimbleberry being an excellent example. It’s rather anomalous this far east, and appears to be a hanger-on from a time when it was much more widely distributed across the continent. Juniper is another that stands out a bit. Both are highland species, especially prevalent from the Porcupine Mountains up through the Keweenaw Peninsula; maybe some of these UP hills are more survivable than they look?

  • PapaCriss

    As one of the “pivot points” I wonder how Hawaii will fare.

  • RaParrBe

    Isn’t there a full-scale “Noah’s Ark” built in Kentucky already?

  • neilwilkes

    The UK has both good & bad news – the good news is we will end up in the Northern Tropics, but the bad news is that nobody in Western Europe will survive the Tsunamis & sloshbacks (in the UK specifically, FRance, Spain, Portugal etc in Europe)
    So it’s either get up into the high alps or out of the continent
    At least we know!

  • SonofOsiris

    i cant hear what lake he mentioned south of Canada?
    i even let siri hear it and talk text, to no avail.
    i live in Canada :/

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