FOTW December 31, 2016

Showing 12 comments
  • Caroline5765

    Dark center Unicorn has its own Hook MagnEcho. Smile.
    Since 1996 when GMO crops emerged the use of glyphosate has grown hand in hand with the crops, not likely to cease anytime soon and a dual recipe for disaster.
    If I may toss a theory in on animal deaths, I would say check with the Sun/Earth changes/impacts. Just as people can be effected and history shows, a wipe out via weather event… well, one has to wonder.
    When it comes to fear mongering, imho, both the people who feed it and those who feed off it, have locked ACC’s (anterior cingulate cortex) and will have difficulty getting out of that pivital motion/notion. It is an awkward mental state for them and they know it.
    You gentlemen have a chance to create/reach goals into and beyond open space in 2017, keep making it YOUR year! You deserve it!
    Thank you for everything. Kind regards.

  • Caroline5765

    gesh you think I would learn to spell pivotal. hahaha

  • S0

    As soon as we stopped recording, Billy mentioned that the birds may have actually crashed into each other. This could account for the collision-injuries sustained by the birds that hit the leaf pile (described by Xaviar). It is noteworthy that the discussion proceeded to the magnetic reversal of earth given that navigational problems in some of these tight formations, in which are known to fly, could result in a great deal of havoc among a flock, including high speed collisions.

  • Terese Nehrbauer

    Another stimulating FOTW! The dust vortex discussion is awesome, amplifying the image’s information.
    I’m excited that S0’s eyes will be on GMO topic even more regularly in 2017. I’d appreciate a discussion on how and where to look to identify organic foods grown with GMO seeds, if that wheel has already been invented. In USA, States’ criteria for organic certification differs and organic consumers in urban areas access produce that is largely non-local.
    Thank you to the S0 FOTW team for the past year of rich, expansive knowledge and information. I’m continually awed by the volume of research you accomplish alongside living life, and generously articulate and share, so amiably! Strange Dr. Love could lighten up if only he would let the Sun in. Maybe the weakening magnetic field will change his spin in 2017.

  • Caroline5765

    Good bird theory and quite possible. On the same page regarding the magnetic reversal effect on fishes navigation to explain the beachings. One has to wonder what theories come into play when it is large numbers dying in numerous areas with each incident varying. The one mentioned regarding the oxygen being depleted surely holds water for aquatic and land as we see people succumb to pockets of gases heavier than air inside holes just 4 feet deep. I believe a lot of the unexplained mass die offs have to do with space/earth changes and each one is unique under circumstance/theory. FOTW always has interesting topics. Thank you once again.

  • Ricky Neff

    This comment system is an amazing addition. Should have been this way for the last two years.
    The forums are not verify useful.

  • Ricky Neff

    You still owe us a talk about the desert glass and Indiana jones

  • ShirleyUJest

    Hi. Long time follower even before the mobile observatory. Some additional points you may wish to point out about glyphosate is that it contains at least two radioactive isotopes in concentrations which are considered harmful, regardless of the fact that one of them is C14. The other is P121, also at levels considered harmful, and that there is no regulation on radioactive limits on organic foods. As an example, according to a news report covered on Nuclear Hotseat with Libbe HaLevy, the Ukrainian region of Pollacia, 200 miles east of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster site has become a boomtown for foragers seeking mushrooms and berries- nearly all of which are contaminated with radiation. Ukraine has become a berry exporter to the European Union, hauling 13 hundred tons of fresh berries and over 17 thousand tons of frozen berries to the European market in 2015, but of course there could be some hidden costs. That’s because European customers do not know they are ingesting food with radioactive isotopes and the berries can be labelled ‘organic’ since radioactivity is not covered under common organic designations. The locals that are harvesting the berries are showing higher rates of certain birth defects and diseases. Resources for this information can be found in the live chat area of my blog which I will provide with your permission if requested. The blog covers several interesting topics including the EU and is heavily resource based, encouraging people to use the resources to see for themselves how everything (that is) is connected and how and why it matters. I used to post the daily space weather until just a few weeks ago but I’m on an extended vacation, for right now at least, so there is just a link available now, but you will find the posts are mostly timeless info and the “Recommendations” section is chock full of great resources to help connect the dots such as glyphosate and radiation which I believe explains a lot as to why the health issues brought on by both share many similarities.

  • ShirleyUJest

    So sorry to reply to my own comment. That should have read P210, but while I’m making that correction- glyphosate is also found in vaccines through products like the gelatin they contain which is derived from animal bone, so yes, it also affects other products containing gelatin, like jello, and also could mean that the vaccines may have some degree of radioactivity (these are recent discoveries and I haven’t found any studies on radiation in vaccinations, yet, though it would seem, based on these recent discoveries, that such tests should be in the making if they are not already being conducted). Logically, the reason for concern is the fact that glyphosate is, as we know, heavily applied to food and ingested making the exposure ‘unnatural’ and repeatedly consumed causing an accumulative effect. You will find a list of several foods known to contain glyphosate in my halloween post and several others on glyphosate including the discovery in most vaccines tested. There is also a good post on pet food precautions and even an earth science and education series where people can explore and compare theories on a variety of topics side by side and even find an introduction into astrotheology. While reality can sometimes sound like fear mongering that is not the intent of this blog, but rather to illustrate a need for people of all nations to lay down their differences and come together for positive change, changing what we can and preparing as best we can for what is to come.

  • S0

    lol, another one!?

  • KittyMac

    It’s been studied and reported that many people with celiac disease/gluten intolerance are actually reacting to the glyphosate in foods (especially wheat products) and not the gluten in the foods.
    Thanks for another interesting FOTW, guys!

  • Dipole17

    Hello Ben, and those reading this comment forum. I have created a response video for those interested in the confirmation of the polar alignment with Saturn. What I describe in my presentation is irrefutable proof of this ancient, axial polar configuration of planets.

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