FOTW September 25, 2021
– Galaxies Hiding in the Dust:
– When theory begins solving problems you didn’t intend [Sept. 18th News/Deeper Look #73]
– Mars Quakes:
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Was this the area that faced the previous nova during impact? If so, what a frightening way to go.
What about the 0 interest bonds in so many countries?
That would likely be the 6000 year cycle
Media first
My parents and siblings believe the election was stolen , that COVId might have been manufactured but then all got the vax, but certainly don’t believe in the micro nova and solar flare lights out scenario. I see them as all interrelated and you can’t talk about one without the other. I am recovering from sars/cov 2 / Covid as I write this. It is a bad flu.
It’s not political…IT’S TRUTH!!!
I love u guys, thank u Ben, for all the work u do, and sharing ur views on ur platforms without fear.
Biden fucked over a lot of people in his lifetime.
You are right, they are turning people on him; on purpose.
The White House and that admin are not a part of the NWO.
The NWO is what is targeting them.
I am 100% with you Ben and the rest of you guys!!! I am not subscribed to You Tube, FB, or any other site. Not even Telegram. You, Ben are the only internet site I have a paid subscription for. So, I hope this helps you understand on a personal level how much I value You!!! You matter. You make a difference. You have my respect. Also, being sarcastic is perfectly OK. I get that way too. The down side is the really stupid or willfully ignorant don’t even realize I am being sarcastic, so there is inevitably a certain percentage of people out there who will never see the truth even if it hits them right between the eyes as it is screaming TRUTH Bombs as it is incoming….
Ben, Great show today. Peace brother. Gibbs in Idaho
Simple answer……..defund the government. Problem is that everyone would have to stop paying taxes all at the same time. Change your W2 deductions so that you pay the bare minimum and put the money in a savings account. Then pay all of your taxes due at once on April 15th……..if they come to their senses. Ya right…..crazy talk, I know. I’m going to retire instead and start collecting my socialist insecurity before it disappears.
Keep a close eye on China. They will likely shutdown the grid in Taiwan and when the lights come back on there will be a new government in charge. It will happen so fast that nobody will be able to do anything about it and Biden will just roll over to the CCP and then advise that we all get our booster shot. $100 says they invade before year end.
I’m afraid that we won’t have a choice other than to fight it out. Get as physically fit as you can. It’s unrealistic to think that we’re going to become action heroes but get yourself stronger however you can. Study military roles and figure out which ones you can learn how to do. Is it combat, medical, logistics, intelligence, comms? Learn and practice all you can. There’s no one else coming to save the day.
Check out this vid that Christian put out recently where a computer science guy and Klaus Schwab talk about what it means or doesn’t mean to be human now.
If anyone can figure out how to take down the technocrats based on what is covered in his vid, that right there would be our weapon of mass destruction.
@Ricky Neff, I agree that Biden is being turned against but I disagree as to your reasoning why. His Admin is absolutely part of the NWO. They’re turning on him by design. Harris was who the DNC wanted in the White House all along. Hillary sent her best people over to Kamala’s primary campaign. Tulsi Gabbard wrecked Kamala’s chance for the nomination in the 2nd debate, forcing Harris to drop out. Biden chose Harris based on her pull with Clinton donors. The whole plan has been to let Biden survive for 2 years as POTUS and then have him step down and hand the reins to Harris. As long as she’s acting president for two years or less, she can run for re-election twice, potentially setting her up to be president for 10 years.
So use the galactic current sheet onion to peel back what precipitated the 1889 Carrington Event?
Ok Everyone,
There’s no need for the powers that be to create a false flag when it is abundantly clear that most of the inoculated will be dead or disabled from antibody enhanced dependence kicking up a cytokine storm or rapidly growing cancers, or resurgent viral infections or prion disease that wastes the muscles and brain as soon as this flu season and definitely by the next scheduled election. There are fixes for the innocent inoculated but they have got to wake up and find them soon.
As for the west coast liberals they may be trapped in their states by sheltering in place orders as soon as this November according to Steve Quayle
(CA, OR, WA, AZ, NV). See his movie “Megadrought.” Earth is waking up and perhaps La Palma will halve and inundate the east coast with water.
We are at war with TPTB. If you’d like updates look to crazy man Clif High on bitchute He gives linguistic analyses.. And if you really want to find the guilty go to and order the book (over 1k citations) or search for interviews with Dr. Peter Breggin, the psychiatrist who eliminated lobotomy. He explains the creation of the mass psychosis called Covid19. Calm down Ben, we are winning!
Here’s the link:
Clif High’s site link, worth the exploration:
Hi Ben – It’s Gonna Get Worse.
I completely agree with your closer & your charge to action deadline, citizens arrest segment 3/4 along was well considered. If the military doesn’t step in & deal with the mess & arbitrate some kind of stand down in exchange for tribunals for principal players almost immediately, It will come to this as you say.
Skip forward to about 36 min for the start of the speakers statement.
0:41:42, Senator Peterson
0:43:45, Dr Shiva, ballot signatures.
1:31:30, Doug Logan, security.
2:06:19, Ben Cotton, Digital findings.
That one is not good for Dominion!
2:57:00, questions.
3:00:00 Ben Cotton, recommendations.
3:14:00, Randy Pulling. Audit’s and accounting. Re: Senate approved recount on June 21.
3:23:00, Ken Bennett, Senate audit liaison. Listing and clarifying the violations.
This is history being written before our very eyes. Ben we are with you 110%!
Thank you for the upload Gentlemen.
We need to get rid of dominion machines and vote on our cell phones using block chain. We need to have the Electra coin cybercoin tokens, which is worth 1 kilowatt hour each. Power companies around the world can issue the token via a block chain issueing house so each token has a proration to all the other token issued in other areas with different rates for a kilowatt hour. You could use them at the grocery stores or other businesses for transactions or cash them in by using electricity which everyone does. I’m trying to work with people who know how to do this and any help on who to contact additionally could help.
The next election is where the physical fight must be presented. These thugs and criminals in office and running the polls will try to steal it again and hope nobody shows up physically at the polls which is why they try to get us all to stay home and do mail in ballots while they put up pizza boxes in windows and thug out anyone trying to ensure proper elections processes and procedures. They even get criminals in police uniforms to assist them, like last time. We must turn out in force at all elections locations and mostly peaceful put the force of we the people on them. I’m not saying BLM , ( Burn, Loot and Murder) them. But it either ends with the criminals giving it up and getting out of the offices they stole, or by any means possible and necessary, we remove the from office.
Last summer the insurrectionists BLMed Apple stores and anything else that struck their fancy. Perhaps BLMing Twitter, Facebook, Disney,Google, ABC, CBS, and all other mainstream media and internet criminal organizations that wage their subversive war on the American people, need a little “Summer of Loving”. Don’t hurt people but put people between the cops and the places of businesses that are actively conspiring against the constitution so that they can be disabled. It beats taking down the grid and all the logistical systems that millions in our cities depend on.
When criminals in public servants clothing waged war in Vietnam or Afghanistan, they ran away to America when they lost. Where they going to run to now that they are warring on the American people? Our cause is just, everyone knows what is what. We have tolerated their criminal activities in the hopes that the constitutional election system may peacefully redress this situation. But if their criminal propaganda response to the J6 Redressurrection that occurred, they will not meet or hear the people. They will instead lie and war against us seeking to eliminate our rights and freedoms.
But we need to find laws they violate with their conduct and file against them. I asked a state police officer at my state’s governor’s mansion how to arrest the governor. He said he would need a arrest warrant from the state’s supreme court’s judge delivered by a officer of that court to him. I said, but what if the judge is “ Out to lunch”. / a criminal in judicial robes. … we agreed more research was needed and we parted. But the point is we must endeavor to exhaust these possibilities while there is still time. But like so many problem of mankind, time is running out or has run out and the demands of the hour are setting the course. But we need to try.
BTW, I have made a few memes on my Facebook page you might get a chuckle or two over…
Don’t forget to join or create a local militia.
Speaking as your other mother your situation with your parents and with Kats; you are faced with 2 extreme points of views beliefs of this paradigm. One issue i see is that your parents don’t trust what you say is true and trusts tv more. That’s how they were raised brainwashed, they don’t understand, cant see it. This is part of the plan; to brainwash, medicate with mood altering drugs, inject poisons yearly, flu vaccine unnecessary and deadly in elderly, to split up families. Weaken population and the strength of family.
Personally these Geomagnetic storms throw my heart into arrhythmia, the weather, weakened Magnetosphere has taken a toll, life has taken a toll, and my heart can only take soo much more… I have to take frequent breaks from it all.
If you told me I could not longer support or be friends with a particular family because they planned to do something horrible to your child, my grandchild, then I would trust your judgment and totally support you and not support that family in any way. No matter who they were or what they stood for. Look at the Catholic religion hiding all the sexual abuse assaults on children, media hid that from us for years. People did not see the church the same way, all trusting. Now use extreme caution when turning over children to them. This situation is no different, extreme caution required, we are planning for our children’s future The Media has Not been our friends in past in protecting our children, Nor has big pharma with thalidomide and many other drugs.
Speaking for your family,, Son, Talking about your children’s safety my grandchildren i trust in what you say is true, for the children’s safety in the future I will no longer be friends with that family thats planning harm against them. I personally never supported other party, ever….
I love you all
Your Other Mother
Praying hard over here Louisiana bayou USA 🇺🇸 🙏 🙌 Reiki for world.
bs”d Yes, it seems they will take everything including our blood for Hument and our bones for diamonds to use for Huawei technology, unless we can find a middle path and an agreement.
I no longer take my harking farking carcass for granted, nor even that I have the freedom to be burned alive as opposed to being slain for the chemically rich resources my newly-slaughtered body would provide for resurgent and new Satanic ‘medicines’ and technology.
It’s all within the context of the plan to be completed by 2025, to kill all natural Homo sapiens individuals and replace them with new, lab-engineered creatures, some humanoid, that will be directly connected to a central quantum computer. This can be learned at the most recent interview at, with Celeste. Or see Any leader who steps out of line can be punished. Biden is afraid to step out of line. Trump did and he is concealing the degree to which he has been punished, or to which his punishment has been attempted. It seems that at least three attempts were made on his life, one of them after 1-20-21.
Marshall Masters is expecting a false-flag artificial meteor hit in about October, on the coast of Maine. It would come from behind the sun where nobody looks, and would be concealed in the current autumn asteroid shower, and would target that part of Maine because of the class of residents there. A mlitary base is nearby to take over the devastated land. Just his theory.
It was stated, I think it was at Israeli News Live, that China used technology to activate a seismic uptick in the La Palma area, so, it seems the current event at La Palma is not one hundred percent natural.
Thank you for discussing.
bs”d Oh, Ben, I do feel for you, if this is what you are hearing from your folks. If I would be you I would not invite them, as others have entrusted you with their future, there at the ranch. This is about where Truth comes as a sword between father and son. We can’t always say ‘come let us reason together’. Sometimes they don’t know how to prevent their minds from being captured and we can’t safely rescue them from it, without compromising contemporaries to whom we have commitments, nor without compromising our own children, for those who are fortunate enough to have children. I’ve learned this time and again the hard way. How many of my friends and contemporaries lost their health, jobs, lives even when I put what I perceived to be Mom-n-Dad’s needs first. Even recently. Teach your parents well… don’t you ever tell them why… just look at them and sigh… you can’t always shlep Mom n’ Dad along into your world or the burdens you’ve inherited, for you can’t know the burdens of their generation that forced them to accept the blue pill. Keep your ranch secret for your kids’ sakes!!
It’s up to each of us to feed love, not hate. Catherine Austin Fitts has the answers at, because she understands the big picture and way forward while retaining our humanity and love.
bs”d from another source I heard that a Norwegian HAARP facility triggered La Palma, in relation to a murder of a Japanese person, from someone who is usually right, so, I guess China was just a guess… but the real thing is that people think they can play with the lives of multitudes… and then, that ‘news service’ is also saying that a grid-down false flag event is expected soon… so, anyhow, what you are doing to inform everyone of bigger events, not manmade, is very important, up until it goes down… if indeed it does… in addition to helping people to be ready for grid down… so thank you for everything you do. It is a big world out there and it is hard to get the inside story on everything, so what I am writing you may look like fecal matter of male bovine, but, again, it is from a source that seems to have been correct in the past.
Reflect on how/when the Berlin Wall “fell.” Keep the faith, and your focus on WHAT YOU’D LIKE TO EXPERIENCE. Energy of Stress depotentiates.
This is a battle. Each one of us is choosing and this is a dynamic system, or chess game if you prefer. Loss of whole body/spirit emotional control is not auspicious for intentional success. “Winning” is simple, not easy. Relying on the presence of nourishing, loving Source helps a lot. Keep optimistic! Ben, thanks for all you contribute to our growth and wellbeing.
Ben – Where is the legislation to put a stop to these voting issues?
It’s not that a big portion of the population does not get it – it’s what can be done about it. Our elected officials are cowards, and our institutions have failed us.
The FBI is corrupt. Each state has an investigative agency, have any of them done anything? These people have no problem collecting the pay check, do nothing, and have no shame.
Hello community and other conspiracy observers,
I have been absent due to PayPal issues and having stupidly canceled my membership myself. I knew this but wanted to comment of the election fraud PSYOP. So, I wrote to the S0 email and some one there was so kind as to pay my way for another year. That is not what I was after. This month I had to buy a twenty six foot or better ladder to get way up to my windows to fix a bug problem and could not reestablish my payment. I’ll fix that next month.
The election fraud is not simply that… it and much more is provocation thinly veiled, strategically camouflaged, as fraud. Race, abortion, election security, vaccination status etc. are all fractures in the union and each trauma drama surrounding these are provocations designed to widen the cracks in preparation for the control demolition of that union. It is right in your face for a reason. Several things are accomplished with this applied behavioral psychology. One thing is demoralization and despair resulting in much more manipulable people. Another is priming the explosives set to rip apart the twin towers of democracy… the right and left or the conservatives and the liberals…see? Thing one and thing two or the false dichotomy is all ready to self destruct and the thermate is lots of guns and all the provocations.
… but that was days ago that I was hoping to comment thus.
so now to hearing you all here and learning…
Update and Elite Simon says… or THE’ Science says jump of this cliff now… or stay below decks as we get the life boats?
Interesting Mr. Davidson… a sort of reversal of the “Do as I say…” We see what they do and hear what they are saying only to ponder what the hell we should do? Do as they do and not as they say we should sort of thing?
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RE Mars and magnetometers…
One train of thought would see whole advanced laboratories already in Mars full of Human Beings and other Earthlings working with Martians for decades now. I would like to access their seismic and magnetic data… if it is indeed there in such fine places as volcanic .ava tubes.
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The observations of changes in Pluto and elsewhere seem more like the sea pulling back ahead of the tsunami rather than the tsunami itself?
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the strategy of digital money and timed money is interesting. To combat the control by timed money one could buy things of real value carefully and quietly but because “they” can see every purchase one would be hard pressed to hide such purchases as would form a good hedge against control? Buy litium rather than gold and platinum rather than silver? Buy junk that has lithium and platinum? There is always cigarettes, canned salmon and bullets to spend when it or I.T. cracks down?
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25:34 and the line…
I see the line we are being strategically pushed towards as that trigger for the control demolition. We are, as I wrote, here in the Divided State of America primed for that control demolition and all the things that are pushing us up to the line are strategic provocations; covert and powerful applied psychology… see? In Chess it would be time to call a draw or make that last move unless the miracle can pull us and U.S. back from that brink some how?
… back to listening… 1889 chars plus, so posting
continued at time frame 31:22 and to coup or not to coup…
If we wish to take back the world from organized crime we must first win over the armies… especially the UN armies of mercenaries. A global redemption from such metastasized malignancy as we are facing means years of planning with lots more intelligence and resources than S0 has right now. But… but there are factions at work right now with a start on this and all the intel and resources of several armies. Some are cooperating and others are not. Some are in Earth and some are not. My hope is with a greater community of civilizations who have been working with Earth and Humanity for thousands of years. My Hope,, as I have oft written, is with Jesus and those who he has already petitioned on our behalf. But please forgive me my faith as I respect your beliefs in kind, thank you.
…that written, Most of those who are chained to the organized crime or the parasite are good people deceived and or coerced by debt and or guilt to shield the machine. They are as a Human shield that protects the body parts of the parasite. The proboscis or central banks and the pincers or the UN… all are made of beautiful and amazing Human Beings who can and will become allies if and when they are set free. The key to their chains? Universal and unconditional forgiveness as demonstrated by my brother and wise counselor Jesus…
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Now then… Here we have the latest invisible elephant standing on our feet… the audit.
The whole election was one big PSYOP and planned provocation… see? How many lights are there Captain Picard? How many fingers Mr. Smith? Its applied behavioral psychology and it is very old and powerful. While we are all arguing we are distracted… passion drives out reason; reason enough to see the game board… see? Strategic and weaponized cognitive dissonance works to shut down most brains, especially those poisoned by decades of fluoride, mercury, and led drugging. Those who do see the ploy are targeted with weaponized words like racist and conspiracy theorist… and when Mr. Smith tells the truth he is punished over and over again till he breaks in the end… the end of 1984 is the opposite of redemption and the revelation or apocalypse. All the comfort is back but so are all the lies?
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2300 plus chahrs so posting again
continued with the question at 37:00 and Yes.
the “they” got away with the first Nine eleven PSYOP and the second one seven years to the day later… The whole election is another PSYOP and planned provocation. Getting away with dividing the Union? Well getting away with putting more thermate in the elevator shaft of the left and the right… priming the infrastructure of the already divided nation is done and done… Do they care if their tools get dirty in the process? The tools are disposable?
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really? Will they pull another PSYOP false flag? What do you think the so called pandemic is? LOL When things like fake jabs and thrusting useless foot long swabs up your nose can’t help you see then nothing I can write can help. We are in the middle of fraud three of three and another nine eleven event brought to you by your friendly neighborhood hoods and their parasitic boss, galactic organized crime. I have to respect your insistence that we stay in the box with our feet planted firmly into the sand but still I implore Humanity to look up and inside to see the real enemy who has woven into us and all around us the cloak of plausible deniability. We are designed to weave the web even as it exploits and protects the domestication of us. Inside us are its tentacles and all around us are its illusions. The sand box is full of fine toys that seem to do things and we can and do do great good and harm with the toys as long as the owners of the box let us. Now, though, the owners have taken away the batteries and nothing is working like elections/voting, institutions like democracies and those that we thought served us like the FDA,CDC and the WHO… “They” own the box and us as well… in my opinion.
… you may already have heard my ranting so back to listening…
43:00 and “Who Knows what it is?” They do and they live and have been living in Earth for a very very long time. They take advantage of Sol’s cycles because they can. From there perspective Sol’s micro nova are part of the plan and like the Nile river flooding and enriching their farm lands. Like I have written, Earth and Mars and Venus are platforms for farming resources from Sol’s asteroids and comets. We are as the bees who gather and refine the resources as part of our Nature. When strategically driven with such tools as religions, political forms like democracy and communism, religions like the big three… AKA applied behavioral psychology… we produce much more. When Humans are in trauma and drama like war we produce more quickly the resources we happily put into land fills etc. and on and on…
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Yes Mr. Davidson had the audacity to touch the forbidden and invisible elephant. That is what finally got me to write to the only email address I have for S0and try and comment. I had planned to resub when my unearned income came. Well my father earned it when he died at sixty four and eleven months I suppose and I when I signed those Top Secret clearance agreements as a USAF airman. but still no pride here.
It is going there that keeps me coming to every morning with anticipation and expectations of another great presentation from Mr. Davidson. I almost always disagree with one thing or another but that is what makes me, me. Thank you Mr. Davidson for walking the walk and talking with the Breath of the Creator; walking and talking with dignity and self respect.
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3400 plus so posting…
Help… does any one know how to turn OFF the developer frame in Firefox? The stupid thing is tied to an F key that I inadvertently keep hitting. Then it ssteels focus from my writing and crowbars my screen readers hot keys! Grrr…
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55:23 and if I already know the election is a huge PSYOP and provocation can I skip the three hour lecture and still not fail the test… can I stay?
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In closing and sitting taller in my chair… thank you all once again for engaging and inspiring words.
thanks to whom ever payed my way today and blessings
Regarding the 2020 election fraud – don’t loose hope. Go to the My Pillow guys site LINDELL TV. He gives lots of people a platform on many subjects, ie the vaccine. Regarding the election of 2020, you want to watch Mike at 6:00 pm central time weekdays. Mike talks what his team is doing regarding the election fraud. He just said he will have his case before the Supreme Court by Thanksgiving. FIX 2020 FIRST.