FOTW September 7, 2019
– China Lander Mystery:
– 10x Solar Cycle Electron Modulation:
– Northern Oceans Command Earth Climate:
– Type 1a Single Progenitor:
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We had thirteen hives my dad has shoulder pain and we used to get a bee with tweezers and sting him I was too respectful or afraid and half blind do my sister did it for him haha
I know some folks from Beijing Ch I will pick their brains to see if we have not been made aware of anything that is up through today
What a movie that would make and after how the moon looks like a ball of red clay and wow what changes and new ways we would learn to make due
Thank you
I’ve been holding out on getting your book hoping a new edition would be released, I think I’ll pick the 3rd edition up.
I have a wild conspiracy hypothesis about the whole earth turning over and new pole regions thing. The first thing I thought of when Trump wanted to buy Greenland was that it would be the new America if the earth flipped. I know, it’s kinda crazy, but it kinda makes sense, doesn’t it?
Um, “moon goo” is baaad, m’kay?
Thank you. I think you will find bee venom is good stuff and has been around for many years in use. Like the honey they produce their every essence and anything they produce is usable and good. We use every part of their output from the hive, even the bee itself.
Thank you for the upload gentlemen. Interesting topics as always.
Earlier this week I was talking with a local chinese materials eng professor and the “gel-like” substance came up, he had a chuckle at the american medias use of google translate; according to him its a poor translation and instead of “gel-like luster” should be “vitreous luster”, so the american scientists are probably right about glass.
However; after having a laugh he went into a whole (admittedly gin fueled) tirade about the materials and minerals he expects to be found on the lunar surface, and it makes me think you hit on something with phase changing materials Ben. In particular he talked about lunar regolith as a natural sintering lab in extreme conditions, he was really interested in the sorts of ceramic glasses that could be formed. He also went on about the southern magnetic anomalies and how they could create a localized field aligning particles to allow for some really interesting piezoelectric and ferroelectric particles, especially if it is then sintered into a ceramic glass. He also raised the possibility of something along the lines of piezoelectric micro elasticity, where you might get a material that expands or shrinks, becoming more or less dense, where as field, temp, pressure or whatever change the density of the material responds, really about as close as you would get to a “gel” on the lunar surface.
You might a feel a little better to know china’s lander has no return stage, so nothing should come back, unless their planning that mission now… Also russia’s robot came home a day or two ago, on the last Soyuz landing.
Some more thought on this one.. The other days deeper look talks about the quantity of olivine present in space dust. In Billy’s experiments we saw some of the piezoelectric properties of olivine, There were also papers relating to the large mexican earthquake and piezoelectric olivine I believe.
If you take olivine dust particles and field align them in a current sheet, you have essentially created a fluid crystal lattice out of smaller crystals, is this going to behave not just as a plasma but as a crystal as well? As you impinge on the current sheets field you are creating a state change in the “macro-crystal”, which should result in piezoelectric effects, really no matter the form of the force you’re applying. Anything you do to the field will generate a change in the structure of the crystal, resulting not just in the plasma effects involved, but a piezoelectric effect from the larger scale crystal created from all the small ones in the plasma.
Would this be a candidate for a number of transient events we see (or don’t see) in the universe?
Piezoelectric crystals are a key component to a lot of radio technology here on earth, would state or alignment changes in a such a crystalline olivine plasma be a candidate for FRB’s? Given the magnetic field it would be generated under the influence of it should be heavily polarized, it would seem to come from “nowhere” visually, and it would certainly be capable of repeating; dispersion measure is tricky though, but I would think maybe a magnetic filtering effect from the field its generated in or possibly somehow related to the spectra of the olivine generating the signal.
Bee stings do help if you still have an immune system to work with. My MD offers this service.
Moon goo = Ecto-plasma? 👻 Like in the original Ghost Busters movie? I think they described it as some kind of inter-dimensional lube/residue.👽 Just a thought. Can’t wait to hear more about what it actually is.
RE: the bee sting therapy and confirming hearing of it…
I have not tried it but I have heard of it.
I wonder if ant stings could also work, formic acid and or ant sting substances because most bees have to die after they sting, don’t they?
Many biological inputs can be beneficial or at least help with ailments it seems. One example could be hook worm parasitism and auto immune disorders… the hook worm needs to modulate the host’s immune reactions so it has evolved a way to alter the immune systems of it’s hosts resulting in effective relief of symptoms in hosts with auto immune diseases.
Certain bacteria that live on our epidermis have been found to be altering our endocrine and or other internal communications in ways that moderate mood?
Placebo effect does not seem to work to explain all the observable effects from natural or alternative medicines but it must be considered and included in effective and or effectiveness in my opinion.
too much information?
let me know
time frame: 25:36
LOL “Calvin.”,
A name by any other form… sounds so sweet.
Life implies Death as all is change and the dance with death…
I suspect that Life in Earth is robust in ways we are not fully aware of. I suspect that all the forms in Earth are bathed in such protections as to be quite capable of survival, if not individually then collectively, ready for incursions. So many of the forms we fight against, even misunderstanding, could be quite good at defending Life in Earth. Things like prions, virus, mosquitoes, bacteria, fungi… etc have been hard at work in Earth protecting her for a very long time and if we do not compromise Her too much Earth is well able to protect herself and us in Her, in my opinion.
Great discussion also my opinion.
Time frame: 47:20 In the absence of…
Binary systems may provide an environment favorable for planets that support organic life like us… or so the theory goes. So, could Earth’s moon provide the missing inputs that make the difference in systems like ours with only one star?
RE: Sol’s outbursts…
cycles so symmetrical taste to me like Life and dynamics logical into the biological… see?
logical as biological and toast to our irony filled language again then?
LOL I love irony…
Oh OH! I know…
as chuck raises his hand Straining and gyrating like a school boy…
If the Earths crust release happens and that crust finds an alternate stable state then would not the shape of Earth change to reflect the centripetal forces on massive continents?
“The magnitude of the centripetal force on an object of mass m moving at tangential speed v along a path with radius of curvature r is:…”
perhaps it is not then logical to expect former pole remnants to be symmetrical at all? should we not expect the locations current of such remnants to be reflecting such alterations as may be due to forces dynamic and hard to predict unless we can model Earth spinning ?in that alternate stable state?
just a thought teacher…
I have had great success treating poison ivy rash (which is pretty bad with me) using Apis Mellifica, which I’m told is crushed up bees. (has a very mild honey taste). I just looked it up and here’s a link:
Hello Guys, Thanks for a very interesting FOTW. The last discussion was of the most interest to me and as I’ve wondered before, excuse my on the run thinking out-loud here, but if (or when) the poles shift and IF the planet re-orients its axis and spin in relation to the suns magnetic field… (Keypoint: the suns surface doesn’t seem to move violently when its magnetic poles shift- but it inst constructed like Earth at all- it only shares a similar shape!?)
If there is a move, perhaps as you suggest, back to the existing ‘echoes’ of previous shifts, (Dragons triangle becomes the new North Pole and the SAA the new south pole)…the climate bands would HAVE to follow this movement too?…it seems hard to consider the crust would not move considerably- due purely to the fact its floating on viscous fluid. Add to this the considerable wobble or imbalance the sudden relocation of the icecaps to the equatorial regions would cause…Definitely have to considered as a possible extinction event wouldn’t it- Day the sun stops moving in the sky…Adam and Eve story…etc..etc…??
(I wonder if the Political puppeteers are considering a ‘Stop Pole shift’ campaign to keep the unwashed occupied when the “stop climate change’ one becomes untenable?)
Awesome work!
I’m 74 now and the arthritis in my knees was so painful a few years ago that I dreaded going to the basement to do laundry. In my second year of beekeeping (around 4 years ago), I was stung by 7-8 bees on both thighs. Shortly after that day, I noticed that my knees didn’t hurt anymore. My knees are still OK. I’m a firm believer in apitherapy after my experience.
Bee venom is used in the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. So it’s pretty mainstream for that. But the best therapy of all is PEMF therapy. It’s got a great pedigree, and many scientific trials have been carried out. It’s been used in Europe, especially Germany, for around sixty years. I’ve been using it for four years now, on myself, pets and family and friends. The results have been amazing. William Pawluk, MD, is the top specialist on PEMF. Worth checking out his website.
Blue gel on the moon? What if its element 114? Lets see how fast they can go to mine it. LOL