FOTW July 7, 2018

On the line: Ben, Billy, Adrian, Todd, Tony, Xaviar

– Melting Granite:

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  • flutemaker

    Don’t all crystals grow from the center out? Cut a big salt or sugar crystal in half and take a picture. Those crystals grow at room temp. Add some current. I think we did this in the third grade and yet we never did cut it half and look at it through a microscope. It was only 1962. We were more concerned with “ducking and covering” or risk becoming a giant crystal pillar of salt. Radioactive salt.

  • flutemaker

    As I sit here listening to the “Fly on the Wall” tape July 07, and watching Russia and Croatia play live World Cup playoffs (muted), considering which team might win and why based on pased sociology/politico/magneto/electric phenomena is like guessing what the Sun did 7 minutes and 59 seconds ago.
    Taking your kids to Home Depot on the weekend is a Religious Experience. 100 thumbs up for that ending.

  • mcnamara5

    I wanna go to Home Depot!!!- with more than a bicycle…sometimes…but I can carry heavy loads on my bike.

  • mcnamara5

    Moving commodities will be a concern in the non-traditionally powered interim.

  • mcnamara5

    and that can happen in a day. …power out…fuel pumps don’t work, neither ATMs… been through a “gasoline shortage” twice. In Arizona, the gasoline pipeline was damaged severely somehow ???.. for weeks…people who use gasoline to get to work stayed home from work because they knew no other way to get to work (not familiar with buses that here are natural gas powered)… I always ride my bike or take a bus… So I got to do all the work. YAY!

  • Norton

    Hexagonal lattice in the crystal rings.


    Thanks family,

  • David Droescher

    There’s a gentleman in Idaho making synthetic granite it’s a trade secret.
    I think he’s using Brown’s gas also known as HHO Brown’s gas vaporizes tungsten at over 10,000°F
    Brown’s gas is made through the introduction of electricity/magnetic fields through water. If Brown’s gas is developing Underground and self igniting due to either pressure, temperature, or the spark of Olivine (it is illigal to do research in the fild of compressing [different from generation at presure witch demonstrates to be stable]HHO as compression is sufficient energy input to ignite HHO and when it duse it duse so extremely violently[more so than H2+O2+ ignition] ). This would help to explain how things are melting at much lower temperatures than they should be,remember Browns gas only burns just above boiling yet melts (6,192°F)and vaporizes(10,706°F)tungsten down to atomic tungsten vapor.

  • Johnathan Jones

    Why would you think gravity is a constant? Do you think Electricity is a constant? May when all you knew was lightning, sure I would get that. Gravity is associated with what, matter? Energy too. But if you think stars are only gas instead of layers of solids, liquids,gases and plasma, then it would follow, one would think of gravity as a constant. Take the speed of light, have we ever gone to a nebula to measure it’s speed there. No, we measure everything from here on Earth. Earth conditions, locally. It’s like being on the same resistor in a vast circuit, everything compared to our value. Yet some think gravity could be different in different conditions, maybe a right idea, expressed currently in rough, wrong, version 1 theories.

    I don’t think the environment on Earth will ever go all cold or all hot. It will stay within the temperature range of water changing physical form which is good for life to continue to exist. If it ever could have run away albedo , than it would have long ago and all life would have died which would make this email impossible. I think the Earth will work off the heat or cold of inputs as fast and radically as needed to keep life on earth going. Although many may be swept away in the process.

    Deep Earth quakes slash Blot Echos, we measure altitude from sea level. Now lets set the altimeter zero to the center of the Earth. At each altitude there is different combinations of pressures, flows and resistances, not only physically but electrically. which affects which? Well look at the earth like a aircraft and the picture is more about relations rather than drivers like blot echo or wires melting and fuel tanks burning. But like with the shuttle, when the reentry shielding is polluted ,missing or compromised it could be ignored over and over until failure from normal inputs is a reality.

    I discovered who to boil frogs in a pot of cold water over a burner. Well it is a slow process, the frogs get hungry and jump out to search for food. I sent them flys over the internet and they then just sat there waiting,…for the next fly, boil , boil….lol?

    Anyhow, awesome how you get scientific papers in your inbox. Yet like hearing what any man made religions says about things, it can make a clear sighted basis of view difficult. View like yours can tend to be a palate cleanse although sometimes I got to say, what ….what is that? a chardonnay in the view???

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