FOTW May 27, 2017
On the line: Ben, Billy, Xaviar, Tony, Trevor, Adrian (YouTube: SuspectSky)
Mars Lander Crash Explanation:
Implications for Earth:
Announcing Speaker for OTF2018 Dr. Adrian D’Amico, to speak on Space Weather and Human Health
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Because farm machinery is now so high-tech, the only way to silence the error message is by plugging in a special diagnostic tool – essentially a computer loaded with troubleshooting software that connects to a port inside the tractor – to identify and resolve the problem. Only manufacturers and authorized dealers are allowed that tool, and they charge hundreds of dollars in call-out fees to use it. For a fifth-generation farmer in an increasingly squeezed industry, whose family has spent decades fixing the equipment they paid for, it’s a tough pill to swallow. He’s coped with the intermittent alarm sound for almost a year.
From 2014 to 2016, Boeing’s workforce decreased by 15,000 workers, even as its revenues increased from $60 billion to $65 billion. Make more with less human labor. Automation is taking all the jobs.
Heard Billy talking about Boston Dynamics robots… The YouTube channel for which I write and produce videos has a video with one of those robots featured in it! The channel is “Freeze lists” and the video link is below. The Boston Dynamics robot is the third item in the video…
Hey Adrian…he doesn’t look old enough to be your Father! LOL!
That’s ridiculous! They should release that to you.
In the Southwest a lot of this automation is already at work. For a couple of decades farmers have leveled their fields using a fast rotating laser beam and a sensor mounted on a blade which moves the blade up and down to create an extremely flat field for maximizing irrigation water use.
I have a friend who’s job used to consist of programming tractors before sending them out to the fields in the morning on their assigned rounds. An alarm was triggered and the tractor stopped if it was outside the assigned field or not following its programmed pattern. I carried this absurd cartoon around in my head for some time of tractor’s waiting eagerly to go about their business as soon as the doors to the barn were opened. This was a job eliminator for Mexican field workers in Yuma County.
Another job eliminator has been a trend to move processing and packing of some vegetables directly to the fields. Pallet loads are taken from the giant processing machines as they roll through the fields and placed directly on the trucks headed for wholesalers in the grocer and restaurant industries.
People losing their jobs because of the increased production efficiency is not a problem. It is actually the prerequisite for progress and the growth of world’s wealth. Once one man is able to do the same amount of work two men were doing before, this other man might go and do other things, and that’s how civilization itself appeared and evolved so far.
The conversation about technology improvements (farming robots) sounds like Luddite arguments made about textile machines in the early 19th century. It also fails to consider basic human action. Do you really believe all human wants and needs have been satisfied? Our wants and needs are unlimited. Automation simply allows us to focus on other things. Automation makes us more productive. Restricting automation artificially via centralized command and control borders on New World Order ‘reduce the number of humans on Earth’ horse hockey. Socialist centralized command and control is why humans haven’t prospered more!
It will be nice to see double adrian again. Those guys are my fav of all of you.
The handsfree tractors wont help when the crops dont grow. We will have to go GMO if we want to survive cause we have to use our consciousness to make the technology to adapt nature. That is the mistake the ancients made.
Also, if they use a cloud computing system of any sort at the current data stream bandwiths, it will crash CONSTANTLY.
Just look at this weekend.
Ben I am on medicaid.
Do you think he can do a live study on me?
Dr. D’amico I mean.
Im back in baltimore. Have him get a study done on me!
What we can do is have 0bservers turn in readings of the bio telemetry during solar geo storms.
I noticed I got anxious and had lots of energy the 3 days before impact, I did not want to sleep or eat much for that entire period, I took a 4 hour nap, it was not sleep I remember opening my eyes dozens of times, anxiety bad the impact night. Slept little but felt sick.
Today I didn’t want to eat and cant sleep.
Regardless of what I am doing that is not normal.
If someone helps me get the tools to study my own bio-telemetry I will perform my study on myself.
I have to use my nicotine vaporizer device A LOT during the events to calm my heart from beating so fast.
1.5mg – 3mg nic level. Usually 70-90 uses a day, during storms, 200-300
I have a counter, and I also noticed my litium ion 18650 batteries depleted charge and discharged on their own, sometimes heating up when not in usage.
I have a mic clampped to my desktop now. Time to have an observer answer some questions about space weather and health of themselves during.
Please post a copy of the ‘poster’ for us should it not be too troublesome.
As far as high-tech farming coupled with job losses to automation for many in our society goes, what need for high technology did our pre-industrial forefathers have when farming? Mechanized farming is a dead end/linked with carbon fuels (oil and gas) which are in decline. If we stop destroying life in the soil and make certain people have access to land our population can support themselves in community settings. The earth can be revitalized if we stop tilling in favor of no-till techniques; sculpt our lands to restore water tables by slowing, spreading, and soaking rain into the soil on contour instead of allowing this fresh source to run to the ocean dragging topsoil along; plant trees and food forests to help restore continental rain patterns. Take personal responsibility for ourselves, our family, and our community is a more positive paradigm for human existence. Profit, greed, and social layering is a recipe for collapse. We are stronger as a culture working together in conjunction with nature. Some will go on developing technology, exploring space, and expanding the human knowledge base, but many in our society will need more practical solutions for basic survival. If some of the stuff you discuss comes about, having the skills to effectively regenerate eco-systems will be of greater value than having a state-of-the-art machine that can no longer be serviced or used.
Yay… I am still subscribed at the $19/year rate… Thank to the person(s) who kept my account active.