FOTW July 21, 2018

Showing 22 comments
  • Laura2fly

    Fly on the wall shows “privacy” message. ???

  • cheryl

    Laura2fly, same here from NH. I don’t know how to solve this. Ben can you post a message here please?

  • mcnamara5

    Same here-privacy message. Maybe payment due? I will try to see if my account dues are up to date.

  • mcnamara5

    Although, I wouldn’t be able to comment like this if I were completely locked out of “Fly On The Wall”.

  • Billy Rogers

    Change video privacy settings and repost Ben thanks

  • Backcast

    All the above….ditto

  • ElectricDragon

    I can’t see it either

  • Roger Kemper

    I have a privacy message also and cannot listen to fly on the wall.

  • Mr2

    Sorry about the privacy issue folks. I just spoke with Ben and he is looking into it as I type. Thanks for your patience.

  • markaxen

    the black plastic if typical, lasts longer in the sun than other colors. i presume because of uv reflectivity. it is w/ black zip ties

  • KittyMac

    So far, Gregg Braden has presented the best description of the cyclical patterns of historical events in the history of civilization, including current cycles. You can think of cycles as circles, but in a spiraling cone-shape. As each cycle ascends to a higher level of the spiral, the duration of the cycle shortens and the intensity increases. FWIW. :)
    Nice session, guys! Have y’all abandoned the Chat room now?

  • Counselor

    Here is a quick astrology note I received from my brother…

    Uranus represents unpredictability, purity, friendship, and group thinking.

    Taurus represents money, pleasure, and self-worth.

    Let your minds ponder about that occult knowledge for a minute.

  • Counselor

    Forgot to add that Uranus is also associated with electricity and lightning

  • Cynthia Kennedy

    Lots of food for thought. Thanks to all.

  • Caroline5765

    Thank you for the upload; a handful of thought provoking topics as usual. Grateful for you guys taking time from busy lives to do these discussions.


    Thanks family,

  • ambercromby

    I still think that the Sun was a giant red star and the solar system resided inside. Red sky 24/7. Likely that Saturn was emitting enough light radiation to vary the not so dark night with lighter red/purple day.

  • Nancy Badger

    Billy, what is the sunspot plotter website?

  • Signey

    The rising group consciousness causes an opposing reaction from those who stand to lose power if the masses of people work together. What better way for those people to maintain control than to play on people’s lower natures to blame their neighbor for their problems, instead of recognizing where the real problem is? Those who have maintained power are perfectly aware of the greater cycles. They have passed this knowledge on through the very groups some believe, and many think are just a conspiracy. All religions have taught of these things, but false religious teachings have obscured the shared truth. The best way to hide the truth is with half-truths.

    Each human must take responsibility for his actions, realize his responsibility for the whole, and transform his inner world to transform the outer world. I believe 2018 is the great year of responsibility. The alignments give humans the ability to transform themselves and society by recognizing that we all co-create our reality through our personal choices. The greatest rebellion we can have is choosing to love, rather than hate. Those fighting for peace have been manipulated and deserve compassion, whatever banner they stand under. No man holds ultimate truth, so there is no point in arguing with anyone. Dialogue between seemingly opposing camps increases understanding of each other and the bigger picture.

    Thanks, guys, for considering this stuff from a scientific perspective. Anyone can speak the truth, and everyone speaks falsehood. Discernment is on each of us, but we all have the ability to tune in to that “still, small voice.”

  • Purrman

    I mentioned Sapiens last week BUT now I am on to the second book and it is so amazing. Seriously guys…everyone needs to read these 2 books (or at least wiki the outlines) . Sapiens and his 2nd book “Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari. All of the intellectuals and elites are reading and discussing ….even arguing over these books . It relates to the end of this fly on the wall topics ..and so so much more. The observers are all so inquisitive and these books have helped clarify and sparks so much in me and my ilk …..

  • Johnathan Jones

    Cycles within a larger cycle, the big is ignored while the little ones a trotted out to make the point dejure. I must admit it took me a moment to wonder if making black plastic balls gobbles up all this water, than how much water is devoured by the entire throw away plastic industry? What f all these plastic bottles and such had a 5 cent deposit on them like glass bottles back in the day when that was what your soda pop came in.

    All in all it is like people who say there is to much strip mining associated with the manufacturing of solar panels and they take too long to break even on energy in and out thresholds. Gads, I have heard it could take up to 2 years to repay the energy of manufacture . Guess they missed the water aspect of it, Probably way worse than the plastic Industry and how LA is trying to feed it.

    Speaking of, China is reported to have 500 + electric car manufactures, with that many you would think the American coal sellers was going to be the stuff, to invest in. Problem is, China leads the entire world in market share of solar panels, there is no one greater. The US is hardly a 3rd world country riding bicycles compared to CHina and it’s Solar panel industry. Trump good for business? Maybe today, tomorrow, who wants to buy whale blubber oil for home lighting lamps? Yeah, you go boy racing rollbars, the US is not a leader not a road block to the energy future.

    Also, if energy was free, than you could drive your car or truck, or barge or boat, maybe plane for free. Oh some would say this would be a problem, like it is better to dig a spoon thru a boulder than to step around it. i would say free energy is like water from the tap rather than carrying it 3 miles in 2 5 gallon buckets to your house . Besides, if you are paying energy cost rather than virtual free water energy cost, how could you be on YouTube?

    Many are still on the cycle side of things, short term that is, look at man’s history. Tell me when it has not been burning down everything around and overpopulating in number. WE look at little ice ages and of short things not long ago while not observing the bigger picture. Man’s entire burning and deforesting history, from cooking and comfort fires to clay pottery and metal smelting fire to all the fire we burn today using the firewood of prehistoric to drive those today. Since we have been able to write we record why ancient cities in the desert where not in the desert back then , oh NVOTS, beware. The Anaswasi speak from beyond…under cliff strong holds can’t save you from a environment burned away. In 5 words likes the Sahara lakes dwellers, man made vegetation climate changes

    So…….. more trees now than ever …. really? I live in the North West. There are not big lumber any more. The tree you speak of are grass. Get a grip, observe from a satiltie from space , look like a pure untouched planet from man who can effect nothing?

    It’s just your kids and my grandkids infect the same space and time, so why care at all? Are not humans a virus as popularized by the Matrix? Perhaps we should be expected to be a little more……

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